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Fire In The Pipe

- New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
- New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.0.0-Beta-2 (Minecraft 1.7.10)
Fire In The Pipe 2 (MC 1.7.10) - by Kehaan

Expect to play this pack for at least 9-12 months, if you wish to 100% this pack.
Do you like grindy, and very hard packs, that makes you rethink everything you are used to do in Minecraft? Then this pack is for you. This unique modpack is balanced around long term goals in mind. This pack use HQM, as a way to give long term challenges. This book, is not a “how to complete this pack”, but more a way to show you what can be done in the long therm.
Be prepared that even the smallest task will take many hours. And making your first Star Gate, Fusion Reactor, Spaceship and so on, will take many months to complete.
This pack is focused around tech (Mainly GregTech), and survival with weight system, new dimensions and much more.
This pack will make you rage, and it will make you salty but will also make every small task feel like an accomplishment


Read more at:
Kehaans Blog:
Pack Art made by:
LOL U Died – Death Sound is made by Diabolo-ical

This pack contains Fastcraft, by Player, enabled by default. Fastcraft enhances Minecraft with increased performance. Bug reports being made directly to Mod Authors should state Fastcraft is enabled. More informations can be found here:

All Rights Reserved
Minecraft Version
This pack uses Minecraft version 1.7.10
There have been 91,029 installs of this pack.
There have been 5,594 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 24.51 years of this pack.

Additional Resources (1.7.10_0.1.0.)

Add loose resources to the game without needing the user to install a texture pa...

By: Portablejim

AdminCommandsToolbox (0.0.4_dev16_1.7.10)

Lets you generate a world, before exploring.

By: ProfMobius

AgriCraft (1.5.0)

Agricultural farming extended

By: InfinityRaider

Ancient Trees (1.7.10-1.6.4)

A Minecraft mod that adds many extinct tree species to the world.

By: ScottKillen, Blorph, Ruyuna

AnimationAPI (1.7.10-1.2.4)

A supporting mod that allows modders to make animations more easily.

By: thehippomaster21

AppleCore (3.1.1)

An API for modifying the food and hunger mechanics of Minecraft

By: squeek

Applied Energistics 2 (rv2-stable-10)

A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..

By: AlgorithmX2

Ars Magica 2 (

A look into what Minecraft could become if you add a splash of magic...

By: Mithion, Zerodaimaru

Audio Death (0.6.0)

Playes a custom sound on death. Place audio files named deathsound.ogg from <min...

By: Portablejim

Automagy (0.28.2)

An addon for Thaumcraft 4 focused on providing flexible and interesting tools fo...

By: Tuhljin (programming, art), Draanor (art)

Baubles (

Adding a touch of bling to Minecraft

By: Azanor

BD Lib (

A library of generic code for my other mods

By: bdew

An improvement to the Achievementscreen

By: way2muchnoise

Better Title Screen is a client-side mod that provides options to customize Mine...

By: Girafi, Amadornes

BetterStorage (

Adds more storage related blocks and items to the game.

By: copygirl, Vic Nightfall

BiblioCraft (1.11.7)

BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...

By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair

Binnie Patcher (1.8.2)

Coremod to fix patch Binnie's Mods for Forestry 4

By: Chocohead

Binnie's Mods (2.0-pre14)

Various expansions for Forestry adding new bees and trees

By: Binnie567

Blue Power (0.2.962)

Work in progress mod aiming to reintroduce some missing 'glue' blocks from prior...

By: Quetzi, Zness, MineMaarten, K4Unl, Amadornes

Botania (r1.8-249)

Botania is a mod that adds nature magic to Minecraft.

By: Vazkii

Brandon's Core (

This is the core and library mod used for a lot of my current mods

By: brandon3055

Carpenter's Blocks (

Adds slopes and a variety of vanilla-inspired blocks that support covers, side c...

By: Mineshopper

Chance Cubes (

A Game of Chance and Skill

By: Turkey2349

Chisel (

A mod that adds in many fancy blocks for decoration, which are crafted utilising...

By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr

Adds a mountable, breedable mob and supporting items.

By: Torojima <[email protected]>, Micdoodle

CodeChickenCore (

Base common code for all chickenbones mods.

By: chicken_bones

CodeChickenLib (

Core mod for NEI

By: le_pyrobarbare

Allows you to edit the mainmenu using json

By: lumien

Custom Pets (1.0.5)

Make your own Custom Inventory Pets! Choose your own name, abilities, ability le...

By: A_villager, Capn_Kirok

Default World Generator (1.7.10-0.1-b13)

A small mod to automatically select the default world generator for single playe...

By: FireBall1725

Draconic Evolution (1.7.10-1.0.2h)

This is a mod that was originally made for the Tolkiencraft mod pack but it has...

By: brandon3055

EiraMoticons (1.3.88)

Adds emoticons to the Minecraft chat. Supports Twitch and custom emotes. Compati...

By: BlayTheNinth

EJML-core (0.26)

Core mod for IC2


Enchiridion 2 (2.0.2a)

Custom books in minecraft!

By: joshie

EnderCore (1.7.10-

Library mod used by EnderIO, EnderZoo, and others

By: tterrag, CrazyPants

Et Futurum (1.5.5)

A mod dedicated to bring future features to 1.7.10

By: ganymedes01

Extra Utilities (1.2.12)

Just a bunch of useful things

By: RWTema

ExtrabiomesXL (3.16.4)

ExtrabiomesXL adds new aesthetic content that greatly enhances Minecraft's lands...

By: MisterFiber, ScottKillen, JLBShecky, allaryin, bspkrs

Fast Leaf Decay (1.7.10-1.4)

Increases leaf decay rates.

By: Olafski

FastCraft (1.25)

FastCraft optimizes MineCraft in various ways, visit the homepage for further de...

By: Player

Forbidden Magic (1.7.10-0.575)

Forbidden Magic is an addon to add many dark-themed things to Thaumcraft.

By: SpitefulFox

Trees, bees and more.

By: SirSengir

Gadomancy (1.7.10-

An addon for Thaumcraft.

By: makeo, HellFirePvP

Galacticraft Core (

An advanced space travel mod for Minecraft 1.7

By: micdoodle8, radfast, fishtaco

Galacticraft Planets (

Planets addon for Galacticraft.

By: micdoodle8, radfast, fishtaco

GenDustry (

Adds industrial apiaries, advanced genetic manipulation and mutation (Forestry a...

By: bdew

Graviation Suite (1.7.10-2.0.3)

Gravitation Suite give you ability to fly. This is addon for IndustrialCraft 2

By: SeNtiMeL

Greg's SG Craft (1.13.3-mc1.7.10)

SG-1 stargates and other stuff.

By: Greg Ewing

GregTech-Addon (5.09.31)

This Mod adds the awesome Technology of GregTech-Intergalactical to your World!

By: Gregorius Techneticies, Blood Asp

GTTweaker (1.7.10-1.6.3)

Minetweaker Addon for GregTech 5.

By: DreamMasterXXL, Techlone

Overhauls the End with many new areas to explore, bosses to fight and rewards to...

By: chylex

This mod will add Hardcore mode with extra lives. If you use up your lives, your...

By: Vswe, Lorddusk, Newcastlegeek

Making the Wither harder since 2015

By: Thor12022

Hats (4.0.1)

Adds a bunch of hats, as wells as the ability to add more, into Minecraft

By: iChun

Headcrumbs (1.7.4)

Adds heads (and stuff)!

By: ganymedes01

Hunger Overhaul (1.0.0.jenkins104)

Hunger mechanics overhauled

By: iguana_man, Parker8283, progwml6, squeek502

iChunUtil (4.2.3)

Shared library mod required by several of iChun's Mods.

By: iChun, Kihira

Rebalances and adds new features to Tinkers Construct

By: boni, iguana_man

Various tweaks for vanilla

By: iguana_man

A mod adding little things and fixing inconsistencies in Minecraft

By: pifou92000

IndustrialCraft 2 (2.2.827-experimental)

Industrial age themed expansion for Minecraft.

By: Alblaka, Player, RichardG, Thunderdark, GregoriusT, alexthesax, Drashian, Elemen...

Infernal Mobs (1.7.10)

Diablo Style random Enchantments on Entities! Harder fights! More XP and enchant...

By: AtomicStryker

Inventory Pets (1.5.2)

Inventory Pets are living animated creatures that exist in your inventory and gi...

By: A_villager, Capn_Kirok

Inventory Tweaks (1.59-dev-156-af3bc68)

Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...

By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata

JourneyMap (1.7.10-5.1.4p2)

JourneyMap Unlimited Edition: Real-time map in-game or in a web browser as you e...

By: techbrew, mysticdrew


By: Unknown

Kore Sample (1.7.10-1.3.2)

Kore Sample provides a set of tools and base classes for other Minecraft mods th...

By: ScottKillen

Lava Monsters (1.7.10-2.2.1)

Adds a new monster that spawns only in lava to add danger to otherwise boring la...

By: FatherToast

Lost Books (1.7.10-1.2.2)

Adds completely configurable pre-written and procedurally generated books as mob...

By: FatherToast

Malisis' Doors (1.13.2)

Better doors!

By: Ordinastie

MalisisCore (0.14.3)

MalisisCore is a framework dedicated to simplify many processes required during...

By: Ordinastie, PaleoCrafter

Mantle (0.3.2b)

Shared code for Slime Knights mods and others.

By: mDiyo, Sunstrike, progWML6

MicdoodleCore (

Space Mod

By: moosetwin

Minecraft Forge (

Needed to do modded minecraft

By: tcathebluecreper

MineTweaker 3 (3.0.10B)

Customize your minecraft experience!

By: Stan Hebben

Mob Properties (1.7.10-1.0.2)

Allows advanced customization options for all mobs' drops, attributes, and NBT d...

By: FatherToast

MobiusCore (1.2.5)

Core mod used for Opis

By: ProfMobius

ModTweaker is an addon for MineTweaker 3.

By: Jaredlll08

Mouse Tweaks (2.4.4)

A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...

By: YaLTeR

Natura (2.2.1a2)

Heyo, Redwood trees! Chop them all day long!

By: mDiyo, Slime Knights

Neat (1.0-1)

Minimalistic Functional Unit Plates for the modern Minecrafter

By: Vazkii

NEI Addons (

Addons for Not Enough Items for various mods

By: bdew

NEI handlers for all of the mods, one at a time.

By: tonius11

NotEnoughItems (

Recipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more

By: chicken_bones

Nuclear Control, an Industrial Craft 2 addon that allows you to build efficient...

By: Shedar, xbony2, Zuxelus, DMF444

An absolutely huge farming and food mod.

By: Pamela Collins

QmunityLib (1.7.10-0.1.114)

Library required by several Qmunity mods

By: quetzi, amadornes, K4Unl, MineMaarten

Railcraft (

Redefine your rails

By: CovertJaguar

Adds a new world type which generates realistic terrain for Overworld biomes.

By: Team RTG

Allows mod pack creators / users to add their own custom textures to minecrafts...

By: lumien

Adds randomized dungeons to the world

By: Greymerk

Router Reborn (1.7.10-

Bringing the router back in 1.7.x

By: Tom E. Voll

Scott's Tweaks (1.7.10-1.3.1)

A Minecraft mod that adds a few small tweaks to the game.

By: ScottKillen

Special AI (1.7.10-1.1.2)

Adds additional AI patterns to mobs to make the game more challenging. 'Passive'...

By: FatherToast

Special Mobs (3.2.2)

Adds variants to the vanilla mobs to make them more interesting and challenging.

By: FatherToast

Storage Drawers (1.10.9)

Multi-drawer storage blocks for quick storage and retrieval.

By: jaquadro

Tainted Magic (

This extension of Thaumcraft brings an elaboration of the dark side of thaumcraf...

By: yorkeMC

Thaumcraft (

Adding a touch of magic to Minecraft

By: Azanor

Adds Thaumcraft aspects to various mod's mobs

By: iguana_man, lycaon, XanderGryphon

NEI Integration for Thaumcraft 4.

By: DjGiannuzz

The digital age could use some magic

By: Nividica

Thaumic Exploration (Pre 0.6.0b)

An add-on for Thaumcraft 4.1, adding a variety of content.

By: Flaxbeard

Pushing the boundaries of magic

By: Kentington

The Betweenlands (1.0.6-alpha)

Introducing The Betweenlands... a dark and hostile environment. This large and e...

By: Angry Pixel

Encourages dietary variety through diminishing returns.

By: squeek

An enchanted forest dimension.

By: Benimatic (Ben Mazur)

TiC Tooltips (1.2.5)

A simple client-side add-on for Tinkers' Construct that adds relevant stats to a...

By: squeek

Tinkers' Construct (1.8.8.DEV.1486950)

A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools

By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox, boni

Tinkers' Mechworks (

Mechanically inclined Tinkers' Construct expansion

By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox

Waila (1.5.10)

All your data are belong to us.

By: ProfMobius

WAILA Plugins (0.2.0-25)

WAILA plugins for various mods, such as Blood Magic, Magical Crops, and Forestry...

By: tterrag

Greatly expands upon the functionality of Waila by providing many new forms of i...

By: Darkhax

A mod for the dedicated spelunker.

By: WhiskyTangoFox

WhiskyTangoFox's Core (1.7.10_v1.51)

Core Library for all WhiskyTangoFox's Mods

By: WhiskyTangoFox

Witchery (1.7.10-0.24.1)

Bringing witchcraft and nature magic to Minecraft: cauldrons, broomsticks, ritua...

By: Emoniph

WTF's TextureGeneratorLib (1.7.10_vBeta2)

An overlay and stitch texture generator, for use with mods that want to generate...

By: WhiskytangoFox


Fire In The Pipe 2.3.8 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.3.8:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.3.6 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe 2.3.7 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.3.7:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.3.6 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe 2.3.6 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.3.6:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.3.6 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe 2.3.5 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.3.5:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.3.5 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe 2.3.4 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.3.3:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.3.2 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe 2.3.3 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.3.3:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.3.2 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe 2.3.2 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.3.2:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.3.2 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe 2.3.1 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.3.1:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.3.1 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe 2.3.0 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.3.0:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.2.1 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe 2.2.1 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.2.1:
Changelog for version 2.2.0:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.2.1 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe 2.2.0 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.2.0:
Changelog for version 2.1.1:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.2.0 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe 2.1.0 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.1.1:
Changelog for version 2.1.0:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.1.0 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe 2.1.0 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.1.0:
Changelog for version 2.0.1:
Changelog for version 2.0.0:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.1.0 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe 2.0.1 is now out.

Changelog for version 2.0.1:
Changelog for version 2.0.0:

IMPORTANT: Use level-type: "RTG" on servers.
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 1: Version To Install – 1.0.22 (Minecraft 1.6.4)
New Instance: Fire In The Pipe 2: Version To Install – 2.0.1 (Minecraft 1.7.10)

Read more at:

Previous changelogs:

Fire In The Pipe

Rougelikedungeons is nerfed with loot.
You now need a looting weapon/sword to get loot from the monsters.
Also some nerf to not have so many resource blocks.

(Only rougelike dungeons config have changed - Info for server owners <3)

Thanks @Kratos4251 for the bug report <3
This update fixes a crafting issue with Mo Creatures Fishing Bowl, and BoP Empty Jar. Both should not be craftable again :)

(Script folder have been updated, info for server owners)

Added Semi Fluid Generator recipe (IC2) to be used for thaumcraft research
- Thanks @bedantis666 <3

Script folder have been changed (info for server owners)


Thanks to these two, to have streamed the pack so far:

Be sure to tweet at me, if you are streaming or having a youtube series of it :D

Please read here before downloading :)