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Ultra Hard Survival

Ultra Hard Survival - ModPack Created by Wyld -

UHS returns with a new vision of risk and reward, bringing you back to your first days playing Minecraft when you feared the night. No health regeneration, staggered technology and magic paths, and now with more dangerous mobs than Australia. The struggle is real, the fight is continual, the Dragon awaits.
Minecraft Version
This pack uses Minecraft version 1.6.4
There have been 319,785 installs of this pack.
There have been 15,655 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 75.68 years of this pack.

Provides a HUD with your equipped armor/item stats.

By: bspkrs

AutoUtils (1.0.1)

A required library mod, shared between all Automatic_Maiden's mods

By: Automatic-Maiden

BetterStorage (

Adds more storage related blocks and items to the game.

By: copygirl, copyboy

BiblioCraft (1.5.5)

BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...

By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair

This add-on for BiblioCraft will allow the player to craft 8 of the wooden Bibli...

By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair

This add-on for BiblioCraft will allow the player to craft 8 of the wooden Bibli...

By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair

Biomes O' Plenty (

Adds 87 new, unique biomes!

By: Forstride, Adubbz, Amnet, ted80

BloodMagic (1.0.1e)

Blood Magic is an arcane art that is practiced by mages who attempt to gather a...

By: WayofTime

Shared classes used in the mods maintained by bspkrs.

By: DaftPVF, bspkrs

ChickenChunks (

Advanced chunkloading management

By: ChickenBones

Chisel (1.5.2)

Chisel adds a huge variety of static blocks to the game. This mod will be very u...

By: Automatic-Maiden

CodeChickenCore (

Core library for all ChickenBones mods

By: ChickenBones

CodeChickenLib (

Needed for ChickenBones mods

By: ChickenBones

CoFHCore (

CoFH Core Framework

By: Team CoFH

A configuration support file for Coros Mods

By: Coros

CoroUtil for MC (1.6.4)

A utility framework for Coros Mods

By: Coros

Displays the damage you inflict on creatures, as well as current health, name an...

By: rich1051414

Deadly World (1.0.2)

This mod adds a few world generation features that make living more difficult an...

By: Unknown

DungeonPack (1.6.4)

DungeonPack adds a lot of new dungeons.

By: Stuuupiiid

Evoc (1.0.0a)

Evoc ( Extreme Vanilla Optimizations Collection ) is a new core mod aimed at pro...

By: ProfMobius

A rendering support utility for Coros Mods

By: Coros

Just a bunch of fairly useful things.

By: RWTema

This is a small Thaumcraft 4 addon to add a little 'darkness' to Thaumcraft.

By: SpitefulFox

Forge (

Minecraft Forge is a modding API used by alot of mods.

By: Eloraam, FlowerChild, Hawkye, MALfunction84, Scokeev9, SpaceToad, LexManos, cpw

ForgeMultipart (

Open source library for facilitation of multiple functional parts in the one blo...

By: ChickenBones

Gases (

Glenn's Gases is a Minecraft mod that adds a variety of gases into your Minecraf...

By: Glenn

Gases [Core] (

Glenn's Gases is a Minecraft mod that adds a variety of gases into your Minecraf...

By: Glenn

Gases Framework (

Glenn's Gases is a Minecraft mod that adds a variety of gases into your Minecraf...

By: Glenn

Glenn's Gases is a Minecraft mod that adds a variety of gases into your Minecraf...

By: Glenn

Adds mobs, monsters and monster girls.

By: Silentine

Hardcore Ender Expansion offers unique, new content across the End. The dragon b...

By: chylex

Hats (_2.1.5)

Adds a bunch of hats, as wells as the ability to add more, into Minecraft

By: iChun

HatStand (_2.1.0)

Addon for Hats, a Hat Stand block to display hats.

By: iChun

iChunUtil (_2.4.0)

Shared library mod required by several of iChun's Mods.

By: iChun

Ingame Info XML (

Want to know how much score you have without having to die? In need of real time...

By: Lunatrius

Inventory Tweaks (1.56-b77)

Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...

By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata

JABBA (1.1.3)

Just Another Better Barrel Attempt. Attempts to make barrels better.

By: ProfMobius

A support file for Hardcore Ender Expansion

By: chylex

Just Another Spawner (JAS) is a Minecraft Mod aimed at providing an alternative...

By: Crudedragos

If you've ever found yourself bored once you mine down to lava because it stops...

By: FatherToast

Magical Crops (3.2.0 BETA)

Every get bored of mining all the time for resources? Want a new way of collecti...

By: Mark719

This is a very simple mod that adds rudimentary support for the MFR planter and...

By: Patmo98, mechaet, Xanarios

Mine Tweaker (2.3.1)

MineTweaker is a mod that enables players and server admins to alter recipes (bo...

By: Stan Hebben

Minefactory Reloaded 2 (2.7.9-final)

Automate everything!

By: PowerCrystals, TehKrush, AtomicStryker, Feanorith, skyboy026

This mod allows you to customize all mobs, vanilla or otherwise, with completely...

By: FatherToast

MobiusCore (1.2.1)

Needed for ProfMobius mods

By: ProfMobius

Morpheus (1.2.32)

Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server.

By: quetzi

Natura (2.1.14)

Heyo, Redwood trees! Chop them all day long!

By: mDiyo

NEI Plugins (

Adds mod integration into NEI

By: mistaqur

Nether Ores (2.2.2-55)

Ores in the Nether! Coal, diamond, gold, iron, lapis, redstone, tin, copper, eme...

By: powercrystals, skyboy026

A codec plugin for OpenBlocks that allows for radios to stream different formats...

By: Mikee, NeverCast, boq, Lyqyd

NotEnoughItems (

Allows you to quickly and easily look up recipes and uses for any item in Minecr...

By: ChickenBones

OpenBlocks (1.2.7)

OpenBlocks is a random collection of ideas - ideas the community have suggested,...

By: Mikee, NeverCast, boq, Lyqyd

OpenEye (0.4)

Our primary aim is to collect and share vital information to allow us to provide...

By: Mikee, NeverCast, boq, Lyqyd

OpenMods Lib (0.4)

This is required for all of OpenBlocks mods.

By: Mikeemoo

Opis (1.2.2)

Welcome to the wonderful world of Opis, the Minecraft Server profiler.This mod i...

By: ProfMobius

PowerCrystals Core (1.1.8-9)

Mod needed for PowerCrystals Mods

By: skyboy026

Prayers (0.1.4)

Pray to the gods of Minecraft. They may reward you

By: mDiyo

A prayer to Cluckington that heals you....

By: Unknown

Adds a set of tools and weapons to accompany Thermal Expansion.

By: Team CoFH

RogueLike (1.3.1)

This mod is inspired by super-hostile maps and roguelike dungeon crawlers. With...

By: Greymerk

Simply Jetpacks (

This is a small mod that adds Redstone Flux-powered jetpacks to the game. If you...

By: tonius11

Small Boats (0.10.6)

The Small Boats mod for Minecraft -- usable craft that have animated parts, work...

By: Awger

Special AI (1.0-pre)

A custom mod for UHS.

By: Unknown

Special Mobs (3.0-pre)

In short, this mod introduces variants to your default Minecraft mods, such as c...

By: FatherToast

Shows active player effects (potions, etc) without opening your inventory!

By: bspkrs

Thaumcraft (4.1.0g)

Adding a touch of magic to Minecraft

By: Azanor

Thaumcraft [Aspect Adder] (AspectAdder_1.0)

Adding a touch of magic to Minecraft

By: Azanor

Thaumcraft [Mob Aspects] (MobAspects_1e-build2)

Adding a touch of magic to Minecraft

By: Azanor

Thaumic Tinkerer (2.3-140)

An addon to Thaumcraft 4, implementing new content. This mod is a spiritual succ...

By: Vazkii

Expanding Minecraft thermally - provides new options for automation and processi...

By: KingLemmingCoFH, Cynycal, ZeldoKavira

A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools

By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike

Addon for Tinkers Construct

By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox

Twilight Forest (1.20.5)

Imagine stepping through a portal into a twilight realm, filled with trees as fa...

By: Benimatic

Waila (1.5.2a)

Waila is an extension for NEI. It will show in the tooltip what mod an item is f...

By: ProfMobius

Weather (1.591)

Adds weather and Tornadoes into Minecraft!

By: Coros

World Core (

Needed for Biomes O Plenty

By: Adubbz, Amnet, ted80, Forstride

Makes zombies more aware of you. They will smell you and be drawn to you if you...

By: Coros


Last Updated: 6/5/2014

Config changes!

Light level & Day/Night now shown on screen using colour changes, top right.
Due to lack of mobs in Nether, raised mob caps. Sorry, not sorry.
Crescent Hammer requires Tin Gear, not Invar Gear.
Enderpump now functions in all dimensions.
Cardboard boxes rock, check them out.
Backpacks now much more useful.
No GoG2 Mobs in Promised Land.

Last Updated: 6/3/2014

Hunger Overhaul (For real this time!)

Last Updated: 6/3/2014

BetterStorage from v0.8.0.46 to v0.8.0.47
Blood Magic from v1.0.1c to v1.0.1e
Forbidden Magic from v PR-0.333 to v PR-0.34
Hardcore Ender Expansion from v1.6 to v1.6.1
RogueLike from v1.3.0 to v1.3.1
Simply Jetpacks from v0.1.4.1 to v0.3.0.0

Java 7 Checker (Support for Hardcore Ender Expansion)
NEI Plugins v1.1.0.6

Plus lots of config changes!

v2.0.0 - Released: 5/16/2014

Updated version number to the new formatting sytem

v1.0.0.0 - Release: TBR
- Initial release of UHS 2 for Minecraft 1.5.2 on the ATLauncher