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Attack of The Ender

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Are you a seasoned Minecraft player looking to shake things up and try something new? If so, Attack of the Ender might just be the game for you! This modded version of Minecraft offers a plethora of exciting features that the vanilla version simply can't match.

Get ready to immerse yourself in a world filled with new plants to harvest, unfamiliar mobs to conquer, innovative tools to craft, and incredible machines to build. With hundreds of new blocks to play with, you'll never run out of options for creating your dream structures.

If you've been feeling bored or uninspired by the standard Minecraft experience, Attack of the Ender is the perfect solution to reignite your passion for the game. With its fresh take on the classic gameplay, you'll find yourself challenged in new ways and eager to explore all the possibilities this mod has to offer.

Don't settle for a stale Minecraft experience. Try Attack of the Ender and discover a world of endless creativity and excitement!


FORGE | 1.16.5: The latest version of Forge for 1.16.5 should work, but in the case it breaks an older mod in this modpack, the version I have currently packaged with the modpack is forge-1.16.5-36.2.8-installer.jar

FORGE | 1.12.2: The latest version of Forge for 1.12.2 should work, but in the case it breaks an older mod in this modpack, the version I have currently packaged with the modpack is forge-1.12.2-


I'd personally recommend the use of Optifine ( (make sure for 1.12.2 or 1.16.5) and some shaders if your system can handle them to bring out the best with this modpack and Minecraft.

Don't forget at the checkout use my promo code "AMPZ' to receive a 25% discount on your first month when buying any of their gaming services!
Minecraft Version
This pack uses Minecraft version 1.16.5
There have been 795 installs of this pack.
There have been 41 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 0.27 years of this pack.

Abnormals Core (abnormals_core-1.16.5-3.3.0.jar)

The library mod used by all Abnormals mods. Adds support for various types o...

By: Team Abnormals

Replace those boring, anti-climactic advancement popups with fancy glowing plaqu...

By: Grend

AutoRegLib (AutoRegLib-1.6-49.jar)

Automatically item, block, and model registration for mods.

By: Vazkii

Baubles - Reborn? (baubles-

Adding a touch of bling to Minecraft

By: lazynessmind

Better Advancements (BetterAdvancements-1.16.5-

Improvements to the advancements screen.

By: way2muchnoise

Better Storage Too (BetterStorageToo-1.16.5-

Adds more storage related blocks and items to the game.

By: TehStoneMan, copygirl, Vic Nightfall

BetterEnd (Forge) (betterendforge-1.16.5-1.6.3.jar)

This mod adds new content to the end dimension that vastly improves and expands...

By: Authors of the port: Beethoven92, Vemerion

Biomes O' Plenty (

Adds over 50 new biomes, blocks, and more!

By: Forstride, Adubbz

Bookshelf (Bookshelf-Forge-1.16.5-10.3.29.jar)

A library for building other mods.

By: Darkhax

Catalogue (catalogue-1.3.0-1.16.5.jar)

Updates Forge's mod list with a new and improved design

By: MrCrayfish

CaveBiomeAPI [Forge] (cavebiomeapi-1.16.5-1.3.7.jar)

This mod allows developers to add actual underground biomes to give more life to...

By: BlackGear27

Caves & Cliffs Backport (CavesAndCliffsBackport-1.16.5-6.3.jar)

Adds the new features from the Caves & Cliffs Update

By: blackgear27

CB Multipart (CBMultipart-1.16.5-

Open source library for facilitation of multiple functional parts in the one blo...

By: ChickenBones, covers1624

Chisel (2.0.1-alpha.4)

Adds in tons of fancy blocks for decoration, crafted using the Chisel.

By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr, Tovlyn

Chocolate Fix (chocolate-1.3.0-1.16.4.jar)

*Vanilla is good - but chocolate is better. ;)* This mod exists to fix...

By: AlcatrazEscapee

Citadel (citadel-1.8.1-1.16.5.jar)

A shared code library for many of Alexthe666's mods. Code used from LLibrary wit...

By: Alexthe666

CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (CodeChickenLib-1.16.5-

CodeChickenLib is a library of systems to help make various aspects of minecraft...

By: ChickenBones, covers1624

CoFH Core (cofh_core-1.16.5-1.3.1.jar)

Core Library required for the functionality of all CoFH mods. Also contains a n...

By: King Lemming, Zeldo Kavira, covers1624, skyboy, Cynycal, Drullkus

Collective (Forge) (collective-1.16.5-2.64.jar)

Collective is a shared library with common code for all of Serilum's mods.

By: Rick South

Configured (1.2.0)

Configured is a simple and lightweight mod that dynamically creates a configurat...

By: MrCrayfish

Controlling (Controlling-

Adds the ability to search for keybinds using their name in the KeyBinding menu,...

By: Jaredlll08


Allows resource packs to add connected textures, emissive rendering, and muc...

By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr

Default Options (DefaultOptions_1.16.5-12.2.1.jar)

A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to inclu...

By: BlayTheNinth

Damn, what a drippy loading screen! COPYRIGHT: > Drippy Loading Screen © Copyrig...

By: Keksuccino

End Remastered (endremastered-forge-R4.1.1.jar)

A mod that remasters the way you get to the end.

By: End Remastered Team

Ender Storage 1.8.+ (EnderStorage-1.16.5-

Stores your stuff in the END! Credits: Ecu - original idea, design, chest an...

By: ChickenBones, covers1624

FancyMenu (1.0.0)

Give your life a fancy touch. You deserve it. COPYRIGHT: > FancyMenu © Copyrig...

By: Keksuccino

Farmer's Delight (FarmersDelight-1.16.5-0.4.6.jar)

A lightweight farming and cooking expansion for Minecraft!

By: vectorwing

Farmer's Delight Compats (farmersdelightintegrations-1.16.5-1.2.jar)

Adds Farmer's Delight integration to many different mods. Additional credits: v...

By: burritoeatinghamster

Global GameRules (GlobalGameRules-1.16.5-

A mod that allows for global gamerules when a world is loaded

By: Gory_Moon

Hats (Hats-1.16.5-10.3.1.jar)

You get a hat, and you get a hat, everybody gets a hat!

By: iChun

Ice and Fire: Dragons (iceandfire-2.1.9-1.16.5.jar)

Dragons and other mythological creatures in minecraft.

By: Alexthe666

Iceberg (1.0.11)

This library contains new events, helpers, and utilities to make modder's lives...

By: Grend

iChunUtil (iChunUtil-1.16.5-10.4.1.jar)

Shared library mod required by most of iChun's Mods. If the first versio...

By: iChun

Inventory Tweaks Renewed (invtweaks-1.16.2-1.0.0.jar)

Inventory Tweaks, but for modern versions of Minecraft.

By: Yuitakaa(Maintainer), StanleyMines(Contributor), Landmaster (Original Author)

Iron Chests (11.2.13)

New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items. The feature chest is...

By: cpw, alexbegt, progwml6

Jade (Jade-1.16.4-2.8.0.jar)

HWYLA addons

By: Snownee

JourneyMap (5.7.3)

JourneyMap is a client+server mod for Forge which maps your Minecraft world in r...

By: Unknown

Just Enough Items (JEI) (jei-1.16.5-

JEI is an item and recipe viewing mod for Minecraft, built from the ground up fo...

By: mezz

Adds Resources and Mob Drops to JEI

By: way2muchnoise

Konkrete (1.0.0)

COPYRIGHT: Konkrete Copyright © 2020-2021 Keksuccino. Konkrete is licensed und...

By: Keksuccino

Makes DataFixerUpper more lazy

By: tuxed

Macaw's Bridges (mcw-bridges-1.0.6-mc1.16.5.jar)

Connect the world with bridges!

By: Sketch Macaw

Macaw's Doors (mcw-doors-1.0.3-mc1.16.5.jar)

Adds a lot of new Doors! With vanila and unique styles.

By: Sketch Macaw

Macaw's Fences and Walls (mcw-fences-1.0.1-mc1.16.5.jar)

Adds new vanila styled fences, walls and gates.

By: Sketch Macaw

Macaw's Furniture (mcw-furniture-2.0.1-mc1.16.5.jar)

Store your stuff in various furniture!

By: Sketch Macaw

This very simple mod adds new light sources, in the first release : Tiki Torches...

By: Sketch Macaw

Macaw's Roofs (mcw-roofs-2.0.1-mc1.16.5-4.jar)

Build roofs, awnings, rain gutters and more!

By: Sketch Macaw

Macaw's Trapdoors (mcw-trapdoors-1.0.2-mc1.16.5.jar)

Adds about 60 Trapdors! With vanila and unique styles.

By: Sketch Macaw

Macaw's Windows (mcw-windows-2.0.0-mc1.16.5.jar)

Build Windows, Sills, Blinds, Mosaic Windows and more!

By: Sketch Macaw

Mantle (Mantle-1.16.5-1.6.115.jar)

Shared code for Slime Knights mods and others.

By: Slime Knights

My Server Is Compatible (MyServerIsCompatible-1.16.5-1.0.jar)

Client-side mod to disable Forge's "Incompatible FML Modded Server" message.

By: Focamacho

NetherPortalFix (NetherPortalFix_1.16.3-7.2.1.jar)

Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Porta...

By: BlayTheNinth

OAuth (1.06-1)

This mod adds a way to auth within your game in the multiplayer screen. After, i...

By: Sintinium

Obfuscate (0.6.2)

A simple library that adds in useful events

By: MrCrayfish

OldJavaWarning (OldJavaWarning-1.16.5-7.0.1.jar)

Detect and warns against Java installation issues.

By: Darkhax

OptiFine (HD U G8)

OptiFine is a Minecraft optimization mod.

By: sp614x

Orcinus's Caves (orcinusscaves-1.3.jar)

This mod essentially adds bigger generation of caves

By: Orcinus

Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops (pamhc2crops-1.16.3-1.0.2.jar)

Pam's HarvestCraft 2 Crops adds all new crops to the game

By: pamharvestcraft

Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core (pamhc2foodcore-1.16.3-1.0.2.jar)

Pam's HarvestCraft 2 Food Core adds all new food to the game

By: pamharvestcraft

Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended (pamhc2foodextended-1.16.3-1.0.4.jar)

Pam's HarvestCraft 2 Food Extended adds all new food to the game

By: pamharvestcraft

Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Trees (pamhc2trees-1.16.3-1.0.1.jar)

Pam's HarvestCraft 2 Fruit Trees adds all new fruit trees to the game

By: pamharvestcraft

Patchouli (Patchouli-1.16.4-53.2.jar)

Accessible, Data-Driven, Dependency-Free Documentation for Minecraft Modders and...

By: Vazkii

Placebo (Placebo-1.16.5-4.6.0.jar)

1 (one) library boi

By: Shadows_of_Fire

Polymorph (Forge) (polymorph-forge-1.16.5-0.25.jar)

No more recipe conflicts! Adds an option to choose the crafting result if more t...

By: C4

Project Red - Core (ProjectRed-1.16.5-4.10.0-core.jar)

Redstone. The way it was meant to be.

By: MrTJP, Chicken Bones, covers1624

Project Red - Exploration (ProjectRed-1.16.5-4.10.0-exploration.jar)

Redstone. The way it was meant to be.

By: MrTJP, Chicken Bones, covers1624

Project Red - Illumination (ProjectRed-1.16.5-4.10.0-illumination.jar)

Redstone. The way it was meant to be.

By: MrTJP, Chicken Bones, covers1624

Project Red - Integration (ProjectRed-1.16.5-4.10.0-integration.jar)

Redstone. The way it was meant to be.

By: MrTJP, Chicken Bones, covers1624

Quark (Quark-r2.4-316.jar)

Small things.

By: Vazkii, Wiiv, WireSegal, MCVinnyq

RandomPatches (Forge) (randompatches-2.4.4-forge.jar)

RandomPatches, a bunch of miscellaneous patches for Minecraft.

By: TheRandomLabs

Scorge (3.1.3)

A Forge language loader the Scala programming language

By: illyohs

Shutup Experimental Settings! (shutupexperimentalsettings-1.0.3.jar)

Turns off the annoying experimental settings prompt before creating a world.

By: Corgi Taco & RdvDev2

Simple RPC (2.4)

Simple Discord RPC is a simple and easy to use mod that allows you to display wh...

By: HypherionMC

TerraForged (TerraForged-1.16.5-0.2.15.jar)

Description: A terrain generator!

By: dags, Won-Ton

The Endergetic Expansion (endergetic-1.16.4-3.0.0.jar)

Ever since the end was first introduced to the game it's always been a dull...

By: Team Abnormals

The Outer End (OuterEnd-0.2.13.jar)

The Outer End is an end mod

By: A lot of people

Thermal Expansion (thermal_expansion-1.16.5-1.3.0.jar)

Expanding Minecraft Thermally! A server-friendly and content-rich blend of magic...

By: King Lemming

Thermal Foundation (thermal_foundation-1.16.5-1.3.2.jar)

Parent mod for all Thermal modules. For convenience, packaged alongside Thermal...

By: King Lemming

Tinkers Construct (

A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools

By: Slime Knights

Tinkers' Mechworks (TMechworks-1.16.3+-2.2.5.jar)

By: Slime Knights

Tips (Tips-1.16.5-4.0.7.jar)

Adds tips to various loading screens.

By: Darkhax

Toast Control (Toast-Control-1.16.4-4.3.1.jar)

Blocking annoying popups since 1.12

By: Shadows_of_Fire

Trail Mix (TrailMix-1.16.5-10.0.1.jar)

This mod adds a single food item, called trail mix. A great snack for any pa...

By: iChun

Tree Harvester is a configurable mod which allows harvesting trees instantly by...

By: Rick South

Tropicraft (Tropicraft-9.0.1-beta+64.jar)

This is Tropicraft, the utopian idyllic getaway that you have been waiting for!...

By: Cojomax99, Corosus, tterrag

Upgrade Aquatic (upgrade_aquatic-1.16.5-3.1.0.jar)

A mod that improves upon the content of 1.13 Update Aquatic.

By: Team Abnormals

This mod is a revival of the mod witchery for forge 1.16.5.

By: hero3112

YUNG's API (Forge) (YungsApi-1.16.4-Forge-12.jar)

API Library for YUNG's minecraft mods.


YUNG's Better Caves (Forge) (BetterCaves-Forge-1.16.4-1.1.2.jar)

Overhauled cave generation, underground lakes and rivers, lava oceans, and more!...


A complete redesign of Minecraft's dungeons like never before. YUNG's Better Du...


YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Forge) (BetterMineshafts-Forge-1.16.4-2.0.4.jar)

A long-awaited and much-needed abandoned mineshaft overhaul!


YUNG's Better Strongholds (Forge) (BetterStrongholds-1.16.4-1.2.1.jar)

A complete redesign of Minecraft's strongholds



Attack Of The Ender | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

+ Minecraft Forge to (36.2.8 → 36.2.22)
+ FancyMenu (2.3.3 → 2.4.3)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (1.2.0 → 1.4.2)
+ Konkrete (1.3.0 → 1.3.2)

+ Patch a recent security vulnerability affecting Minecraft.
+ Updated Server files
+ Server Files are now using our new SIMPLE FILES setup.
+ Minor splash screen changes.


+ Not Enough Crashes

Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker


Attack Of The Ender | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

+ Forge to ( → 36.2.8)
+ Biomes O' Plenty to V7.0.12444
+ Updated All compatible mods to 1.16.5

+ Upgraded to Minecraft 1.16.5
+ Brand New Main Menu.

+ Better Mineshafts
+ Better Stronghold
+ Better End
+ OuterEnd
+ EndRemastered
+ TerraForged
+ FancyMenu
+ NotEnoughCrashes
+ Macaw's Bridges
+ Macaw's Doors
+ Macaw's Fences
+ Macaw's Furniture
+ Macaw's Roofs
+ Macaw's Trapdoors
+ Tips

+ Incompatible 1.12.2 Mods

Report any bugs & issues over at


Attack Of The Ender | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!

This is a port from the Technic Pack

+ Forge to V14.23.5.2847
+ Biomes O' Plenty to V7.0.12444
+ Classic Combat to V1.0.1
+ ConnectedTexturesMod to V1.0.1.30
+ CraftPresence to V1.6.1
+ Custom Main Menu to V2.0.9.1
+ It's the little things to V1.0.2
+ JourneyMap to V5.5.9
+ Tinkers Construct to V2.13.0.179
+ Galacticraft to V4.0.2.44

+ New Main Menu UI
+ Ported V2.2 to ATLauncher

+ Just Enough Resources
+ Thaumic JEI
+ SmoothFonts
+ Quark
+ RandomPatches
+ Toast Control
+ Ice and Fire: Dragons in a whole new light!
+ ReAuth
+ Better Invalid Session
+ Dynamic Trees
+ Dynamic Trees Biomes Biomes O' Plenty Compat
+ Dynamic Trees - Thaumcraft Compat
+ Dynamic Trees - Pam's Harvestcraft Compat

+ OptiFine
+ Modpack Configuration Checker
+ Fast Leaf Decay
+ Dragon Mounts 2
+ TreeCapitator
+ Naturac

Report any bugs & issues over at
