APOC Gaming Network - Sky Factory 4 Server Details

APOC Gaming Network - Sky Factory 4
Name: APOC Gaming Network - Sky Factory 4

AGN is a 10 year old independently hosted network spanning over 20 modded servers. Custom patches and plugins, along with a custom bungeecord and global communication and active staff. APOC is a trusted official network for many modpacks such as Agrarian Skies, Tekxit, Hexxit Updated, and more. Come check us out!

Version: 4.2.4
Type: Open
Gamemode: Survival
Country: United States
Language: English
Players Online: 16
MOTD: AGN Sky Factory 4 | Shops/Towns/Keys/Jobs Join our Community! | APOCGAMING.ORG/DISCORD
Uptime: 99.93%
Added: 3 years ago
Last Edited: 10 months ago
Votes: 2
Player History
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