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All The Forge 6

⚠︎⚠︎ A more recent version of this pack, known as "All The Forge v10," is now available for download. ⚠︎⚠︎
See what's included by visiting this link:

All The Forge 6 was designed to unite the community by providing a diverse selection of mods all in one package, eliminating the need to download multiple modpacks. Built around Minecraft 1.16.5, this modpack offers something for everyone, whether you enjoy magic, technology, sci-fi, exploration, or anything in between.

However, we regret to inform you that All The Forge 6 has reached its end of life. While you can still enjoy the mods contained in the pack, we will no longer be providing updates or support for it. We encourage you to try out our newer modpacks for the latest Minecraft versions, which offer even more exciting features and content.

What Mods dose this pack contain?

Blood Magic
Buzzier Bees
Industrial Foregoing
Extream Reactors 2
Mystical Agradditions
Pam's HarvestCraft 2
Tinkers Construct
Twilight Forest

and much more.


FORGE: The latest version of Forge for 1.16.5 should work, but in the case it breaks an older mod in this modpack, the version I have currently packaged with the modpack is forge-36.2.41.jar


I'd personally recommend the use of Optifine ( (make sure for 1.16.5) and some shaders if your system can handle them to bring out the best with this modpack and Minecraft.

Sponsored by BisectHosting

Don't forget at the checkout use my promo code "AMPZ' to receive a 25% discount on your first month when buying any of their gaming services!

by using my Promo Code, I receive a small commission which helps support the future development of this project.
Minecraft Version
This pack uses Minecraft version 1.16.5
There have been 7,723 installs of this pack.
There have been 546 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 4.52 years of this pack.

Abnormals Core (3.3.1)

The library mod used by all Abnormals mods. Adds support for various types o...

By: TeamAbnormals, SmellyModder, bageldotjpg

Adds compatibility between mods by Team Abnormals and Farmer's Delight by ve...

By: TeamAbnormals, bageldotjpg

AE2 Wireless Terminals (0.3.3-1.16.5)

A Library which provides basic functions to create AE2 Wireless Terminals with...

By: tfarecnim

Apotheosis (4.8.9A0)

All things that should have been

By: Shadows_of_Fire

AppleSkin (2.5.1+mc1.16.4)

Adds various food-related HUD improvements

By: squeek502

A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..

By: thetechnici4n, TeamAppliedEnergistics, shartte

A intermediary api aimed to ease developing multiplatform mods.

By: shedaniel, Juicebus, MaxNeedsSnacks

Ars Nouveau (1.25.10)

Craft spells, create powerful baubles, and summon magical creatures!

By: baileyholl2, Gootastic

Athenaeum 1.16 (athenaeum-2.0.1.jar)


By: codetaylor

AutoRegLib (1.6-49)

Automatically item, block, and model registration for mods.

By: Vazkii

Autumnity (2.1.2)

An autumn-themed mod with new biomes and friendly snails.

By: TeamAbnormals, bageldotjpg, martianarchitecture

Auudio (1.0.3-1)

Library to play background sounds in menus and worlds. COPYRIGHT: > Auudio © C...

By: Keksuccino

Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded (bwncr-1.16.5-3.10.16.jar)

Silence server level sounds making them local in the process. Other sounds can...

By: Kreezxil

Adding a touch of bling to Minecraft

By: lazynessmind, Azanor13

Better Advancements (BetterAdvancements-1.16.5-

Improvements to the advancements screen.

By: way2muchnoise

Unofficial port of Paulev's BetterNether Mod from Fabric to Forge

By: someoneelsewastaken

BetterEnd (Forge) (betterendforge-1.16.5-1.6.3.jar)

This mod adds new content to the end dimension that vastly improves and expands...

By: Beethoven92

Biomes O' Plenty (

Adds over 50 new biomes, blocks, and more!

By: Forstride, TheAdubbz

Introducing the BisectHosting Server Integration Mod, exclusively designed for o...

By: BisectHosting, Quarris

Blood Magic (1.16.4-3.1.13-39)

This is a long form description of the mod. You can write whatever you want here...

By: WayofTime, TehNut

Bookshelf (10.4.33)

A library for building other mods.

By: DarkhaxDev

Botania (1.16.5-420.3)

Botania is a mod that adds nature magic to Minecraft.

By: Vazkii

Buzzier Bees (3.0.3)

Buzzier Bees expands on the content introduced in 1.15, introducing candles,...

By: TeamAbnormals, bageldotjpg

Caelus API (property(class java.lang.String, provider(?)))

A coremod and API to provide developers access to elytra flight mechanics throug...

By: TheIllusiveC4

Catalogue (1.6.1-1.16.5)

Updates Forge's mod list with a new and improved design

By: MrCrayfish

Chisel (2.0.1-alpha.4)

Adds in tons of fancy blocks for decoration, crafted using the Chisel.

By: tterrag1098, minecreatr, Drullkus

Chisels & bits (1.0.63)

a mod about Sculpting, Decorating and Aesthetics. Ported to 1.16.x by the LDTTe...

By: AlgorithmX2, OrionOnline

Chocolate Fix (chocolate-1.3.0-1.16.4.jar)

*Vanilla is good - but chocolate is better. ;)* This mod exists to fix...

By: AlcatrazEscapee

An API for config screens.

By: shedaniel, LinkieIsBetterThanK9

Clumps (

Clumps xp orbs together.

By: Jaredlll08

CodeChicken Lib (1.16.5-

CodeChickenLib is a library of systems to help make various aspects of minecraft...

By: covers1624, Chicken_Bones

CoFH Core (

Core Library required for the functionality of all CoFH mods. Also contains a n...

By: TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH

Collective (5.49)

Collective is a shared library with common code for all of Serilum's mods.

By: Serilum

Common Capabilities (CommonCapabilities-1.16.5-2.8.0.jar)

Forge Capabilities that can be shared by multiple mods.

By: kroeser

Compact Machines (4.0.0-beta.2)

It's all so tiny!

By: davenonymous, RobotGryphon

Configured (1.5.4)

Creates a simple GUI config for every mod!

By: MrCrayfish

Controlling (

Adds the ability to search for keybinds using their name in the KeyBinding menu,...

By: Jaredlll08

Adds a cooking book and multiblock kitchens that only shows recipes you can make...

By: BlayTheNinth

This mod allows you to wear two sets of armor, one for display, one for function...

By: LainMI

Create (mc1.16.5_v0.3.2g)

Technology that empowers the player.

By: simibubi


Allows resource packs to add connected textures, emissive rendering, and much mo...

By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr

Cucumber Library (4.1.12)

A library of shared code that all of my mods depend on.

By: BlakeBr0

Curios API (Forge/NeoForge) (1.16.5-

A flexible and expandable accessory/equipment API for users and developers.

By: TheIllusiveC4

Curious Elytra (property(class java.lang.String, map(provider(?))

Adds curio support to the elytra so you can fly and wear chest armor at the same...

By: TheIllusiveC4

Cyclops Core (1.13.0)

Coremod for Integrated Dynamics, EvilCraft and others.

By: kroeser

A small mod that adds several new decorative blocks.

By: stohun, lilypuree

Adds blocks made with wood from upgrade aquatic, endergetic expansion, autumnity...

By: Evo_934, lilypuree

Default Options (12.2.1)

A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to inclu...

By: BlayTheNinth

Turning your wolves into fun, playful dogs.

By: percivalalb

Damn, what a drippy loading screen! COPYRIGHT: > Drippy Loading Screen © Copyr...

By: Keksuccino

Druidcraft (1.16.5-0.4.54)

A druid-focused splice-of-life mod that's currently in very early stages. Regar...

By: VulpTheHorseDog2

Embeddium (0.3.5+mc1.16.5)

Embeddium is a fork of Rubidium, a fork of Sodium modified to run on Forge

By: embeddedt

End Remastered (5.0.3-R-1.16.5)

End Remastered makes your Minecraft experience more challenging by emphasizing t...

By: jack_bagel, gilvoisard

EnderStorage (1.16.5-

Stores your stuff in the END! Credits: Ecu - original idea, design, chest an...

By: covers1624, Chicken_Bones

Engineer's Decor (1.1.19)

Adds cosmetic blocks for the engineer's workshop, factory and home.

By: wilechaote

Adds manual handheld tools for the Engineer.

By: wilechaote

Environmental (1.1.1)

Expanding the environment. New wood, new blocks, new friends.

By: TeamAbnormals, bageldotjpg, martianarchitecture

Extreme Reactors (1.16.5-2.0.71)

Adds large, multiblock power generation machines to Minecraft. This is a continu...

By: ZeroNoRyouki

FancyMenu (2.14.9)

Give your life a fancy touch. You deserve it. COPYRIGHT: > FancyMenu © Copyrig...

By: Keksuccino

Farmer's Delight (1.16.5-0.6.0)

A lightweight farming and cooking expansion for Minecraft!

By: vectorwing

Farmer's Delight Compats (farmersdelightintegrations-1.16.5-1.2.jar)

Adds Farmer's Delight integration to many different mods. Additional credits: v...

By: burritoeatinghamster

Farmer's Delight mod integration.

By: iku_tv

Adds a seed market with a search bar and a scrolling grid and more farming utili...


Flux Networks (1.16.5-

Wireless Energy Networks

By: sonar_sonic, BloCamLimb

Flywheel (1.16-0.2.5)

A modern engine for modded minecraft.

By: jozufozu

FramedBlocks (2.16.3)

Fancy building blocks

By: XFactHD

GeckoLib (3.0.106)

GeckoLib is an animation engine for Minecraft Mods, with support for complex 3D...

By: Gecko, EliotL

Immersive Engineering (1.16.5-5.1.0-148)

A tech based mod focused on realism.

By: BluSunrize, Sky_Som, malte0811

Immersive Petroleum (3.4.0-20)

Adds oil and oil processing features to Immersive Engineering.

By: Flaxbeard

A small reinvention of Minefactory Reloaded.

By: Buuz135

A community-driven Vanilla+ mod that expands the Nether beyond the Nether Update...

By: InfernalStudios, Nekomaster1000

Take full and automated control of your appliances.

By: kroeser

Inventory Tweaks, but for modern versions of Minecraft.

By: godemperordoge, yuitakaa, David1544

Iron Chests (11.2.21)

New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items. The feature chest is...

By: ProgWML6, Alexbegt

Jade (2.8.3)

HWYLA addons

By: Snownee

JourneyMap (5.8.5p5)

JourneyMap is a client+server mod for Forge which maps your Minecraft world in r...

By: Unknown

JEI is an item and recipe viewing mod for Minecraft, built from the ground up fo...

By: mezz

COPYRIGHT: Konkrete Copyright © 2020-2022 Keksuccino. Konkrete is licensed unde...

By: Keksuccino

Makes DataFixerUpper more lazy

By: Corgi_Taco, tuxed

Makes loot chest loot per-user.

By: Noobanidus, ZestyBlaze, embeddedt

Mantle (1.16.5-1.6.157)

Shared code for Slime Knights mods and others.

By: mDiyo, fuj1n, Alexbegt, KnightMiner, bonusboni, ProgWML6

Mekanism (10.1.2)

Mekanism is a Minecraft add-on featuring high-tech machinery that can be used to...

By: bradyaidanc, thommy101, pupnewfster, Thiakil

Generators module for Mekanism

By: bradyaidanc, thommy101, pupnewfster, Thiakil

Tools module for Mekanism

By: bradyaidanc, Thiakil, pupnewfster, thommy101

mGui (mgui-1.16.5-3.3.0.jar)

View library for minecraft mods.

By: mickelus

MineMenu (1.8.7)

MineMenu supports key bindings, commands, and creative functions to make you...

By: Girafi

Create your worlds more modern than ever! Note *: Does not actually make your w...

By: Keksuccino

Morpheus (4.2.70)

Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server. Wh...

By: Quetzi

MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod is all about adding functioning furniture and decorat...

By: MrCrayfish

MrCrayfish's More Furniture Mod is addon to the base Furniture Mod that adds sup...

By: MrCrayfish

My Server Is Compatible (MyServerIsCompatible-1.16.5-1.0.jar)

Client-side mod to disable Forge's "Incompatible FML Modded Server" message.

By: Focamacho

Neapolitan (2.2.1)

Adds new flavors and fruits to create tasty Ice Creams, Milkshakes, Cakes, a...

By: TeamAbnormals, bageldotjpg, martianarchitecture

NetherPortalFix (7.2.1)

Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Porta...

By: BlayTheNinth

Not Enough Crashes (4.1.4+1.16.5)

Improves crashes in Minecraft - allows returning to title screen, blaming causin...

By: NatanFudge

OAuth (1.1.15)

Adds the ability to relogin without closing your game. It includes legacy userna...

By: Sintinium

ObserverLib (1.5.3)

Cached world structure and change monitoring library.

By: HellFirePvP

Oculus (1.4.7)

Unofficial Fork of "Iris", made to work with FML

By: Asek3

Detect and warns against Java installation issues.

By: DarkhaxDev

OpenLoader (9.0.3)

An open source data and resource loader.

By: DarkhaxDev

Orcinus's Caves (orcinusscaves-1.3.jar)

This mod essentially adds bigger generation of caves

By: orcinus73

Patchouli (1.16.4-53.3)

Accessible, Data-Driven, Dependency-Free Documentation for Minecraft Modders and...

By: Vazkii

Placebo (4.7.1)

1 (one) library boi

By: Shadows_of_Fire

No more recipe conflicts! Adds an option to choose the crafting result if more t...

By: TheIllusiveC4

Quark (r2.4-322)

Small things.

By: Vazkii, wiresegal

A mod that improves and expands on illagers through new structures, enemies...

By: TeamAbnormals, bageldotjpg

Save My Stronghold! (Forge) (SaveMyStronghold-1.16.4-1.0.jar)

A lightweight mod to prevent strongholds from being torn up by underground caves...


ShetiPhianCore (3.8.22)

Core set of files needed by ShetiPhian's mods

By: ShetiPhian

Shutup Experimental Settings! (shutupexperimentalsettings-1.0.3.jar)

Turns off the annoying experimental settings prompt before creating a world.

By: Corgi_Taco

A simple discord RPC plugin for modpacks

By: hypherionsa, ExplodingCreeperGroup

Simply Jetpacks 2 (1.16.5-

Simply Jetpacks 2 Jetpacks and Fluxpacks powered by Forge Energy! Original Autho...

By: Tomson124

Sophisticated Backpacks (1.16.5-

Fancy and functional backpacks.

By: P3pp3rF1y

Do you love villages? Ever wonder why no villagers have decided to settl...

By: TheGrimsey

Storage Drawers (8.5.2)

Multi-drawer storage blocks for quick storage and retrieval.

By: Texelsaur

Don't let the grass be between you and your prey!

By: exidex

Tetra (3.20.0)

Tetra revolves around modular items and attempts to blend it together with other...

By: mickelus

Tetranomicon (1.5.3-1.16.5)

Adds Tetra support to materials from various other mods.

By: syrikalis

TexTrue's Embeddium Options (0.1.2+mc1.16.5)

Port of Reese's Sodium Options to work with Embeddium on MinecraftForge/NeoForge...

By: TexTrue

Ever since the end was first introduced to the game it's always been a dull...

By: TeamAbnormals, Endergized, Lachney, SmellyModder

The Outer End (OuterEnd-0.2.14.jar)

The Outer End is an end mod

By: BlueDuckYT, GiantLuigi4, LudoCrypt

An enchanted forest dimension.

By: Benimatic, Tamaized, jodlodi, Drullkus, Squiggly_Androsa, GizmoTheMoonPig

TheAbyss II (2.2.3-4)

The Abyss adds a brand new dimension to explore full of unique adventures and da...

By: y4z0n, LunaPixelStudios

Thermal Expansion (

Expanding Minecraft Thermally! A server-friendly and content-rich blend of magic...

By: TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH

Parent mod for all Thermal modules. For convenience, packaged alongside Thermal...

By: TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH

Thermal Innovation (

Thermal Technology marches on. Adds Thermal-style tools and equipment! Contains...

By: TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH

Tinkers' Construct (

A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools

By: mDiyo, bonusboni, Alexbegt, KnightMiner

Tips (4.0.18)

Adds tips to various loading screens.

By: DarkhaxDev

Titanium (

Library mod for Horizon Studio.

By: Horizon Studio, Coded

Blocking annoying popups since 1.12

By: Shadows_of_Fire

Torch Slabs Mod (1.6.19)

A mod that allows the placement of torches & lanterns onto slab blocks, the side...

By: EndlesNights

Trample Stopper (TrampleStopper-2.6.1-build.22+mc1.16.5.jar)

Stops crop trampling

By: UnRealDinnerbone, nanitedev

TrashSlot (12.2.1)

Adds a trash slot to the inventory screen that allows deletion of unwanted items...

By: BlayTheNinth

Harvest (nether) trees and giant mushrooms instantly with fast leaf decay and sa...

By: Serilum

Upgrade Aquatic (3.1.2)

Expands upon Update Aquatic and aquatic life as a whole with new enemies, se...

By: TeamAbnormals, SmellyModder, PricelessKoala, bageldotjpg, camcam_burger

Watercan 1.16 (2.0.5)


By: codetaylor

Waystones (7.6.4)

Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers.

By: BlayTheNinth

YUNG's API (1.16.4-Forge-13)

API Library for YUNG's minecraft mods.


A complete redesign of Minecraft's dungeons like never before. YUNG's Better Du...


YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge) (BetterStrongholds-1.16.4-1.2.1.jar)

A complete redesign of Minecraft's strongholds


ZeroCore 2 (1.16.5-2.1.39)

Utility mod and multiblock API

By: ZeroNoRyouki


All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to review these changes carefully before updating your world(s).


Version: 6.16

This will be the final update as this pack has now reached its End of Support
We recommend you update to latest All The Forge pack.

- Apotheosis (4.8.99F → 4.8.9A0)
- Architectury API (1.32.66 → 1.32.68)
- Ars Nouveau (1.25.1 → 1.25.10)
- BisectHosting Server Integration Menu (2.3.1 → 2.4.1)
- Blood Magic (3.1.11-34 → 3.1.13-39)
- Bookshelf (10.4.32 → 10.4.33)
- Botania (420.2 → 420.3)
- Cloth Config API (4.14.64 → 4.17.101)
- CoFH Core ( →
- Collective (4.28 → 5.49)
- Controlling ( →
- Cosmetic Armor Reworked (v5 → v5a)
- Curios API ( →
- Cyclops Core (1.12.4 → 1.13.0)
- Drippy Loading Screen (1.6.4 → 2.2.2)
- Engineer's Decor (1.1.18 → 1.1.19)
- Extreme Reactors (2.0.51 → 2.0.71)
- FancyMenu (2.9.1 → 2.14.9)
- Farming for Blockheads (7.3.1 → 7.3.2)
- GeckoLib (3.0.81 → 3.0.106)
- Immersive Petroleum (3.3.0-11 → 3.4.0-20)
- Industrial Foregoing ( → 3.2.14-19)
- Integrated Dynamics (1.10.10 → 1.10.15)
- Jade (2.8.1 → 2.8.3)
- JourneyMap (5.8.5p5 → 5.8.5p6)
- Just Enough Items ( →
- Konkrete (1.3.3-1 → 1.6.1)
- Minecraft Forge 36.2.39 → 36.2.41)
- OAuth (1.1.13 → 1.1.15)
- Placebo (4.7.0 → 4.7.1)
- Polymorph (0.40 → 0.41)
- ShetiPhianCore (3.8.15 → 3.8.22)
- Simple Discord RPC (3.0.1 → 3.2.3)
- Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
- Tetranomicon (1.3 → 1.5.3)
- Thermal Expansion ( →
- Thermal Foundation ( →
- Titanium ( →
- Tree Harvester (5.1 → 5.9)
- ZeroCore 2 (2.1.22 → 2.1.39)

- Rectified the issue where `splash.txt` failed to exhibit resource pack `splash.txt`.
- Corrected the misalignment of the JEI search bar to center it by default.
- Resolved the delay in JEI population until entering a single-player world.
- Addressed a server-sided crash associated with Mark of the Falling Tower.
- Eliminated a duplication glitch occurring when mossifying a Petal Apothecary.
- Fixed a connectivity issue preventing clients from joining LAN servers.
- Ensured the splash screen scales appropriately to the user's screen size.
- Removed the store button from the title screen.
- Updated several UI elements to align with ATFG10.
- Rectified outdated or broken button links.
- Implemented general performance enhancements.

- AppleSkin
- Lootr
- FramedBlocks
- Embeddium
- Oculus
- TexTrue's Embeddium Options


All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

Yes old worlds should be compatible, you might get a message about missing entries,
just click yes to accept changes and your world should load fine.

+ BisectHosting Server Integration Menu (1.3 → 2.3.1)
+ Minecraft Forge (36.2.35 → 36.2.39)

+ Fixed mismatched mod channel list error
+ Updated CurseForge icon to their new rebranded one.
+ Updated "Read Me" server file so its more easier to understand.
+ Updated Server Files.
+ Updated Store and forums main menu URLs.
+ Removed support button and github buttons as the pack is no longer supported.
+ Removed All The Forge 8 main menu button.
+ Added the ability to view other public servers that use this pack and are hosted on BisectHosting.

+ Just Enough Items

+ Roughly Enough Items
+ REI Internals Workaround


All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

Yes old worlds should be compatible, you might get a message about missing entries,
just click yes to accept changes and your world should load fine.

+ Architectury API (1.31.60 → 1.32.66)
+ Ars Nouveau (1.25.0 → 1.25.1)
+ Blood Magic (3.1.7-27 → 3.1.11-34)
+ Cloth Config API (4.14.54 → 4.14.64)
+ CoFH Core ( →
+ Collective (4.25 → 4.28)
+ Cyclops Core (1.12.3 → 1.12.4)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (1.5.1 → 1.6.4)
+ End Remastered (5.0.2-R → 5.0.3-R)
+ Extreme Reactors (2.0.43 → 2.0.51)
+ FancyMenu (2.7.0-1 → 2.9.1)
+ Farming for Blockheads (7.3.1 → 7.3.1)
+ GeckoLib (3.0.68 → 3.0.81)
+ Immersive Engineering (5.0.7-143 → 5.1.0-148)
+ JourneyMap (5.8.3 → 5.8.5p5)
+ Infernal Expansion (2.4.0 → 2.5.0)
+ Konkrete (1.3.3 → 1.3.3-1)
+ Patchouli (53.2 → 53.3)
+ ShetiPhianCore (3.8.14 → 3.8.15)
+ Simple Discord RPC (3.0.0 → 3.0.1)
+ Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
+ Thermal Expansion ( →
+ Thermal Foundation ( →
+ Thermal Innovation ( →
+ Tips (4.0.16 → 4.0.18)
+ ZeroCore 2 (2.1.1 → 2.1.22)

+ Added the ability to craft horse armour [Example](
+ Added the ability to craft stairs back into blocks [Example](
+ Added a button to the main menu that takes you to All The Forge 8 CurseForge page.
+ General performance improvements.
+ Updated splash.txt.

+ Open Loader
+ Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge
+ REI Plugin Compatibilities
+ Modern World Creation
+ Not Enough Crashes

+ Just Enough Items
+ JEI Integration
+ Just Enough Resources
+ Load My Resources
+ Enchantment Descriptions
+ Pam's HarvestCraft 2
+ Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core
+ Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Trees
+ YUNG's Better Mineshafts
+ YUNG's Better Caves
+ Atmospheric
+ I Like Wood

Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker


All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

Yes old worlds are compatible, you might get a message about missing entries,
just click yes to accept changes and your world should load fine.>

+ Apotheosis (4.8.4 → 4.8.99F)
+ Architectury API (1.29.51 → 1.31.60)
+ Ars Nouveau (1.24.17 → 1.25.0)
+ Bookshelf (10.4.31 → 10.4.32)
+ Catalogue (1.3.0 → 1.6.1)
+ Clumps ( →
+ CodeChicken Lib 1.8+ ( →
+ CoFH Core ( →
+ Collective (4.0 → 4.25)
+ Cosmetic Armor Reworked (v4a → v5)
+ Cucumber Library (4.1.10 → 4.1.12)
+ Cyclops Core (1.12.1 → 1.12.3)
+ End Remastered (5.0.1-R → 5.0.2-R)
+ Ender Storage 1.8+ ( →
+ Engineer's Decor (1.1.16 → 1.1.18)
+ Extreme Reactors (2.0.38 → 2.0.43)
+ FancyMenu (2.6.2 → 2.7.0-1)
+ Farmer's Delight (0.5.4 → 0.6.0)
+ GeckoLib (3.0.65 → 3.0.68)
+ Infernal Expansion (2.3.1 → 2.4.0)
+ Integrated Dynamics (1.10.2 → 1.10.10)
+ Iron Chests (11.2.13 → 11.2.21)
+ JourneyMap (5.7.3 → 5.8.3)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Mantle (1.6.127 → 1.6.157)
+ Minecraft Forge (36.2.28 → 36.2.35)
+ Mekanism ( →
+ Mekanism Generators ( →
+ Mekanism Tools ( →
+ Neapolitan (2.1.0 → 2.2.1)
+ OAuth (1.06 → 1.1.13)
+ Placebo (4.6.0 → 4.7.0)
+ Quark (r2.4-316 → r2.4-322)
+ Polymorph (0.25 → 0.40)
+ Savage & Ravage (3.1.0 → 3.2.0)
+ ShetiPhianCore (3.8.5 → 3.8.14)
+ Simple Discord RPC (2.7.1 → 3.0.0)
+ Simply Jetpacks 2 ( →
+ Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
+ Storage Drawers (8.3.0 → 8.5.2)
+ Tetra (3.17.0 → 3.20.0)
+ The Abyss II (1.9.7 → 2.2.3-4)
+ The Endergetic Expansion (3.0.0 → 3.0.2)
+ Thermal Foundation ( →
+ Tinkers Construct ( →
+ Tips (4.0.7 → 4.0.16)
+ Toast Control (4.3.1 → 4.4.0)
+ Tree Harvester (3.2 → 5.1)
+ Upgrade Aquatic (3.1.0 → 3.1.2)
+ Waystones (7.6.3 → 7.6.4)
+ YUNG's API (Forge-12 → Forge-13)
+ ZeroCore 2 (2.1.9 → 2.1.16)

+ Fixed Main Menu music behaviour.
+ Fixed not being able to use eye of enders to active the end portal.
+ Removed "Recommended Pack" button (get the new link on our Discord Server).
+ Removed the ability to re auth using a Mojang account.
+ Enabled the ability to rent a server from BisectHosting on the multiplayer menu.
+ Enabled waystone Journey Map integration.
+ Small UI tweaks.
+ General performance improvements.

+ Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals Forge
+ BisectHosting Server Integration Menu
+ BetterNether Reforged
+ Configured
+ Farmer's Delight Integration
+ MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
+ MrCrayfish's More Furniture Mod

+ Awesome Dungeon
+ Awesome Dungeon Nether Edition
+ Awesome Dungeon Ocean Edition
+ Library Ferret
+ Botany Pots
+ Botany Trees
+ Macaw's Furniture
+ Macaw's Fences and Walls
+ Macaw's Trapdoors
+ Macaw's Windows
+ Macaw's Doors
+ Macaw's Bridges
+ Macaw's Roofs

Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker


All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

Yes old worlds are compatible, you might get a message about missing entries, just click yes to accept changes and your world should load fine.

+ Minecraft Forge (36.2.20 → 36.2.28)
+ Abnormals Delight (1.2.0 → 1.2.1)
+ Apotheosis (4.8.0 → 4.8.4)
+ Applied Energistics 2 (8.4.2 → 8.4.7)
+ Architectury API (1.23.33 → 1.29.51)
+ Ars Nouveau (1.23.11 → 1.24.17)
+ Atmospheric (3.1.0 → 3.1.1)
+ Autumnity (2.1.1 → 2.1.2)
+ Blood Magic (3.1.5-25 → 3.1.7-27)
+ Blueprint (3.3.0 → 3.3.1)
+ Bookshelf (10.3.29 → 10.4.31)
+ Botania (419 → 420.2)
+ Buzzier Bees (3.0.1 → 3.0.3)
+ Caelus API ( →
+ Chisels & Bits (1.0.43 → 1.0.63)
+ Cloth Config API (4.11.26 → 4.14.54)
+ CodeChicken Lib ( →
+ CoFH Core (1.3.1 →
+ Collective (2.64 → 4.0)
+ Controlling ( →
+ Cosmetic Armor Reworked (v4 → v4a)
+ Create (0.3.2d → 0.3.2g)
+ Curious Elytra ( →
+ Cyclops Core (1.11.10 → 1.12.1)
+ Doggy Talents ( → 2.1.15)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (1.4.2 → 1.5.1)
+ Druidcraft (0.4.53 → 0.4.54)
+ End Remastered (R4.1.1 → 5.0.1-R)
+ Engineer's Décor (1.1.14 → 1.1.16)
+ Engineer's Tools (1.1.5 → 1.1.7)
+ Environmental (1.1.0 → 1.1.1)
+ Extreme Reactors (2.0.27 → 2.0.38)
+ FancyMenu (2.4.3 → 2.6.2)
+ Farmer's Delight (0.4.6 → 0.5.4)
+ Flux Networks ( →
+ Flywheel (0.2.4 → 0.2.5)
+ GeckoLib (3.0.46 → 3.0.65)
+ Immersive Engineering (5.0.3-138 → 5.0.7-143)
+ Immersive Petroleum (3.3.0-6 → 3.3.0-11)
+ Konkrete (1.3.2 → 1.3.3)
+ Jade (2.8.0 → 2.8.1)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Just Enough Resources ( →
+ Macaw's Roofs (2.0.1 → 2.1.0)
+ Mekanism ( →
+ Mekanism Generators ( →
+ Mekanism Tools ( →
+ Simple Discord RPC (2.4 → 2.7.1)
+ The Twilight Forest (4.0.546 → 4.0.870)
+ Thermal Expansion (1.3.0 →
+ Thermal Foundation (1.3.2 →
+ Thermal Innovation (1.3.0 →
+ ZeroCore 2 (2.1.4 → 2.1.9)

+ Fixed an issue with the latest Java 8 build.
+ Fixed "More Packs" and "Curseforge" button URLs.
+ Fixed "Mod Options" button.
+ Disabled Quarks experimental features.
+ Updated Splash.txt file.
+ Changed the default Minecraft font.
+ General Performance Improvements.

+ Awesome Dungeon
+ Awesome Dungeon Edition Ocean
+ Awesome Dungeon Edition Nether
+ Load My Resources

+ Mystical Agriculture
+ Industrial Agriculture
+ Mystical Agradditions
+ Mystical Customization
+ Mystical Agriculture Tiered Crystals
+ IAP [Mekanism]
+ IAP [Industrial Foregoing]
+ Caves & Cliffs Backport
+ CaveBiomeAPI
+ Corpse

Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker


All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

Yes old worlds are compatible, you might get a message about missing entries,
just click yes to accept changes and your world should load fine.

+ Minecraft Forge (36.2.8 → 36.2.20)
+ FancyMenu (2.3.3 → 2.4.3)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (1.2.0 → 1.4.2)
+ Konkrete (1.3.0 → 1.3.2)
+ Macaw's Bridges (1.0.6 → 2.0.1)
+ Macaw's Doors (1.0.3 → 1.0.5)
+ Macaw's Fences and Walls (1.0.1 → 1.0.2)
+ Macaw's Trapdoors (1.0.2 → 1.0.4)
+ Macaw's Windows (2.0.0 → 2.0.2)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Chisels & Bits (1.0.12 → 1.0.43)

+ Patch a recent security vulnerability affecting Minecraft.
+ Updated Server files (**Recommend all server owners to use the new files**).
+ Minor Main Menu Tweaks.


+ Not Enough Crashes

Report any bugs & issues over at our


All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

Yes old worlds are compatible, you might get a message about missing entries,
just click yes to accept changes and your world should load fine.

+ Minecraft Forge (36.2.5 → 36.2.8)
+ Applied Energistics 2 (8.4.1 → 8.4.2)
+ Bookshelf (10.2.27 → 10.3.29)
+ Blood Magic (3.1.3-18 → 3.1.5-25)
+ Chisels & Bits (0.3.4 → 1.0.12)
+ Clumps ( →
+ Common Capabilities (2.7.0 → 2.8.0)
+ Controlling ( →
+ Cyclops Core (1.11.9 → 1.11.10)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (1.1.1 → 1.2.0)
+ FancyMenu (2.3.2 → 2.3.3)
+ Industrial Agriculture (1.8.11 → 1.8.13)
+ Infernal Expansion (2.2.0 → 2.3.1)
+ Integrated Dynamics (1.9.4 → 1.10.2)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Macaw's Fences and Walls (1.0.0 → 1.0.1)
+ Mantle (1.6.123 → 1.6.127)
+ Mystical Agradditions (4.2.1 → 4.2.2)
+ Tinkers Construct ( →
+ YUNG's Better Dungeons (1.2 → 1.2.1)

+ Fixed lag spike when exploring the Nether (thanks to xKitsuko).
+ Fixed Tinkers' Construct tools not being repairable in a Tinkers' Anvil.
+ Improved general performance.
+ CurseForge pack will now display as released instead of beta on the launcher.


+ Controllable

Report any bugs & issues over at

All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
1.12.0 (Beta 13)

This will be the final BETA

All The Forge 7 is planned to launch soon.

+ Minecraft Forge (36.1.65 → 36.2.5)
+ Abnormals Core (3.2.0 → 3.3.0)
+ Abnormals Delight (1.1.1 → 1.2.0)
+ Applied Energistics 2 (8.4.0 → 8.4.1)
+ Apotheosis (4.6.1 → 4.8.0)
+ Ars Nouveau (1.19.7 → 1.23.11)
+ Architectury API (1.20.28 → 1.23.33)
+ Athenaeum (2.0.0 → 2.0.1)
+ Better Advancements ( →
+ Blood Magic (3.1.0-15 → 3.1.3-18)
+ Bookshelf (10.1.11 → 10.2.27)
+ BetterEnd (1.6.0 → 1.6.3)
+ Bad Wither No Cookie (3.9.16 → 3.10.16)
+ Caelus API ( →
+ Curios API ( →
+ CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ ( →
+ CoFH Core (1.2.1 → 1.3.1)
+ Cosmetic Armor Reworked (v3a → v4)
+ Create (v0.3.2b → v0.3.2d)
+ Cyclops Core (1.11.7 → 1.11.9)
+ Caves & Cliffs Backport (6.2 → 63)
+ Cooking for Blockheads (9.3.3 → 9.3.4)
+ CaveBiomeAPI (1.3.1 → 1.3.7)
+ Controlling ( →
+ Collective (2.59 → 2.64)
+ Doggy Talents ( →
+ Druidcraft (0.4.52 → 0.4.53)
+ End Remastered (R402 → R4.1.1)
+ Environmental (1.0.0 → 1.1.0)
+ Extreme Reactors (2.0.23 → 2.0.27)
+ FancyMenu (2.2.0 → 2.3.2)
+ Farmer's Delight (0.4.5 → 0.4.6)
+ Farmer's Delight Compats (1.1 → 1.2)
+ Flywheel (0.1.1 → 0.2.4)
+ GeckoLib (3.0.41 → 3.0.43)
+ Industrial Foregoing ( →
+ Integrated Dynamics (1.9.0 → 1.9.4)
+ Immersive Engineering (5.0.2-137 → 5.0.3-138)
+ Immersive Petroleum (3.3.0-5 → 3.3.0-6)
+ Iron Chests (11.2.10 → 11.2.13)
+ JourneyMap (5.7.2beta18 → 5.7.3)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Just Enough Resources ( →
+ Konkrete (1.1.6 → 1.3.0)
+ Mystical Agradditions (4.1.5 → 4.2.1)
+ Mystical Agriculture (4.2.0 → 4.2.3)
+ Macaw's Windows (1.0.3 → 2.0.0)
+ Mantle (1.6.115 → 1.6.123)
+ mGui (3.2.0 → 3.3.0)
+ Quark (r2.4-314 → r2.4-316)
+ Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
+ Storage Drawers (8.2.2 → 8.3.0)
+ Simply Jetpacks 2 ( →
+ The Outer End (0.2.13 → 0.2.14)
+ The Twilight Forest (4.0.490 → 4.0.546)
+ Thermal Expansion (1.2.0 → 1.3.0)
+ Thermal Foundation (1.2.0 → 1.3.2)
+ Thermal Innovation (1.2.0 → 1.3.0)
+ Tinkers Construct ( →
+ Tetra (3.14.1 → 3.17.0)
+ Trample Stopper (2.4.9 → 2.6.1)
+ YUNG's API (Forge-11 → Forge-12)
+ YUNG's Better Strongholds (1.2 → 1.2.1)
+ Waystones (7.6.2 → 7.6.3)
+ ZeroCore 2 (2.0.21 → 2.1.4)
+ Placebo (4.5.0 → 4.6.0)
+ Patchouli (53.1 → 53.2)

+ Re-Designed Main Menu.
+ Added Custom Splash Text to the Main Menu.
+ Added Microsoft Ingame Re-Login support.
+ Added a button for All The Forge 7 in preposition for the launch.
+ Fixed an issue with not being able to access the options menu after pack loads.
+ Disabled Quarks .
+ Disabled Quarks Marble.
+ Disabled Quarks Limestone.
+ Disabled Phantoms from spawning.
+ Disabled Quarks Pouch.
+ Disabled Java warning pop up message.
+ Enabled Old Combat gamerule.
+ Tweaked the Main Menu scaling to adapt to the users screen.

+ Biomes O' Plenty
+ Drippy Loading Screen
+ YUNG's Better Dungeons (Forge)
+ Infernal Expansion
+ Catalogue
+ Jade
+ Caves & Cliffs Backport
+ Orcinus's Caves
+ OAuth
+ Simple Discord RPC
+ Tree Harvester
+ My Server Is Compatible
+ Corpse
+ Shutup Experimental Settings!
+ Stoneholm, Underground Villages (Forge)
+ Save My Stronghold! (Forge)
+ Flux Network
+ Chocolate Fix
+ Lazy DataFixerUpper(LazyDFU) [FORGE]

+ Astral Sorcery
+ Client Tweaks
+ Hwyla
+ Waila Harvestability
+ ReAuth
+ RandomPatches
+ CraftPresence
+ Subterranean Wilderness
+ FallingTree
+ ModernWorldCreation
+ Old Combat Mod
+ TerraForged
+ Repurposed Structures
+ Corail Tombstone

Report any bugs & issues over at

All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
1.11.0 (Beta 12)

+ Minecraft Forge (36.1.24 → 36.1.65)
+ Abnormals Core (3.1.1 → 3.2.0)
+ Apotheosis (4.6.0 → 4.6.1)
+ Applied Energistics 2 (8.3.0 → 8.4.0)
+ Architectury API (1.12.149 → 1.20.28)
+ Ars Nouveau (1.15.1 → 1.19.7)
+ Astral Sorcery (1.13.9 → 1.13.12)
+ AutoRegLib (1.6-47 → 1.6-49)
+ Baubles (1.8.7 →
+ BetterEnd (1.5.1 → 1.6.0)
+ Bookshelf (10.0.7 → 10.1.11)
+ Botania (415 → 419)
+ Botany Pots (7.0.17 → 7.1.23)
+ Cloth Config API (4.11.19 → 4.11.26)
+ Better Advancements ( →
+ Clumps ( →
+ Controllable (0.13.1 → 0.13.3)
+ Controlling ( →
+ Cooking for Blockheads (9.3.1 → 9.3.3)
+ Corail Tombstone (6.3.5 → 6.4.7)
+ Cosmetic Armor Reworked (v1b → v3a)
+ CraftPresence (1.8.1 → 1.8.2)
+ Cucumber Library (4.1.9 → 4.1.10)
+ Curios API ( →
+ Cyclops Core (1.11.6 → 1.11.7)
+ CodeChicken Lib ( →
+ Create (v0.3.1c → v0.3.2b)
+ Default Options (12.2.0 → 12.2.1)
+ Doggy Talents ( →
+ Engineer's Décor (1.1.13-b2 → 1.1.14)
+ Ender Storage ( →
+ End Remastered (R36 → R402)
+ FallingTree (2.11.3 → 2.11.5)
+ FancyMenu (2.0.7 → 2.2.0)
+ Farmer's Delight (0.4.2 → 0.4.5)
+ Farming for Blockheads (7.3.0 → 7.3.1)
+ Flywheel (0.1.0 → 0.1.1)
+ GeckoLib (3.0.33 → 3.0.41)
+ Immersive Engineering (4.2.4-134 → 5.0.2-137)
+ Immersive Petroleum (3.2.0-3 → 3.3.0-5)Industrial Agriculture
+ Industrial Agriculture (1.7.1 → 1.8.11)
+ Industrial Foregoing (3.2.11-55cb112 →
+ Integrated Dynamics (1.8.0 → 1.9.0)
+ JAOPCA ( →
+ JourneyMap (5.7.1 → 5.7.2beta18)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Just Enough Resources ( →
+ Macaw's Doors (1.0.2 → 1.0.3)
+ Mantle (1.6.97 → 1.6.115)
+ MrCrayfish's Furniture (7.0.0-pre19 → 7.0.0pre22)
+ Mystical Agriculture (4.1.7 → 4.2.0)
+ Mystical Customization (2.1.3 → 2.1.5)
+ Macaw's Bridges (1.0.5 → 1.0.6)
+ ObserverLib (1.5.1 → 1.5.3)
+ Old Combat Mod (1.16.4 → 1.16.5-1.1)
+ Polymorph (0.24 → 0.25)
+ Placebo (4.4.5 → 4.5.0)
+ Patchouli (51 → 53.1)
+ Quark (r2.4-311 → r2.4-314)
+ Repurposed Structures (2.6.6 → 2.7.11)
+ Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
+ TerraForged (0.2.10 → 0.2.12)
+ Tetra (3.11.1 → 3.14.1)
+ Tetranomicon (1.2 → 1.3)
+ The Outer End (0.2.11 → 0.2.13)
+ The Twilight Forest (4.0.467 → 4.0.490)
+ Tinkers Construct ( →
+ Titanium ( →
+ Watercan (2.0.4 → 2.0.5)
+ Waystones (7.4.0 → 7.6.2)
+ YUNG's Better Mineshafts (2.0.3 → 2.0.4)
+ YUNG's Better Strongholds (1.1 → 1.2)
+ YUNG's API (Forge-6 → Forge-11)

+ Fixed server error spam while loading.
+ Fixed datapack error when loading old worlds #5.
+ Fixed dupe bug poss the pack puppy talent.
+ Fixed Inventory Tweaks buttons overlapping Tinkers GUI.
+ Fixed the in-game "Report a Bug" tooltip.
+ Added a Recommended Texture Pack button located in Resource Packs menu.
+ Added a Suggestion button on the in-game pause menu.
+ Added Mods button inside the Options menu.
+ Removed Puddles Created by Subterranean Wilderness.
+ Replaced Guilded Server with our Instagram account.
+ Replaced Faithful 32x texture pack with Compliance 32x.
+ Updated Suggestion Link.

+ MrCrayfish's More Furniture Mod (CurseForge)
+ Morpheus
+ Chisel

+ Valhelsia Structures
+ Quark Oddities

Report any bugs & issues over at

All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
1.10.1 (Beta 11)

+ Minecraft Forge (36.1.23 → 36.1.24)
+ Apotheosis (4.5.2 → 4.6.0)
+ Decorative Blocks modded compat (1.1 → 1.2)
+ FancyMenu (2.0.6-1 → 2.0.7)
+ Twilight Forest (4.0.435 → 4.0.467)
+ Placebo (4.4.2 → 4.4.5)
+ Tetra (3.10.0 → 3.11.1)
+ YUNG's Better Caves (1.1.1 → 1.1.2)
+ Better Advancements ( →

+ Fixed an issue with TerraForged not being the default world.
+ Fixed an issue with Twilight Forest config breaking.
+ Fixed a crash that would happen when clicking singleplayer.

+ ModernWorldCreation


Report any bugs & issues over at

All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
1.10.0 (Beta 11)

+ Minecraft Forge (36.0.58 → 36.1.23)
+ Abnormals Delight (1.0.1 → 1.1.1)
+ Architectury API (1.8.131 → 149)
+ Apotheosis (4.4.1 → 4.5.2)
+ Ars Nouveau (1.11.6 → 1.15.1)
+ Atmospheric (3.0.0 → 3.1.0)
+ Autumnity (2.0.1 → 2.1.1)
+ Applied Energistics 2 (8.3.0 Beta 1 → 8.3.0)
+ Bookshelf (10.0.1 → 10.0.7)
+ Botania (415 → 415)
+ Botany Pots (7.0.9 → 7.0.17)
+ Botany Trees (3.0.2 → 3.0.5)
+ Cloth Config API (4.11 → 4.11.19)
+ CoFH Core (1.1.6 → 1.2.1)
+ Common Capabilities (2.5.7 → 2.7.0)
+ Cucumber Library (4.1.8 → 4.1.9)
+ Cyclops Core (1.11.4 → 1.11.6)
+ Create (v0.3e → v0.3.1c)
+ Clumps ( →
+ CraftPresence (1.7.6 → 1.8.1)
+ Controllable (0.13.0 → 0.13.1)
+ Controlling ( →
+ Curios API ( →
+ Corail Tombstone (6.3.4 → 6.3.5)
+ Doggy Talents ( →
+ Engineer's Decor (1.1.9 → 1.1.13-b2)
+ Engineer's Tools (1.1.4 → 1.1.5)
+ FancyMenu ( 2.0.6 → 2.0.6-1)
+ Farmer's Delight (0.3.2 → 0.4.2)
+ FallingTree (2.10.2 → 2.11.3)
+ GeckoLib (3.0.15 → 3.0.33)
+ Industrial Foregoing ( → 3.2.11)
+ Integrated Dynamics (1.6.0 → 1.8.0)
+ I Like Wood ( →
+ Just Enough Items (JEI) ( →
+ JAOPCA ( →
+ Konkrete (1.1.4 → 1.1.6)
+ Mystical Agriculture (4.1.5 → 4.1.7)
+ Mystical Agradditions (4.1.4 → 4.1.5)
+ Mystical Customization (2.1.2 → 2.1.3)
+ Macaw's Trapdoors (1.0.2 → 1.0.2)
+ MGui (3.1.3 → 3.2.0)
+ Placebo (4.4.2 → 4.4.2)
+ Patchouli (50 → 51)
+ Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops (1.0.1 → 1.0.2)
+ Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Trees (1.0.0 → 1.0.1)
+ Quark (r2.4-308 → r2.4-311)
+ Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
+ Subterranean Wilderness (1.2.0 → 1.2.1)
+ Thermal Expansion (1.1.6 → 1.2.0)
+ Thermal Foundation (1.1.6 → 1.2.0)
+ Thermal Innovation (1.1.7 → 1.2.0)
+ Titanium (3.2.8 →
+ Tetra (3.9.2 → 3.10.0)
+ Tetranomicon (1.0 → 1.2)
+ TerraForged (0.2.9 → 0.2.10)
+ Torch Slabs Mod (1.6.18 → 1.6.19)
** Upload to Solder**
+ Upgrade Aquatic (3.0.1 → 3.1.0)
+ YUNG's API (Forge-4 → Forge-6)
+ YUNG's Better Mineshafts (2.0.2 → 2.0.3)
+ OptiFine (G8 Pre6 → G8 Pre14)
+ Not Enough Crashes (3.1.8 → 3.2.0)
+ Waila Harvestability (1.1.14 → 1.1.15)

+ Added our Official Guilded Server.
+ Fixed in-game Mod Options button.
+ Fixed Forums menu button spelling mistake.
+ Fixed lack of mobs not spawning on the surface in hardmode.
+ Fixed Item drops limit #4
+ Reduced Particles from All to Minimal for Astral Sorcery and Minecraft.
+ Disabled Tower Ruins.
+ Updated Main Menu Panorama.
+ Updated Pack/Main Menu Logo.
+ Updated Discord's Logo.

+ Tinkers Construct
+ The Twilight Forest
+ YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge)
+ Repurposed Structures
+ The Outer End
+ BetterEnd (Forge)

+ MineColonies
+ Better With Minecolonies
+ Village Spawn Point
+ Collective
+ Structurize
+ Adaptive Performance Tweaks
+ Sound Device Options
+ Crash Utilities
+ Aquaculture 2
+ AI Improvements
+ Oh The Biomes You'll Go
+ Save My Stronghold! (Better Strongholds has it built in)

Report any bugs & issues over at


All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
1.9.0 (Beta 10)

+ Minecraft Forge (36.0.22 → 36.0.58)
+ Ars Nouveau (1.11.4 → 1.11.6)
+ Abnormals Core (3.1.0 → 3.1.1)
+ Architectury API (1.5.110 → 1.8.131)
+ Aquaculture 2 (2.1.13 → 2.1.16)
+ Botania (413 → 414)
+ Botany Trees (3.0.1 → 3.0.2)
+ Botany Pots (7.0.2 → 7.0.9)
+ Better Advancements ( →
+ Better Mineshafts (2.0.1 → 2.0.2)
+ Buzzier Bees (3.0.0 → 3.0.1)
+ Collective (2.11 → 2.24)
+ Chisels & Bits (0.3.3 → 0.3.4)
+ Cloth Config API (4.11.14 → 4.11.15)
+ Caelus API ( →
+ Curios API ( →
+ Curious Elytra ( →
+ Compact Machines (4.0.0-alpha.6 → 4.0.0-beta.2)
+ Controllable (0.10.3 → 0.11.0)
+ Controlling ( →
+ Corail Tombstone (6.3.1 → 6.3.3)
+ Common Capabilities (2.5.5 → 2.5.7)
+ Cooking for Blockheads (9.2.2 → 9.3.1)
+ Clumps ( →
+ Cosmetic Armor Reworked (v1a → v1b)
+ Cyclops Core (1.11.1 → 1.11.4)
+ Cucumber Library (4.1.6 → 4.1.8)
+ Doggy Talents ( →
+ Extreme Reactors (2.0.21 → 2.0.23)
+ FallingTree (2.10.0 → 2.10.2)
+ Farming for Blockheads (7.2.1 → 7.3.0)
+ FancyMenu (1.7.1 → 2.0.2)
+ GeckoLib (3.0.13 → 3.0.15)
+ I Like Wood ( →
+ Immersive Engineering (4.2.3-133 → 4.2.4-134)
+ Immersive Petroleum (3.1.0-2 → 3.2.0-3)
+ Industrial Foregoing ( →
+ Integrated Dynamics (1.4.3 → 1.6.0)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Just Enough Resources ( →
+ JAOPCA ( →
+ JEI Integration ( →
+ Macaw's Windows (1.0.2 → 1.0.3)
+ MineColonies (0.13.690 → 0.14.12)
+ Mekanism ( →
+ Mekanism Generators ( →
+ Mekanism Tools ( →
+ Mystical Agriculture (4.1.4 → 4.1.5)
+ Mystical Agradditions (4.1.3 → 4.1.4)
+ Titanium ( → 3.2.8)
+ TerraForged (0.2.5 → 0.2.9)
+ The Abyss: Chapter II (1.2.0 → 1.9.7)
+ Tips (4.0.2 → 4.0.7)
+ Tetra (3.6.1 → 3.8.0)
+ Torch Slabs Mod (1.6.18 → 1.6.18)
+ ZeroCore 2 (2.0.19 → 2.0.21)
+ ShetiPhianCore (3.8.4 → 3.8.5)
+ Simply Jetpacks 2 ( →
+ Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
+ Structurize (0.13.113 → 0.13.148)
+ Savage & Ravage (3.0.0 → 3.1.0)
+ OptiFine (G7 Pre 7 → G8 pre6)
+ Quark (r2.4-304 → r2.4-308)
+ Patchouli (48 → 50)
+ RandomPatches (2.4.0 → 2.4.4)
+ Waila Harvestability (1.1.13 → 1.1.14)
+ Waystones (7.3.1 → 7.4.0)
+ Village Spawn Point (1.4 → 1.5)
+ Neapolitan (2.0.1 → 2.1.0)
+ Not Enough Crashes (3.1.6 → 3.1.8)
+ Konkrete (1.1.3 → 1.1.4)

+ Added our Minecraft Partner affiliate link under a new button called "Rent a Server!".
+ Disabled FTB Chunks Minimap.
+ Disabled Waila fluid overlay
+ Disabled Quarks Slate and Marble
+ Fixed the main menu music cutting out when entering menus such as Singleplayer.
+ Fixed Main Menu music not playing after pack is first loaded.
+ Small Main Menu UI tweaks.
+ Renamed "Texture Packs" to "Resource Packs".
+ Swaped "Back to Game" and "Mod Options" around
+ Tweaked Quarks config.
+ Twaked Appliedenergistics 2 power unit from AE to RF
+ New Loading Screen Image

+ JourneyMap
+ Tetranomicon
+ Engineer's Decor
+ Engineer's Tools
+ Environmental
+ Abnormals Delight
+ Adaptive Performance Tweaks
+ Immersive Petroleum
+ Client Tweaks
+ Macaw's Fences and Walls
+ Farmers Delight
+ Farmer's Delight Compats
+ Watercan

+ FTB Backups
+ FTB Chunks
+ FTB Essentials
+ Desired Servers
+ Performant
+ Game Menu Mod Option
+ Game Menu Remove GFARB

Report any bugs & issues over at


All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

+ Minecraft Forge (36.0.15 → 36.0.22)
+ OptiFine (G7 Pre 7 → G7 Pre 8)


+ FTB Essentials
+ FTB Gui Library
+ FTB Ranks
+ FTB Chunks

+ ChickenChunks
+ Xaeros MiniMap (conflict with FTB Chunks)

Report any bugs & issues over at


All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
1.8.0 (Beta 9)

+ Minecraft Forge (36.0.13 → 36.0.15)
+ CyclopsCore (1.10.1 → 1.11.1)
+ Corail Tombstone (6.3.0 → 6.3.1)
+ FancyMenu (1.7.0 → 1.7.1)
+ Geckolib (3.0.10 → 3.0.13)
+ Integrated Dynamics (1.3.0 → 1.4.3)
+ Konkrete (1.1.2 → 1.1.3)
+ Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
+ The Abyss 2 (1.1.0a → 1.2.0)
+ Not Enough Crashes (3.1.4 → 3.1.6)
+ TerraForged (0.2.1 → 0.2.5)
+ Titanium (3.2.5 →
+ Xaeros MiniMap ( →
+ Architectury API (1.5.105 → 1.5.110)
+ Aquaculture 2 (2.1.12 → 2.1.13)
+ Collective (1.55 → 1.58)
+ Controllable (0.10.2 → 0.10.3)
+ Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core (1.0.1 → 1.0.2)
+ MineColonies (0.13.596 → 0.13.602)
+ RandomPatches (2.3.0 → 2.4.0)
+ Industrial Foregoing ( →
+ OptiFine (G7 Pre 4 → G7 Pre 7)
+ Oh The Biomes You"ll Go (1.1.9 → 1.1.10)
+ Quark (r2.4-303 → r2.4-304)

+ Main Menu Tweaks
+ Fixed the loading screen images in the following areas
- World Final Creation Screen
- Download TerrainScreen

+ Desired Servers


Report any bugs & issues over at


All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
1.7.0 (Beta 8)

+ Minecraft Forge (36.0.9 → 36.0.13)
+ Ars Nouveau (1.11.2 → 1.11.4)
+ Architectury API (1.5.104 → 1.5.105)
+ BloodMagic (3.0.6-11 → 3.1.0-15)
+ Cucumber Library( 4.1.5 → 4.1.6)
+ Curios API (Forge) ( →
+ Controllable (0.10.1 → 0.10.2)
+ GeckoLib (3.0.6 → 3.0.10)
+ Industrial Foregoing (3.2.9-221 →
+ Immersive Engineering (4.2.0-130 → 4.2.1-131)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ JAOPCA ( →
+ Tips (3.0.1 → 4.0.2)
+ Tetra (3.5.3 → 3.6.0)
+ OldJavaWarning (6.0.1 → 7.0.1)
+ Quark (r2.4-299 → r2.4-303)
+ TerraForged (0.2.0 → 0.2.1)
+ YungsAPI (Forge 3 → Forge 4)
+ Titanium (3.2.5 →
+ Polymorph (0.23 → 0.24)
+ RandomPatches (2.2.1 → 2.3.0)
+ Xaero's Minimap (21.1.1 →

+ Pre mapped XBOX, PS4 and Switch controllers.
+ Disabled Bumblezone overworld generation.
+ Fixed Main Menu music
+ Lowered the spawn rate of copper
+ Lowered the default render distance from 15 to 10
+ Re enabled Fog
+ Updated Testing Server IP

+ The Abyss: Chapter II
+ Oh The Biomes You'll Go
+ Performant
+ Sound Device Options
+ Not Enough Crashes
+ Cosmetic Armor Reworked
+ Chisels & Bits
+ Corail Tombstone
+ Botany Pots
+ Botany Trees
+ MineColonies
+ Better with Minecolonies
+ Save My Strongehold
+ Village Spawn Point

+ Better Third Person
+ The Bumblezone
+ Biomes O Plenty
+ I Like Wood - Biomes O Plenty
+ Modern UI
+ Gravestone Mod

Report any bugs & issues over at

All The Forge 6 - ATF6 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

1.6.0 (Beta 7)

+ Minecraft Forge (36.0.1 → 36.0.9)
+ TerraForged (0.2.0-RC-3 → 0.2.0)
+ Ars Nouveau (1.11.1 → 1.11.2)
+ Architectury API (1.3.88 → 1.5.104)
+ Geckolib (3.0.2 → 3.0.6)
+ CraftPresence (1.7.6 → 1.16.5-1.7.6)
+ Baubles (1.8.5 → 1.8.7)
+ Immersive Engineering (4.1.2-129 → 4.2.0-130)
+ Storage Drawers (8.2.1 → 8.2.2)
+ Macaw's Roofs (2.0.0 → 2.0.1)
+ Macaw's Furniture (2.0.0 → 2.0.1)
+ Macaw's Bridges (1.0.4 → 1.0.5)
+ Macaw's Doors (1.0.1 → 1.0.2)
+ Macaw's Trapdoors (1.0.0 → 1.0.1)
+ Mekanism ( →
+ Mekanism Generators ( →
+ Mekanism Tools ( →
+ Xaero's Minimap (21.1.0 → 21.1.1)
+ OptiFine (G7 Pre 1 → G7 Pre 4)
+ Quark (r2.4-297 → r2.4-299)
+ RandomPatches (2.1.5 → 2.2.1)

+ The recommended Java to run ATF6 is now (1.8.0_281-b09)
+ Added "Report a Bug" button located in the in-game pause menu
+ Small Main Menu Tweaks
+ Renamed "Disconnect" to "Save & Quit"
+ Disabled Xaero Update Checker
+ Disabled Quark's animal textures
+ Moved Minimap back to top right of screen

+ Torch Slabs Mod
+ Subterranean Wildnerness
+ XL Packets
+ Controllable
+ ModernUI
+ Controlling
+ GraveStone Mod
+ I Like Wood
+ I Like Wood Biomes O Plenty

+ Ding
+ It's The Little Things
+ Shutup experimental settings

Report any bugs & issues over at