CozRPG Evolved
There have been 846 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 5.12 years of this pack.
[ANGRY PIXEL] The Betweenlands (1.0.6-alpha)
Introducing The Betweenlands... a dark and hostile environment. This large and e...
By: Angry Pixel
Advent of Ascension (Nevermine) (Tslat-1.1.3)
A full adventure mod.
By: XolovA - Brendan Wildish, Tslat
Adventurer's Amulets (1.7.10-1.6.0-pre1)
Who needs diamonds when you can have a belt?
By: GustoniaEagle
AnimationAPI (1.2.4)
A supporting mod that allows modders to make animations more easily.
By: thehippomaster21
Ars Magica 2 (
A look into what Minecraft could become if you add a splash of magic...
By: Mithion, Zerodaimaru
Automagy (0.28.2)
An addon for Thaumcraft 4 focused on providing flexible and interesting tools fo...
By: Tuhljin (programming, art), Draanor (art)
Better Builder's Wands (0.8.1)
Wands that allow placing of multiple blocks at a time
By: Portablejim
BiblioCraft (1.11.7)
BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Adds support for 13 varietys of wood from Natura for 8 of the wooden block in Bi...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Carpenter's Blocks (
Adds slopes and a variety of vanilla-inspired blocks that support covers, side c...
By: Mineshopper
Chisel (
A mod that adds in many fancy blocks for decoration, which are crafted utilising...
By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr
ChocoCraft (4.1.4)
Adds a mountable, breedable mob and supporting items.
By: Torojima <[email protected]>, Micdoodle
CodeChickenCore (
Base common code for all chickenbones mods.Supporters: JBoyJr
By: ChickenBones
Crafting Tweaks (1.0.88)
Allows you to rotate or clear the crafting matrix by the press of a button, in a...
By: BlayTheNinth
DimDoors Legacy (2.2.5-test9)
a curseforge repository of the 1.7.10 vesion of Dimdoors made by CannibalVox
By: vigil_9029
Enchanting Plus (1.7.10-3.0.1)
Provides an alternative way to enchant your items!
By: xkyouchoux, odininon, GnR Slash, Darkhax
Ender Storage (
Stores your stuff in the END!Credits: Ecu - original idea, design, chest...
By: ChickenBones
Farmer Market (Farmer's Market
Casual modpack about Farming, Economy, and Town-building
By: Vnator
FastCraft (1.25)
FastCraft optimizes MineCraft in various ways, visit the homepage for further de...
By: Player
Forbidden Magic (1.7.10-0.575)
Forbidden Magic is an addon to add many dark-themed things to Thaumcraft.
By: SpitefulFox
Gilded Game Utils - Fix (1.7.10-1.1)
A module which supports several major systems that are used between different Gi...
By: Gilded Games
Hardcore Ender Expansion (1.8.6)
Hardcore Ender Expansion offers unique, new content across the End. The dragon b...
By: Programmed by chylex |
Iguanas Tinker Tweaks (2.1.6)
Rebalances and adds new features to Tinkers Construct
By: boni, iguana_man
Inventory Tweaks [1.12 only] (1.59-dev-152-cf6e263)
Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...
By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata
Iron Chests (
New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items.The feature chest is t...
By: cpw
JourneyMap (5.1.4p2)
Real-time mapping in-game or your browser as you explore.
By: techbrew, Mysticdrew, meme_sapiens
KleeSlabs (1.2.9)
Allows holding shift to only break the top half of a double slab.
By: BlayTheNinth
Magical Crops (4.0.0_PUBLIC_BETA_3)
A Magical farming mod that allows you to grow and harvest all type of Minecraft...
By: Mark719
Morpheus (1.7.10-1.6.21)
Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server. Wh...
By: Quetzi
Mouse Tweaks (2.4.4)
A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...
By: YaLTeR
NetherPortalFix (netherportalfix-mc1.7.10-1.1.0.jar)
Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Porta...
By: BlayTheNinth
NotEnoughItems (
Recipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more.<plugins>Support...
By: ChickenBones
Reliquary Reincarnations (1.7.10-
Two words: magical swag. Oh, and a gun.
By: x3n0ph0b3, TheMike
Resource Loader (1.3)
Allows mod pack creators / users to add their own custom textures to minecrafts...
By: lumien
Continuation of Moze_Intel�s Soul Shards: Reborn mod.
By: Team Whammich
Storage Drawers (1.7.10-1.10.9)
Multi-drawer storage blocks for quick storage and retrieval.
By: jaquadro
Storage Drawers: Natura Pack (1.7.10-1.1.1)
Adds additional wood styles from the Natura mod.
By: jaquadro
Allows hovering over items in inventories while holding a Thaumometer to scan th...
By: BlayTheNinth
Thaumic Tinkerer (unspecified)
An addon to Thaumcraft 4, implementing new content. This mod is a spiritual succ...
By: pixlepix, nekosune
The Aether II (1.7.10-1.6)
Explore a world long forgotten, high above the clouds which you know. New mobs,...
By: TheAetherTeam, OscarPayn
TiC Tooltips (1.2.5)
A simple client-side add-on for Tinkers' Construct that adds relevant stats to a...
By: squeek
Tinkers Construct (1.8.8.build991)
A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools
By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox, boni
Wawla - What Are We Looking At (1.3.1)
Greatly expands upon the functionality of Waila by providing many new forms of i...
By: Darkhax
Witchery (0.24.1)
Bringing witchcraft and nature magic to Minecraft: cauldrons, broomsticks, ritua...
By: Emoniph
CozRPG Evolved is now available on ATLauncher!