All The Forge 9
See what's included by visiting this link:
Welcome to All The Forge 9, a Minecraft modpack that offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for all players. The modpack features popular mods such as Mekanism, Applied Energistics 2, and much more. All The Forge 9 started out as a "Just For Fun" pack, but since it was made public, it has grown into a beloved series that people have come to love.
If you are looking for a mix of different style mods, then All The Forge 9 is the right place for you. Our pack aims to deliver a balanced mix of tech-based mods and an overhaul of the vanilla default world generation using a mod called William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld. This mod adds even more biomes to explore, making the world generation even more beautiful and diverse.
In addition to the enhanced world generation, we have added awesome mods by YUNGNICKYOUNG, the creator of Better Dungeons and other structure mods that enhance the vanilla experience. These mods add automation and tech, as well as more exploration with the Twilight Forest.
To fully enjoy All The Forge 9, we recommend running the modpack with at least 6GB of RAM. Anything below this has not been fully tested, and therefore, it's not recommended. With lots of mods to explore and play with, you'll need enough memory to fully experience everything the modpack has to offer.
If you're ready for a unique Minecraft adventure, join our community today and explore the possibilities that All The Forge 9 has to offer. With our active and friendly community, you'll have plenty of support as you explore new mods, build epic bases, and discover new worlds.
Included Mods
☑ Biomes O' Plenty
☑ William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld
☑ Blue Skies
☑ Applied Energistics 2
☑ Mekanism
☑ Industrial Foregoing
☑ Create
☑ The Twilight Forest
☑ Mob Grinding Utils
☑ YUNG's Better Dungeons
☑ YUNG's Better Strongholds
☑ YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments
☑ Controller Support
☑ Lots of Building Blocks.
☑ Lots of Food.
☑ Datapack stuctures.
☑ No Chat Reporting (Restores the chat back to Pre 1.19.1)
☑ QOL Features like Backpacks, Waystones & Optimizations.
☑ 90+ Mods
And so much more.
FORGE: In regards to Forge, the most recent version for 1.19.2 should be functional. However, if it causes an older mod in the modpack to malfunction, the version that is currently included with the modpack is forge-43.3.8.jar.
OPTIFINE: This should be compatible with All The Forge 9 as long as remove the required mods from this [list]( after that make sure the version you're using is compatible with Forge 43.2.14. You can download the required version from this link: After downloading, remember to extract the mod jar by clicking the jar file to avoid any crashes in the pack.
If you need further support please ask in our Discord ( and we will be happy to help.
I'd personally recommend some shaders if your system can handle them to bring out the best with this modpack and Minecraft.
There have been 3,535 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 29.46 years of this pack.
Absent By Design Mod (1.19-1.7.0)
Adds slabs, stairs, walls fences, trapdoors based on existing blocks. Texture p...
By: Lothrazar
Applied Cooking (2.0.3)
A mod to bridge Cooking For Blockheads with Applied Energistics 2
By: ItsSebastrn
Applied Energistics 2 (12.9.9)
A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
By: thetechnici4n, TeamAppliedEnergistics, shartte
Applied Mekanistics (1.3.5)
Use Mekanism resources through your ME network
By: ramidzkh, shartte, thetechnici4n
A intermediary api aimed to ease developing multiplatform mods.
By: shedaniel, Juicebus, MaxNeedsSnacks
Armor Statues [Forge & Fabric] (4.0.8)
Unlock the full potential of armor stands! Works on vanilla servers, too.
By: Fuzs
Auudio (1.0.0)
Library to play background sounds in menus and worlds. COPYRIGHT: > Auudio © C...
By: Keksuccino
Bad Wither No Cookie Reloaded (3.14.1)
Silence server level sounds making them local in the process. Other sounds can...
By: Kreezxil
Balm (Forge Edition) (4.6.0)
Abstraction Layer (but not really)™ for Blay's multiplatform mods
By: BlayTheNinth
Introducing the BisectHosting Server Integration Mod, exclusively designed for o...
By: BisectHosting, Quarris
Blue Skies (1.3.20)
Blue Skies adds two dimensions called the Everbright and the Everdawn. It includ...
By: ModdingLegacy, KingPhygieBoo, silver_david, Lachney
Caelus API (task ':jar' property 'archiveVersion')
A coremod and API to provide developers access to elytra flight mechanics throug...
By: TheIllusiveC4
CC: Tweaked (1.101.4)
CC: Tweaked is a fork of ComputerCraft, adding programmable computers, turtles a...
By: SquidDev
ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village (3.2.6c)
Enhances and creates new villages and pillager outposts, that perfectly fit into...
By: ChoiceTheorem
Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) (8.3.115)
An API for config screens.
By: shedaniel, LinkieIsBetterThanK9
Collective (7.31)
Collective is a shared library with common code for all of Serilum's mods.
By: Serilum
Connectedness (2.0.1a)
Connectedness is a fork of Contuinity built around modern APIs to allow for the...
By: Asek3
Controlling (10.0+7)
Adds the ability to search for keybinds using their name in the KeyBinding menu,...
By: Jaredlll08
Cooking for Blockheads (13.3.4)
Adds a cooking book and multiblock kitchens that only shows recipes you can make...
By: BlayTheNinth
Corail Tombstone (8.2.14)
Corail Tombstone keeps you from losing your belongings on death, with many featu...
By: Corail_31
CosmeticArmorReworked (1.19.2-v1a)
This mod allows you to wear two sets of armor, one for display, one for function...
By: LainMI
Create Crafts & Additions (1.19.2-1.2.3)
Create Crafts & Additions extends Create and acts as a bridge between electric a...
By: MRHminer
Curios API (Forge/NeoForge) (1.19.2-
A flexible and expandable accessory/equipment API for users and developers.
By: TheIllusiveC4
DeepslateCutting (1.5.0)
This mod allows you to use regular Deepslate in a stonecutter!
By: NoComment1105
Default Options (15.0.2)
A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to inclu...
By: BlayTheNinth
Easy Anvils [Forge & Fabric] (4.0.11)
Be ready for overhauled anvils! Items stay, better name tags, many tweaks!
By: Fuzs
Easy Magic [Forge & Fabric] (4.3.3)
Enchanting tables as they always should have been! Items stay after closing, and...
By: Fuzs
Elytra Slot (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (6.1.1+1.19.2)
Adds an accessory slot for the elytra so you can fly and wear chest armor at the...
By: TheIllusiveC4
Embeddium (0.3.3+mc1.19.2)
Embeddium is a fork of Rubidium, a fork of Sodium modified to run on Forge
By: embeddedt
Embeddium++ (1.2.4)
The most reliable extension for Embeddium, providing performance features and qu...
By: SrRapero720
End Remastered (5.2.1-R-1.19.2)
End Remastered makes your Minecraft experience more challenging by emphasizing t...
By: jack_bagel, gilvoisard
Entity Culling Fabric/Forge (1.6.1)
Using async raytracing to hide Tile-/Entities that are hidden behind solid block...
By: tr7zw
Extreme Reactors (1.19.2-2.0.71)
Adds large, multiblock power generation machines to Minecraft. This is a continu...
By: ZeroNoRyouki
Farming for Blockheads (11.3.5)
Adds a seed market with a search bar and a scrolling grid and more farming utili...
By: BlayTheNinth
Fusion (Connected Textures) (1.1.0c)
Fusion allows resource packs to use additional texture and model types such as c...
By: SuperMartijn642
Guard Villagers (1.19.2-1.5.9)
Need some help with pest control? The Guards are ready to help!
By: almightytallestred
Iceberg [Forge] (1.1.4)
A library containing events, helpers, and utilities to make modding easier.
By: Grend_G
Immersive Engineering (1.19.2-9.2.3-167)
A tech based mod focused on realism.
By: BluSunrize, Sky_Som, malte0811
Iron Chests (14.2.7)
New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items. The feature chest is...
By: ProgWML6, Alexbegt
JourneyMap (5.9.7)
JourneyMap: Real-time map in-game or in a web browser as you explore. JourneyMap...
By: techbrew, Mysticdrew, meme_sapiens
Just Enough Items (JEI) (
JEI is an item and recipe viewing mod for Minecraft, built from the ground up fo...
By: mezz
Konkrete (1.8.0)
COPYRIGHT: Konkrete Copyright © 2020-2024 Keksuccino. Konkrete is licensed under...
Leaves Be Gone (4.0.1)
Quick leaf decay from cutting down trees. Built for great performance and mod co...
Legendary Tooltips [Forge] (1.4.0)
Gives rare items a fancy tooltip and adds additional tooltip configuration optio...
By: Grend_G
Let Me Despawn (1.18-forge-1.0.3)
Seeks to improve performance by changing mob despawn rules.
By: frikinjay
To provide users with NEI-like light overlay.
By: shedaniel
Logprot (1.19.2-1.9)
Login protection mod which protects the player form damage during login.
By: someaddon
Lootr (Forge & NeoForge) (
Makes loot chest loot per-user.
By: Noobanidus, ZestyBlaze, embeddedt
Mekanism (10.3.9)
Mekanism is a Minecraft add-on featuring high-tech machinery that can be used to...
By: bradyaidanc, thommy101, pupnewfster, Thiakil
Mekanism Additions (10.3.9)
Additions module for Mekanism, contains things that don't quite fit in the other...
By: bradyaidanc, Thiakil, pupnewfster, thommy101
Mekanism Generators (10.3.9)
Generators module for Mekanism
By: bradyaidanc, thommy101, pupnewfster, Thiakil
Melody (1.0.1)
OpenAL-based library mod for playing background music. COPYRIGHT: > Melody © C...
By: Keksuccino
Modern World Creation [Forge] (1.0.0)
Create your worlds more modern than ever! Disclaimer: Does not actually make yo...
By: Keksuccino
Moonlight Lib (1.19.2-2.3.6)
A small library with many cool unique features, from dynamic asset generatio...
By: MehVahdJukaar
More Frogs (1.19-1.1.1)
Lorem Ipsum Beep Boop More Frogs adds more frog variants to Minecraft. All of th...
By: frikinjay
Mouse Tweaks (2.23)
A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...
By: YaLTeR
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (7.0.0-pre35)
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod is all about adding functioning furniture and decorat...
By: MrCrayfish
MyServerIsCompatible (1.0)
Client-side mod to disable Forge's "Incompatible FML Modded Server" message.
By: Focamacho
NetherPortalFix (10.0.1)
Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Porta...
By: BlayTheNinth
OAuth (1.1.15)
Adds the ability to relogin without closing your game. It includes legacy userna...
By: Sintinium
Old Combat Mod (1.1)
This mod allows you the old combat system, with the old attack animation.
By: The_Hangel
OpenBlocks Elevator (1.19.2-1.8.10)
Simple port of the elevator from OpenBlocks to 1.8+
By: vsngarcia
Patchouli (1.19.2-77)
Accessible, Data-Driven, Dependency-Free Documentation for Minecraft Modders and...
By: Vazkii
Polymorph (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (0.46.5+1.19.2)
No more recipe conflicts! Adds an option to choose the crafting result if more t...
By: TheIllusiveC4
Prism (1.0.2)
A library all about color! Provides lots of color-related functionality for depe...
By: Grend_G
Rechiseled (1.1.5c)
Rechiseled allows you to exchange between various decorative blocks!
By: SuperMartijn642
RFTools Base (1.19-4.1.7)
The base class for all RFTools tech mods (and XNet/Deep Resonance)
By: McJty
Rhino (1902.2.3-build.284)
A fork of Mozilla's Rhino library, modified for use in mods
By: LatvianModder
Saturn (0.1.3)
A performance optimization mod designed to optimize Minecraft's memory usage.
By: AbdElAziz333
Security Craft (
Adds a load of things to keep your house safe with and defend yourself from atta...
By: Geforce132, bl4ckscor3, MasterPerki
A simple discord RPC plugin for modpacks
By: hypherionsa, ExplodingCreeperGroup
Simple Inventory Sorter (21.0.4)
Simple inventory sorting. Middle click to sort your inventory. Scroll wheel on...
By: cpw
Structure Gel API (2.7.3)
An API mod to improve the developer side of structure gen
By: ModdingLegacy, silver_david
SuperMartijn642's Config Lib (1.1.8)
Config Lib makes dealing with config files just a bit easier.
By: SuperMartijn642
SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (1.1.17)
SuperMartijn642's Core Lib adds lots of basic implementations for guis that allo...
By: SuperMartijn642
TerraBlender (Forge) (
A library mod for adding biomes in a simple and compatible manner with Minecraft...
By: TheAdubbz
TexTrue's Embeddium Options (0.1.1+mc1.19.2)
Port of Reese's Sodium Options to work with Embeddium on MinecraftForge/NeoForge...
By: TexTrue
The Aether (1.19.2-1.2.0-forge)
The Aether Team presents the original Aether mod! Up to date for modern Mine...
By: TheAetherTeam, OscarPayn
The Twilight Forest (4.2.1518)
An enchanted forest dimension.
By: Benimatic, Tamaized, jodlodi, Drullkus, Squiggly_Androsa, GizmoTheMoonPig
Trash Cans (1.0.18)
Trash Cans adds Trash Cans which can be used to void items, liquids and energy!
By: SuperMartijn642
TrashSlot (12.1.0)
Adds a trash slot to the inventory screen that allows deletion of unwanted items...
By: BlayTheNinth
Way Much Faster Oxidize (1.1.0)
Just place copper next to water, or pour water on copper whatever.
By: dragons_plus, marblegatekeeper
Waystones (11.4.2)
Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers.
By: BlayTheNinth
In this mod I seek to re-create the vanilla biomes in a way that makes a more re...
By: Cristelknight, Apollo, williamwythers
Yeetus Experimentus (1.0.1-build.2+mc1.19.1)
Disable's the Experimental Settings popup, which appears when you create or load...
By: Sunekaer
YUNG's Better Dungeons (1.19.2-Forge-3.2.2)
A complete redesign of Minecraft's dungeons
YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses (Forge) (1.19.2-Forge-1.0.6)
A complete redesign of Minecraft's Nether Fortresses!
YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments (Forge) (1.19.2-Forge-2.1.1)
A complete redesign of Minecraft's ocean monuments
By: YUNGNICKYOUNG, TeraBuildsStuff
YUNG's Better Strongholds (1.19.2-Forge-3.2.0)
A complete redesign of Minecraft's strongholds
Be sure to review these changes carefully before updating your world(s).
Remember to back up your data before proceeding.
Version: 9.14
This will be the final update as this pack has now reached its End of Support
We recommend you update to latest All The Forge pack.
- Almost Unified (0.7.0 → 0.8.0)
- Applied Energistics 2 (12.9.8 → 19.9.9)
- Architectury API (6.5.85 → 6.5.90)
- CC: Tweaked (1.101.3 → 1.101.4)
- Cloth Config API (8.3.103 → 8.3.115)
- Collective (7.3 → 7.31)
- Cooking for Blockheads (13.3.3 → 13.3.4)
- Corail Tombstone (8.2.12 → 8.2.14)
- Create Crafts & Additions (1.1.1 → 1.2.3)
- Curios API ( →
- CTOV - Farmer Delight Compatibility pack (1.1 → 2.1.a)
- Drippy Loading Screen (2.2.2 → 3.0.1)
- Easy Villagers 1.0.14 → 1.0.17)
- Embeddium (0.2.7 → 0.3.3)
- Embeddium++ (1.0.0 → 1.2.4)
- FancyMenu (2.14.9 → 3.1.0)
- Farmer's Delight (1.2.3 → 1.2.4)
- Fusion (1.0.6 → 1.1.0c)
- Guard Villagers (1.5.8 → 1.5.9)
- Industrial Foregoing ( →
- Iron Jetpacks (6.0.6 → 6.0.7)
- Just Enough Items ( →
- Just Enough Resources ( →
- Konkrete (1.6.1 → 1.8.0)
- Minecraft Forge (43.3.5 → 43.3.8)
- Moonlight Lib (2.3.5 → 2.3.6)
- OpenBlocks Elevator (1.8.9 → 1.8.10)
- Pipez (1.1.5 → 1.2.5)
- Placebo (7.3.3 → 7.3.5)
- Rechiseled (1.1.5b → 1.1.5c)
- RFTools Builder 5.2.8 → 5.2.9)
- Rhino (280 → 284)
- Saturn (0.0.7 → 0.1.3)
- Smooth Boot Reloaded (0.0.2 → 0.0.4)
- Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
- Sophisticated Core ( →
- SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (1.1.15 → 1.1.17)
- Waystones (11.4.1 → 11.4.2)
- YUNG's API (3.8.9 → 3.8.10)
- Added a convenient "Continue" button on the main menu for quick access to the last saved game or server.
- Fixed Energy cells keeping chunks loaded forever.
- Fixed weak tables becoming malformed when keys are GCed.
- Fixed server crash when Controllable is installed.
- Fixed tps bug.
- Fixed chiseling recipes not getting loaded.
- Fixed waystone settings screen not closing when enter is pressed.
- Changed spice rack recipe to take two slabs to reduce chance of recipe conflicts.
- Updated Discord invite URL and GitHub links.
- Updated some UI elements to match ATFG10.
- The Aether
- Lootr
- FramedBlocks
- TexTrue's Embeddium Options
- Connectedness
- Reforgium
- Melody
- ObsidianUI
- RyoamicLights
- Borderless Window
Be sure to review these changes carefully before updating your world(s).
Remember to back up your data before proceeding.
Version: 13
- Almost Unified (0.6.0 → 0.7.0)
- Applied Energistics 2 (12.9.7 → 12.9.8)
- Applied Mekanistics (1.3.4 → 1.3.5)
- Balm (4.5.7 → 4.6.0)
- BisectHosting Server Integration Mod (2.4.0 → 2.4.1)
- ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village (3.2.5 → 3.2.6c)
- Collective (6.65 → 7.3)
- Cooking for Blockheads (13.3.2 → 13.3.3)
- Corail Tombstone (8.2.11 → 8.2.12)
- Create (0.5.1.c → 0.5.1.f)
- Create Crafts & Additions (1.0.0 → 1.1.1)
- Cucumber Library (6.0.7 → 6.0.10)
- Curios API ( →
- Easy Villagers (1.0.11 → 1.0.14)
- Farming for Blockheads (11.3.1 → 11.3.5)
- Fusion (1.0.5 → 1.0.6)
- Guard Villagers (1.5.7 → 1.5.8)
- Immersive Engineering (9.2.2-165 → 9.2.3-167)
- Iron Jetpacks (6.0.4 → 6.0.6)
- Jade (8.8.1 → 8.9.1)
- Moonlight Lib (2.2.44 → 2.3.5)
- Minecraft Forge (43.2.21 → 43.3.5)
- Nether's Delight (3.0 → 3.1)
- Oculus (1.6.4 → 1.6.9)
- Placebo (7.3.2 → 7.3.3)
- Polymorph (0.46.4 → 0.46.5)
- Rechiseled (1.1.1 → 1.1.5b)
- Rhino (1902.2.2 → 1902.2.2-build 280)
- Saturn (0.0.4 → 0.0.7)
- Simple Discord RPC (3.2.3 → 3.2.4)
- Sophisticated backpacks ( →
- Sophisticated Core ( →
- Structure Gel API (2.7.2 → 2.7.3)
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib (1.1.6b → 1.1.8)
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib (1.1.10 → 1.1.15)
- Titanium (3.7.3-27 → 3.7.4-28)
- TrashSlot (12.0.2 → 12.1.0)
- YUNG'S Better Ocean Monuments (2.1.0 → 2.1.1)
- Fix potential UnsupportedOperationException during datapack load.
- Fixed pipe-based cobblestone generation not working correctly.
- Fixed Analog Levers not rendering their redstone indicator.
- Fixed Turntable handler causing a crash during world shutdown.
- Fixed a bunch of network decoding errors.
- Fixed guards attacking mobs on the same team.
- Fixed concurrency issue when rendering connecting models.
- Fixed a rare mixin startup crash.
- Fixed a few known duplication bugs.
- Wearing chainmail armor now protects you from Tesla Coil damage.
- Removed Suggestions button as pack will be reaching its end of support in 2024.
- General performance improvements.
- Embeddium
- Embeddium++
- ObsidianUI
- RyoamicLights
- Rubidium
- Not Enough Recipe Book
For bug reports and issues, please visit our GitHub Tracker
Be sure to review these changes carefully before updating your world(s). Remember to back up your data before proceeding.
Version: V12
+ Applied Energistics 2 (12.9.5 → 12.9.7)
+ Almost Unified (0.5.0 → 0.6.0)
+ Armor Statues (v4.0.4 → v4.0.8)
+ Create Crafts & Additions (20230623a → 1.0.0)
+ Corail Tombstone (8.2.10 → 8.2.11)
+ Default Options (15.0.1 → 15.0.2)
+ Extreme Reactors (2.0.64 → 2.0.71)
+ FancyMenu (2.14.7 → 2.14.9)
+ Farmer's Delight (1.2.2 → 1.2.3)
+ Fusion (1.0.3 → 1.0.5)
+ Guard Villagers (1.5.6 → 1.5.7)
+ JourneyMap Integration (0.13-40 → 0.13-44)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Minecraft Forge (43.2.18 → 43.2.21)
+ Macaw's Bridges (2.1.0 → 2.1.1)
+ Mekanism ( →
+ Mekanism Additions ( →
+ Mekanism Generators ( →
+ Mekanism Tools ( →
+ Moonlight Lib (2.2.43 → 2.2.44)
+ Pipez (1.1.3 → 1.1.5)
+ Placebo (7.3.0 → 7.3.2)
+ Simple Discord RPC (3.2.2 → 3.2.3)
+ YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses (1.0.5 → 1.0.6)
+ ZeroCore 2 (2.1.35 → 2.1.39)
+ Fixed Tesla Coil crash.
+ Fixed Barbed Wires crash.
+ Fixed Roling Mill JEI crash.
+ Fixed a few crashes for the following create items
- Coil
- Barbed Wires
+ Fixced a crash JEI crash with Roling Mill.
+ Fixed keybinds for modded keys resetting on every launch of the pack.
+ Fix potential performance issues involving the stack size override for BowlFoodItems.
+ Fixed Macaw's Bridges pliers not showing up in Creative Tab.
+ Fixed Apple M1 compatibility.
+ Fixed extracting pipes not working in some cases.
+ Rebalanced eng-game Turbine coils.
+ Graves will no longer spawn underwater, instead it will spawn above making it easier to retivee your items.
+ Increased the default view distance from 12 to 15.
+ Updated the Twitter icon to the new X logo.
+ Updated server files required java version from 17.0.2 to 17.0.8_7 .
+ Small changes to DiscordRPC.
+ Diagonal Fences
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
Be sure to review these changes carefully before updating your world(s).
Remember to back up your data before proceeding.
Version: 11
+ BisectHosting Server Integration Mod (2.3.1 → 2.4.0)
+ Collective (6.59 → 6.65)
+ Cucumber Library (6.0.6 → 6.0.7)
+ ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village (3.2.3 → 3.2.5)
+ Create (0.5.1.b → 0.5.1.c)
+ Create Crafts & Additions (20230527a → 20230623a)
+ CC: Tweaked (1.101.2 → 1.101.3)
+ Corail Tombstone (8.2.9 → 8.2.10)
+ Cloth Config API (8.2.88 → 8.3.103)
+ Extreme Reactors (2.0.60 → 2.0.64)
+ Easy Villagers (1.0.8 → 1.0.11)
+ Farmer's Delight (1.2.1 → 1.2.2)
+ Farming for Blockheads (11.3.0 → 11.3.1)
+ Iron Jetpacks (6.0.3 → 6.0.4)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ JourneyMap Integration (0.13-33 → 0.13-40)
+ Macaw's Bridges (2.0.7 → 2.1.0)
+ More Axolotl Variants API (1.1.0 → 1.1.1)
+ More Axolotl Variants Mod (1.2.0 → 1.2.4)
+ Moonlight Lib (2.2.38 → 2.2.43)
+ Minecraft Forge (43.2.14 → 43.2.18)
+ Pipez (1.1.0 → 1.1.3)
+ Re-chiseled (1.0.13 → 1.1.1)
+ PuzzlesLib (4.4.0 → 4.4.3)
+ Polymorph (0.46.1 → 0.46.4)
+ Placebo (7.2.0 → 7.3.0)
+ Sophisticated Backpack ( →
+ Sophisticated Core ( →
+ SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (1.1.9a → 1.1.10)
+ Trash Cans (1.0.17a → 1.0.18)
+ Waystones (11.4.0 → 11.4.1)
+ ZeroCore 2 (2.1.30 → 2.1.35)
+ Fixed some extreme reactors recipes not showing up in JEI.
+ Fixed all bridge recipes unlocking instantly.
+ Fixed massive performance issues with Waystones mod in world generation.
+ Fixed recursion crash when opening loot chests.
+ Small grammer change to our pre-install resource pack description.
+ Removed the vanilla recipe book, use JEI for recipe's.
+ Trample No More
+ Yeetus Experimentus
+ Fusion
+ Not Enough Recipe Book
+ Shutup Experimental Settings!
For bug reports and issues, please visit our GitHub Tracker
Be sure to review these changes carefully before updating your world(s).
Remember to back up your data before proceeding.
Version: 10
+ Almost Unified (0.4.4 → 0.5.0)
+ Applied Energistics 2 (12.9.4 → 12.9.5)
+ Architectury API (6.5.82 → 6.5.85)
+ Bookshelf (16.2.18 → 16.3.20)
+ ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village (3.2.1 → 3.2.3)
+ Collective (6.53 → 6.59)
+ Create (0.5.0.i → 0.5.1.b)
+ Diagonal Fences (v4.2.4 → v4.2.5)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (2.2.1 → 2.2.2)
+ Guard Villagers (1.5.5 → 1.5.6)
+ Minecraft Forge (43.2.11 → 43.2.14)
+ Mob Grinding Utils (0.4.49 → 0.4.50)
+ Moonlight Lib (2.2.33 → 2.2.38)
+ More Axolotl Variants API (1.0.1 → 1.1.0)
+ Placebo (7.1.8 → 7.2.0)
+ Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
+ Sophisticated Core ( →
+ Structure Gel API (2.7.1 → 2.7.2)
+ SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (1.1.6 → 1.1.9a)
+ TerraBlender ( →
+ Titanium (3.7.2-26 → 3.7.3-27)
+ Upgraded Netherite ( →
+ Fixed too many items in the system, prevents items from showing up (AE2).
+ Fixed crash when placing a clipboard into replaceable blocks mid-air.
+ Fixed crash when cycling bogey types on a server.
+ Fixed bug with villager food ai.
+ Fixed bug with villager head animations.
+ Fixed a few pre-installed datapacks displaying as incompatible.
+ Updated a few pre-installed datapack descriptions.
+ Updated our pre-installed resouce pack description to make it clear what it dose.
+ Updated "Suggestion" button URL.
+ Nature's Compass
+ Create Crafts & Additions
+ Rubidium
+ Oculus
+ CC:C Bridge
For bug reports and issues, please visit our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
+ Architectury API (6.5.69 → 6.5.82)
+ Almost Unified (0.3.7 → 0.4.4)
+ Applied Energistics 2 (12.9.2 → 12.9.4)
+ BisectHosting Server Integration Menu (2.1 → 2.3.1)
+ ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village (3.1.8 → 3.2.1)
+ Configured (2.0.1 → 2.1.1)
+ Cooking for Blockheads (13.3.1 → 13.3.2)
+ Corail Tombstone (8.2.7 → 8.2.9)
+ Curios API ( →
+ Controllable (0.16.5 → 0.18.0)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (2.1.2 → 2.2.1)
+ Diagonal Fences (v4.2.3 → v4.2.4)
+ Easy Anvils (4.0.10 → 4.0.11)
+ Easy Villagers (1.0.0 → 1.0.8)
+ Elytra Slot (6.1.0 → 6.1.1)
+ FancyMenu (2.14.2 → 2.14.7)
+ Farmer's Delight (1.2.0 → 1.2.1)
+ Farming for Blockheads (11.2.0 → 11.3.0)
+ Immersive Engineering (9.2.0-162 → 9.2.2-165)
+ Industrial Foregoing ( →
+ JourneyMap (5.9.5 → 5.9.7)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Konkrete (1.6.0 → 1.6.1)
+ Minecraft Forge (43.2.8 → 43.2.11)
+ McJtyLib (7.2.2 → 7.2.5)
+ Mob Grinding Utils (0.4.47 → 0.4.49)
+ Moonlight Lib (2.2.25 → 2.2.33)
+ OAuth (1.1.14 → 1.1.15)
+ Pipez (1.0.1 → 1.1.0)
+ Placebo (7.1.7 → 7.1.8)
+ Puzzles Lib (v4.3.12 → v4.4.0)
+ Re-chiseled (1.0.12a → 1.0.13)
+ RFTools Builder (5.2.5 → 5.2.8)
+ Rhino (1902.2.2-build.264 → 1902.2.2-build.268)
+ Saturn (0.0.1 → 0.0.4)
+ Security Craft (v1.9.4 → v1.9.6.1)
+ Waystones (11.3.1 → 11.4.0)
+ Fixed an issue with public servers not always being displayed.
+ Fixed kitchen floors not specifying correct cullfaces.
+ Fixed default curio slot texture not showing properly.
+ Fixed the anvil menu no longer looses items after it has remained open when the anvil has just been damaged.
+ Fixed an issue with auto trader trades from becoming more expensive.
+ Fixed blocks cannot be placed on the side of any of SecurityCraft's doors.
+ Fixed wrong criterion on recipes for smelting Golden Knive.
+ Fixed wrong composting rates for a few items.
+ Fixed mixer not rendering its contained fluid.
+ Fixed issues with Mekanism multiblocks.
+ Fixed leashed entities no longer being teleported with the player.
+ Fixed a few known issues related to high memory usage.
+ Storage Drawers
+ Leaves Be Gone
+ Way Much Faster Oxidize
+ CC Tweaked
+ CC:C Bridge
+ Pluto
+ Harvest with ease
+ FallingTree
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
+ Almost Unified (0.3.6 → 0.3.7)
+ BisectHosting Server Integration Menu (1.3 → 2.1)
+ Corail Tombstone (8.2.6 → 8.2.7)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (2.1.1 → 2.1.2)
+ FancyMenu (2.13.3 → 2.14.2)
+ Harvest with ease ( →
+ Pluto (0.0.8 → 0.0.9)
+ RFTools Base (4.1.5 → 4.1.7)
+ RFTools Builder (5.2.3 → 5.2.5)
+ Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
+ Sophisticated Core ( →
+ JourneyMap (5.9.4 → 5.9.5)
+ McJtyLib (7.1.5 → 7.2.2)
+ Fixed a crash when right clicking tall crops.
+ Fixed an issue with the shape card not accepting heights more than 256.
+ Fixed a deduplicated bug with sophisticated backpacks.
+ Fixed crafting tweaks balance grid integration to properly consider nbt.
+ Fixed: Attempt at fixing the "Bad Access To Protected Data" bug/crash
+ Fixed: Cave and Surface Render distance sliders.
+ Added the ability to view other public servers that use this pack and are hosted on BisectHosting.
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
+ Extreme Reactors (2.0.62 → 2.0.60)
+ FancyMenu (2.13.2-2 → 2.13.3)
+ SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (1.1.5 → 1.1.6)
+ ZeroCore 2 (2.1.32 → 2.1.30)
+ Fixed an issue that prevented our official server for loading plugins.
+ Fixed Discord RPC "Download" button URL.
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
+ Almost Unified (0.3.5 → 0.3.6)
+ Balm (4.5.3 → 4.5.7)
+ Bookshelf (16.2.17 → 16.2.18)
+ ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village (3.1.5 → 3.1.8)
+ Collective (6.48 → 6.53)
+ Cooking for Blockheads (13.3.0 → 13.3.1)
+ Curios API ( →
+ Corail Tombstone (8.2.5 → 8.2.6)
+ Default Options (15.0.0 → 15.0.1)
+ Easy Anvils (v4.0.6 → v4.0.10)
+ Easy Magic (v4.3.2 → v4.3.3)
+ Extreme Reactors (2.0.60 → 2.0.62)
+ FancyMenu (2.13.3 → 2.13.3-2)
+ Farming for Blockheads (11.1.0 → 11.2.0)
+ Guard Villagers (1.5.2 → 1.5.5)
+ Harvest with ease ( →
+ Immersive Engineering (9.1.2-159 → 9.2.0-162)
+ Jade (8.8.0 → 8.8.1)
+ JourneyMap (5.9.3 → 5.9.4)
+ JourneyMap Integration (0.13-30 → 0.13-33)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Moonlight Lib (2.2.8 → 2.2.25)
+ Macaw's Bridges (2.0.6 → 2.0.7)
+ NetherPortalFix (10.0.0 → 10.0.1)
+ Minecraft Forge (43.2.4 → 43.2.8)
+ Placebo (7.1.2 → 7.1.7)
+ playerAnimator (0.4.2 → 1.0.2)
+ Pluto (0.0.7 → 0.0.8)
+ RFTools Base (4.1.4 → 4.1.5)
+ SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (1.1.2 → 1.1.5)
+ Simple Discord RPC (3.2.1 → 3.2.2)
+ Trash Cans (1.0.17 → 1.0.17a)
+ TrashSlot (12.0.0 → 12.0.2)
+ Upgraded Core ( →
+ Upgraded Netherite ( →
+ Waystones (11.1.0 → 11.3.1)
+ YUNG's API (3.8.6 → 3.8.9)
+ YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses (1.0.2 → 1.0.5)
+ ZeroCore 2 (2.1.30 → 2.1.32)
+ Fixed an issue with easy anvils where the 'Too Expensive!' label wouldn't show.
+ Fixed some extreme reactors recipes not showing up in JEI.
+ Fixed an issue with guards opening and closing doors repeated.
+ Fixed cloche GUI not being transparent.
+ Fixed pasting to an advanced connector with a direction different from default would not correctly set that direction.
+ Fixed a bug when attempting to leave a horse with Prismarite Horse Armor underwater.
+ Fixed deleting a waystone not removing it from the list until search updates.
+ Fixed enchanted books spawning with normally unobtainable levels in a nether fortresses.
+ Fixed leashed entities no longer being teleported with the player.
+ Fixed Discord RPC not displaying the dimension icons curectly.
+ Added Azalea, Flowering Azalea, and Mangrove Propagule to market.
+ Potatoes and Carrots now cost a diamond by default instead of an emerald.
+ A warning message will show during the pack loading for users with Optifine installed.
+ Updated Suggestions, Store and Forums URLs.
+ Small UI tweaks.
+ Compressium
+ Applied Cooking
+ DeepslateCutting
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
+ ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village (3.1.4 → 3.1.5)
+ Collective (6.45 → 6.48)
+ Entity Culling Fabric/Forge (1.5.2 → 1.6.1)
+ Industrial Foregoing ( →
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Moonlight Lib (2.2.7 → 2.2.8)
+ YUNG's API (3.8.2 → 3.8.6)
+ Fixed "Report player" button being in the wrong place after updating to v1.6.0.
+ Fixed some GUI text being displayed in the colour white while others were in black.
+ Fixed clicking ingredients in displayed recipes not working in JEI.
+ Updated CurseForge icon to their new rebranded one.
+ Removed a few leftover assets.
+ YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
+ Architectury API (6.4.62 → 6.5.69)
+ Almost Unified (0.3.3 → 0.3.5)
+ Applied Mekanistics (1.3.3 → 1.3.4)
+ Create (0.5.0.h → 0.5.0.i)
+ Corail Tombstone (8.2.4 → 8.2.5)
+ Collective (6.43 → 6.45)
+ Cucumber Library (6.0.3 → 6.0.6)
+ Curios API ( →
+ Drippy Loading Screen (1.6.6 → 2.1.1)
+ Elytra Slot (6.0.0 → 6.1.0)
+ Immersive Engineering (9.1.0-156 → 9.1.2-159)
+ InsaneLib (1.7.2 → 1.7.5)
+ Jade (8.7.0 → 8.8.0)
+ journeymap (5.9.2 → 5.9.3)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ McJtyLib (7.1.1 → 7.1.5)
+ Mekanism ( →
+ Mekanism Generators ( →
+ Mekanism Tools ( →
+ Minecraft Forge (43.2.3 → 43.2.4)
+ Mob Grinding Utils (0.4.46 → 0.4.47)
+ Moonlight Lib (2.1.31 → 2.2.7)
+ MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (7.0.0-pre34 → 7.0.0-pre35)
+ Re-chiseled (1.0.12 → 1.0.12a)
+ RFTools Base (4.1.1 → 4.1.4)
+ RFTools Builder (5.2.0 → 5.2.3)
+ Smarter Farmers (1.7.0 → 1.7.1)
+ SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (1.1.1 → 1.1.2)
+ The Twilight Forest (4.2.1493 → 4.2.1518)
+ Titanium (3.7.0-23 → 3.7.2-26)
+ Trash Cans (1.0.16 → 1.0.17)
+ Fixed crash with create when loading trains and it's tracks.
+ Fixed players getting kicked when merging very large track networks.
+ Fixed being able to extract lava from heat generators, and bio-fuel from bio generators with pipes.
+ Fixed being able to charge laser amplifiers and tractor beams in energy storage devices
+ Fixed a few different machines showing that they are using energy when they are not actively doing so.
+ Fixed a problem where the machine infuser could infuse multiple machines at the same time.
+ Fixed client Render range larger than Server causing chunks to render blacks.
+ Fixed the portal teleport losing its linkage when servers restart or worlds are reloaded.
+ Fixed adding duplicate bookmarks in JEI.
+ Fixed a few known crashes.
+ Elytra slot will now work with Mekanism.
+ The trash cans will now show up in the 'Decoration' creative tab.
+ Mekanism Additions
+ AntiGhost
+ CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
Like PureBDCraft?
Check out our custom pack, Link on our discord server.
+ Armor Statues (v4.0.3 → v4.0.4)
+ Bookshelf (16.2.16 → 16.2.17)
+ Create (0.5.0.g → 0.5.0.h)
+ Collective (6.21 → 6.43)
+ Corail Tombstone (8.2.3 → 8.2.4)
+ Extreme Reactors (2.0.55 → 2.0.60)
+ FancyMenu (2.13.2 → 2.13.3)
+ JourneyMap (5.9.1 → 5.9.2)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ McJtyLib (7.0.7 → 7.1.1)
+ Moonlight Lib (2.1.26 → 2.1.31)
+ Placebo (7.1.1 → 7.1.2)
+ playerAnimator (0.4.0 → 0.4.2)
+ RFTools Base (4.0.4 → 4.1.1)
+ RFTools Builder (5.1.1 → 5.2.0)
+ Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
+ Sophisticated Core ( →
+ The Twilight Forest (4.2.1468 → 4.2.1493)
+ Tips (8.0.3 → 8.0.27)
+ ZeroCore 2 (2.1.26 → 2.1.30)
+ Fixed a crash that would occur during world loading.
+ Fixed a create crash with Optifine when rendering a maps.
+ Fixed server files crashing on Linux.
+ Fixed tombstone stack of magic scrolls.
+ Fixed journeymap bed block rendering.
+ Fixed adding duplicate bookmarks to jei.
+ Fixed a strange crash regarding the final castle in the twilight forest.
+ Disabled the default worldgen from creating large biomes.
+ Armor statues now requires a stick to be held in addition to sneaking in order to open its menu.
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
Update is fully compatible with servers running v1.5
1.19.3 upgrade coming sometime this year.
+ Added back missing mod controllable.
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
1.19.3 upgrade coming sometime this year.
+ Applied ENergistics 2 (12.9.1 → 12.9.2)
+ Almost Unified (0.3.2 → 0.3.3)
+ Armor Statues (v4.0.2 → v4.0.3)
+ Catalogue (1.6.3 → 1.7.0)
+ Create (0.5.0.f → 0.5.0.g)
+ Corail Tombstone (8.2.2 → 8.2.3)
+ Collective (5.25 → 6.21)
+ FancyMenu (2.13.0 → 2.13.2)
+ Fix Experience Bug ( →
+ Iceberg (1.0.49 → 1.1.4)
+ Immersive Engineering (9.0.0-153 → 9.1.0-156)
+ JourneyMap (5.9.0beta4 → 5.9.1)
+ Jade (8.6.3 → 8.7.0)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Legendary Tooltips (1.3.1 → 1.4.0)
+ McJtyLib (7.0.6 → 7.0.7)
+ Minecraft Forge (43.2.0 → 43.2.3)
+ Moonlight Lib (2.1.17 → 2.1.26)
+ Placebo (7.0.1 → 7.1.1)
+ Re-chiseled (1.0.10c → 1.0.12)
+ RFTools Base (4.0.3 → 4.0.4)
+ RFTools Builder (5.0.4 → 5.1.1)
+ Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
+ Sophisticated Core ( →
+ SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (1.0.19a → 1.1.1)
+ Trash Cans (1.0.15b → 1.0.16)
+ Fixed creative players losing items used on block application recipes.
+ Fixed pipes with 5 or 6 connections not rendering.
+ Fixed iceberg regression causing missing method crashes with some mods.
+ Fixed dupe bug related to multiple backpacks with pickup upgrades being able to pickup the same stack multiple times.
+ Fixed journeymap OptionScreens scrolling bounds.
+ Fixed the chisel item's max stack size being 64.
+ Fixed trash cans whitelist button not working.
+ Tooltips will now display equiptment in 3D.
+ Light Overlay
+ Macaw's Bridges
+ Modern World Creation
+ Nether's Delight
+ ReBlured
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
1.19.3 upgrade coming 2023
+ Almost Unified (0.2.6 → 0.3.2)
+ Applied Energistics 2 (12.8.6 → 12.9.1)
+ Architectury API (6.3.56 → 6.4.62)
+ ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village (3-1-3 → 3.1.4)
+ Collective (5.16 → 5.25)
+ Corail Tombstone (8.2.1 → 8.2.2)
+ Clumps (9.0.0+11 → 9.0.0+14)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (1.6.5 → 1.6.6)
+ FancyMenu (2.12.9 → 2.13.0)
+ Harvest with ease ( →
+ Industrial Foregoing ( →
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ JourneyMap (5.9.0beta3 → 5.9.0beta4)
+ Jade (8.6.0 → 8.6.3)
+ Konkrete (1.5.3 → 1.6.0)
+ Minecraft Forge (43.1.47 → 43.2.0)
+ Moonlight Lib (2.1.10 → 2.1.17)
+ More Axolotl Variants API (1.0.0 → 1.0.1)
+ Pluto (0.0.6 → 0.0.7)
+ Polymorph (0.46.0 → 0.46.1)
+ Security Craft (v1.9.3.1 → v1.9.4)
+ Simple Discord RPC (3.2.0 → 3.2.1)
+ Sophisticated Backpacks ( →
+ Sophisticated Core ( →
+ Smooth Boot Reloaded (0.0.1 → 0.0.2)
+ William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld (3.1.8 → 3.1.9)
+ Fixed Industrial Foregoing Black Hole Tanks not displaying when less than a bucket, closes.
+ Fixed a network crash due to polymorph.
+ Fixed Security Craft crash when trying to disguise a block as/project some blocks that don't always have a block entity associated with them.
+ Fixed a sophisticated backpacks bug where unselecting single memorized slots didn't work.
+ Small ui tweaks.
+ Western Town datapack
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
+ Almost Unified (0.2.3 → 0.2.6)
+ Applied Energistics 2 (12.8.4 → 12.8.6)
+ Architectury API (6.3.49 → 6.3.56)
+ Bad Wither No Cookie (3.14.0 → 3.14.1)
+ Collective (5.13 → 5.16)
+ Corail Tombstone (8.2.0 → 8.2.1)
+ ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village (v3-1-2 → 3-1-3)
+ Easy Anvils (v4.0.5 → v4.0.6)
+ Easy Emerald Tools & More (1.4.14 → 1.4.15)
+ FancyMenu (2.12.6 → 2.12.9)
+ InsaneLib (1.7.1 → 1.7.2)
+ Iron Jetpacks (6.0.1 → 6.0.2)
+ Jade (8.3.2 → 8.6.0)
+ JourneyMap (5.9.0 beta2 → 5.9.0 beta3)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Login Protection (1.8 → 1.9)
+ Minecraft Forge (43.1.47 → 43.1.57)
+ McJtyLib (7.0.5 → 7.0.6)
+ Moonlight Lib (2.1.4 → 2.1.10)
+ More Frogs (1.1.1 → 1.1.1a)
+ No Chat Reports (v1.5.0 → v1.5.1)
+ More Axolotl Variants Mod (1.1.0 → 1.2.0)
+ OpenBlocks Elevator (1.8.7 → 1.8.9)
+ Player Animator (0.4.0-test1 → 0.4.0)
+ Polymorph (0.45.0 → 0.46.0)
+ Simple Discord RPC (3.1.1 → 3.2.0)
+ Smarter Farmers (1.6.4 → 1.7.0)
+ The Twilight Forest (4.2.1421 → 4.2.1468)
+ Fixed a crash on game start when OptiFine is installed.
+ Fixed blur effect showing when a user opens chat with Optifine installed.
+ Fixed server-side config not properly sending to the client.
+ Fixed armor stands crashing due to Easy Emerald Tools & More.
+ Fixed an issue with loading the main menu layouts on linux.
+ Fixed iron jetpacks hud being rendered multiple times.
+ Added support for Crumble Horn recipes in JEI.
+ Added support for Transformation Powder recipes in JEI.
+ Added the ability to reauth in-game.
+ Armor Statues
+ More Axolotl Variants API
+ Fix Experience Bug
+ OAuth
+ Not Enough Crashes
+ Regrowth
+ Farsight
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
+ Cucumber (6.0.2 → 6.0.3)
+ Iceberg (1.0.48 → 1.0.49)
+ InsaneLib (1.6.2 → 1.7.1)
+ McJtyLib (7.0.3 → 7.0.5)
+ Patchouli (76 → 77)
+ YUNG's Better Dungeons (v3.2.1 → v3.2.2)
+ Fixed a server-side crash due to citadel being left in.
+ Citadel
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
Yes old worlds should be compatible, you might get a message about missing entries,
just click yes to accept changes and your world should load fine.
+ Applied Energistics 2 (12.7.0 → 12.8.4)
+ Applied Mekanistics (1.3.2 → 1.3.3)
+ Architectury API (6.2.46 → 6.3.49)
+ Almost Unified (0.1.1 → 0.2.3)
+ Biomes O' Plenty ( →
+ Bookshelf (16.1.5 → 16.1.11)
+ Collective (5.7 → 5.13)
+ Citadel (1.13.3 → 2.0.0)
+ Corail Tombstone (8.1.8 → 8.2.0)
+ Controlling (10.0+6 → 10.0+7)
+ Cooking for Blockheads (13.2.3 → 13.3.0)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (1.6.4-1 → 1.6.5)
+ Easy Emerald Tools & More (1.4.13 → 1.4.14)
+ End Remastered (5.2.0-R → 5.2.1-R)
+ FancyMenu (2.12.2-1 → 2.12.6)
+ Iron Jetpacks (6.0.0 → 6.0.1)
+ Jade (8.3.0 → 8.3.2)
+ Just Enough Items ( →
+ Legendary Tooltips (1.3.0 → 1.3.1)
+ Minecraft Forge (43.1.43 → 43.1.47)
+ Mekanism ( →
+ Mekanism Generators ( →
+ Mekanism Tools ( →
+ Moonlight Lib (2.0.37 → 2.1.4)
+ No Chat Reports (v1.4.0 → v1.5.0)
+ TerraBlender ( →
+ William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld (3.1.7 → 3.1.8)
+ Upgraded Netherite ( →
+ Sophisticated Core ( →
+ Pluto (0.0.3 → 0.0.6)
+ Pipez (1.0.0 → 1.0.1)
+ YUNG's API (3.8.0 → 3.8.2)
+ Fixed missing dependencies for CurseForge users.
+ Fixed an issue with casting spell on target when playing on a server.
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to display some modded tooltip components.
+ Fix atomic disassembler and meka-tool not taking attack speed into account.
+ Added the ability to rent a Minecraft server through our partner BisectHosting using our promo code.
+ Jetpacks can now be hidden when equipped in Curios.
+ Minor performance improvments.
+ Industrial Foregoing
+ Titanium
+ AppleSkin
+ Easy Anvils
+ Easy Magic
+ Puzzles Lib
+ Toast Control
+ Diagonal Fences
+ Smooth Boot (Reloaded)
+ Iron Chests
+ JER Integration
+ FerriteCore
+ It Shall Not Tick (ISNT)
+ Iron Chests: Restocked
+ Rubidium
+ Oculus
+ Canary
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Forge 9 - ATF9 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
Pack requires 6GB or more RAM in order to run this pack.
+ initial Release
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker