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"3RD LIFE" is a modpack that was inspired by the popular YouTube series called "One Life." The main objective of the modpack is to survive in Minecraft's Hardcore mode with only three lives and no heart regeneration enabled. The modpack can be played either solo or with friends, but the ultimate goal is to survive as long as possible.

The modpack includes a variety of vanilla-like mobs, both passive and hostile, that will try to kill the player. These mobs are much stronger than their vanilla counterparts, so players must be cautious and strategic when engaging with them. Additionally, the modpack features unique biomes, structures, and items to enhance the gameplay experience.

If the player dies three times, they will be put into spectator mode until they create a new world. This means that the player will not be able to interact with the world and must watch from a distance. This penalty adds a new level of difficulty to the game, making it more challenging for players to survive.

Overall, "3RD LIFE" is a challenging and exciting Minecraft modpack that offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience for players. Whether playing alone or with friends, surviving with only three lives is a true test of skill and strategy.

This pack includes many of the popular mods for 1.16.5, here are some of the mods:

YUNG's Mods
Macaw's Mods
Farmer's Delight
Iron Chests
Just Enough Items
Mowzie's Mobs
Netherite Horse Armor
Biomes O Plenty
Twilight Forest

You can find a full list of mods used in this pack over at our technic page.


FORGE: The latest version of Forge for 1.20.1 should work, but in the case it breaks an older mod in this modpack, the version I have currently packaged with the modpack is forge-47.3.11.jar


I'd personally recommend the use of Optifine ( (make sure for either 1.16.5 or 1.20.1 depending on what version you are using) and some shaders if your system can handle them to bring out the best with this modpack and Minecraft.

Sponsored by BisectHosting

Don't forget at the checkout use my promo code "AMPZ' to receive a 25% discount on your first month when buying any of their gaming services!
Minecraft Version
This pack uses Minecraft version 1.20.1
There have been 1,526 installs of this pack.
There have been 104 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 1.34 years of this pack.

Minecraft with 3 lives.

By: supermj767

This is an expansion of the ETF mod, it adds support for OptiFine format Custom...

By: traben_0

Adds support for resource-pack driven features for entity textures including som...

By: traben_0

Adds slabs, stairs, walls fences, trapdoors based on existing blocks. Texture p...

By: Lothrazar

Replaces standard advancement toasts with fancy plaques.

By: Grend_G

Aether Delight (1.0.0)

Adds Farmer's Delight and Aether compat.

By: Unknown

Adds compatibility between Alex's Mobs and Farmer's Delight

By: NCP_Bails

Alex's Mobs (1.22.9)

New, original, engaging, and aesthetic mobs for Minecraft.

By: sbom_xela

Allurement (4.0.0)

Allurement adds a selection of new enchantments to help diversify gear later...

By: TeamAbnormals, bageldotjpg

Expands minecraft's ambient sounds.

By: CreativeMD

Amendments (1.20-1.2.11)

Many tweaks to Vanilla Blocks

By: plantspookable, MehVahdJukaar

The nether explorer's simple dream: doubled height and amplified terrain. What m...

By: Starmute

AppleSkin (2.5.1+mc1.20.1)

Adds various food-related HUD improvements

By: squeek502

A intermediary api aimed to ease developing multiplatform mods.

By: shedaniel, Juicebus, MaxNeedsSnacks

This mod adds carts that can be pulled by other entities to the game. To attach...

By: jusipat

Athena (3.1.2)

Crossplatform Baked Model Loader

By: CodexAdrian, ThatGravyBoat

Silence server level sounds making them local in the process. Other sounds can...

By: Kreezxil

Abstraction Layer (but not really)™ for Blay's multiplatform mods

By: BlayTheNinth

Allows players to add banner patterns to their beds!

By: TheIllusiveC4

Berry Good (7.0.0)

Makes sweet berries less annoying to eat and adds more berry related content

By: TeamAbnormals, camcam_burger, SmellyModder, bageldotjpg

Better Advancements (

Improvements to the advancements screen.

By: Unknown

Biomes O' Plenty (

Adds over 50 new biomes, blocks, and more!

By: Forstride, TheAdubbz

Introducing the BisectHosting Server Integration Mod, exclusively designed for o...

By: BisectHosting

Blood Magic (3.3.3-45)

This is a long form description of the mod. You can write whatever you want here...

By: Unknown

Blueprint (7.1.0)

The library mod used by all Abnormals mods. Adds support for various types of b...

By: Unknown

Blur (Forge) ($version)

Modifies the background behind Minecraft GUIs to have a blur effect

By: dimadencep

Boatload (5.0.1)

Adds Furnace Boats and Large Boats to make ocean exploration more interestin...

By: TeamAbnormals, martianarchitecture, bageldotjpg

Bookshelf (20.2.13)

A library for building other mods.

By: DarkhaxDev

Catalogue (1.8.0)

A new and improved mod list with a modern design

By: MrCrayfish

Adds New Blocks!

By: Slaincow, KnowYourKnot, Original Creator: AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN

Citadel (2.6.0)

A shared code library for many of Alexthe666's mods. Code used from LLibrary wit...

By: sbom_xela

Clumps (

Clumps xp orbs together.

By: Jaredlll08

Collective (7.84)

Collective is a shared library with common code for all of Serilum's mods.

By: Serilum

Adds sleeping bags and hammocks for, respectively, portability and turning day t...

By: TheIllusiveC4

Configured (2.2.3)

Creates a simple GUI config for every mod!

By: MrCrayfish

Adds the ability to use a controller to play Minecraft

By: MrCrayfish

Controlling (12.0.2)

Adds the ability to search for keybinds using their name in the KeyBinding menu,...

By: Jaredlll08

Adds a cooking book and multiblock kitchens that only shows recipes you can make...

By: BlayTheNinth

CorgiLib (

Library with handy utilities.

By: Corgi_Taco

CraterLib (2.1.1)

A library mod used by First Dark Development and HypherionSA Mods

By: hypherionsa

CreativeCore (2.12.17)

A simple but powerful coremod.

By: CreativeMD

Adds several new decorative blocks

By: stohun, lilypuree

Default Options (18.0.1)

A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to inclu...

By: BlayTheNinth

Addon for FancyMenu to customize the loading screen.

By: Keksuccino

Embeddium (0.3.31+mc1.20.1)

Embeddium is a fork of Rubidium, a fork of Sodium with patches for Forge

By: embeddedt

Embeddium++ (1.2.13)

The most reliable extension for Embeddium, providing performance features and qu...

By: SrRapero720

Emojiful (4.2.0)

Adds Emojis to the Game Chat!!!

By: Buuz135

End Remastered makes your Minecraft experience more challenging by emphasizing t...

By: jack_bagel, gilvoisard

A minecraft mod adding new Lunar Events!

By: Corgi_Taco

This mod uses async path-tracing to hide Tiles/Entities that are not visible.

By: tr7zw

Adds additional tooltips when hovering over equipment for easy comparisons.

By: Grend_G

FancyMenu (3.3.1)

Customize Minecraft's menus with ease!

By: Keksuccino

Farmer's Delight (1.20.1-1.2.4)

A cozy farming and cooking expansion for Minecraft!

By: vectorwing

Adds a seed market with a search bar and a scrolling grid and more farming utili...

By: BlayTheNinth

Makes the mobs of Minecraft able to see in the distance.

By: Sindarin27

Flat Bedrock (Forge / Fabric) (3.0.1-build.18+mc1.20.1)

This mod changes the vanilia bedrock generator to make flat bedrock in the overw...

By: Sunekaer

FLIB (0.0.14)

Future Library. Empowers many forge mods.

By: Lothrazar

FramedBlocks (9.3.1)

Fancy building blocks

By: XFactHD

Framework (0.7.11)

A library providing powerful utilities for developers

By: MrCrayfish

GeckoLib (4.4.9)

GeckoLib is an animation engine for Minecraft Mods, with support for complex 3D...

By: Gecko, EliotL

§7Improve how the portals look in your world

By: hoponopono

Hourglass (

Hourglass is a Minecraft Forge mod that gives you control over the passage of ti...

By: DuckyCrayfish

A library containing events, helpers, and utilities to make modding easier.

By: Grend_G

Iron Chests (1.20.1-14.4.4)

New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items. The feature chest is...

By: ProgWML6, Alexbegt

Jade 🔍 (11.11.1+forge)

Minecraft mod shows what you are looking at. (Hwyla fork)

By: Snownee

JourneyMap (5.10.3)

JourneyMap: Real-time map in-game or in a web browser as you explore. JourneyMap...

By: techbrew, Mysticdrew, meme_sapiens

Just Enough Items (

JEI is an item and recipe viewing mod for Minecraft, built from the ground up fo...

By: Unknown

Minecraft modding library

By: Snownee

COPYRIGHT: Konkrete Copyright © 2020-2024 Keksuccino. Konkrete is licensed unde...

By: Keksuccino

Gives rare items a fancy tooltip and adds additional tooltip configuration optio...

By: Grend_G

Makes loot chest loot per-user.

By: Noobanidus, ZestyBlaze, embeddedt

Macaw's Bridges (3.0.0)

Connect the world with bridges!

By: sketch_macaw

Compatibility with Abnormals Mod and Macaw's Bridges for Minecraft 1.20.1 ! Supp...

By: Samlegamer_

Compatibility between Macaw's Bridges and Biome O' Plenty for Minecraft 1.20 !

By: Samlegamer_

Macaw's Doors (1.1.1)

Adds a lot of new Doors! With vanila and unique styles.

By: sketch_macaw

Compatibility between Macaw's Fences and Biome O' Plenty for Minecraft 1.20 !

By: Samlegamer_

Adds new vanila styled fences, walls and gates.

By: sketch_macaw

Make your worlds brighter with lamps, tiki torches, paper lamps and more!

By: sketch_macaw

Macaw's Roofs (2.3.1)

Build roofs, awnings, rain gutters and more!

By: sketch_macaw

Compatibility between Macaw's Roofs and Biome O' Plenty for Minecraft 1.20 !

By: Samlegamer_

Macaw's Stairs (1.0.0)

New Stairs, Handrails for Stairs, Balconies!

By: sketch_macaw

Adds lots of different Trapdoors! With vanila and unique styles.

By: sketch_macaw

Macaw's Windows (2.3.0)

Build Windows, Sills, Blinds, Shutters, Mosaic Windows and more!

By: sketch_macaw

Melody (1.0.2)

OpenAL-based library mod for playing background music. COPYRIGHT: > Melody © C...

By: Keksuccino

Prevent hostile mobs from burning in the sun!

By: Kreezxil

Moonlight Lib (1.20-2.13.10)

A small library with many cool unique features, from dynamic asset generatio...

By: MehVahdJukaar

Mouse Tweaks (2.25.1)

A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...

By: YaLTeR

Mowzie's Mobs adds a variety of high-quality fantasy creatures to your Minecraft...

By: bobmowzie, wadoo154, vakypanda1, pau101, noonyeyzz

The next generation of MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod, built from the ground up with...

By: MrCrayfish

Nature's Compass (1.20.1-1.11.2-forge)

Search for a biome and get information about it.

By: Chaosyr

This is a mod that prevents ticking entity and ticking block entity / tile entit...

By: bawnorton

NetherPortalFix (13.0.1)

Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Porta...

By: BlayTheNinth

No Chat Reports (1.20.1-v2.2.2)

Strips cryptographic signatures from player messages, making it impossible to tr...

By: Aizistral

Removes the "Allow Cheats" button from the "Open to LAN" menu.

By: bl4ckscor3

Oculus (1.7.0)

Unofficial Fork of "Iris", made to work with FML

By: Asek3

This mod allows you the old combat system, with the old attack animation.

By: The_Hangel

Open Loader (19.0.4)

An open source data and resource loader.

By: DarkhaxDev

OpenBlocks Elevator (1.20.1-lex-1.9)

Simple port of the elevator from OpenBlocks to 1.8+

By: vsngarcia

Packet Fixer (1.4.2)

A simple mod to solve various problems with packets/NBT's.

By: TonimatasDEV

By: Girafi

Patchouli (1.20.1-84-FORGE)

Accessible, Data-Driven, Dependency-Free Documentation for Minecraft Modders and...

By: Vazkii

Placebo (8.6.2)

1 (one) library boi

By: Shadows_of_Fire

No more recipe conflicts! Adds an option to choose the crafting result if more t...

By: TheIllusiveC4

A library all about color! Provides lots of color-related functionality for depe...

By: Grend_G

Scaling Health (8.0.2+9)

Extra health and damage for players and mobs. Highly customizable difficulty sys...

By: SilentChaos512, cyborgmas

Searchables (1.0.3)

A library mod to facilitate adding search bars with auto complete and search typ...

By: Jaredlll08

Security Craft (1.9.11)

Adds a load of things to keep your house safe with and defend yourself from atta...

By: Geforce132, MasterPerki, bl4ckscor3

Shared library for Silent's mods

By: SilentChaos512

Simple RPC (3.3.3)

A simple Discord Rich Presence plugin for Modpacks

By: Unknown

This mod adds vanilla friendly ships into Minecraft!

By: talhanation

Fork of LambDynLights to work with Sodium on Neoforge 1.21+

By: Txni

Cross-platform Sodium config event API for Sodium 1.21 and Embeddium 1.20

By: Txni

Sophisticated Backpacks (

Fancy and functional backpacks.

By: P3pp3rF1y

Sophisticated Core (

Base mod of Sophisticated mods.

By: P3pp3rF1y

Sound Physics Remastered (1.20.1-1.4.5)

Provides realistic sound attenuation, reverberation, and absorption through bloc...

By: henkelmax

Spartan Shields (3.1.1)

Spartan Shields adds a variety of new shields to Minecraft.

By: ObliviousSpartan

Supplementaries (1.20-2.8.17)

Many functional and useful Vanilla+ blocks

By: MehVahdJukaar

Supplementaries's Delight (1.0.1-1.20.1)

Example mod description. Newline characters can be used and will be replaced pro...

By: Project_Count

TerraBlender (

A library mod for adding biomes in a simple and compatible manner with Minecraft...

By: Unknown

The Aether (1.20.1-1.5.0-neoforge)

The Aether Team presents the original Aether mod! Up to date for modern Mine...

By: TheAetherTeam, OscarPayn

The Twilight Forest (4.3.2508)

An enchanted forest dimension.

By: Benimatic, jodlodi, Tamaized, Drullkus, Squiggly_Androsa, GizmoTheMoonPig

Tips (12.1.8)

Adds useful tips to various loading screens in game.

By: DarkhaxDev

Blocking annoying popups since 1.12

By: Shadows_of_Fire

Trample No More (13.0.3)

Makes crops harder to trample.

By: DarkhaxDev

Trapcraft (2.10.2)

Addeds new blocks to create traps with, (Fan, Bear Trap, Igniter, Magnetic Ches...

By: Unknown

TrashSlot (15.1.0)

Adds a trash slot to the inventory screen that allows deletion of unwanted items...

By: BlayTheNinth

Harvest (nether) trees and giant mushrooms instantly with fast leaf decay and sa...

By: Serilum

Adds food from Twilight Forest in the styles of Farmer's Delight and Neapolitan

By: lcy0x1

Upgrade Aquatic (6.0.1)

Expands upon Update Aquatic and aquatic life as a whole with new enemies, se...

By: TeamAbnormals, PricelessKoala, SmellyModder, bageldotjpg, camcam_burger

Void Fog (1.20.1-2.0.23)


By: Tamaized

Waystones (14.1.5)

Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers.

By: BlayTheNinth

Yeetus Experimentus (2.3.1-build.6+mc1.20.1)

Disables the Experimental Settings popup, which appears when you create or load...

By: Sunekaer

YUNG's API (Forge) (1.20-Forge-4.0.6)

API Library for YUNG's minecraft mods.


YUNG's Better Dungeons (Forge) (1.20-Forge-4.0.4)

A complete redesign of Minecraft's dungeons


A complete redesign of the End island, making the Ender Dragon fight much more f...


A complete redesign of Minecraft's Nether Fortresses!


A complete redesign of Minecraft's strongholds!



3RD LIFE | Patch Notes
Be sure to review these changes carefully before updating your world(s).

Version: V5 - The 1.20.1 Upgrade

Old worlds are not compatible with this update

- Updated to 1.20.1.

For bug reports and issues, please visit our Issue Tracker


3RD LIFE | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
V4 - Out of Beta

Old worlds should be compatible with this update, however its not a garantree

+ AI Improvements (0.4.0 → 0.5.0)
+ Architectury API (1.29.51 → 1.32.66)
+ Atum 2: Return to the Sands (2.2.10 → 2.2.12)
+ Better Advancements ( →
+ Biomes O' Plenty ( →
+ Bookshelf (10.4.31 → 10.4.32)
+ Catalogue (1.5.0 → 1.6.1)
+ Cloth Config API (4.14.54 → 4.16.91)
+ Clumps ( →
+ Collective (4.0 → 5.45)
+ Comforts ( →
+ Cooperative Advancements (1.2.1 → 1.3.0)
+ Curios API ( →
+ Double Slabs (3.7.2 → 3.7.3)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (1.5.1 → 1.6.6)
+ End Remastered (5.0.1-R → 5.0.3-R)
+ Equipment Compare (1.2.7 → 1.3.2)
+ FancyMenu (2.6.3 → 2.13.2)
+ Farmer's Delight (0.5.4 → 0.6.0)
+ GeckoLib (3.0.65 → 3.0.104)
+ Iceberg (1.0.38 → 1.0.45)
+ iChunUtil (10.5.1 → 10.6.1)
+ Improved Backpacks ( →
+ Infernal Expansion (2.4.0 → 2.5.0)
+ Jade (2.8.1 → 2.8.3)
+ JourneyMap (5.8.0beta15 → 5.8.5p6)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Konkrete (1.3.3 → 1.6.0)
+ Kotlin for Forge (1.16.0 → 1.17.0)
+ Minecraft Forge (36.2.28 → 36.2.39)
+ Moonlight Lib (1.6.1 → 1.9.0)
+ Mowzie's Mobs (1.5.19 → 1.5.27)
+ Neapolitan (2.1.0 → 2.2.1)
+ OAuth (1.06.1 → 1.1.14)
+ Placebo (4.6.0 → 4.7.0)
+ Polymorph (0.25 → 0.41)
+ Quark (r2.4-316 → r2.4-322)
+ Savage & Ravage (3.1.0 → 3.2.0)
+ Scaling Health (4.0.5+5 → 4.1.5+11)
+ Seasonals (2.0.0 → 2.0.3)
+ Security Craft (v1.8.23 → v1.9.4)
+ Simple Discord RPC (2.3.1 → 3.2.0)

+ Added the ability to rent a Minecraft server using our partner BisectHosting find it in the multiplayer screen.
+ Fixed main menu music behaviour.
+ Fixed an issue when using Atem´s Homecoming across dimensions.
+ Fixed player capes not rendering during player animations.
+ Fixed server files not download due to curseforge api change.
+ Fixed Skeletons not spawning sometimes.
+ Removed the "recommended pack" button.
+ Removed Mojang auth login method.
+ JEI MaxColumns are not set to 20 by default.
+ Updated SimpleRPC file
+ UI tweaks.
+ Re-designed the splashscreen.
+ Performace improvments.

+ BisectHosting Server Integration Menu
+ Open Loader
+ Configured

+ Load My Resources
+ Macaw's Doors
+ Macaw's Bridges
+ Macaw's Bridges - Environmental
+ Macaw's Bridge - Betterlands
+ Macaw's Bridges - Buzzierbees
+ Macaw's Bridges - Biome O' Plenty
+ Macaw's Fences and Walls
+ Macaw's Lights and Lamps
+ Macaw's Roofs
+ Macaw's Roofs - Biomes O' Plenty
+ Macaw's Trapdoors
+ Macaw's Windows
+ Extended Bone Meal
+ Hidden Recipe Book
+ YUNG's Better Caves
+ YUNG's Bridges
+ Bamboo Blocks
+ JourneyMap Integration
+ OptiGUI
+ OptiFine

Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker


3RD LIFE | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

+ Minecraft Forge (36.2.22 → 36.2.28)
+ Architect's Palette (1.1.4 → 1.1.5)
+ Architectury API (1.26.37 → 1.29.51)
+ Atum 2: Return to the Sands (2.2.9 → 2.2.10)
+ Bedspreads ( →
+ Berry Good (4.1.1 → 4.1.2)
+ Biomes O' Plenty ( →
+ Blueprint (3.2.0 → 3.3.1)
+ Bookshelf (10.2.27 → 10.4.31)
+ Buzzier Bees (3.0.1 → 3.0.3)
+ Catalogue (1.3.0 → 1.5.0)
+ CaveBiomeAPI (1.3.7 → 1.4.2)
+ Caves & Cliffs Backport (63 → 7.2.0)
+ Cloth Config API (4.11.26 → 4.14.54)
+ Clumps ( →
+ Collective (2.59 → 4.0)
+ Comforts ( →
+ Controlling ( →
+ Cooperative Advancements (1.1 → 1.2.1)
+ Curios API ( →
+ Double Slabs (3.7.1 → 3.7.2)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (1.4.2 → 1.5.1)
+ Dynamic Surroundings ( →
+ End Remastered (R4.1.1 → 5.0.1-R)
+ Enhanced Celestials (2.0.7 → 2.0.9)
+ Environmental (1.1.0 → 1.1.1)
+ Equipment Compare (1.2.0 → 1.2.7)
+ Extra Boats (2.1.0 → 2.1.1)
+ Extra Golems (11.3.1 → 16.5.2)
+ FancyMenu (2.4.3 → 2.6.3)
+ Farmer's Delight (0.4.6 → 0.5.4)
+ GeckoLib (3.0.46 → 3.0.65)
+ Hats (10.3.1 → 10.3.3)
+ Hourglass ( →
+ Iceberg (1.0.3 → 1.0.38)
+ iChunUtil (10.4.1 → 10.5.1)
+ Iron Chests (11.2.13 → 11.2.21)
+ Jade (2.7.4 → 2.8.1)
+ JourneyMap (5.7.3 → 5.8.0 Beta 15)
+ JourneyMap Integration (0.4-210.8-45
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Kiwi (3.5.2 → 3.6.1)
+ Konkrete (1.3.2 → 1.3.3)
+ Kotlin for Forge (1.14.0 → 1.16.0)
+ Macaw's Lights and Lamps (1.0.0 → 1.0.2)
+ Macaw's Roofs (2.0.1 → 2.1.0)
+ Upgraded Netherite (1.10.0 →

+ Fixed an issue with the latest Java 8 build.
+ Fixed "More Packs" and CurseForge button URLs.
+ Added Dead Light Z and Mod Options button to the in-game pause menu.
+ Disabled quarks clock nerf feature.
+ Disabled quarks color runes.
+ Main Menu will now scale to the users screen much better than before.
+ Changed Minecraft default font.
+ Renamed CurseForge pack profile from AMPZ 3RD Life to 3RD Life.

+ Macaw's Bridges - Biome O' Plenty
+ Macaw's Bridges - Buzzier Bees
+ Macaw's Bridge - Betterlands
+ Macaw's Bridges - Environmental
+ Macaw's Roofs - Biomes O' Plenty
+ Improved Backpacks (Press # to open)
+ Fresh Animations (OptiFine required)
+ Load My Resources

+ Backpacked
+ Backpacker
+ Better Animations Collection

Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker


3RD LIFE | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

+ Minecraft Forge (36.2.2 → 36.2.22)
+ Abnormals Delight (1.2.0 → 1.2.1)
+ Advancement Plaques (1.4.0 → 1.4.1)
+ AI Improvements (0.3.0 → 0.4.0)
+ Alex's Mobs (1.12.0 → 1.12.1)
+ Allurement (1.2.0 → 1.2.1)
+ AmbientSounds 4 (3.1.9 → 3.1.11)
+ Architectury API (1.22.32 → 1.26.37)
+ Atum 2: Return to the Sands (2.2.7 → 2.2.9)
+ Autumnity (2.1.1 → 2.1.2)
+ Bamboo Blocks (3.0.0 → 3.0.1)
+ Macaw's Doors (1.0.3 → 1.0.5)
+ Macaw's Bridges (1.0.6 → 2.0.1)
+ Macaw's Fences and Walls (1.0.0 → 1.0.2)
+ Macaw's Trapdoors (1.0.2 → 1.0.4)
+ Macaw's Windows (2.0.0 → 2.0.2)
+ FancyMenu (2.2.2-2 → 2.4.3)
+ DrippyLoadingScreen (1.1.0-2 → 1.4.2)
+ Konkrete (1.1.6 → 1.3.2)
+ Infernal Expansion (2.2.0 → 2.4.0)

+ Patch a recent security vulnerability affecting Minecraft.
+ Updated Server files.
+ Server Files are now using our new SIMPLE FILES setup.
+ Fixed a typo with one of the loading tips.
+ Tweaked the Main Menu scaling to adapt to the users screen.
+ Disabled the Java warning pop up.
+ Updated Main Menu CurseForge link
+ Minor Changes to the Splash Screen.

+ YUNG's Bridges (Forge)
+ Wolves With Armor

+ Not Enough Crashes

Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker


3RD LIFE | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

Initial BETA Release.

Report any bugs & issues over at