Beyond Reality: Divergence
Created to keep the original feel of Minecraft's procedurally generated worlds, you'll experience new quests, custom dungeons and a progression system with a central quest hub structure to tie it all together. Divergence stands out by doing things in a new fun unique way. Based on aspects of terraferma craft and gregtech. With a play style that is challenging and rewarding.
Made by the creator's that brought you beyond reality.
This pack will work on any random seed and was designed with SMP in mind.
This pack contains Fastcraft, by Player, As a optional mod. Fastcraft enhances Minecraft with increased performance. Bug reports being made directly to Mod Authors should state Fastcraft is enabled.
There have been 11,151 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 48.79 years of this pack.
Below is a list that may have a impact on preformance. Not Recommened for older...
By: Unknown
Below is a list of client side mods. Red colored mods will impact your preforman...
By: Unknown
Academy Craft (1.0.6)
A mod about superability, including its acquiring, updating, and using. Become a...
By: Lambda Innovation
AnimationAPI (1.7.10-1.2.4)
A supporting mod that allows modders to make animations more easily.
By: thehippomaster21
Another One Bites The Dust (2.9.2)
AOBD dynamically finds all the ores and ingots added by any mod and makes them p...
By: ganymedes01
Applied Energistics 2 (rv3-beta-5)
A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
By: AlgorithmX2
AuraCascade (557)
A magic mod focused on emergent complexity and enabling unique designs
By: pixlepix
Better Foliage (2.0.15)
Leafier leaves and grassier grass. This could effect your FPS
By: octarine-noise (code), Meringue (textures)
Beyond Reality Core (1.5.8-Beta-3)
Custom Content for Beyond Reality modpack.
By: Dyonovan, pauljoda, Dominance
BiblioCraft (1.11.5)
BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Big Reactors (0.4.3A)
Adds large, multiblock power generation machines to Minecraft. Compatible with R...
By: ErogenousBeef
Brandon's Core (
This is the core mod that will be used bu most of my mods from now on
By: brandon3055
Buildcraft (7.1.22)
Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more!
By: CovertJaguar
BuildCraft Additions (2.2.5)
BuildCraft Additions is a mod for Minecraft which extends BuildCraft in multiple...
By: AEnterprise, big_Xplosion, iTitus
Carpenter's Blocks (
Adds slopes and a variety of vanilla-inspired blocks that support covers, side c...
By: Mineshopper
Chisel (
A mod that adds in many fancy blocks for decoration, which are crafted utilising...
By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr
CoFH Core (3.1.4-329)
Required for all CoFH Mods. Also provides some customization options for Minecra...
By: Team CoFH
Compact Machines (1.7.10-1.21)
Allows you to fit many machines inside a single block
By: Davenonymous
Computronics (1.6.0)
A ComputerCraft/OpenComputers/NedoComputers addon mod.
By: asiekierka, Techokami, Vexatos
Cooking for Blockheads (1.0.140)
Adds a cooking book that only shows recipes you can make with what you currently...
By: BlayTheNinth, ZeroTheShinigami
CraftHeraldry (1.1.3)
A mod that allows, as the name implies, to craft Heraldry in minecraft.
By: Vazkii
Custom Ore Generation (1.2.26)
Allows the player to customize how ore is generated.
By: JRoush, noogenesis
Dark Menagerie (1.7.10-beta-3.1a)
A bunch of exotic creatrues that would very much love to kill you
By: RWTema
Default Keyconfig (1.0.28)
A way for modpacks to ship a default key configuration without having to include...
By: BlayTheNinth
Divergence Resource Pack (1.1)
A resource pack for Divergence. This could effect your FPS
By: Unknown
Draconic Evolution (1.7.10-1.0.2h)
Draconic Evolution is a mod that adds some extremely expensive high tier items t...
By: brandon3055
DragonAPI (V16d)
DragonAPI is a function library and support mod which is relied upon by Reika's...
By: Reika
EiraIRC (2.9.402)
Connect your server or client to IRC and Twitch Chat and easily share your scree...
By: BlayTheNinth
EiraMoticons (1.2.85-final)
Adds emoticons to the Minecraft chat. Supports Twitch and custom emotes. Compati...
By: BlayTheNinth
EnviroFix (1.0)
A quick fix for status values reset after death on Cauldron servers using Enviro...
By: TwentyOneZ
EnviroMine (1.3.124)
Adds more realism to Minecraft with environmental effects, physics, gases and a...
By: Funwayguy, TimbuckTato, GenDeathrow, thislooksfun
FastCraft (1.23)
FastCraft optimizes MineCraft in various ways, visit the homepage for further de...
By: Player
Forbidden Magic (1.7.10-0.575)
Forbidden Magic is an addon to add many dark-themed things to Thaumcraft.
By: SpitefulFox
Forge Multipart (
Open source library for facilitation of multiple functional parts in the one blo...
By: ChickenBones
Growthcraft (2.1.0a)
Growthcraft Core is as a mod which acts a central hub for the other mods. It wil...
By: Gwafu
Growthcraft Bamboo (2.1.0)
Growthcraft Bamboo is a mod which adds a new plant to the game: bamboos, which f...
By: Gwafu
Growthcraft Cellar (2.1.0b)
Growthcraft Cellar is a mod which adds a new in-game hobby: brewing alcoholic be...
By: Gwafu
Growthcraft Grapes (2.1.0)
Growthcraft Grapes is a mod which adds a new totally crop to the game: grapes. I...
By: Gwafu
Growthcraft Hops (2.1.0)
Growthcraft Hops is a mod which adds a new crop to the game, hops. It also comes...
By: Gwafu
Growthcraft Rice (2.1.0a)
Growthcraft Rice is a mod which adds a new crop; rice. Alongside it also comes a...
By: Gwafu
Removes the minimum light that's always present in minecraft.
By: lumien
Hardcore Questing Mode (4.4.4)
This mod will add Hardcore mode with extra lives. If you use up your lives, your...
By: Vswe, Lorddusk, Newcastlegeek
HelperTools (1.7.10-v1.6f)
A simple mod dedicated to adding alternative tools for helping around with survi...
By: DoctorWiggles
Iguana Tinker Tweaks (2.1.6)
Rebalances and adds new features to Tinkers Construct
By: boni, iguana_man
Immersive Integration (0.6.8)
Integrates IE with other mods, as well as some useful addition to IE itself
By: UnwrittenFun
Inventory Tweaks (1.59-asie-lts-fc905d6-dirty)
Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...
By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata
JourneyMap (5.1.4p1)
Real-time map in-game or in a web browser as you explore. Compaired to Voxel map...
By: Mark Woodman AKA TechBrew
libsandstone (1.0.0)
Sandstone, the foundation for pyramids. Another modding framework.
By: x3n0ph0b3, TheMike
Logistics Pipes (0.9.3)
Logistics Pipes is an extensive overhaul of the Buildcraft pipe system. It allow...
By: RS485, davboecki, theZorro266
Luppii's Ladders (0.5.0-15)
Ladders! Rope ladders hanging down. Sturdy ladders rising up. Dispensers shootin...
By: Luppii, Aiqueneldar
Magic Bees (1.7.10-2.4.3)
Magic themed bee expansion for Forestry. TC4, Botania, EE3, AM 2, TE 3
By: MysteriousAges
Magneticraft (0.6.0-final)
Magneticraft Energy, Industries and Multiblocks!
By: cout970, MechWarrior99
MalisisCore (0.14.3)
MalisisCore is a framework dedicated to simplify many processes required during...
By: Ordinastie, PaleoCrafter
MineCraft Forge (
Minecraft Forge is a modding API used by alot of mods.
By: Eloraam, FlowerChild, Hawkye, MALfunction84, Scokeev9, SpaceToad, LexManos, cpw
Model Citizens (mc1.7.10-1.0.1)
Allows placement of posable character models containing items.
By: FyberOptic
Modular Armour (1.7.10-1.0.18-41)
A Mod that makes a modular armour set, with upgrades
By: chbachman
Morpheus (1.7.10-1.6.21)
Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server. Wh...
By: Quetzi
NotEnoughItems (
Allows you to quickly and easily look up recipes and uses for any item in Minecr...
By: ChickenBones
Open Modular Turrets (2.2.10-237)
All a man needs are meat ingots, and big ass turrets. Adds a heap of new turrets...
By: Poenjabiesous, UntouchedWagons, Keridos
OpenComputers (
This mod adds modular computers and robots that can be programmed in Lua.
By: Florian 'Sangar' Nuecke, Johannes 'Lord Joda' Lohrer, Everyone who contributed t...
Ore Dowsing (0.8)
The Ore Dowsing mod provides items called Dowsing Rods which can help find ores...
By: Popsnorkle
PackGuard (2.3.0d)
Monitors the modpack for user modifications, and tells the user to not report an...
By: CoolSquid
Progression (1.7.10-0.4.1)
A mod that allows you to control the progression of individual players.
By: joshie
ProjectRed Core (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone. The way it was meant to be. Built against Forge
By: MrTJP, ChickenBones
ProjectRed Illumination (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Illumination module for Project Red.
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed Transmission (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Integration and Transmission modules for Pr...
By: Mr_TJP
Generates realistic terrain for overworld biomes, including those added by other...
By: WhichOnesPink, Zeno410
Recurrent Complex (
Adds structures to worldgen, handles exporting and importing structures, and pro...
By: Ivorius
Redstone Arsenal (1.1.3)
Behold the Redstone (Flux) Revolution - provides Flux-Infused Tools and Armor!
By: Team CoFH
Restricted Portals (0.3.4)
A mod that requires you to craft an item before allowing the player to enter the...
By: MoreThanHidden
Continuation of Moze_Intel�s Soul Shards: Reborn mod.
By: Team Whammich
Sound Filters (0.8)
Adds reveb to caves, as well as muted sounds underwater/in lava, and behind wall...
By: Tmtravlr
Stacks on Stacks! (1.7.10-2.4.3)
A mod that adds ingot piles like those of Terrafirmacraft
StartingInventory (1.7.10.r03)
Allows you to define a list of items that will be given to the player when start...
By: DaftPVF, bspkrs
Steve's Carts 2 (2.0.0.b18)
A carttastic mod adding a near infinite number of carts possible to the game, th...
By: Vswe
Super Crafting Frame (
Super Crafting Frame is a simple mod that helps with repetitive crafting tasks d...
By: Edgar_Allen
Thaumcraft Gates (1.4.2)
A small mod that adds BuildCraft gates interaction with Thaumcraft blocks!
By: ganymedes01
Thermal Dynamics (1.2.1)
Thermal meets Dynamic - provides options for transporting items, fluids, and Red...
By: Team CoFH
Thermal Expansion (4.1.4)
Expanding Minecraft Thermally - provides new options for automation and processi...
By: Team CoFH
TiC Tooltips (1.2.5)
A simple client-side add-on for Tinkers' Construct that adds relevant stats to a...
By: squeek
Tinkers' Construct (1.8.8.build991)
A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools
By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox, boni
Tinkers' Mechworks (
Mechanically inclined Tinkers' Construct expansion
By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox
Tinkers' Steelworks (1.7.10-1.1.2-20)
A steel-based expansion for Tinkers' Construct. Now you're tinkering with steel!
By: Toops
Traveller's Gear (1.16.6)
RPG Inventories! Armorstands! Cross-Mod Interaction! Woohoo!
By: BluSunrize
VoxelMap No Radar (1.7.10-1.0)
Voxelmap is a Minimap that has been packed to the brim with features -Works prop...
By: MamiyaOtaru
Waila Harvestability (1.1.6)
An add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you a...
By: squeek
WAILA Plugins (0.2.0-25)
WAILA plugins for various mods, such as Blood Magic, Magical Crops, and Forestry...
By: tterrag
Witchery (1.7.10-0.24.1)
Bringing witchcraft and nature magic to Minecraft: cauldrons, broomsticks, ritua...
By: Emoniph
Ye Gamol Chattels (1.1.2.n54)
Adds a number of mostly decorational items to the game, with a focus on keeping...
By: Ivorius, TripleHeadedSheep for change logs!
Version 1.3.4
Updated BuildCraft and Compat to fix missing core issue.
Updated Binnies Mods to 2.0.19.jar
Removed Binniers patcher mod, No longer needed. for change logs!
Version 1.3.2-"Release": Just mod updates and big Bugs will get an update. for change logs!
Version 1.3.2-"Release": Just mod updates and big Bugs will get an update. for change logs!
Version for change logs!
Version for change logs!
Updated some config and fixed some issues, no mod updates for change logs!
Updated some config and fixed some issues, no mod updates for change logs!
Version 1.2.9
-ChromatiCraft 1.7.10 V12e.jar
-Decocraft 2.3.0
-DragonAPI 1.7.10 V12e.jar
-ElectriCraft 1.7.10 V12c.jar
-Forbidden Magic-1.7.10-0.574.jar
-Forestry 4.2.11
-Guide-API - 1.0.1-29
-Immersive Engineering v0.7.5
-Immersive Integration v0.6.8
-RotaryCraft 1.7.10 V12e.jar
-Runic Dungeons v1.1.6b
-Binnie Patcher 1.6.jar
-Chromaticraft Crashes once at new instance/update
-ATG is now optional make sure to select it if you have a world with it before for change logs!
Fixed Progression errors
Fixed Forestry ore spawning
Botania r1.8-249.jar
ChromatiCraft 1.7.10 V11b.jar
COFH Core 3.1.2-325
DragonAPI 1.7.10 V11b.jar
ElectriCraft 1.7.10 V11b.jar
Logistics Pipes 0.9.3 (BC7) build 87
RotaryCraft 1.7.10 V11b.jar
Thermal Dynamics 1.1.0
Thermal Expansion 4.1.2
Thermal Foundation 1.2.3-112 for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs! for change logs!
Updated Forge to 1492.
Updated Reasonable Realism. Fixes Wheat/Iron recipe conflict.
Updated PneumatiCraft
Updated Immersive Integration.
Updated Carpenters Blocks to non-Dev Version
Updated Documentation book a bit.
Added EriaIRC and Emotions as Optional Mods.
Fixed Roadblock progression quest.
-Turned off edit mode in HQM. My bad!
-Updated Reasonable Realism to 5.11.0c / Fixes Savannah Biome colors during season transitions
-Changed the way the quest system works with the temple. Did away with doors in favor of gates. Now the gate will automatically vanish when the quest is completed.
-Replaced the nether/end keys with a broken version's. Use it ,Iron and ether flint&steel or a ender pearl to craft them.
-Added a few scripts for balance.
-Updated a ton of mods
-So I released the first version of Beta a bit early. Doubt anyone at this point is playing but yeah. Will need to regen your world sorry!. Ether that or just dont update :)