Hexx Rewritten 3
There have been 299 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 1.54 years of this pack.
AnimationAPI (1.7.10-1.2.4)
A supporting mod that allows modders to make animations more easily.
By: thehippomaster21
Antique Atlas (4.4.4)
Antique Atlas is a book that acts like a map featuring infinite scrolling, zoom...
By: Hunternif
Ars Magica 2 (
A look into what Minecraft could become if you add a splash of magic...
By: Mithion, Zerodaimaru
AtomicStryker's Battletowers (1.5.2)
Giant Towers spawn all over the lands, featuring a vicious Mob infested Ascend l...
By: AtomicStryker
Atum (0.6.77)
Atum is a dimension mod that opens up a whole new desert dimension that contains...
By: Shadowclaimer, lclc98, RebelKeithy
Backpack (2.0.1-1.7.x)
Provides the player with multiple, colored backpacks, which each has the space o...
By: Eydamos
Better Furnaces (4.1.2)
A mod to make smelting stuff faster, or more convenient in other ways. Supporter...
By: TheFrogMC
BiblioCraft (1.11.7)
BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Adds support for 9 varietys of wood from ExtraBiomesXL for 8 of the wooden block...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Adds support for 13 varietys of wood from Natura for 8 of the wooden block in Bi...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
bspkrsCore (6.16)
A set of shared classes used by all mods released by bspkrs.
By: bspkrs, ErrorMikey
Butterfly Mania (1.7.10-1.3.2)
220 realistic behaving butterflies that you can catch and catalog
By: Tyronx1
Carpenter's Blocks (
Adds slopes and a variety of vanilla-inspired blocks that support covers, side c...
By: Mineshopper
Clienthax's ChocoCraft (4.1.4)
Adds a mountable, breedable mob and supporting items.
By: Torojima <[email protected]>, Micdoodle
CodeChickenCore (
Base common code for all chickenbones mods.Supporters: JBoyJr
By: ChickenBones
CoFH Core (3.1.4-329)
Required for all CoFH Mods. Also provides some customization options for Minecra...
By: Team CoFH
+30 Swords to make you battle around hostile and over-powered mobs without feeli...
By: MustangXPress7
Damage Indicators (3.2.3)
Displays the damage you inflict on creatures, as well as current health, name an...
By: rich1051414
Dimensional Doors (2.2.5-test)
Bend and twist reality itself, creating pocket dimensions, rifts, and much more
By: Unknown
Enchanting Plus (1.7.10-3.0.1)
Provides an alternative way to enchant your items!
By: xkyouchoux, odininon, GnR Slash, Darkhax
ExtrabiomesXL (3.16.4)
ExtrabiomesXL adds new aesthetic content that greatly enhances Minecraft's lands...
By: MisterFiber, ScottKillen, JLBShecky, allaryin, bspkrs
Falling Meteors (2.14.3)
Adds Falling Meteors to the game that are made up of three types of materials to...
By: AlexDGr8r
FastCraft (1.25)
FastCraft optimizes MineCraft in various ways, visit the homepage for further de...
By: Player
Finder Compass (1.7.10c)
Make the vanilla Compass point on new and exciting Things! Diamonds! Strongholds...
By: Unknown
Forge Multipart (
Open source library for facilitation of multiple functional parts in the one blo...
By: ChickenBones
Infernal Mobs (1.7.10)
Diablo Style random Enchantments on Entities! Harder fights! More XP and enchant...
By: Unknown
legacyjavafixer (1.0)
Esta correção permite que você utilize versões desatualizadas do forge 1.6.X e 1...
libsandstone (1.0.0)
Sandstone, the foundation for pyramids. Another modding framework.
By: x3n0ph0b3, TheMike
Lost Books (1.7.10-1.2.2)
Adds completely configurable pre-written and procedurally generated books as mob...
By: FatherToast
Lumy Skin Patch (LumySkinPatch-1.0.10.jar)
Skin texture fix for Minecraft 1.2.5, 1.3.2, 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x using Mo...
By: lumy79
Magic Yarn (MagicYarn-1.7.10.jar)
Trace your path like heroes of ancient times! Never get lost again!
By: AtomicStryker
More Bows Restrung (1.0.1)
A port of the More Bows mod to 1.7.10! This mod was originally created by GaussF...
By: GaussFire, iDiamondhunter, Ninjamight, NeRd
More Swords Mod (MSM-SNAP-3.0.0e-For-MC-1.7.10.jar)
A simple mod that adds new swords and enchantments into the game.
By: DarkhaxDev
Necromancy (Necromancy-1.7.10.jar)
This mod is all about Necromancy, also known as the art of reanimation. Create y...
By: AtomicStryker, sirolf2009, Mr_boness, Fabiulu, TheBlackPixel
Not Enough Items (
Recipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more.<plugins>Support...
By: ChickenBones
ObsidiPlates (
Provides pressure plates that can only be activated by players (plus NPC, quiet...
By: Myrathi
offLawn (1.0)
A Painterly Pack world improvement mod. Find and farm sunflowers, craft decorati...
By: Rhodox, CannibalVox
OptiFine (HD_U_D6)
This mod adds support for HD textures and a lot of options for better looks and...
Project Zulu (1.4c)
Project Zulu (PZ) - Better Overworld is a mod that aims to create a more engagin...
By: Soultek101, CrudeDragos
qCraft (1.2.2)
Minecraft Rocks. Quantum Rules.
By: Daniel Ratcliffe, TeacherGaming LLC, Google Creative Lab
Ropes+ (RopePlus-1.7.10.jar)
Ropes! Grappling Hook! Various new Arrows to shoot about! Rope Arrows!
By: Unknown
Ruins Spawning System (15.4)
Allows highly customizable Structure Templates to randomly generate in your Worl...
By: AtomicStryker, homacs, d00dv4d3r, kolt666, 4HeadTiger, Blue001, jsmith, Saeldur
SnapDoors (1.7.10-1.0)
SnapDoors Mod 1.7.10 adds the new doors from the Minecraft 1.8 snapshots.
By: blueyu2
So Much Armor (2.1)
This mod adds many different types of armor with different abilities
By: GravityBurger
Continuation of Moze_Intel�s Soul Shards: Reborn mod.
By: Team Whammich
TC Inventory Scanning (1.0.11)
Allows hovering over items in inventories while holding a Thaumometer to scan th...
By: BlayTheNinth
Thaumcraft Mob Aspects (1.7.2-2A)
Adds Thaumcraft aspects to various mod's mobs
By: iguana_man, lycaon, XanderGryphon
The SecretRoomsMod (1.7.10-
This mod adds a variety of cool blocks that camouflage themselves to the surroun...
By: AbrarSyed, alexbegt
Tinkers' Construct (1.8.8)
A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools
By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox, boni
Waila Harvestability (1.1.6)
An add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you a...
By: squeek
WildCaves 3 (
This mod gives some much needed love to vanilla caves, adds stalactites, stalagm...
By: Alexmania
Witchery (1.7.10-0.25.1)
Bringing witchcraft and nature magic to Minecraft: cauldrons, broomsticks, ritua...
By: Emoniph
Zelda Sword Skills (2.5.1)
The ultimate Zelda mod, adding nearly everything from the Zelda series to Minecr...
By: coolAlias
Zelda Sword Skills - Addon (1.7.10-alpha-0.0.6)
This is a ZeldaSwordSkills Addon, which adds some items ZSS didn't.
By: willer111
- Custom Main Menu;
- Dynamic Lights;
- Resource Loader.
- Config Files.
Update on 9/2/2024 by ATLauncher staff to fix broken download links
ChocoCraft Plus
Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2
More Bows 2
Inventory Tweaks
More Bows: Restrung!
Optifine 1.7.10 HD_U_D6
- ChocoCraft Plus to version 4.4.3.
- Inventory Tweaks.
(It was removed due to several crashes it was causing)
- FPSPlus;
- SnapDoors.
- UpToDateMod.
*Some urgent optimizations have been made.
*There were changes in the generation of ruins.
*Changes to the Dimensional Doors mod settings.
- The fonts have been reverted to the Minecraft standard.