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Just Another Whistle Stop

All aboard! Just Another Whistle Stop is a steampunk/dieselpunk modpack built around all things that move. We've got everything from puny horse carts to giant locomotives! You'll need cars, trucks, planes, and trains to solve the logistical challenges posed by this pack. There are biomes to cross, towns to connect, deposits to be mined, and oil to be extracted. This pack has all the great transportation mods like Railcraft, Immersive Railroading, and Immersive Vehicles (formerly MTS) while also using mods like Geolosys, Open Terrain Generator, and Millenaire to create interesting transport scenarios. Get to it and build a transportation network like never before!

Just Another Whistle Stop is a proud affiliate of Akliz Server Hosting! Visit today to get started. Follow the link or use code "Brass" for 20% off your first month.
Minecraft Version
This pack uses Minecraft version 1.12.2
There have been 2,970 installs of this pack.
There have been 260 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 3.05 years of this pack.

AgriCraft (2.12.0-1.12.0-a6)

Agricultural farming extended.

By: - InfinityRaider

Akashic Tome (1.2-12)

The book of books.

By: Vazkii

Alternating Flux (0.12.2-2)

Adds long distance power transmission to Immersive Engineering

By: AntiBlueQuirk

AppleCore (AppleCore-mc1.12.2-3.4.0.jar)

An API for modifying the food and hunger mechanics of Minecraft

By: squeek502

AppleSkin (1.0.14)

Adds various food-related HUD improvements

By: squeek

ArchitectureCraft (@VERSION@)

Distinguished architectural features for your Minecraft buildings.

By: gcewing (Original Developer), darkevilmac (Maintainer)

AstikorCarts (

Carts that can be pulled by other entities.

By: MennoMax

AutoRegLib (1.3-32)

Automatically item, block, and model registration for mods.

By: Vazkii

B.A.S.E (1.12.2-3.13.0)

Library Mod for the Team Acronym Coders

By: SkySom, Lanse505, Jared, EwyBoy

BetterFps (BetterFps-1.4.8.jar)

Performance Improvements

By: Guichaguri

Biome Bundle is a completely custom world generator containing a huge pack of ov...


BuildCraft Builders (builders-

Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more!...

By: SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team

BuildCraft Energy (energy-

Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more!...

By: SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team

BuildCraft Lib (core-

Library mod used by buildcraft.

By: SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team

Ceramics (1.12-1.3.7)

Adds a few early game items based on baking clay

By: KnightMiner

Chisel (

Adds in tons of fancy blocks for decoration, crafted using the Chisel.

By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr

ContentTweaker (1.12.2-4.9.1)

Custom Minecraft Objects created from CraftTweaker scripts

By: SkySom

CraftTweaker2 (1.12-

Customize your minecraft experience!

By: StanHebben, Jaredlll08

A core mod required by the most mods of CreativeMD. Contains a packets system, g...

By: CreativeMD, N247S

CTM (MC1.12.2-

Allows resource packs to add connected textures, emissive rendering, and much mo...

By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr

Allows you to change the default dirt options background

By: lumien

Custom Main Menu (

Allows you to edit the mainmenu using json

By: lumien

Custom Starter Gear (CustomStartingGear-1.12-

Gives you full control over what items players start the game with.

By: brandon3055

Cyclops Core (1.12.2-1.6.6)

Coremod for EvilCraft, Integrated Dynamics and others.

By: rubensworks (aka kroeserr), immortaleeb (aka _EeB_)

D&RGW Narrow Gauge Rolling Stock Pack - IR (DRGW Rolling Stock

Narrow gauge cars for the mod 'Immersive Railroading'.

By: Thomas4peyton

Diet Hopper (1.1)

Slims down the bounding box of hoppers to allow you to select objects behind it.

By: RWTema

Changes UUIDs of loaded Entities in case their UUIDs are already assigned (and r...

By: CAS_ual_TY

Adds cosmetic blocks for the engineer's workshop, factory and home.

By: wile

Adds doors, trapdoors, and fence gates for Immersive Engineering.

By: Nihiltres

Extreme Reactors (1.12.2-

Adds large, multiblock power generation machines to Minecraft. Compatible with R...

By: ErogenousBeef, ZeroNoRyouki, ABookFreak

Flopper (1.12.2-1.0.3)

A hopper for transferring fluids

By: rubensworks (aka kroeserr)

FoamFix (@VERSION@)

Questionable "performance improvements" that are not in Forge for probably very...

By: asiekierka

Foamflower (1.12.2-

Minecraft GUI library.

By: kamildanak

Forestry (

Trees, bees and more.

By: SirSengir, mezz

Forge Endertech (1.12.2-

Contains all shared classes for Endertech mods.

By: EnderLanky

Geolosys (4.0.6)

A highly configurable terrafirmacraft-style ore generation mod which permits use...

By: oitsjustjose

Gravestone Mod (1.12.7)

This mod adds a gravestone that stores the items of the player when he dies

By: Max Henkel

HelpFixer (1.12.1-1.5.18)

Fixes the help command from mod derpyness

By: matthewprenger

Horse Power (

A mods that adds horse powered blocks.

By: Gory_Moon

Hunger In Peace (1.0.0)

Hunger and normal health regen in peaceful.

By: squeek

IE Cloche Compat (2.1.7-dev.454)

Implements compatibility for other mods in the Immersive Engineering Garden Cloc...

By: NicJames2378

A tech based mod focused on realism.

By: BluSunrize, Damien A.W. Hazard

Adds oil and oil processing features to Immersive Engineering.

By: Flaxbeard

Adds Railroading to Minecraft

By: Christian Mesh (cam72cam), TheLegend5550 , WrongWeekend, DennisTheCan, Thomas4pe...

Immersive Vehicles (formerly MTS) (Immersive Vehicles-1.12.2-21.2.0.jar)

Realistic planes and cars for Minecraft!

By: don_bruce

Vehicles for Transport Simulator, from the devs themselves!

By: don_bruce

InControl (1.12-3.9.17)

Be In Control

By: McJty

InfinityLib (1.12.0)

Library mod for InfinityRaider's mods

By: InfinityRaider

Inspirations (1.12.2-0.2.9)

Adds many small features with a vareity of inspirations.

By: KnightMiner

Inventory Tweaks (1.64dev.146)

Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...

By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata

Just Enough Dimensions (1.6.0-dev.20200416.184714)

Allows registering custom dimensions via a JSON file

By: masa

Just Enough Items (

Simple recipe and item helper.

By: mezz

-and petroleum accessories

By: BordListian

LittleTiles (LittleTiles_v1.5.0-pre199_60_mc1.12.2.jar)


By: CreativeMD, Shana

LunatriusCore (

A collection of utilities for Lunatrius' mods.

By: Lunatrius

MalisisCore (1.12.2-6.5.1-SNAPSHOT)

MalisisCore is a framework dedicated to simplify many processes required during...

By: Ordinastie, PaleoCrafter, AlmuraDev

MalisisDoors (1.12.2-7.3.0)

Better doors!

By: Ordinastie

Mantle (

Shared code for Slime Knights mods and others.

By: boni, progWML6, Alexbegt

Metal Chests (MetalChests-v6.1.0+mc1.12.2.jar)

The better alternative to Iron Chests

By: T145_irl

Millenaire (8.1.0)

An historical village mod

By: Kinniken

MineColonies (1.12.2-0.11.804-RELEASE)

MineColonies is a Colony/Town Simulator that adds many structures and NPC worke...

By: Let's Dev Together Team

Mod Tweaker (4.0.18)

ModTweaker is an addon for CraftTweaker, a recipe manipulator utility for Minecr...

By: Jaredlll08

A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...

By: YaLTeR

MTLib (3.0.6)

Library files for Minetweaker Addons

By: Jaredlll08

Nature's Compass (1.12.2-1.8.5)

Search for a biome and get information about it.

By: ChaosTheDude

Allows various structures to be disabled.

By: Darkhax

Open Terrain Generator (1.12.2 v8.3)

Team OTG: PeeGee85 (code), MC_Pitman & LordSmellyPants (graphics, web, community...

By: PeeGee85, Khorn/Wickth, Olof Cayorion Larsson, RutgerKok, TimeThor

OpenComputers (

This mod adds modular computers and robots that can be programmed in Lua.

By: Sangar, Vexatos, payonel, magik6k, Lord Joda, Github Contributors

A superflat world with many different biomes and super sized villages

By: Team OTG

Disables Nether Portals

By: Pamela Collins

Parachute Mod (parachutemod-1.12.2-1.7.4-446.jar)

Parachute Mod

By: pbrane0

Phosphor Lighting Engine (1.12.2-0.2.6+build50)

Consider pledging to my Patreon! Your support will go directly towards funding d...

By: Angeline (@jellysquid)

Placebo (1.12.2-1.6.0)

1 library boi

By: Shadows_of_Fire

Quark (r1.6-179)

Small things.

By: Vazkii, wiiv

Railcraft (12.0.0)

Redefine your rails

By: CovertJaguar

RandomPatches (1.12.2-

A bunch of miscellaneous patches for Minecraft.

By: TheRandomLabs

ReAuth (3.6.0)

A Mod to renew your Session

By: TechnicianLP

Resource Loader (1.5.3)

Allows mod pack creators / users to add their own custom textures to minecrafts...

By: lumien

Roost (2.0.10)

A place for chickens to rest

By: Tim Wood


A markdown-based manual.

By: Sangar, Vexatos

Rustic (1.1.6)

A medieval themed Minecraft mod based around decoration, exploration, and agricu...

By: the-realest-stu

Schematica (

Import and export Minecraft schematic files in Minecraft!

By: Lunatrius

Bits for your server

By: Reforgotten

Adds a camp fire that cooks food. It even cooks while you sleep.

By: jsit

A mod designed to encourage dietary variety! It does so by rewarding the player...

By: Cazsius, Talonos, juliand665

Stackable (1.12.2-1.3.3)

Stack ingots in the world

By: MrRiegel

StackUp! (0.2.5)

Because 64 just wasn't enough

By: asiekierka

Surge (2.0.79)

A tweak mod that improves Minecraft performance and stability.

By: Darkhax, Jaredlll08, lclc98

TBone (TBone-v1.6.8+mc1.12.2.jar)

T145's shared code library

By: T145_irl

The One Probe (1.12-1.4.28)

A Probe to rule them all!

By: McJty

Encourages dietary variety through diminishing returns.

By: squeek

Tinkers' Complement (1.12.2-0.4.3)

Addon for Tinkers Construct adding various features to complement those from Tin...

By: KnightMiner

Tinkers' Construct (

A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools

By: boni, KnightMiner

To the Bat Poles! (1.12.2-

Craftable poles for sliding and climbing

By: Seth0067, EnderLanky

Toast Control (1.12.2-1.8.1)

Control what toasts are enabled, because some of them are useless.

By: Shadows_of_Fire

Track API (1.2)

A common track interface for minecraft forge

By: cam72cam

Trade (Fabric) (1.0.4)

Allows trading between players on server

By: thesilentum, fewizz_

Tumbleweed (1.12-0.4.7)

Tumbleweeds spawn around dead bushes in deserts. They drop random goodies upon d...

By: konwboy

UNU Civilian Vehicles for Minecraft Transport Simulator and Immersive Railroadin...

By: Dr_prof_Luigi

UNU Parts Pack for Minecraft Transport Simulator

By: Dr_prof_Luigi

uppers (0.0.6)

A mod that adds upside-down hoppers.

By: vadis365

Vanilla Automation (1.12.2-1.5.5)

Adding tweaks to existing blocks.

By: universal

Vanilla Vistas by MCPitman.


VanillaFix (1.0.10-150)

Bug fixes, optimizations, no more crashes, and better crash reports for Minecraf...

By: Runemoro, ZombieHDGaming

Vending (1.12.2-

Adds a vending block that lets you sell items.

By: AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN, kamildanak

VoxelMap (1.9.28)

Minimap and world map

By: MamiyaOtaru

Finite Water Control

By: The_CodedOne

Zero CORE (1.12.2-

Utility mod and multiblock API

By: ZeroNoRyouki


Mod updates
Tweaks to MTS config

Mod Updates
Added mods Roost, Surge, and To the Bat Poles
Added some useful links

-Advanced to release!
-Mod updates
-Added Hunger in Peace, Phosphor, OpenComputers, Extreme Reactors, Forestry, Tumbleweeds, Help Fixer and Uppers
-Rebalanced ore spawn rates (deposits should be somewhat rarer and bigger now)
-Adjusted many Immersive Vehicles recipes
-Reduced slime island spawn rate
-Added molten invar
-Extended range of the prospecting pick
-The minecolonies miner now digs up modded ores as well as vanilla ones
-The minecolonies sifter can now find ore clusters by sifting through gravel
-Some rough ores can now be processed on a grindstone (inefficiently)
-The dragon head is now obtainable
-Disabled Rustic bees and apiaries, use the Forestry ones
-Sulfur now sometimes drops from rough coal ore
-Buffed the lunch box and lunch bag
-Increased the effect seed quality has on the IE cloche
-Removed the unbreakable rotor recipe for the railcraft turbine
-Blocked toasts (no not that kind of toast)
-Cookies and cakes now need flour instead of raw wheat
-Buffed the seared heater
HOTFIX -Fixed ores not spawning correctly

-Mod updates
-Added MalisisDoors, MalisisCore, Cloche Compat Mod, and Nature's Compass
-Replaced Chunk Claim with Claimit for server installations
-Tweaked the fuel values for the high oven
-Readded a few removed mixer recipes
-Raised stack size for Millenaire coins
-Added recipe for raw firestone
-Tweaked manual recipe
-Added recipe for ancient tome (Minecolonies)
-Removed Quark's iron ladder (use IE's or ED's version)

-Mod updates
-Fixed crushed obsidian recipe
-Tweaked font size on stack numbers
-Added Random Patches, Trade, Architecturecraft, Vending Blocks, FoamFlower, Schematica, LunatriusCore, Reauth, and DEUF
-Added Chunk Claim as an optional mod for servers
-Ores can now spawn in sandstone
-Colonies now use dynamic sizing
-Fixed "divide by zero" crash
-Added recipe for shader grab bags
-Tweaked the manual

-Added Little Tiles, Creative Core, Chisel, and Connected Textures as optional mods
-Added Placebo, Toast Control, Apple Skin, Just Enough Dimensions, Metal Chests, and Vanilla Vistas
-Removed the nether again (this time for real!)
-Tweaked stack sizes. Most items now stack to 32 but there are some major exceptions, like ore.
-Raised the stack sizes for a few millenaire blocks to 256 to help Millenaire villages with storage. Note that existing villages will likely not benefit unless you buy out their stock of path blocks, thatch, mud brick, timber frames, and etc.
-Added a way to turn blaze powder back into blaze rods at the metal press. You might not realize it, but this changes everything.
-The lunchbox now stacks up to 6
-Hid some stuff in JEI. Don't bother looking for it.
-Players now spawn with the One Probe, which was in the pack the whole time!
-Added crushed obsidian recipe
-Iron wine and berry wine can now be made in a fermenter
-Restored one of the weirder settings in Immersive Vehicles to 256.
-Added FAQ and start guide to the manual
-Disable some OP gadgets (sorry)
-Galena can now be found in snowy biomes
-Tweaked stone generation. Quark now handles more of it.
-Tweaked ore generation. Deposits are all somewhat smaller.
-Hopefully reduced lag significantly

Initial release