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How To Download & Install

To download ATLauncher simply select the download below for your operating system.

For Windows users, the setup is the recommended way to install ATLauncher as it will make sure that you have the correct Java versions installed to make the process of playing Minecraft easy without any hassles. But if you are an advanced user, you can deselect that option and use the Java already on your system. For a step by step guide on how to install ATLauncher on windows see this page.

If using the Windows Portable or Jar download, be sure to place it in its own folder somewhere on your computer. ATLauncher will run out of that folder, so make sure you're not running it from your Downloads folder.

To get started you'll need to do two things. First you'll need to add your account, then you can create an instance to start playing Minecraft within minutes.

If you have any issues then please feel free to join our Discord and ask for help in the support channels.



  • Issue with servers not launching due to change to jvmargs


  • Exporting Modrinth packs marking mods as optional by accident
  • Issue with LaunchServer.bat script not applying jvm args [#885]


  • Client sidedness of mrpack exports not being handled correctly
  • Installing files with special characters in the name from mrpack files not saving with correct names [#884]
  • Installing non mods from mrpack files causing the mods to not be classified correctly and then duplicate in edit mods
  • Importing of CurseForge packs not working when the manifest incorrectly contains projectID=0

New Features

  • Add option when exporting to mark all mods as client side to fix Modrinth data issues
  • Log when launching Minecraft and the user has turned off the Use Java Provided By Minecraft option
  • Add log when launching CurseForge server to notify anyone looking that it's just the unzipped files from CF


  • Issue with installing CurseForge server packs when a version has no MC version set
  • Issue with installing packs from CurseForge/Modrinth and imported files when no overrides folder exists


  • Remove share code support. This has been broken for 5 years and it's time to go


  • Issue with Modrinth instance version checker causing error when project ID is not defined [#877]
  • Issue with CurseForge export including non available files causing it to be rejected [#875]
  • Remove initial screen view and CurseForge/Modrinth selector dialogs from Analytics
  • Remove instance_launch_started event and fix time played not coming through for Analytics


  • Mods being duplicated when exporting instances [#875]
  • Remove duplicate mods from the instance.json mods list [#875]
  • Starting servers not working when script is not executable [#876]
  • Issue with LaunchServer.bat script not working when launching with a java path with spaces [#873]
  • Issue starting newer Forge servers that use the shim.jar in their server scripts


  • Move tracking to use Mixpanel


  • Issue with browser download mods from CurseForge packs with spaces in the filename not being recognised


  • Issue with checking for updates on 1.20.1 NeoForge instances on Modrinth not working


  • Creating pack not resetting modloader when switched back to none
  • Issue with file downloads for non third party enabled files on CurseForge not working
  • Issue adding a second account [#865]


  • Remove old FTB pack installing code


  • NPE by NewsTab.reload
  • Ensure instance is created with a UUID
  • Issues installing Forge 1.20.4
  • Launch process trying to download or continue with libraries that don't exist and cannot be downloaded
  • NeoForge installer files not being saved with correct name
  • Cloning instances not generating a new UUID and causing the original to dissapear