BacoNetworks SkyFactory 4 Server Details

BacoNetworks SkyFactory 4
Name: BacoNetworks SkyFactory 4

Are you looking for a server with prestige enabled, sharable advancements between friends and custom fixes/plugins? If so then BacoNetworks might just be the place for you! We offer free online only chunk loaders, a market system, alternative ways of gaining prestige points and support for client crashes and much much more!

If you would like to give us a try you can join here: Server IP: Discord Invite Link:

We are hosted in germany not the us!

Version: Latest
Type: Open
Gamemode: Survival
Country: Ireland
Language: English
MOTD: ---={|BacoNetworks SkyFactory 4|}=--- -={|[Prestige]-[Economy]-[v4.2.4]|}=-
Uptime: 97.23%
Added: 5 years ago
Last Edited: 10 hours ago
Votes: 2,711