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Yogscast Complete Pack


From as far back as the Jaffa Factory all the way to their present interplanetary adventure and places beyond, join the Yogscast in their modded Minecraft adventures with this all-in-one modpack for every occasion!

Whether you're travelling through space with Galacticraft and the latest technology of Mekanism, discovering the secrets of the arcane with Ars Magica and Thaumcraft, or just building a monument to your own vanity with Statues and Carpenter's Blocks, we have you covered.

Perhaps you like dabbling in Forbidden Magic though? Augmenting your very self with Advanced Genetics? Is an underwater adventure with the mastery of Mariculture what you seek? Maybe you just want to create your own vineyard with GrowthCraft's crops of wonder, or a dwarven ale brewery. You could take advantage of Minechem to end world hunger... or just feed your own addictions.

You've seen where the Yogscast's adventures have taken them before - come find out where they might be heading!

Requires Java 7 Update 67 or newer to run. Built for Minecraft 1.6.4 with Forge #965.

Happy crafting! For support, please visit the support section of!
Minecraft Version
This pack uses Minecraft version 1.6.4
There have been 3,149,266 installs of this pack.
There have been 133,033 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 2,190.49 years of this pack.

More pipes, more tools.

By: Flow86

Custom eldritch horrors of your very own! (Or custom mobs if you're the more bor...

By: ObsiLP, TeamDNA

High-end tweaks and additions for Thaumcraft!

By: LycaonX

AnimationAPI (1.1.2)

A supporting mod that allows modders to make animations more easily. Now require...

By: thehippomaster21

Applied Energistics (rv14-finale3)


By: AlgorithmX2

This one might creep you out. A comprehensive magic system.

By: Mithion

Chisel Util Mod


Backpacks (1.28.37)

Baggy leather in your inventory.

By: Eydamos

BDLib (

Library for Gendustry.

By: bdew

BiblioCraft (1.5.5)

Furniture and more

By: Nuchaz

More wood colors for furniture.

By: Nuchaz

More wood colors for furntiure from Forestry.

By: Nuchaz

More wood colors for furniture.

By: Nuchaz

Big Reactors (0.3.4A2)

Just in time for the 1.6.4 pack release! \o/

By: ErogenousBeef

Extensions for Forestry

By: Binnie

BiomesOPlenty (

More Everything.

By: Adubbz, Amnet, ted80, Forstride

Blood Magic (1.0.1g)

Alphonse, not nose piercing.

By: WayOfTime

Buildcraft (4.2.2)

Burning oil forever.

By: SpaceToad, Krapht, SirSengir, CovertJaguar

Buildcraft Tools (1.4-a-17)

Adding chargeable tools and more to Buildcraft

By: Maexx97

Angles Version 3!

By: Mineshopper

CCTransport (1.0.1)

Automate all the things with lua

By: ElvishJerricco

Layout guides and prospecting!

By: Sharshar

ChickenChunks (

Advanced chunkloading management

By: ChickenBones

Basically the best decorative mod ever.


The star of the RR 2.7 show! Finally some real adventures!

By: Chocolatin

CodeChickenCore (

Core of Chickenbones mods

By: ChickenBones

CodeChickenLib (

Needed for ChickenBones mods

By: ChickenBones

CoFH Core (

The hero's great legacy follows him.

By: KingLemming, Team CoFH

Lua interpreters in a block.

By: dan200, cloudy

CQ Libs (2.07)

Data and resources for Chocolate Quest. Split from the default distribution to a...

By: Chocolatin

UI to put health bars and numeric life indicators for minecraft.

By: rich1051414

DartCraft (0.2.20v2)

Convenience is king.

By: BlueDart

DartPatch (2.3)

Proper compatibility is queen.

By: Minalien

denLib (3.1.35)

Library pack for denoflions' mods.

By: denoflions

denLib Utils (n/a)

Because waiting five seconds is for suckers.


DenPipes (2.1.18)

Improvements to buildcraft pipes.

By: denoflions

Improvements to buildcraft pipes with bees and trees in mind.

By: denoflions

Immibis's chunk loaders. Preferred.

By: immibis

At long last, intuitive torch gameplay!

By: AtomicStryker

EiraIRC (1.7.3)

An IRC Connector that works both on clients and servers independently, with some...

By: blay09

Client-specific configs for EiraIRC.


Server-specific configs for EiraIRC.


EmasherResource (

Build big or build tiny.

By: Emasher

Custom book mod

By: joshie

Ender Storage (

Bigger, Better EnderChests and Tanks.

By: ChickenBones

EnderIO (

An alternative, awesome, universal, concealable pipes for everything.

By: crazypants

Engineer's Toolbox (

Build big or build tiny.

By: Emasher

EnhancedPortals 3 (3.0.0b-final2)

Custom teleportation that looks fancier!

By: Alz454

Ex Aliquo (0.11.2)

From nothing to everything, a bridge of welcome distance.

By: Zerokyuuni

Ex Nihilo (1.29e)

Helper mod mainly used for SkyBlock type maps to help with SkyBlock maps

By: Erasmus_Crowley

Extra Cells (1.6.9e)

A massive expansion to Applied Energistics. Store fluids and more.

By: M3gaFr3ak

Angel Blocks? Angel Blocks!

By: RWTema

ExtraTiC (0.8.3)

So many metals, so many gods.

By: Glassmaker

Factorization (0.8.34)

Unquantifably Awesome. Power that munches and crunches better than Gurgi ever co...

By: neptunepink

Finndus Fillies (

lol horsemeat scandal

By: Myrathi

Flat Signs (

Signs on every surface.

By: Myrathi

Forbidden Magic (pr0.35a)

Magic on the shadier side of the street for Thaumcraft!

By: SpitefulFox

Forestry (

Bees, Trees, and Automate-ables.

By: SirSengir, MysteriousAges

Forge (

The Core.

By: LexManos, cpw and the many, many contributors!

ForgeMultipart (

Open source library for facilitation of multiple functional parts in the one blo...

By: ChickenBones

Galacticraft Core (

An advanced space travel mod for Minecraft 1.6

By: micdoodle8

Galacticraft Mars (

Mars addon for Galacticraft.

By: micdoodle8

Standard ore generation designed to be accomodating to novices (and fun)!


Standard power settings.


GasCraft (

Flutey Toot.

By: Emasher

Gendustry (1.1.3.fix1)

The new darling of the Buildcraft fan scene.

By: bdew

GraviGun (2.0.0)

Adds the HL2 Gravity Gun to Minecraft

By: iChun

Greg's Lighting (1.9.1)

Cheap floodlights! \o/

By: Greg_Ewing

Cedar salad.

By: Gwafu

Giant reeds of crafting.

By: Gwafu

BREW YOUR OWN BEER. Need I say more?

By: Gwafu

Farmhouse core files.

By: Gwafu

Fisherman's friend.

By: Gwafu

Wine tasting?

By: Gwafu


By: Gwafu


By: Gwafu

The Ender Dragon Is Not Happy With You.

By: chylex

Custom quests for Minecraft!

By: lorddusk, Newcastlegeek, Vswe

Hats (2.1.8)

Adds a bunch of hats, as wells as the ability to add more, into Minecraft

By: iChun

HatStand (2.1.0)

Addon for Hats, a Hat Stand block to display hats.

By: iChun

HexWool (0.3.2)

Glorious CYMK wool!

By: Techjar101

ICBM [wildex999 Fork] (

Blow things up in style. No longer guaranteed to legitimately destroy worlds!

By: Calclavia, UE Team, wildex999

iChunUtil (2.4.0)

Shared library mod required by several of iChun's Mods.

By: iChun

Immibis Core (57.2.0)

Core mod for Immibis's suite.

By: immibis

Cool sensor modes for ComputerCraft.

By: immibis

Infinitubes (57.0.5)

Immibis's exceptionally powerful IKEA-esque item transport.

By: immibis

Inventory Tweaks (1.5.7-dev-b95)

The mod Velo can't live without.

By: Kobata

Iron Chests (

The Best Chest Upgrades

By: cpw

Jabba (1.1.4)

Just Another Better Barrel Attempt.

By: ProfMobius


Jammy welding gun to make the pack's mods more interoperable as a whole.

By: Samtrion, Sscchhmueptfter

Checks for Java 7. Should hopefully help with the fact that 90% of our bug repor...

By: chylex

KeithyUtils (1.2.16)

Old Murk-Eye

By: RebelKeithy

Liquid XP (57.1.2)

Advanced use of XP for auto-enchanting.

By: immibis

Logistics Pipes (

Even more amazing pipes.

By: theZorro266

Mad Science (1.00.165)

Universal Insanity.

By: Maxwolf, Fox, Prowler, Mad Science Team

Magic Bees (2.1.13)

Bees in the trap.

By: MysteriousAges

Magical Crops (3.2.0_BETA_23)

Free loot through farming.

By: Mark719

Map Writer (2.0.17)

A nice, open source map writer.

By: daveyliam

Mariculture (1.2.2f)

If you're looking for me, look under the sea, because that is where you'll find...

By: joshie

Mekanism (

Osmium also cures light wounds.

By: aidancbrady

Infinite water is infinite power!

By: aidancbrady

Mekanism Tools (

Paxel perfect.

By: aidancbrady

Metallurgy (3.3.2)

A bit of this, a bit of that.

By: RebelKeithy, Shadowclaimer, Team Metallurgy

Micdoodle8 Core (

Galacticraft libraries!

By: micdoodle8

MineChem (5.0.5-RC2)

Chemical industry in Minecraft!

By: pixlepix, jakimfett

Probably the greatest autofarming mod ever created.

By: powercrystals, skyboy

MineTweaker (3.0.6)

Modpack and server tool enabling the addition and removal of recipes

By: Stan Hebben

Mobius Core (1.2.2)

The doctor's toolkit.

By: ProfMobius

Calclavia's Forcefield System.

By: Calclavia, based on the original by Thunderdark

Modular Powersuits (0.10.0-118)

Jarvis not included.

By: MachineMuse

Unofficial fork of the long-lost addon suite for MPS!

By: Andrew2488, Eximius88

Morph (0.7.2*)


By: iChun

Mouse Tweaks (2.3.4)

Useful mouse controls!

By: YaLTeR

Furniture with a crayfish's aesthetic.

By: Mr_Crayfish

MystCraft (

You know it, you love it.

By: XCompWiz

Natura (2.1.14)

Just enough worldgen to make vanilla worth living.

By: mDiyo

NEI Addons (

Non-critical UI improvements.

By: bdew

NEI Plugins (

Even more improvments to Applied Energistics.

By: Mistaqur

Makes mining in the Nether actually worth it, even at a high price!

By: powercrystals, skyboy

Adds MP3/AAC support to OpenBlocks, enabling its radio station system.

By: OpenMods Team

Critical UI improvements.

By: ChickenBones

Not Enough Keys (0.0.4)

Critical keybinding configuration improvements.

By: Mr. okushama

Numina (

MachineMuse's new API for her mods

By: MachineMuse

Obsidiplates (

Improved pressure plates. Creepers will never open your door again.

By: Myrathi

OpenBlocks (1.2.9)

An amazing open source mode that does amazing things.

By: Mikee, boq, OpenMods Team

OpenComponents (

Companion interface extension for OpenComputers.

By: Sangar

OpenComputers (

Computers for hipsters and bytecode leethaxxors.

By: Sangar

OpenEye (0.6)

Issue tracker to help us find bugs faster (and assign blame correctly)!

By: Mikee, boq, OpenMods Team

OpenModsLib (0.5.1)

A new coremod for Open Mods!

By: Mikee, boq, OpenMods Team

Addons for OpenPeripheral!

By: Mikee, boq, OpenMods Team

Open source improved ComputerCraft peripherals. Includes the beloved AR goggles.

By: Mikee, boq, OpenMods Team

Opis (1.2.2)

Opal Map Scanner. Server Doctor. Healer.

By: ProfMobius

Where was this when we were in BETA?!


Particle Physics (

Chemical collision in Minecraft!

By: pixlepix, jakimfett

Plugins for Forestry (3.2.30-hotfix)

UI and content improvements for forestry.

By: denoflions

PortalGun (2.0.2)

Add the portal gun and many other portal elements into Minecraft.

By: iChun

The engine room for the PowerCrystals suite (MFR, Nether Ores, et al.)

By: powercrystals, skyboy

Project Red: Base (

RedPower2 Clone

By: Mr_TJP, ChickenBones

RedPower2 Clone

By: Mr_TJP, ChickenBones

RedPower2 Clone

By: Mr_TJP, ChickenBones

RedPower2 Clone

By: Mr_TJP, ChickenBones

RedPower2 Clone

By: Mr_TJP, ChickenBones

RedPower2 Clone

By: Mr_TJP, ChickenBones

qCraft (1.1)

Quantum Mechanics meets Minecraft!

By: Daniel Ratcliffe, TeacherGaming LLC

QuarryPlus (DOL-1.0.3)

This mod add advanced quarry and more.

By: yogpstop, denoflions

Railcraft (

Choo Choo Buckaroo and also boilers.

By: CovertJaguar

Random Things packed into one Mod :D

By: lumien

Redstone Armory (1.0-3pre)

Advanced RF-style tools with a neat twist.

By: TehNut

Redstone Arsenal (

His apprentice swings true.

By: KingLemming, Team CoFH


By: FyberOptic

Logistics for the timid novice.

By: Dynious

Rei's Minimap (3.4_01)

Multiple minimap options ahoy!


Reliquary (1.1.2b)

Xenophobic legacies in a compelling collection.

By: x3n0ph0b3, TrainerGuy22

The black arts of frames endure.

By: jakj, planetguy

Resonant Engine (

Base for all Calclavia team mods.

By: Calclavia, UE Team

Resonant Induction (

The bulwark of electricity of the universal persuasion.

By: Calclavia, UE Team

Stone age fun and frolics.

By: Calclavia, UE Team

Who needs rocks when you have plasma and particle accelerators?

By: Calclavia, UE Team

Tesla coil shenanigans.

By: Calclavia, UE Team

Good times with gears.

By: Calclavia, UE Team

Make the Rock Crusher slightly less terrible.

By: wha-ha-ha

Simple Recycling (57.2.0)

Greg-free and easy.

By: immibis

Simply Jetpacks (

Jetpacks for Thermal Expansion.

By: tonius11

MPS Utils


Small Boats (0.10.6)

Adds some bigger, better boats. Try the punt.

By: Awger

They're back and they're still gloriously cheaty!

By: Moze_Intel

Statues (2.1.1)

From the maker of Chisel, an ode to your vanity.


Steve's Carts (2.0.0.b11)

Choo choooooooo!

By: Vswe

ComputerCraft, you're no longer the only programmable automation game in town.

By: Vswe

Item frames are slightly less useless.

By: EdgarAllen

Switches (

Switches provides alternative switch designs and lever/switch piston-activation.

By: Myrathi

Sync (2.2.3)

This mod provides clones, or as we like to call it, 'shells'. These shells are b...

By: iChun

Technomancy (0.8.2)

Technical applications of magical resources.

By: Democretes, theflogat

Thaumcraft 4 (4.1.0g)

This one won't creep you out, kids.

By: Azanor

Thaumic Tinkerer (2.3-140)

Because Thaumcraft has a dearth of content.

By: Vazkii, pixlepix, nekosune


By: Vazkii, pixlepix, nekosune

The SecretRoomsMod (

Diggy diggy a secret hole with +20 Can't Touch This.

By: AbrarSyed, alexbegt

An enchanted forest dimension.

By: Benimatic (Ben Mazur)

The hero returns.

By: KingLemming, Zeldo, Team CoFH

TiC Tooltips (1.1.10)

The tooltips you've always wanted for your fancy tools!

By: squeek502

Dat Glass, Dem Tools

By: mDiyo

Dat Torque

By: pillbox, Gyro, mDiyo

Totemic (0.3.0a)

Magic with totem focuses!

By: Pokefenn

Translocator (

Pew pew pew lazors.

By: ChickenBones

TubeStuff (57.1.3)

Honestly no one is even sure anymore.

By: immibis

Base for all UE mods.

By: Calclavia, tgame14, UE Team

Vending (1.1.1)

Adds a vending block that lets you sell items.


Velo's minimap of choice! Some consider it cheaty.

By: MamiyaOtaru

Waila (1.5.2)

What am I looking at?

By: ProfMobius

Can I mine this right now?

By: squeek502

Witchery (0.19.2)

More magic with a witch's bent!

By: Emoniph

World Core (

Needed for Biomes O Plenty

By: Adubbz, Amnet, ted80, Forstride



By: ChickenBones


This is a cleanup release. Focus internally has switched full throttle to getting a public version of 3.0 ready. The lack of interest from mod devs in keeping 1.6.4 mods in-date and working is a major reason for this, as you can see from this update.

You should now expect v2 releases monthly at most.


We were hoping that this would be resolved swiftly, as these false DMCA claims usually are, but that no longer looks likely. When we are able to support Cauldron again (or a replacement), we will do so ASAP.

If you have an existing copy of Cauldron already, you should be fine to continue using it, just keep in mind that it is currently unavailable on the Internet and no bugfixes are available. You may need to ask around to acquire builds.

Carpenter's Blocks [3.2.7]
EiraIRC [1.7.3]
Magical Crops [3.2.0-BETA-23]
OpenComponents []
OpenComputers []
Redstone Armory [r1.0-3pre]
TiC Tooltips [1.1.10]
Waila Harvestability [1.1.0]

- MineTweaker has been reverted to 3.0.6, which unlike 3.0.8B does not crash people who choose not to use ICBM with our scripts
- A confession - I forgot we'd not updated Magical Crops >_> - but we have now! The new version has vastly improved compatibility with other mods
- Witchery 0.20 does not work on servers with the pack and so will not be implemented; no fix for the issue is forthcoming - if this changes in the future there will be an emergency Witchery hotfix update
- Witchery 0.20 works fine on single-player so you can update to it manually if you prefer in that case

- If ICBM is on your client but not on the server you're playing on, you'll crash randomly
- Resonant Induction fireboxes will not function and any attempt to use them will crash the server painfully - I've decided not to fix this and flood the pack in near-useless IDs