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Economica is an light tech-based modpack.

For Tinker's Economica has

TInker's Construct for the main source of tools.
Tinker's Forging for making those tools out of metal
And Tinker's Survival for a "primitive" style of an alternate start.
For tech Economica has

Industrial Craft 2
Robotic Parts (Cyberware)
ReWired (Wired)
The One Probe
For nature Economica has

Dynamic Trees
Dynamic Trees: TInker's Construct
Dynamic Trees: Industrial Craft 2
I'm sorry that there isn't a more engaging description I'm not good at creative writing.
Minecraft Version
This pack uses Minecraft version 1.12.2
There have been 1,237 installs of this pack.
There have been 66 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 0.31 years of this pack.

AlcatrazCore (1.0.4)

Core Library for AlcatrazEscapee's mods

By: AlcatrazEscapee

Base Metals (2.5.0-rc2)

This mod adds historically common metals to Minecraft

By: jriwanek, dshadowwolf

CraftTweaker2 (1.12-

Customize your minecraft experience!

By: StanHebben, Jaredlll08

CubicChunks (1.12.2-0.0.1184.0-SNAPSHOT)

Extends Minecraft height by changing chunk size to 16x16x16 blocks.

By: Barteks2x, Cuchaz, Razaekel

CubicChunks addon for dynamic trees

By: barteks2x

Cyberware (0.2.11)

Augmentation in Minecraft

By: Flaxbeard, An-Sar, mallrat208, LemADEC

Desired Servers` (${version})

Ensure that some servers are always listed on the client.

By: Kreezxil

Dynamic Trees (1.12.2-0.9.25)

Progressively growing trees.. forests that spread

By: FerreusVeritas

Adds compatibilities between dynamic trees and Industrial Craft 2.

By: Max Hyper, Harley O'Connor

Adds compatibilities between dynamic trees and Tinkers Construct

By: Max Hyper

End Metals (1.2.0-rc2)

End Metals is an Addon for the mod Base Metals, it expands it to bring its ores...

By: jriwanek, Knoxhack

Application for simple Minetweaker script creation, management, and editing!

By: Bartz24

Gliby's Voice Chat mod enables in-game voice communication, as well as support f...

By: theGliby, Icosider

IndustrialCraft 2 (2.8.221-ex112)

Industrial age themed expansion for Minecraft.

By: Alblaka, Player, RichardG, Thunderdark, GregoriusT, alexthesax, Drashian, Elemen...

Just Enough Items (

Simple recipe and item helper.

By: mezz

Adds Resources and Mob Drops to JEI

By: way2muchnoise

Mantle (

Shared code for Slime Knights mods and others.

By: boni, progWML6, Alexbegt

MMDLib (1.0.0-rc2)

A library mod providing helper functionality - use by the Metals family of mods...

By: jriwanek, dshadowwolf, face of cat

Mod Tweaker (

ModTweaker is an addon for CraftTweaker, a recipe manipulator utility for Minecr...

By: Jaredlll08

Modern Metals (2.5.0-rc2)

Modern Metals Addon

By: jriwanek, dshadowwolf

MTLib (3.0.7)

Library files for Minetweaker Addons

By: Jaredlll08

Nether Metals (1.2.0-rc2)

Nether Metals is an Addon for the mod Base Metals, it expands it to bring its or...

By: jriwanek, Knoxhack

OreSpawn (3.3.1)

A customizable ore-spawning system that uses JSON files to specify custom ore ge...

By: dshadowwolf, iLexiconn, jriwanek, DrCyano

ReWIRED (1.0.9)

Add-on for Cyberware

By: mallrat208

Adds Simple TFC-style Forging to 1.12+

By: alcatrazEscapee

Tinkers' Construct (

A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools

By: boni, KnightMiner


Economica Dev-2020_W46_A⟶Economica Dev-2021_W39_A



CraftTweaker (CraftTweaker2-1.12-


Current version: unspecified

(321 more lines)


Current version: unspecified

(320 more lines)


Current version: unspecified

(319 more lines)


Current version: unspecified

(318 more lines)


Current version: unspecified

(317 more lines)

45 more entries

Dynamic Trees (DynamicTrees-1.12.2-0.9.21.jarDynamicTrees-1.12.2-0.9.25.jar)



  • Added action bar error messages to certain common potion application failures.

  • Shrunk falling tree entity bounding box to reduce lag (culling bounding box is kept large to prevent it disappearing at a distance).

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed incompatibility with SnowRealMagic that caused “ghost blocks” to spawn on trees in place of snow layers.

(4 more lines)


New Features:

  • Added tall birch species, generates in the mutated birch forest.

  • Added Mega Jungle species to world gen.

  • Added not operator for name selectors in Json biome database populators.

  • Added array name selector in Json biome database populators.

(14 more lines)


New Features: - Added functionality for the type selector to negate biomes using ‘!’ in JSON worldgen. Enhancements: - Added validLeavesBlocks and validBranches system to trees allowing Addons to configure multiple blocks to be rendered during tree felling animation. (Back-ported from 1.16.5) - Added colorTreeQuads method on species to allow Addons to customize the coloring of tree quads. - Added showSpeciesOnWaila method on Species to allow addons to toggle the waila display if needed. (Back-ported from 1.16.5) - Added Waila display handler for rooty water blocks. - Added setMegaSpecies mehtod on species class to allow Addons to add Mega variants to existing species. (Back-ported from 1.16.5) Bugs Fixed: - Added dimensionForceGeneration predicate to fix an issue where sky-like dimensions would not generate trees under certain circumstances.


New Features:

  • Added /dt transform for transforming tree species.

  • Added /dt createtransformpotion for spawning in transformation potions.

  • Added localisations for potion descriptions, season tooltips, and staff tooltips.

  • Added config options for disabling components of seasons compatibility.

(10 more lines)

Dynamic Trees - Industrial Craft 2 (DynamicTreesIC2-1.12.2-1.2.1.jarDynamicTreesIC2-1.12.2-1.2.3.jar)


  • Added custom waila display to show sap drops

  • Minor fixes - Modified configs to use a fraction instead of weights


  • Updated to Dynamic Trees 0.9.23. This allows the tree felling animation to render branches with holes.

  • Added config to modify the time it takes for tapping holes to appear

Dynamic Trees - Tinker’s Construct (DynamicTreesTinkersConstruct-1.12.2-1.2.6.jarDynamicTreesTinkersConstruct-1.12.2-1.2.7.jar)


  • Minor fixes

MTLib (MTLib-3.0.6MTLib-3.0.7)


Fix log helper issues.

Thanks Democat!

ModTweaker (modtweaker-4.0.18modtweaker-


Current version:

(1 more line)


Actually use displayStack #779 - Democat3457

Configurable BWM Mill Ticks (#762) Fix blockstates with BWM HeatRegistry (#766) Add flipped BWM anvil recipe - Democat3457

Robotic Parts (cyberware-1.12.2-


This a maintenance release to fix minor bugs.

Please report any issues on the github.

All changes by LemADEC unless otherwise stated.

  • Fixed misleading scanner chance configuration

  • Fixed #163 non-vanilla mining fist tool support


This a maintenance release to improve quality of life.

Please report any issues on the github.

All changes by LemADEC unless otherwise stated.

  • Fixed #159 allow undye trenchcoat with a cauldron


This a maintenance release to improve quality of life.

Please report any issues on the github.

All changes by LemADEC unless otherwise stated.

  • Fixed #156 forced handedness after recovering from a missing arm

  • Fixed #155 confusing mining tool configuration

(1 more line)


Generated using ChangelogGenerator 2.0.0-pre10.

Uploaded a 1.7.10 build that has TerraFirmaCraft.

Economica Dev-2020_W45_A --> Economica Dev-2020_W46_A

Removed my ZenScript that made Ore Excavation modifier too easy to obtain.

CraftTweaker (CraftTweaker2-1.12- --> CraftTweaker2-1.12-
Current version: unspecified

Current version: unspecified

Dynamic Trees (DynamicTrees-1.12.2-0.9.20.jar --> DynamicTrees-1.12.2-0.9.21.jar):
New Features:
Bug Fixes:

Dynamic Trees - Industrial Craft 2 (DynamicTreesIC2-1.12.2-1.2.0.jar --> DynamicTreesIC2-1.12.2-1.2.1.jar):

Dynamic Trees - Tinker's Construct (DynamicTreesTinkersConstruct-1.12.2-1.2.5.jar --> DynamicTreesTinkersConstruct-1.12.2-1.2.6.jar):

Mysterious Mountain Lib (MMLib-1.7.0.jar --> MMLib-2.0.0.jar):
V2.0.0:Add some tools for tfc compat.
WARNING:It has poor compatibility for some mod now(Because we've modified one important thing.)

V1.8.0:Add Patchouli Compat for Modder.
Fix ATs.

Generated using [ChangelogGenerator 2.0.0-pre3](

Economica Dev-2020_W44_C --> Economica Dev-2020_W45_A

- Changed the way I edit the generated changelog to look good in Curseforge and ATLauncher.
- Also added and updated some mods.

- FTB Guides 2
- FTB Library
- FTB Quests
- FTB Utilities
- Item Filters
- LetsEncryptCraft
- Tweakers Construct

Dynamic Trees (DynamicTrees-1.12.2-0.9.19.jar --> DynamicTrees-1.12.2-0.9.20.jar):
New Features:
* Greatly improve resistance to rare distorted tree models during worldgen
* Enhanced rooty dirt mimic capabilities with new DirtHelper system
* Admin commands to remove trees from chunks or clean up orphaned nodes
Bug Fixes:
* Fix Tooltip crash
* Fix nether generation density issues for add-on mods
* Removed some deprecated methods

Dynamic Trees - Tinker's Construct (dynamictreesTConstruct-1.12.2-1.2.4.jar --> DynamicTreesTinkersConstruct-1.12.2-1.2.5.jar):
* Minor fixes

Mysterious Mountain Lib (MMLib-1.5.0.jar --> MMLib-1.7.0.jar):
No changelog available.

- Better Teleport

Generated using [ChangelogGenerator 2.0.0-pre3](

Economica Dev-2020_W44_B --> Economica Dev-2020_W44_C

- Finally removed that eroneusly left in Track API.

- Ore Excavation
- Ore Excavation Integration
- Ore-Excavation:Shape Selector

- Track API
Generated using [ChangelogGenerator 2.0.0-pre3](

Economica Dev-2020_W44_A --> Economica Dev-2020_W44_B
- Accidentally left out a mod, and the official server.
- Xaero's Minimap (Fair-play Edition)
Dynamic Trees (DynamicTrees-1.12.2-0.9.18.jar --> DynamicTrees-1.12.2-0.9.19.jar):
New Features:
-Add support API functionality for Add-ons
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed stack overflow crash
Dynamic Trees - Industrial Craft 2 (dynamictreesIC2-1.12.2-1.1.1.jar --> ynamicTreesIC2-1.12.2-1.2.0.jar):
+ Implemented compatibility with Industrial Craft 2 Classic (You can now either use IC2 or IC2Classic interchangeably)
+ Added config setting to make trees look more like the non-dynamic versions short and pointy)
* Moved worldgen to be json controlled
Generated using [ChangelogGenerator 2.0.0-pre3](

Add Slash Blade, and a config change or two.

Added in a couple of mods so you can use Xaero's Minimap's teleportation features without op/cheat.

P.S. I forgot to put the server list into Dev-2020_W43_D.

Made another config change.
Also added the official server.

I forgot to make a config change.

Really trimmed it down.
Fewer mods this time.

Had some issues getting the server to run, taking stuff out, updating stuff.
Server's working now though.

I will update the changelog when I am able to.
ATLauncher is taking a while to download the previous version.

Economica Dev-2020_W20_B --> Economica Dev-2020_W31_A

- Artisan Worktables
- Athenaeum
- Chunk-Pregenerator
- CraftTweaker
- Eki Mod
- EnderPay
- External Tweaker
- Foamflower
- Grand Economy
- In-Game Wiki Mod
- MrCrayfish's Vehicle Mod
- Obfuscate
- Placebo
- Tinker's JEI
- Tinkers Construct
- Tinkers' Survival
- Toast Control
- Track API
- Trackside Decor
- Tweakers Construct
- Vending block

Construct's Armory (conarm-1.12.2- --> conarm-1.12.2-
* Fixed IllegalCacheLoadException error [[#226]](

Corpse ([1.12.2] Corpse 1.12.2-1.0.7 --> [1.12.2] Corpse 1.12.2-1.0.8):
[1.12.2] Corpse 1.12.2-1.0.8:
* Fixed version number

Immersive Engineering (Immersive Engineering 0.12 - 92 --> ImmersiveEngineering-0.12-98):
* Added combat for XLFood to the cloche (LeoBeliik)
* Added Albedo combat for the flueorescent tube (Pabilo8)
* Added steel hoe (BluSunrize)
* Fixed chutes crashing on dedicated servers (Malte)
* Fixed the Skyhook crashing due to Optifine (Malte)
* Fixed division by zero error in multiblock processes (Thonikum)
* Fixed fluid evaporation in the nether when using the Jerrycan (BluSunrize)
* Fixed windmills being stopped by snow (BluSunrize)
* Fixed interaction between Sheetmetal Tanks and RFTools screens (BluSunrize)
* Translations Added/Updated: ko_kr (yor42), jp_jp (karakufire), zh_cn (mcBegins2Snow), ru_ru (Shellyoung)

Just Enough Items (JEI) (jei_1.12.2- --> jei_1.12.2-
No changelog available.

- Advanced Chimneys
- B.A.S.E
- Building Gadgets
- CreativeCore
- ForgeEndertech
- Good Ol' Currency
- LittleTiles
- OpenCubicChunks
- Pollution of the Realms
- RoadWorks Reborn
- Robotic Parts

Generated using [ChangelogGenerator 2.0.0-pre3](



Thankyou for checking out my modpack.
I hope you enjoy!

Advanced Chimneys: 1.12.2-
B.A.S.E: 1.12.2-3.13.0
Building Gadgets: 2.8.3
ContentTweaker: 1.12.2-4.9.1
Corpse: 1.12.2-1.0.7
CreativeCore: 1.1
CubicChunks: 1.12.2-0.0.1055.0-SNAPSHOT
CubicChunks DynamicTrees Addon: 1.12.2-0.1.1
Cyberware: 0.2.11
Good Ol' Currency Mod 2.0.0-ALPHA-20200420
Hardcore Map Reset:
Just Enough Resources:
LittleTiles: v1.5.0-pre199_27
MrCrayfish's Vehicle Mod: 0.43.5
Obfuscate: 0.4.2
Reborn Core:
Resource Loader: 1.5.3
ReWIRED: 1.0.8
RoadWorks Reborn: 0.0.1
Waystones: 4.1.0

Construct's Armory: 1.12.2-
CraftTweaker2: 1.12-
Pollution of the Realms: 1.12.2-

compact version of the Civil Pack
Immersive Vehicles (formerly MTS)
Tinker's Forging
Tinkered Hegemony
Trin Emergency Pack
Trin Industrial Machinery Pack
Trin Part Pack
Immersive Vehicles (formerly MTS) 1.12.2-18.1.2



Thankyou for checking out my modpack.
I hope you enjoy!

Advanced Chimneys: 1.12.2-
B.A.S.E: 1.12.2-3.13.0
Building Gadgets: 2.8.3
ContentTweaker: 1.12.2-4.9.1
Corpse: 1.12.2-1.0.7
CreativeCore: 1.1
CubicChunks: 1.12.2-0.0.1055.0-SNAPSHOT
CubicChunks DynamicTrees Addon: 1.12.2-0.1.1
Cyberware: 0.2.11
Good Ol' Currency Mod 2.0.0-ALPHA-20200420
Hardcore Map Reset:
Just Enough Resources:
LittleTiles: v1.5.0-pre199_27
MrCrayfish's Vehicle Mod: 0.43.5
Obfuscate: 0.4.2
Reborn Core:
Resource Loader: 1.5.3
ReWIRED: 1.0.8
RoadWorks Reborn: 0.0.1
Waystones: 4.1.0

Construct's Armory: 1.12.2-
CraftTweaker2: 1.12-
Pollution of the Realms: 1.12.2-

compact version of the Civil Pack
Immersive Vehicles (formerly MTS)
Tinker's Forging
Tinkered Hegemony
Trin Emergency Pack
Trin Industrial Machinery Pack
Trin Part Pack
Immersive Vehicles (formerly MTS) 1.12.2-18.1.2



Thankyou for checking out my modpack.
I hope you enjoy!

I forgot to include the configs and scripts.
I also rolled back the Forge version back to

CraftTweaker2: 1.12-
Forge Endertech: 1.12.2-
Pollution of the Realms: 1.12.2-
Immersive Railroading: 1.7.3
Immersive Vehicles (formerly MTS): 1.12.2-18.1.2



Thankyou for checking out my modpack.
I hope you enjoy!

CraftTweaker2: 1.12-
Forge Endertech: 1.12.2-
Pollution of the Realms: 1.12.2-
Immersive Railroading: 1.7.3
Immersive Vehicles (formerly MTS): 1.12.2-18.1.2



Thankyou for checking out my modpack.
I hope you enjoy!

Just Enough Items:
MTLib: 3.0.6
CraftTweaker2: 1.12-4.1.20
Mod Tweaker: 4.0.18
Forge Endertech: 1.12.2-
Pollution of the Realms: 1.12.2-
Dynamic Trees: 1.12.2-0.9.7
Dynamic Trees Extra Compatibility: 0.11
Immersive Engineering: 0.12-92
Immersive Petroleum: 1.1.9
Track API: 1.2
Immersive Railroading: 1.7.2
Immersive Vehicles (formerly MTS): 1.12.2-17.3.1
Trin Part Pack: 2.8.1
compact version of the Civil Pack: 2.5.2
Trin Emergency Pack: 1.2.2
Trin Industrial Machinery Pack: 1.0.2
Traffic Control: 0.1.3
Tinker's JEI: 1.2
Tinkers' Construct:
Construct's Armory: 1.12.2-
AlcatrazCore: 1.0.4
Tinker's Forging: 1.1.4
Tinkered Hegemony: 0.2.1
Tinkers' Survival: 1.12.2-