Elysium is a modpack which has an extremely beautiful and unique world generation system. This modpack includes a great selection of awesome tech mods and a few magic mods. There has been a lot of block & item re-texturing done by us to make the game look much better. A lot of vanilla ores have been re-textured and a whole bunch of other modded ores/machines as well! The goal for this pack is to explore the world and find new areas that include new ores that are needed for recipes to make new machines and much more. This pack includes starter items when you start on a world to give you a tiny head start. Enjoy!
This modpack requires 3-4 GB of RAM & Java 8 64 bit. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
Discord: https://discord.gg/b2h6vvG
Website: https://arsenalnetwork.net/
Forums: https://arsenalnetwork.net/community/index.php
Store: http://store.arsenalnetwork.net/
There have been 273 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 0.73 years of this pack.
Antique Atlas (1.12.2-4.5.1)
Antique Atlas is a book that acts like a map featuring infinite scrolling, zoom...
By: Hunternif
Aquaculture (1.12.2-1.6.8)
Welcome to Aquaculture! An expansion of Minecraft's fishing system.
By: Team Metallurgy
Astral Sorcery (1.12.2-1.10.19)
Magic mod that draws power from stars and their constellations
By: HellFirePvP, wiiv
Attribute Fix (1.0.4)
Fixes arbitrary attribute restrictions, and makes them configurable.
By: darkhax
Bailey's Dailies (1.12.2-6)
Daily quests for hunting, gathering, and exploring the wonderful world of Minecr...
By: torocraft
Better Animals+ (1.12.2-6.0.3)
Companion mod to Better Animals adding new creatures with the Better Animals art...
By: cybercat5555, its_meow (hiotewdew)
BetterHUD (1.0)
BetterHUD is a mod which replaces the old minecraft health, food, and armor bars...
By: MaxIsH0t
Bewitchment (1.12.2-
A Witchery inspired mod
By: Zabi94, Sunconure11, Ingoleth, and a whole lot of awesome people from our discor...
BiblioCraft (2.4.5)
BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Biomes O' Plenty (
Adds over 50 new biomes, blocks, and more!
By: Adubbz, Amnet, Cheeserolls, Forstride, ted80
Bookshelf (2.3.584)
Bookshelf is a core/library mod, which adds new features and tools into the game...
By: darkhax, lclc98
Botania (r1.10-361)
Botania is a mod that adds nature magic to Minecraft
By: Vazkii, williewillus, wiiv, dylan4ever
Cathedral (1.12.2-1.9.7k)
Provides blocks for building cathedrals and other fantasy structures
By: FerreusVeritas
Chisel (
Adds in tons of fancy blocks for decoration, crafted using the Chisel.
By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr
Chunk Animator (1.2)
A small client side mod that animates the appeareance of chunks so that they don...
By: lumien
CodeChicken Lib (
CodeChickenLib is a library of systems to help make various aspects of minecraft...
By: ChickenBones, covers1624
CTM (MC1.12.2-
Allows resource packs to add connected textures, emissive rendering, and much mo...
By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr
Custom Loading Screen (1.12.2-
Simple mod that shows you the stage forge is at while loading minecraft
By: AlexIIL
Custom Starter Gear (1.0)
Gives you full control over what items players start the game with.
By: brandon3055
Cyber's Better Animal Models (5.2.1)
A mod to improve the vanilla animals' appearance in Minecraft.
By: Hypeirochus, Ocelot5836, Cybercat5555, its_meow
Default Options (9.2.8)
A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to inclu...
By: BlayTheNinth
Default World Generator (1.12-2.3)
A small mod to automatically select the default world generator for both single...
By: EzTerry, FireBall1725
Dynamic Surroundings (1.12.2-
Adds a variety of sound and visual effects to improve your Minecraft experience
By: OreCruncher, Abastro
Embers Rekindled (1.13-hotfix2)
Dwarven-style Magitech Mod
By: BordListian, Elucent, AlexisMachina, ShadowGamerXY, werty1124
Enchanting Plus (5.0.176)
Provides a less random enchanting system.
By: Darkhax, lclc98, xkyouchoux, odininon, GnR Slash
Enchantment Descriptions (1.1.15)
Shows information about enchantments on enchantment books.
By: Darkhax
ExtraBotany (1.0)
An Addon that expands your Botania experience and adds to more fun
By: ExtraMeteorP
Felling (1.4.1)
Uncovers an ancient enchantment allows you to fell trees with a single swing.
By: arlyon
FoamFix (@VERSION@)
Questionable "performance improvements" that are not in Forge for probably very...
By: asiekierka
Ice and Fire (1.7.1)
Ice and Fire adds in both dragons and other mythological creatures.
By: Alexthe666, Raptorfarian
Iron Backpacks (1.12.2-3.0.8-12)
Adds tiered backpacks and a system of modular upgrades to go with them!
By: gr8pefish
Iron Chest (
New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items. The feature chest is...
By: cpw
IvToolkit (1.3.3-1.12)
This is a framework that I mostly use in my own mods, for shared functionality.
By: Ivorius
Just Enough Throwing In Fluids (1.12.2-1.4.2)
JEI addon for throwing stuff in fluids to make other stuff.
By: Lykrast
LemonLib (1.12.2-1.3.0)
Libary Mod to make me not go insane when maintaining so many mod!
By: Lemons
LibEx (1.0.8)
A library for mods that add expansions, explorations, and experiences to Minecra...
By: LogicTechCorp
LibrarianLib (4.19.2)
A library for the Team Wizardry mods
By: thecodewarrior, wiresegal, LordSaad44, Elucent, Eladkay, murapix, werty1124, Lev...
Mod Tweaker (4.0.17)
ModTweaker is an addon for CraftTweaker, a recipe manipulator utility for Minecr...
By: Jaredlll08
Modpack Config Checker (1.8.1)
A highly configurable mod that allows modpack creators to customise Minecraft an...
By: matt_r__
MoreOverlays (1.14)
Adds some overlays from NEI (Mob spawns, Chunk Bounds, Item Search)
By: feldim2425
Morpheus (1.12.2-3.5.106)
Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server. Wh...
By: Quetzi
Mouse Tweaks (2.10)
A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...
By: YaLTeR
NetherEx (2.0.8)
A Nether expansion, exploration, and experience.
By: LogicTechCorp, Eleazzaar, Nazenn, Vlakk, AnarchCassius, LapisWhovian, misterslim...
NetherPortalFix (5.3.17)
Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Porta...
By: BlayTheNinth
No Recipe Book (1.2.1)
Removes the Recipe Book button from the player inventory and crafting table GUI.
By: Luwin
Ocean Floor Classic (1.0.2)
The gravel ocean floor is decorated with clay, sand, and dirt. Controls in conf...
By: Lothrazar
Patchouli (1.0-20)
Accessible, Data-Driven, Dependency-Free Documentation for Minecraft Modders and...
By: Vazkii
Progressive Bosses (1.5.0-mc1.12.x)
Wither and Ender Dragon will be more powerful the more are respawned
By: Insane96MCP
Project: Vibrant Journeys ({@pvjVersion})
A mod that adds new things that spice up your game. Aimed at decorating the worl...
By: jt9
Proportional Destruction Particles (1.12.2-1.2.4)
A client-side mod that causes block destruction particles to only spawn in block...
By: Phylogeny
Reborn Core (
Reborn Core is a library used for many of the Tech Reborn team's mods, including...
By: modmuss50, Gigabit101, Prospector
RebornStorage (
Refined Storage add-on adding multi-block crafters and larger disks
By: Gigabit101
Recurrent Complex (
Adds structures to worldgen, handles exporting and importing structures, and pro...
By: Ivorius
Refined Storage (1.6.14)
An elegant solution to your hoarding problem
By: Refined Storage contributors
Refined Storage Addons (0.4.4)
An addon mod for Refined Storage
By: Refined Storage Addons contributors
RefinedStorageRequestify (1.12.2-1.0.2-3)
Keep you refined storage stocked with crafteable items
By: Buuz135
Resource Loader (1.5.3)
Allows mod pack creators / users to add their own custom textures to minecrafts...
By: lumien
Rin's So Many Enchantments? (0.4.31)
A recreated more balanced version of 1.8.9, this mod adds in various of enchantm...
By: Rin
Rustic (1.1.0)
A medieval themed Minecraft mod based around decoration, exploration, and agricu...
By: the-realest-stu
Smooth Font (mc1.12.2-2.0)
Draws all fonts smoothly in any scale and also can use any font in your computer...
By: bre2el
Sound Filters (0.11_for_1.12)
Adds reveb to caves, as well as muted sounds underwater/in lava, and behind wall...
By: Tmtravlr
Spark's Hammers (1.12.2-1.9.2)
Adds hammers like from Tinkers Construct but using vanilla resources and in the...
By: bright_spark
Spartan Shields (1.5.4)
Spartan Shields adds a variety of new shields to Minecraft.
By: ObliviousSpartan
Swiss Cheese (1.1)
Bringing back Swiss cheese cave generation from before the 1.7 update and more!
By: Fuzs
Tech Reborn (
Tech Reborn is a completely standalone tech mod designed by the ideals of GregTe...
By: modmuss50, Gigabit101, Prospector
Thaumcrafft Inventory Scanning (2.0.10)
Allows hovering over items in inventories while holding a Thaumometer to scan th...
By: BlayTheNinth
Thaumic Additions (18r)
A magical addon that brings some functional and decorative additions to Thaumcra...
By: Zeitheron
Thaumic Periphery (0.3.0)
An addon for Thaumcraft 6 that adds some cross-mod interaction, some baubles, an...
By: mangoose
Tinkers' Construct (
A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools
By: boni, KnightMiner
Toast Control (1.12.2-1.8.1)
Control what toasts are enabled, because some of them are useless.
By: Shadows_of_Fire
TombManyGraves2 API (1.12.2-1.0.0)
The API used by Tomb Many Graves 2 for gathering/restoring inventories to their...
By: M4thG33k
Underground Biomes (1.3.5)
24 different kinds of stones with slabs, stairs, walls, and buttons
By: exterminatorJeff, Zeno410, kyeiti
Vanilla Tweaks (1.12.2-1.5.1)
A mod which aims to improves the vanilla playthrough
By: StrikerRocker
Veining (1.3.2)
Uncovers an ancient enchantment allows you to mine veins in a single swing.
By: LalalaStab
Visuals (6r)
Minecraft mod that aims at improving different graphical aspects of the game and...
By: Zeitheron
Waila (1.8.26)
You are using Hwyla, a fork of Waila. You can find more information on the Hwyla...
By: ProfMobius, TehNut
Waystones (4.0.67)
Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers.
By: BlayTheNinth
§aImmersive Voice (@VERSION@)
Immersive Voice enables in-game voice communication, as well as support for posi...
By: @theGliby aka theGliby
@Elysium :elysium: New Update Elysium-1.0.4-Beta Released!
- Updated FoamFix config.
# Disables all coremod functionality. [default: false]
- Updated NetherEX config.
# The higher the number, the rarer it is for Pigman to spawn
# The lower the number, the more common it is for Pigman to spawn
# If set to 0, Pigman won't spawn
# Min: 0
# Max: 2147483647
- Updated EnchantmentDescriptions, pyrotech, randompatches, Forgelin, SoundFilters, ThaumicAdditions, UnlimitedChiselWorks, randompatches, Controlling, DarkTheme, OceanFloor, Patchouli, TConstruct, VanillaTweaks, athenaeum mods.
- Updated PyroTech Config.
Fixed a whole bunch of vanilla recipes not working and were being replaced with pyrotech recipes.
- Updated the creepingnether config.
# How many blocks can be actively corrupting at once.
I:"Active Corruption Limit"=0
D:"Creep Chance"=0.0
- Added a new Banned_Items script.
This fixes recipes which have banned items in.
:warning: Server might take a few minutes to be back up as I need to update it. :warning:
- Updated official server list IP! (Server is now online)
- Removed betteranimals mod because for some reason this was crashing when players try to launch the game. (This bug was reported and will get fixed asap)
@Elysium :elysium: Elysium Update 1.0.2-Beta Out!
- Removed the old backpack mod and replaced it with Iron Backpacks.
The old backpacks mod was causing many issues like players couldn't open them and etc. so it was replaced with a better mod.
- Removed the wings mod.
Removed wings mod because there is no point of it being here because it doesn't work on a server. (Bug was reported)
- Updated Script.
We had to update the script because it was causing issues.
- Removed the tombmanypluginsbackpacks mod.
This is a dependency needed for the old backpacks mod which isn't needed anymore.
- Added in content tweaker mod and the base mod which is needed from ct mod.
- Updated betteranimalsplus, dropt, pyrotech, ThaumicAdditions.
New changes and bug fixes!
- Updated IceAndFire config.
# Dragon griefing - 2 is no griefing, 1 is breaking weak blocks, 0 is default [range: 0 ~ 2, default: 0]
I:"Dragon Griefing"=-2
- Added the Botania mod, ExtraBotany, Natural Pledge, Botanic Additions, TConstruct, DarkTheme, LibrarianLib, mantle.
- Updated the server list for the official server. (Still not released yet)