Pokehaan Craft 2
This modpack is centered around the game Pokemon and the mobilegame Pokemon Go. This modpack is a successor to "Pokehaan Craft". This updated version uses a much newer Minecraft version. There is also a new quest book with challenges and lots of quest. Compared to the first one, that was a updated version of "Pokemon Craft" that Crainer and SSundee played. This one have a quest book with rewards, and there is tons of biomes to explore. And many new secrets to discover. This pack is using the newest version of Pixelmon. Can you catch all the Pokémons? And complete all the quest?
As with previous packs this modpack also features Pokestops, which gives you eggs and other loot. These eggs will change their drops every month, with a new generation of pokemons to hatch (New content update is required to be downloaded to get the new drops every month)
How to download/Install the pack (Will be added once pack is out)
The pack is using "Pixelmon" check out their site at: https://pixelmonmod.com/
Kehaan's Blog (Pack dev): http://kehaan.me/
Kehaan's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Kehaan
Kehaan's Twitter: https://twitter.com/KehaanDK
Pack Art made by: https://twitter.com/hub3rt
If you record/stream this pack, please leave a link back to this page and or my twitter.
There have been 2,746 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 29.46 years of this pack.
Adds characters from other games as plushies!
By: maxsteelbro
Advancement Plaques [Neo/Forge] (1.4.1)
Replaces standard advancement toasts with fancy plaques.
By: Grend_G
Aquaculture 2 (1.16.5-2.1.23)
Welcome to Aquaculture! An expansion of Minecraft's fishing system.
By: Shadow, Girafi
Atlantis API (6.6.3)
Forge API primarily for Atlantis Development plugins, but available for all to u...
By: Waterdude
Bigger Reactors (0.5.1)
Big Reactors, but even bigger Part of the BiggerSeries of mods Official contin...
By: RogueLogix, gizmocodes
Blank Coins (ParkerMc's Coins) (BlankCoinsRP_1.16.5_v1.0.1.zip)
Changes the textures of the coins in ParkerMc's Coins Mod, to new type of coins,...
By: Kehaan
Builders Crafts & Additions (1.16.5-20210807a)
Additional building blocks for Minecraft Forge. Building, Storage, Furnature & D...
By: MRHminer
Checklist - Pokehaan Theme (ChecklistPokehaan_RP_1.16.5_v1.0.1.zip)
This changes the book from the Checklist mod, into being Pokemon themed.
By: Kehaan
Chisels & Bits - For Forge (1.0.63)
a mod about Sculpting, Decorating and Aesthetics. Ported to 1.16.x by the LDTTe...
By: AlgorithmX2, OrionOnline
Chunk Loaders (1.2.8+a)
Chunk Loaders allows you to keep chunks loaded with different tiers of chunk loa...
By: SuperMartijn642
CoFH Core (
Core Library required for the functionality of all CoFH mods. Also contains a n...
By: TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Connectivity (2.4-1.16.5)
Lightweight mod which solves connection and packet size issues.
By: someaddon
Construction Wand (1.16.5-2.6)
Construction Wands make building easier! With a Construction Wand you can place...
By: ThetaDev
Controlling (
Adds the ability to search for keybinds using their name in the KeyBinding menu,...
By: Jaredlll08
CraftTweaker (
Customize your minecraft experience!
By: Jaredlll08, kindlich, TheSilkMiner
DisableMobReplacement (1.0.0)
Disables Pixelmon's vanilla mob overriding mechanic (allowing zombies, spiders,...
By: HadiBuilds
Embeddium (0.3.18+mc1.16.5)
Embeddium is a fork of Rubidium, a fork of Sodium modified to run on Forge
By: FiniteReality
Enchantment Descriptions (7.1.27)
Adds descriptions of enchantments to their tooltip.
By: DarkhaxDev
Explorer's Compass (1.16.5-1.1.2-forge)
Search for and locate structures anywhere in the world.
By: Chaosyr
Extended Crafting (3.1.13)
Adds some new ways to craft items, as well as extra crafting items and utiliti...
By: BlakeBr0
Farmer's Delight (1.16.5-0.6.0)
A lightweight farming and cooking expansion for Minecraft!
By: vectorwing
Fast Leaf Decay (v25.2)
Increases leaf decay rates. Check out the config to change the decay rate!
By: olafskiii
Fish Bonanza (1.1.1)
Adds 100 new fish to the game, with more being added in updates. Can you catch t...
By: Kehaan, LCLC98
GraveStone Mod (1.16.5-1.0.6)
This mod adds a gravestone that stores the items of the player when he dies
By: henkelmax
Hardcore Quest Mode - Pokehaan 1 Theme (HQMPokehaan1_RP_1.16.5_v1.0.1.zip)
Changes the book in HQM, that is themed behind the modpack Pokehaan Craft 1
By: Kehaan
Hardcore Quest Mode - Pokehaan 2 Lite Theme (HQMPokehaan2Lite_RP_1.16.5_v1.0.1.zip)
Changes the book in HQM, that is themed behind the modpack Pokehaan Craft 2 Lite
By: Kehaan
Hardcore Quest Mode - Pokehaan 2 Theme (HQMPokehaan2_RP_1.16.5_v1.0.1.zip)
Changes the book in HQM, that is themed behind the modpack Pokehaan Craft 2
By: Kehaan
Hardcore Questing Mode [FORGE/FABRIC] (1.16.5-5.5.17)
This mod will add Hardcore mode with extra lives. If you use up your lives, your...
By: LordDusk, Forge_User_02129608
Iceberg [Neo/Forge] (1.0.45)
A library containing events, helpers, and utilities to make modding easier.
By: Grend_G
Inventory Pets (2.1.1)
Inventory Pets are animated creatures that live in your inventory and give you a...
By: Purplicious_Cow_
Inventory Tweaks Renewed (1.16.4-1.0.1)
Inventory Tweaks, but for modern versions of Minecraft.
By: godemperordoge, yuitakaa, David1544
Iron Chests (1.16.5-11.2.21)
New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items. The feature chest is...
By: ProgWML6, Alexbegt
It's the little things (2.0.1)
It's the little things that make all the difference, the finishing touches to yo...
By: Zlepper
JourneyMap (5.8.6)
Real-time mapping in-game or your browser as you explore.
By: techbrew, Mysticdrew, meme_sapiens
Just Enough Items (JEI) (
JEI is an item and recipe viewing mod for Minecraft, built from the ground up fo...
By: mezz
Kehaan Modpacks Beds (KehaanModpacksBeds_RP_1.16.5_v1.0.1.zip)
Minecraft resource pack that changes the vanilla beds into art from Kehaans modp...
By: Kehaan
Kehaan Modpacks Paintings (KehaanModPackPaintingsRP_1.16.5_v1.0.5.zip)
Minecraft resource pack that changes the vanilla paintings into art from Kehaans...
By: Kehaan
Kehaan NPC Trader (1.2.0)
By: LCLC98, Kehaan
Legendary Tooltips [Neo/Forge] (1.3.1)
Gives rare items a fancy tooltip and adds additional tooltip configuration optio...
By: Grend_G
Little Logistics (mc1.16.5-v1.0.8)
Adds water logistics: Tugs and Barges! See the homepage for usage instructions....
By: Sveid, EDToaster
Lootr (Forge & NeoForge) (
Makes loot chest loot per-user.
By: Noobanidus, ZestyBlaze, embeddedt
Mantle (1.6.157)
Shared code for Slime Knights mods and others.
By: mDiyo, fuj1n, Alexbegt, KnightMiner, bonusboni, ProgWML6
ModernFix (5.18.0+mc1.16.5)
Egregious, yet effective performance improvements for modern Minecraft
By: embeddedt
Moonlight Lib (1.16.5-1.0)
A small library that allows to make custom map markers, first and third person a...
By: MehVahdJukaar
Morpheus (4.2.70)
Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server. Wh...
By: Quetzi
Oh The Biomes You'll Go (1.3.4)
An Adventure and Exploration mod with over 80 new biomes! Notice: The linked wi...
By: AOCAWOL, Corgi_Taco, JT122406, YaBoiChips
Ore Excavation (1.8.157)
Allows players to mine whole veins of ore, cut down whole trees in one go. S...
By: Funwayguy, darkosto
Ore Unification for Kehaans Modpacks
By: LCLC98, Kehaan
ParkerMc's Coins Mod (1.0.4)
A mod that adds coins to minecraft. What else did you expect?
By: ParkerMc01, Kehaan
Patchouli (1.16.4-53.3)
Accessible, Data-Driven, Dependency-Free Documentation for Minecraft Modders and...
By: Vazkii
Pixelmon (9.1.11)
Pixelmon adds many aspects of the Pokémon into Minecraft, including the Pokémon...
By: PixelmonMod, Isiliden
§fThis extension adds additional information for use with §bPixelmon§a 9.0.11§f....
By: Bletch1971
Pokehaan - GUI (PokehaanGUI_1.16.5_v.1.0.0.zip)
This resource pack changes the GUI of vanilla Minecraft and some mods, into bein...
By: Kehaan
Pokehaan Craft - Resource Pack (PokehaanCraft_RP_1.16.5_v1.0.5.zip)
Resource Pack for the modpacks Pokehaan Craft and Pokehaan Craft Lite
By: Kehaan
Pokehaan Creative Craftables (1.0.1)
Pokehaan Creative Craftables is a mod, that adds crafting recipes to creative on...
By: LCLC98, Kehaan
Pokehaan Plaques (PokehaanPlaques_1.16.5_v1.0.1.zip)
Changes plaques to be Pokehaan themed from the mod Advancement Plaques.
By: Kehaan
Pokehaan Theme (Legendary Tooltips) (PokehaanThemeLegendaryTooltipsRP_1.16.5_v1.0.1.zip)
Changes the Legendary Tooltips to be themed around Pokehaan / Pixelmon.
By: Kehaan
Prism [Neo/Forge] (1.0.1)
A library all about color! Provides lots of color-related functionality for depe...
By: Grend_G
RFTools Base (1.16-2.1.5)
The base class for all RFTools tech mods (and XNet/Deep Resonance)
By: McJty
Searchables (1.0.7)
A library mod to facilitate adding search bars with auto complete and search typ...
By: Jaredlll08
Simple Screens (1.0.0)
Allows customizing the background of loading screens.
By: DarkhaxDev, Jaredlll08
Sodium/Embeddium Extras (mc1.16.5_v1.4.0)
This is a long form description of the mod. You can write whatever you want here...
By: Txni
SuperMartijn642's Config Lib (1.1.8)
Config Lib makes dealing with config files just a bit easier.
By: SuperMartijn642
SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (1.1.18)
SuperMartijn642's Core Lib adds lots of basic implementations for guis that allo...
By: SuperMartijn642
The One Probe (1.16-3.1.7)
The One Probe lets you examine the block that you are looking at. Having a probe...
By: McJty
The Pixelmon Mod OST (ThePixelmonOST.zip)
The Offical Pixelmon Mod OST by Chris Geddes
By: PixelmonMod, ChrisGeddesMusic
Thermal Cultivation (
Thermal gets agrarian! Contains the "farm" of the Thermal Series - various crop...
By: TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Thermal Expansion (
Expanding Minecraft Thermally! A server-friendly and content-rich blend of magic...
By: TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Thermal Foundation (
Parent mod for all Thermal modules. For convenience, packaged alongside Thermal...
By: TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Thermal Innovation (
Thermal Technology marches on. Adds Thermal-style tools and equipment! Contains...
By: TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH
Tinkers Construct (
A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools
By: mDiyo, bonusboni, Alexbegt, KnightMiner
Waystones (7.6.4)
Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers.
By: BlayTheNinth
When Dungeons Arise - Forge! (2.1.49)
Elegant - and likely dangerous - structures and roguelike dungeons to lose yours...
By: Aureljz, diamondtown_
YUNG's Better Dungeons (Forge) (1.16.4-1.2.1)
A complete redesign of Minecraft's dungeons
YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Forge) (1.16.4-2.0.4)
A long-awaited and much-needed abandoned mineshaft overhaul!
YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge) (1.16.4-1.2.1)
A complete redesign of Minecraft's strongholds
YUNG's Bridges (Forge) (1.16.4-1.0.1)
Adds naturally occurring bridges throughout the world!
YUNG's Extras (Forge) (Forge-1.16.4-1.0)
Extra structures and vanilla+ content added throughout the game
* Updated drops in poke eggs, sorry for delay. Had to wait on a fix, that would not let me make updates.
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=3130
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=3034
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=3034
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=3055
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=3055
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2894
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2816
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2816
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2738
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2738
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2777
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2777
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2768
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2633
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2595
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2595
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2518
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2518
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2553
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2415
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2481
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2477
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2453
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2354
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2394
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2352
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2348
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2287
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2284
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2264
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2256
"Pipez" mod have been removed. Please see changelog. Use Refined Pipes for energy/fluid transfering. Refined Storage cables for item transfering.
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2240
Next update out October 2nd with new mods.
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2240
Changelog: https://kehaan.me/?p=2214
Next update will be a "weekly" bug fix hopefully. I expect to do that every friday, if there is bugs etc to fix.
Changelog for 1.0.2 and 1.0.3: https://kehaan.me/?p=2196
Compared to 1.0.2, this one mainly fixes some quest in the pack.
Pokehaan Craft 2 – 1.0.2 Changelog:
Pokehaan Craft 2 - 1.0.1 Release
More info at: https://kehaan.me/
Pokehaan Craft 2 - 1.0.0 Release
More info at: https://kehaan.me/