This first mod pack by Chaoschunk is focused on adventure and is big on technology. We encourage you to explore the world, searching for the means to define your existence. Karma is meant to be played endlessly, what you put in to it, is what you get out! Come see what Karma holds for you!
This pack contains Fastcraft (http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=10820), by Player, enabled by default. Fastcraft enhances Minecraft with increased performance. Bug reports being made directly to Mod Authors should state Fastcraft is enabled.
There have been 10,420 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 134.23 years of this pack.
Applied Energistics 2 (rv3-beta-5)
A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
By: AlgorithmX2
BiblioCraft (1.11.4)
BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Big Reactors (0.4.3A)
Adds large, multiblock power generation machines to Minecraft. Compatible with R...
By: ErogenousBeef
Biomes O' Plenty (
Adds over 75 new biomes, blocks, and more!
By: Adubbz, Amnet, Forstride, ted80
Bookshelf (1.7.10-
Bookshelf is a core/library mod, which adds new features and tools into the game...
By: darkhax, lclc98
Brandon's Core (
This is the core mod that will be used by most of my mods from now on
By: brandon3055
Carpenter's Blocks (3.3.7)
Adds slopes and a variety of vanilla-inspired blocks that support covers, side c...
By: Mineshopper
Chisel (
A mod that adds in many fancy blocks for decoration, which are crafted utilising...
By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr
CoFH Core (3.1.0-323)
Required for all CoFH Mods. Also provides some customization options for Minecra...
By: Team CoFH
ComputerCraft (1.75)
ComputerCraft adds Computers, Programming and Robotics to Minecraft.
By: Daniel Ratcliffe, Aaron Mills
Cooking for Blockheads (1.0.134)
Adds a cooking book that only shows recipes you can make with what you currently...
By: BlayTheNinth, ZeroTheShinigami
Custom Chest Loot (1.1.1)
Have you ever wanted to customize your bonus starter chest, see mod items in dun...
By: FatherToast
Damage Indicators (3.2.3)
Displays the damage you inflict on creatures, as well as current health, name an...
By: rich1051414
ejml (0.23)
Industrial age themed expansion for Minecraft.
By: Alblaka, Player, RichardG, Thunderdark, GregoriusT, alexthesax, Drashian, Elemen...
Elemental Creepers (4.3.0)
Adds quite a few Element based (and other types) creepers into your game
By: Lomeli12
Enchanting Plus (1.7.10-3.0.2-d)
Replaces the enchanting system with an optional custom one!
By: xkyouchoux, odininon, GnR Slash
Ender IO (
Compact conduits, painted things and access to your stuff through an eye of ende...
By: CrazyPants, tterrag
Ender Storage (
EnderStorage is a mod that offers a means to store your items in The END, causin...
By: ChickenBones
EnderCore (1.7.10-
Library mod used by EnderIO, EnderZoo, and others
By: tterrag, CrazyPants
ExtraCells (2.3.7)
A Mod that adds 4 new ME Storage Cells and some other cool stuff to AE.
By: M3gaFr3ak
FastCraft (1.21)
FastCraft optimizes MineCraft in various ways, visit the homepage for further de...
By: Player
GraviSuite (1.7.10-2.0.3)
Gravitation Suite give you ability to fly. This is addon for IndustrialCraft 2
By: SeNtiMeL
Hardcore Ender Expension (1.8.5)
Hardcore Ender Expansion offers unique, new content across the End. The dragon b...
By: chylex
Hunger Overhaul (1.0.0.jenkins75)
Hunger mechanics overhauled
By: iguana_man, Parker8283, progwml6, squeek502
Iguana Tinker Tweaks (2.1.5)
Rebalances and adds new features to Tinkers Construct
By: boni, iguana_man
Immibis Core (59.1.4)
This is like CodeChicken Core, Buildcraft Core, RedPower Core, and so on - it pr...
By: immibis
IndustrialCraft 2 (2.2.810-experimental)
Industrial age themed expansion for Minecraft.
By: Alblaka, Player, RichardG, Thunderdark, GregoriusT, alexthesax, Drashian, Elemen...
Infernal Mobs (1.6.0)
Imbues spawning Living Things in the World with Diablo-style random Enchantments...
By: AtomicStryker
Infinity Bow Fix (
Removes the need for a single arrow in the inventory when using an "Infinity I"...
By: Myrathi
Inventory Tweaks (1.59-dev-156-af3bc68)
Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...
By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata
Iron Chest (
New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items. The feature chest is...
By: cpw
JABBA (1.2.1a)
Jabba (Just Another Better Barrel Attempt) is focused on providing an affordable...
By: ProfMobius
JourneyMap (1.7.10-5.1.3)
JourneyMap Unlimited Edition: Real-time map in-game or in a web browser as you e...
By: techbrew, mysticdrew
Kwasti Bust Monsters (1.0.9)
Adds several small bosses in the world. Meeting with the boss will be very dange...
By: Kwasti
Magic Bees (1.7.10-2.4.0)
Magic themed bee expansion for Forestry. TC4, Botania, EE3, AM 2, TE 3
By: MysteriousAges
Minecraft Forge (
Minecraft Forge is a modding API used by alot of mods.
By: Eloraam, FlowerChild, Hawkye, MALfunction84, Scokeev9, SpaceToad, LexManos, cpw
Minefactory Reloaded (2.8.0-104)
MFR aims to automate a number of tasks that previously would be difficult, borin...
By: skyboy026
MineTweaker (3.0.10B)
MineTweaker is a server admin and modpack maker tool that enables players to cus...
By: StanH
Mo Zombies (2.1.1)
Adds more zombies to the game, each with their own special properties and abilit...
By: coocoo617
Mob Properties (1.7.10-0.4.2)
Allows advanced customization options for all mobs' drops, attributes, and NBT d...
By: FatherToast
More Enchants (1.4.0c)
MoreEnchants adds 22 new enchantments to Minecraft, using vanilla enchanting mec...
By: DemoXin
Natural Absorption (1.7.10-1.2.1)
Provides the player with a regenerating shield, intended for play with no health...
By: FatherToast
NEI Addons (
Adds in mod integration into NEI by showing bee breeding information as well as...
By: bdew
Nether Ores (2.3.1-22)
Introduces mineable yet dangerous ores to the Nether
By: PowerCrystals, TehKrush, AtomicStryker, skyboy026
NoMoreRecipeConflict (0.2)
Adds interface allowing you to choose all recipe options for a given set of item...
By: GotoLink
NotEnoughItems (
Allows you to quickly and easily look up recipes and uses for any item in Minecr...
By: ChickenBones
OpenBlocks (1.5)
All the things you never thought you will ever need
By: Mikee, NeverCast, boq, Lyqyd
OpenEye (0.6)
Our primary aim is to collect and share vital information to allow us to provide...
By: Mikee, NeverCast, boq, Lyqyd
OpenPeripheralAddons (0.5)
Random CC peripherals
By: Mikeemoo, cybcaoyibo, SinZ, theoriginalbit, Foone
OpenPeripheralCore (1.2.1)
Converts many blocks into ComputerCraft peripherals!
By: Mikeemoo, boq, theoriginalbit, Foone, SinZ
Converts many blocks into ComputerCraft peripherals!
By: Mikeemoo, boq, theoriginalbit, Foone, SinZ
Project Zulu (1.4c2)
Project Zulu (PZ) - Better Overworld is a mod that aims to create a more engagin...
By: Soultek101, CrudeDragos
ProjectRed Fabrication (4.7.0pre10.93)
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Fabrication module for Project Red.
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed-Base (4.7.0pre10.93)
Project Red is all about tech. If you love redstone, you'll wonder how you ever...
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed-Compat (4.7.0pre10.93)
Project Red is all about tech. If you love redstone, you'll wonder how you ever...
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed-Integration (4.7.0pre10.93)
Project Red is all about tech. If you love redstone, you'll wonder how you ever...
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed-Lighting (4.7.0pre10.93)
Project Red is all about tech. If you love redstone, you'll wonder how you ever...
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed-Mechanical (4.7.0pre10.93)
Project Red is all about tech. If you love redstone, you'll wonder how you ever...
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed-World (4.7.0pre10.93)
Project Red is all about tech. If you love redstone, you'll wonder how you ever...
By: Mr_TJP
Redstone Arsenal (1.1.2)
Behold the Redstone (Flux) Revolution - provides Flux-Infused Tools and Armor!
By: Team CoFH
Resource Loader (1.2)
Allows mod pack creators / users to add their own custom textures to minecrafts...
By: lumien
Ruins Spawning System (14.4)
Allows highly customizable Structure Templates to randomly generate in your Worl...
By: d00dv4d3r, kolt666, AtomicStryker
Simply Jetpacks (1.5.3)
This is a small mod that adds Redstone Flux-powered jetpacks to the game
By: tonius11
TConstruct (1.8.8)
Putting tools together in a wide variety of ways, then modifying them until they...
By: mDiyo
Thermal Dynamics (1.1.0)
Thermal meets Dynamic - provides options for transporting items, fluids, and Red...
By: Team CoFH
Thermal Expansion (4.1.1-237)
Expanding Minecraft thermally - provides new options for automation and processi...
By: KingLemmingCoFH, Cynycal, ZeldoKavira
TiC Tooltips (1.2.5)
A simple client-side add-on for Tinkers' Construct that adds relevant stats to a...
By: squeek
Tinkers' Mechworks (
Addon for Tinkers Construct
By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox
TrashSlot (1.0.31)
Adds a trash slot to the inventory screen that allows deletion of unwanted items...
By: BlayTheNinth
Vein Miner (0.27.1)
When a configured block is harvested a chain reaction is initiated to break conn...
By: portablejim
Waila Plugins (0.2.0-23)
This mod adds WAILA plugins for many popular mods. The benefit of this is you ar...
By: tterrag1098
What Are We Looking At (1.3.3)
Greatly expands upon the functionality of Waila by providing many new forms of i...
By: Darkhax
Yet Another Leather Smelting Mod (2.1.3)
Adds recipes to allow smelting Rotten Flesh to Leather. It's been done before,...
By: airbreather, skidznet
Always back up your worlds before updating
Had to revert Enchanting Plus back to (v3.0.2-d) because it crashed on a server
Always back up your worlds before updating
A small config changed that i messed sorry
Always back up your worlds before updating
A new world is recommended lots of changes in this version
Config Updates:
-Lowered Project Red Ores
-Removed Sandy Witch
-Changed Tinker Tweaks Module for Mob Head Drops
-Removed Wither from Lucky Blocks
-Turned off Fish from Project Zulu (again)
-Doubled the Capacity of Each Type of Storage Draw
Mods Removed:
-Backpacks (v2.0.1)
-Better Storage (v0.13.1.127) (mod was longer being updated)
-Mobius Core (v1.2.5)
-Opis (v1.2.5)
Mods Added:
-Bookshelf (v1.0.4.187)
-Cooking for Blockheads (v1.0.134)
-Flood Lights (v1.0.3-116)
-In-Game Wiki Mod (v1.1.12-34)
-Iron Backpacks (v1.2.15)
-Journey Map (v5.1.3-unlimited)
-Portable Craft Bench (V1.3)
-Storage Drawers (v1.7.7)
-Wawla (v1.3.3)
-Yet Another Leather Smelting Mod (v2.1.3)
Mods Updated:
-AE2stuff (rv3-
-Apple Core (v1.3.0)
-Applied Energistics 2 (rv3-beta-5)
-bdlib (v1.9.4.109)
-Botania (r1.8-248)
-Brandons Core (v1.0.0.10-bugfix)
-Chisel (v
-CoFH Core (v3.1.0-323)
-CoFH Lib (v1.1.1-181)
-Computer Craft (v1.75)
-Draconic Evolution (v1.0.2-Snapshot_9)
-Enchanting Plus (v4.0.0.74-RC3)
-Ender Core (v0.2.0.31_beta)
-EnderIO (v2.3.0.422_beta)
-Ender Storage (v1.4.7.38)
-Extra Cells (v2.3.7b176)
-Industrialcraft 2 (v2.2.810)
-Immibis Core (v59.1.4)
-Mcjty Lib (v1.8.1)
-Mekanism Generators (v8.1.8.258)
-Mekanism Tools (v8.1.8.258)
-Forge (v10.13.4.1614)
-Moar Signs (v1.2.2)
-Not Enough Items (v1.0.5.120)
-NEI Addons (v1.12.15.41)
-NEI Integration (v1.1.1)
-Nether Ores (v2.3.1-22)
-Open Blocks (v1.5)
-Open Mods Lib (v0.9)
-Open Peripheral Addons (v0.5)
-Open Peripheral Core (v1.2.1)
-Open Peripheral Integration (v0.4)
-Pam's Harvest Craft (v1.7.10Lb)
-Project Red Base (v4.7.0pre10.93)
-Project Red Compatibility (v4.7.0pre10.93)
-Project Red Integration (v4.7.0pre10.93)
-Project Red Lighting (v4.7.0pre10.93)
-Project Red Mechanical (v4.7.0pre10.93)
-Project Red World (v4.7.0pre10.93)
-Redstone Arsenal (v1.1.2-92)
-RF Tools (v4.21)
-Roguelike Dungeons (v1.4.4)
-Simply Jetpacks (v1.5.3)
-Thermal Expansion (v4.1.1-237)
-Thermal Foundation (v1.2.2-111)
-Tinkers Mechworks (v0.2.15.106)
-Trashslot (v1.0.31)
-Waila Harvestability (v1.1.6)
Always back up your worlds before updating
A new world is recommended lots of changes in this version
Config Updates:
-Turned on graves stones
-Added records in stakes of 16 (same type)
-Added a few new Lucky Blocks
Mods Removed:
-Chisel 2 (v2.4.1.40) (The newest version is Chisel)
-iBench (v1.0.12)
Mods Added:
-Brandons Core (v1.0.0.8)
-Computer Craft (v1.74)
-Chisel (v2.9.3.9)
-Magic Bees (v2.4.0)
-McJtylib (v1.7.0)
-Open Peripheral Addons (v0.4)
-Open Peripheral Core (v1.2)
-Open Peripheral Integration (v0.3)
-RF Tools (v4.01)
-Trash Slot (v1.0.30)
Mods Updated:
-AE2 Stuff (rv0.5.0.56)
-bdlib (v1.9.2.107)
-Better Storage (v0.13.1.127)
-BiblioCraft (v1.11.4)
-Biomes O Plenty (v2.1.0.1396)
-Botania (r1.7-231)
-Carpenters Blocks (v3.3.7)
-Code Chicken Core (v1.0.7.47)
-Code Chicken Lib (v1.1.3.140)
-Custom Main Menu (v1.9.2)
-Draconic Evolution (v1.0.2-Snapshot_5)
-Ender Core (v0.1.2.30_beta)
-Ender IO (v2.3.0.418_beta)
-Ender Zoo (v1.0.15.32)
-Extra Utilities (v1.2.12)
-Forestry (v4.1.1.46)
-Forge Relocation (v0.0.1.4)
-Hardcore Ender Expansion ( v1.8.4)
-Industrialcraft 2 (v2.2.791-experimental)
-immibis core (v59.1.2)
-InGameInfoXML (v2.8.1.82)
-Mantle (v0.3.2b)
-Mine Tweaker 3 (v3.0.10B)
-Mob Properties (v0.4.2)
-Mr Crayfish Furniture Mod ( v3.4.8)
-Natura (v2.2.1a2)
-Mr TJP Core (v1.1.0.31)
-NEI Addons (v1.12.14.40)
-NEI Integration (v1.0.13)
-Not Enough Resources (v0.1.0.110)
-Open Blocks (v1.4.4-snapshot-677)
-Open Mods Lib (v0.8-snapshot-402)
-Pam's HarvestCraft (v1.7.10k)
-Project Red Base (v4.7.0pre9.92)
-Project Red Compatibility (v4.7.0pre9.92)
-Project Red Fabrication (v4.7.0pre9.92)
-Project Red Integration (v4.7.0pre9.92)
-Project Red Lighting (v4.7.0pre9.92)
-Project Red Mechanical (v4.7.0pre9.92)
-Project Red World (v4.7.0pre9.92)
-Runic Dungeons (v1.16a)
-Simply Jetpacks (v1.5.2)
-Solar Flux (v0.8b)
-Stackie (v1.6.0.36)
-Tinkers Construct (v1.8.8)
-Waila Harvestability (v1.1.5)
-WAILA Plugins (v0.2.0.23)
Always back up your worlds before updating
Rolled back to Applied Energistics2 (rv2-stable-10) the new version still has some bugs
Always back up your worlds before updating
Removed Custom Main Menu v1.6 and Resource Loader v1.2
from the server download (oops sorry)
Always back up your worlds before updating
The Karma Dev. Team would like to thank StylishKitsune for the new Karma start screen.
Config Updates:
-Reverted the configs back on Iguanas Tinker Tweaks (oops went to far last time)
Mods Removed:
-ttCore (v0.1.1-76) (not needed when EnderCore is installed)
Mods Added:
-Custom Main Menu (v1.6)
-Ender Core (v0.0.1.13_alpha)
-Forge Relocation (v0.0.1.3)
-Forge Relocation FMP (v0.0.1.2)
-Project Red Fabrication (v4.7.0pre7.91)
-Resource Loader (v1.2)
Mods Updated:
-AE2 stuff (v0.4.3.47)
-Applied Energistics 2 (rv3-alpha-2)
-Artifacts (v1.1.3)
-bdlib (v1.9.1.97)
-Biblio Craft (v1.10.5)
-Biomes O Plenty (v1.7.10-
-Botania (r1.7-208)
-Carpenter's Blocks (v3.3.7 DEV )
-Chisel 2 (v2.4.1.40)
-Code Chicken Core (v1.0.7.46)
-Code Chicken Lib (v1.1.3.138)
-CoFH Core (v3.0.4B1-308)
-CoFH Lib (v1.0.4B1-176)
-Dimensiona Aanchor (v59.0.3)
-Elemental Creepers (v4.3.0)
-Ender IO (v2.3.0.403_beta)
-Extra Cells (v2.2.73b129)
-Extra Utilities (v1.2.9)
-Forestry (v3.6.3.20)
-Forge (v10.13.4.1492)
-Forge Multipart (v1.2.0.345)
-Hardcore Ender Expansion ( v1.8.2)
-Industrial Craft 2 (v2.2.756-experimental)
-iChun Util (v4.2.2)
-Mekanism (v8.1.7.252)
-Mekanism Generators (v8.1.7.252)
-Mekanism Tools (v8.1.7.252)
-Mo' Zombies (v2.1.1)
-MrTJPCore (v1.1.0.30)
-Not Enough Items (v1.0.5.111)
-NEI Addons (v1.12.11.36)
-NEI Integration (v1.0.11)
-Nether Ores (v2.3.1RC1-18)
-Not Enough Resources (v0.1.0.106)
-Open Blocks (v1.4.3-snapshot-648)
-Open Mods Lib (v0.7.3-snapshot-377)
-Pam's HarvestCraft (v1.7.10i)
-Project Red Base (v4.7.0pre7.91)
-Project Red Compact (v4.7.0pre7.91)
-Project Red Integration(v4.7.0pre7.91)
-Project Red Lighting (v4.7.0pre7.91)
-Project Red Mechanical (v4.7.0pre7.91)
-Project RedWorld (v4.7.0pre7.91)
-Redstone Arsenal (v1.1.1-89)
-Runic Dungeons (v1.1.5c)
-Solar Flux (v0.8a)
-Thermal Dynamics (v1.1.0-161)
-Thermal Expansion (v4.0.3B1-218)
-Thermal Foundation(v1.2.0-102)
-TiC Tooltips (v1.2.5)
-Tinkers Construct (v1.8.6a)
-WAILA Plugins (v0.1.0-16)
Always back up your worlds before updating
Config Updates:
-Added Yellowrite to the Deep Dark
-Added/changed some ruins
-Raised the XP leveling in Iguanas Tinker Tweaks (may get changed again next version)
-Raised the rarity of Pam's Harvestcraft gardens
-Removed Infernal Wasps
-Removed any TiC tools from the Ender IO farming station
-Lowered Draconic Ore in the MFR Laser
Mods Updated:
-AE2 Stuff (v0.3.0.30)
-Applied Energistics2 (vrv2-stable-3)
-bdlib (v1.8.0.86)
-Biomes O Plenty (v1.7.10-
-Botania (r1.6-191)
-Code Chicken Core (v1.7.10-
-CoFH Core (v3.0.2-282)
-CoFH Lib (v1.0.3B1-163)
-Draconic Evolution (v1.0.1c)
-Ender IO (v2.3.0.385_beta)
-Extra TiC (v1.4.5)
-Extra Utilities (v1.2.5)
-Forge Multipart (v1.2.0.344)
-Industrialcraft 2 (v2.2.726)
-Hardcore Ender Expansion ( v1.8.1)
-Minecraft Forge (v10.13.3.1403-1.7.10)
-Mob Amputation (v4.0.1)
-MrTJP Core (v1.0.8.16)
-Not EnoughI tems (v1.0.4.107)
-NEI Addons (v1.12.8.29)
-Open Blocks (v1.4.3-snapshot-637)
-Open Mods Lib (v0.7.3-snapshot-362)
-Project Red Base (v4.6.1.80)
-Project Red Compatibility (v4.6.2.82)
-Project Red Integration (v4.6.2.82)
-Project Red Lighting (v4.6.2.82)
-Project Red Mechanical (v4.6.2.82)
-Project Red World (v4.6.2.82)
-Redstone Arsenal (v1.1.0-83)
-Runic Dungeons (v1.1.4)
-Simply Jetpacks (v1.5.1)
-Solar Flux (v0.7)
-Thermal Dynamics (v1.0.0-129)
-Thermal Foundation (v1.0.0-85)
-Twilight Forest (v2.3.7)
Always back up your worlds before updating
Mods Reverted:
-Forge Multipart (v1.1.2.334) due to crash bug with Micro Blocks
Always back up your worlds before updating
Config Changes:
-Fixed Biome ID conflict in Biomes O Plenty
-Removed Fastcraft from server download
-Added Paper Tough Tool Rod to Iguana Tinker Tweaks parts that can be made
-Removed fisha and fishb from Project Zulu due to over popultaion
Mods Reverted:
-Mine Factory Reloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.0-104
Mods Removed:
-Advanced Inventory (v0.5.9)
Mods Updated:
-AE2 Stuff (v0.3.0.26)
-bdlib (v1.7.2.81)
-Biomes O Plenty (v2.1.0.1274)
-Botania (vr1.6-188)
-Code Chicken Core (v1.0.6.43)
-CoFH Lib (v1.0.2-160)
-Draconic Evolution (v1.0.1b)
-Ender IO (v2.3.0.378_beta)
-Ender Storage (v1.4.7.36)
-Ender Zoo (v1.0.11.28)
-Extra Cells (v2.2.69)
-Extra Utilities (v1.2.4c)
-Forestry (v3.5.6.15)
-Forge Multipart (v1.2.0.344)
-Hardcore Ender Expansion (v1.8.1-beta)
-Hunger Overhaul (v1.0.0)
-Iguana Tinker Tweaks (v2.1.5)
-Industrial Craft (v2-2.2.719)
-Immibis Core (v59.1.1)
-Mine Factory Reloaded (v2.8.0-104)
-Forge (v10.13.3.1388)
-Not EnoughI tems (v1.0.4.106)
-Open Blocks (v1.4.3-snapshot-626)
-Open Mods Lib (v0.7.3-snapshot-357)
-Redstone Arsenal (v1.1.0-82)
-Thermal Foundation (v1.0.0-84)
-Tinkers Construct (v1.8.5)
-WAILA Plugins (v0.0.1-15)
Always back up your worlds before updating
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE MAGIC UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A new world is recommended with this update.
Config Changes:
Lowered the flower spawning from default in Botania
Tweaked the Advanced Solar Generation in Mekanism
Tweaked the Bio Generation in Mekanism
Tweaked the Heat Generation in Mekanism
Modes Added:
-Advanced Inventory (v0.5.9)
-Botania (vr1.6-187)
-Extra TiC (v1.4.1)
-Iguana Tinker Tweaks (v2.1.4)
Modes Updated:
-Applied Energistics 2 (rv2-stable-1)
-Biblio Craft (v1.10.4)
-Biomes O Plenty (v2.1.0.1237)
-Code Chicken Lib (v1.1.3.136)
-CoFH Core (v3.0.2-273)
-CoFH Lib (v1.0.1-159)
-Copy Core (v1.6.1.9)
-Draconic Evolution (v1.0.1)
-Ender IO (v2.3.0.376_beta)
-Ender Storage (v1.4.7.33)
-Extra Utilities (v1.2.4b)
-Forestry (v3.5.4.13)
-Forge Multipart (v1.1.2.334)
-Hardcore Ender Expansion (v1.8)
-Industrial Craft (v2-2.2.717)
-Mekanism (v8.1.1.229)
-Mekanism Generators (v8.1.1.229)
-Mekanism Tools (v8.1.1.229)
-Mine Factory Reloaded (v2.8.1B1-110)
-Mr TJP Core (v1.0.6.13)
-NEI Integration (v1.0.9)
-Nether Ores (v2.3.1B1-14)
-Open Blocks (v1.4.1-snapshot-611)
-Open Mods Lib- (v0.7.1-snapshot-349)
-Project Red Base (v4.6.0.79)
-Project Red Compatibility (v4.6.0.79)
-Project Red Integration (v4.6.0.79)
-Project Red Lighting (v4.6.0.79)
-Project Red Mechanical (v4.6.0.79)
-Project Red World (v4.6.0.79)
-Runic Dungeons (v1.1.3)
-Stackie (v1.6.0.33)
-Thermal Foundation (v1.0.0-83)
-TiC Tooltips (v1.2.4)
-ttCore (v0.1.1-76)
-VeinMiner (v0.27.1)
Always back up your worlds before updating
This update is to fix the Ender Tank crash issue
Mods Updated:
-Code Chicken Core (v1.0.5.37)
-Code Chicken Lib (v1.1.3.134)
-Ender Storage (v1.4.7.32)
Always back up your worlds before updating
Config Changes:
-Removed Draconic Ore from spawning in the Overworld
-Removed Draconic Ore from spawning in the Nether
-Removed Draconic Ore from spawning in the Twilight Forest
-Removed Draconic Ore from spawning in the Deep Dark
-Added Draconic Ore to the MFR mining laser config
-Lowered Magical Chalk spawning
-Tweaked gold ore spawing
-Removed Mekanism machine sounds (again)
Mods Added:
-Not Enough Resources (v0.1.0.97)
Mods Updated:
-AE2 Stuff (v0.1.7.17)
-Applied Energistics2 (vrv2-beta-28)
-bdlib (v1.7.1.71)
-Biblio Craft (v1.10.3)
-Big Reactors (v0.4.3A)
-Biomes O Plenty (v2.1.0.1236)
-Carpenter's Blocks (v3.3.6)
-Chisel 2 (v2.3.10.37)
-CoFH Core (v3.0.2-262)
-CoFH Lib (v1.0.1-151)
-Draconic Evolution (v1.0.1-RC-4)
-Ender IO (v2.3.0.372_beta)
-Ender Storage (v1.4.6.31)
-Ender Zoo (v1.0.11.27)
-Extra Cells 2 (v2.2.67b)
-Extra Utilities (v1.2.4a)
-Fastcraft (v1.21)
-Forestry (v3.5.3.11)
-Forge Multipart (v1.1.2.331)
-Industrial Craft 2 (v2.2.711)
-InGame Info XML (v2.8.1.80)
-Inventory Tweaks (v1.59-beta-156)
-Mekanism (v8.1.1.226)
-Mekanism Generators (v8.1.1.226)
-Mekanism Tools (v8.1.1.226)
-Mine Factory Reloaded (v2.8.0-104)
-Minecraft Forge (v10.13.3.1370)
-Mobius Core (v1.2.5)
-Mr TJP Core (v1.0.5.12)
-Not Enough Items (v1.0.4.95)
-NEI Addons (v1.12.5.17)
-NEI Integration (v1.0.8)
-Nether Ores (v2.3.1B1-13)
-Open Blocks (v1.4.1-snapshot-599)
-Open Mods Lib (v0.7.1-snapshot-342)
-Opis (v1.2.5)
-Pam's Harvest Craft (v1.7.10h)
-Project Red Base (v4.5.16.77)
-Project Red Compatibility (v4.5.16.77)
-Project Red Integration (v4.5.16.77)
-Project Red Lighting (v4.5.16.77)
-Project Red Mechanical (v4.5.16.77)
-Project Red World (v4.5.16.77)
-Project Zulu (v1.4c2)
-Redstone Arsenal (v1.1.0-80)
-Thermal Dynamics (v1.0.0-122)
-Thermal Expansion (v4.0.1-182)
-Thermal Foundation (v1.0.0-81)
-ttCore (v0.1.1-75)
Always back up your worlds before updating
Config Changes:
Mekanism Wind Turbines power production was cut down.
Tweaked some infernal mobs
Removed the Sacred rubber tree sapling from spawning
Added Magic Chalk from Runic Dungeons to dungeon chests
Turned off Hunger Overhaul's overlay
Fixed Dungeon biome so it wont spawn in the overworld
Turned Yellowrite ore on in negative dimensions
Turned off Mekanism machine sounds
Added Tinkers Construct Aluminum ore and gravel ore to sag mill recipe
Added all Mekanism mob drop to sag mill recipe
Added all Vanilla mob drops to sag mill recipe
Added saddle, iron,golden and diamond horse armor to sag mill recipe
Mods Removed:
-Armor Smelter
-Build Craft
-Creeper Species (do to server instability)
-Progressive Automation
Mods Updated:
-AE2 Stuff (v0.1.6.14)
-Applied Energistics 2 (rv2-beta-18)
-BD lib (v1.6.5.52)
-Biblio Craft (v1.10.2)
-Build Craft (v6.4.3)
-Chisel 2 (v2.3.9.36)
-CoFH Core (v3.0.0RC7-211)
-CoFH Lib (v1.0.0RC7-127)
-Draconic Evolution (v1.0.1-snapshot_5)
-Ender IO (v2.2.8.365)
-Ender Storage (v1.4.5.28)
-Extra Cells (v2.2.58b88)
-Forge Multipart (v1.1.1.323)
-Industrial Craft 2 (v2.2.689)
-iChun Util (v4.1.3)
-Immibis Core (v59.0.8)
-Jabba (v1.2.1a)
-Mekanism (v8.0.3.202)
-Mekanism Generators (v8.0.3.202)
-Mekanism Tools (v8.0.3.202)
-Minecraft Forge (v10.13.2.1307)
-Mine Factory Reloaded (v2.8.0RC8-86)
-Mobius Core (v1.2.4)
-Mob Properties (v0.3.5)
-Not Enough Items (v1.0.4.90)
-Open Blocks (v1.3-snapshot-569)
-Open Mods Lib (v0.6-snapshot-320)
-Opis (v1.2.4a)
-Project Red Base (v4.5.14.66)
-Project Red Compatibility (v4.5.14.66)
-Project Red Integration (v4.5.14.66)
-Project Red Lighting (v4.5.14.66)
-Project Red Mechanical (v4.5.14.66)
-Project Red World (v4.5.14.66)
-Project Zulu (v1.4c)
-Redstone Arsenal (v1.1.0RC7-65)
-Roguelike Dungeons (v1.3.6.3)
-Runic Dungeons (v1.1.1)
-Solar Flux (v0.5b)
-Stackie (v1.5.1.31)
-Thermal Dynamics (v1.0.0RC7-98)
-Thermal Expansion (v4.0.0RC7-141)
-Thermal Foundation (v1.0.0RC7-62)
-Tinkers Construct (v1.8.3b)
-Tinkers Mechworks (v0.2.14.100)
-ttCore (v0.1.1-71)
-Twilight Forest (v2.3.5)
-VeinMiner (v0.26.1.56)
-WAILA (v1.5.10)
-WAILA Plugins (v0.0.1-14)
Updated Ender IO (v2.2.8.363) to fix the Wither Skeleton spawning problem in the nether
Made FastCrast by Player an enabled mod and can be disabled by user if they choose
Added Thermal Dynamics (v1.0.0RC2-77)
Added Runic Dungeons (v1.0.6b)
Added Baubles (v1.0.1.10)
Added Draconic Evolution (v1.0.1-snapshot_4)
Added Not Enough Resources (v0.1.0.95)
Updated AE2 Stuff (v0.1.5.13)
Updated Apple Core (v1.1.0)
Updated Applied Energistics 2 (vrv2-beta-8)
Updated bdlib (v1.6.4.49)
Updated Better Storage (v0.12.0.124)
Updated Big Reactors (v0.4.2A2)
Updated Biomes O Plenty (v2.1.0.1067)
Updated Buildcraft (v6.4.1)
Updated Carpenter's Blocks (v3.3.5)
Updated Chisel 2 (v2.3.7.34)
Updated CodeChickenLib (v1.1.3.127)
Updated CoFHCore (v3.0.0RC2-195)
Updated CoFHLib (v1.0.0B9-118)
Updated copycore (v1.5.1.7)
Updated Ender IO (v2.2.8.349)
Updated ExtraCells 2 (v2.2.53b82)
Updated Extra Utilities (v1.2.2)
Updated FastCraft (v1.19)
Updated Forestry (v3.4.0.7)
Updated Forge Multipart (v1.1.1.321)
Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion (v1.7.1)
Updated Pam's HarvestCraft (v1.7.10g)
Updated IndustrialCraft 2 (v2.2.681)
Updated Immibis Core (v59.0.7)
Updated Infernal Mobs (v1.6.0)
Updated InGameInfoXML (v2.8.1.75)
Updated Jabba (v1.2.1)
Updated Lunatrius Core (v1.1.2.21)
Updated Mekanism (v7.1.2.177)
Updated MekanismGenerators (v7.1.2.177)
Updated MekanismTools (v7.1.2.177)
Updated Mine Factory Reloaded (v2.8.0RC7-71)
Updated Forge (v10.13.2.1291)
Updated MoarSigns (v1.1.4)
Updated MrTJPCore (v1.0.5.11)
Updated NEI Addons (v1.12.4.16)
Updated NEI Integration (v1.0.7)
Updated Nether Ores (v2.3.0RC4-10)
Updated Open Blocks (v1.3-snapshot-566)
Updated Open Mods Lib (v0.6-snapshot-315)
Updated Progressive Automation (v1.5.24)
Updated Project Red Base (v4.5.12.64)
Updated Project Red Compatibility (v4.5.12.64)
Updated Project Red Integration (v4.5.12.64)
Updated Project Red Lighting (v4.5.12.64)
Updated Project Red Mechanical (v4.5.12.64)
Updated Project Red World (v4.5.12.64)
Updated ProjectZulu (v1.4b4)
Updated Random Things (v2.2.4)
Updated Redstone Arsenal (v1.1.0RC2-43)
Updated Roguelike Dungeons (v1.3.6)
Updated Simply Jetpacks (v1.4.1)
Updated Thermal Expansion (v4.0.0RC2-129)
Updated Thermal Foundation (v1.0.0RC3-56)
Updated Tinkers Mechworks (v0.2.13.96)
Updated ttCore (v0.1.0-66)
Updated Twilight Forest (v2.3.3)
Updated Artifacts (v1.1.1)
Updated Waila (v1.5.9)
Updated Waila Harvestability (v1.1.2)
Updated Waila Plugins (v0.0.1-13)
Updated Redstone Arsenal to fix crashing bug
Removed Tome of Alkahest from Xeno's Reliquary (Sorry Bacon!)
This version is has some config changes due to server crashes
Added many biomes back into Biomes O Plenty that were removed earlier due to lag.
Changed Buildcraft from a recommended to an optional mod
Removed Advanced Machines
Removed Compact Solars
Removed Portable Crafting
Added Solar Flux (v0.5a) (replacement for Compact Solars)
Added Extra Cells 2 (v2.2.45b71)
Added WAILA Plugins (0.0.1-10)
Added ttCore (1.0-51)
Added iBench (v1.0.12) (replacement for Portable Crafting)
Added Better Anvil (v4.0.0a-1)
Updated AE2 Stuff (v0.1.1.5)
Updated Apple Core (v1.0.2)
Updated Applied Energistics 2 (rv2-beta-7)
Updated Armor Smelter (v1.7.2_b3)
Updated Better Storage (v0.11.3.123)
Updated Biblio Craft (v1.9.2)
Updated Big Reactors (v0.4.1A2)
Updated Build Craft (v6.3.3)
Updated Biomes O Plenty (v2.1.0.1034)
Updated Carpenter's Blocks (v3.3.4.4)
Updated Chisel 2 (v2.3.5.31)
Updated Code Chicken Core (v1.0.4.35)
Updated Code Chicken Lib (v1.1.1.110)
Updated CoFH Core (v3.0.0B9-99)
Updated CoFH Lib (v1.0.0B9-65)
Updated Damage Indicators (v3.2.3)
Updated Ender IO (v2.2.7.325)
Updated Ender Storage (v1.4.5.27)
Updated Ender Zoo (v1.0.9.18)
Updated Extra Utilities (v1.2.1)
Updated Forestry (v3.3.0.6)
Updated Forge Multipart (v1.1.1.320)
Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion (v1.7.0)
Updated Hungar Overhaul (v1.7.10 beta 5)
Updated Pam's HarvestCraft (v1.7.10f)
Updated Industrial Craft 2 (v2.2.658)
Updated Jabba (v1.2.0a)
Updated Mekanism (v7.1.1.145)
Updated Mekanism Generators (v7.1.1.145)
Updated Mekanism Tools (v7.1.1.145)
Updated MineFactoryReloaded (v2.8.0RC6-39)
Updated Forge (v10.13.2.1277)
Updated Moar Signs (v1.1.3)
Updated Not Enough Items (v1.0.4.83)
Updated NEI Integration (v1.0.5)
Updated Nether Ores (v2.3.0RC4-8)
Updated Open Blocks (v1.3-snapshot-528)
Updated Open Mods Lib (v0.6-snapshot-282)
Updated Progressive Automation (v1.5.6)
Updated Project Red Base (v4.5.8.59)
Updated Project Red Compatibility (v4.5.8.59)
Updated Project Red Integration (v4.5.8.59)
Updated Project Red Lighting (v4.5.8.59)
Updated Project Red Mechanical (v4.5.8.59)
Updated Project Red World (v4.5.8.59)
Updated ProjectZulu (v1.4a)
Updated Redstone Arsenal (v1.1.0RC1-23)
Updated Simply Jetpacks (v1.3.2)
Updated Thermal Foundation (v1.0.0RC1-27)
Updated TiC Tooltips (v1.2.3)
Updated Tinkers Construct (v1.8.2a)
Updated Artifacts (v1.1.0)
Updated Waila (v1.5.8a)
Updated Waila Harvestability (v1.1.1)
Various config changes
Due to some mod changes a new world is recommended.
Changed Fastcraft from a optional to recommended mod.
Flat bedrock was configed using Thermal Expansion.
Removed Chaotic Craft (v1.0.5.0)
Removed Lycanites Mobs (v1.8.2)
Added AE2 Stuff (v0.1.0.2)
Added Armor Smelter (1.7.2_b2)
Added BdLib (v1.32)
Added BigReactors (v0.4.0rc8)
Added Custom Chest Loot (v 1.1.1)
Added Drowning Overhaul (v1.0)
Added Ender Zoo (v1.0.5.16)
Added Fog Nerf (v0.4)
Added Infinity Bow Fix (v1.3.0.20)
Added MineTweaker 3 (v3.0.9c)
Added Moarsigns (v1.0.7)
Added Project Zulu (v1.3f)
Added Redstone Arsenal (v1.1.0rc1-22)
Added Waila Harvestability (1.1.0)
Updated Better Storage (v0.11.2.122)
Updated Buildcraft (v6.2.6)
Updated CoFH Core (v3.0.0b9-52)
Updated CoFH Lib (v1.0.0b8-40)
Updated Ender IO (v2.
Updated Fastcraft (v1.10)
Updated Forge (v10.13.2.1272)
Updated Pam's HarvestCraft (v1.7.10d)
Updated Industrialcraft (v2-2.2.656-experimental)
Updated Immibis Core (v59.0.5)
Updated LibSandstone (v1.0.0) (same version number but newer version)
Updated Mine Factory Reloaded (v2.8.0RC6-10)
Updated Mr Crayfish Furniture Mod (v3.4.7)
Updated Not Enough Items (v1.0.3.73)
Updated NEI Integration (v1.0.3)
Updated Nether Ores (v2.3.0RC4-5)
Updated Open Blocks (v1.3-snapshot-513)
Updated Open Mods Lib (v0.6-snapshot-268)
Updated Simply Jetpacks (v1.3.1)
Updated Thermal Expansion (v4.0.0B8-23)
Updated Thermal Foundation (v1.0.0RC1-15)
Updated VeinMiner (v0.21.2.44)
Updated Waila (v1.5.6)
Updated Reliquary (v1.2)
Corrected Recipe conflict by adding "No more recipe conflicts" mod. You will now have a small arrow in the crafting window which will allow you to choose the recipe you want.
Minor tweaks
Added No More Recipe Conflict (v0.2)
Added NEI Intergration (v1.0.1)
Added Mr. Crayfish's Furniture Mod (v3.4.4)
Removed Archimedes-Ships (v1.7.1)
Removed Armor Status HUD (v1.27)
Removed bspkrs Core (V6.14)
Removed NEI Plugins Unofficial (v1.1.0.10)
Updated Advanced Health Options (v1.5.1.11)
Updated Apple Core (v1.0.1)
Updated Better Storage (v0.10.5.119)
Updated BiblioCraft (v1.9.1)
Updated Biomes O' Plenty (v2.1.0.1019)
Updated Buildcraft (v6.2.2)
Updated Carpenter's Blocks (v3.3.3)
Updated Chisel (v2-2.1.3)
Updated Code Chicken Core (v1.0.4.29)
Updated Code Chicken Lib (v1.1.1.106)
Updated CoFH Core (v3.0.0B8-36)
Updated CoFH Lib (v1.0.0B7-29)
Updated Elemental Creepers (v4.2.4)
Updated Enchanting Plus (v3.0.2-d)
Updated Ender IO (v2.2.1.276)
Updated Ender Storage (v1.4.5.26)
Updated Extrautilities (v1.2.0)
Updated Forestry (v3.2.0.5)
Updated Forge Multipart (v1.1.0.314)
Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion ( v1.6.6)
Updated Pam's HarvestCraft (v1.7.10c)
Updated Industrialcraft (v2-2.2.654-experimental)
Updated iChunUtil (v4.1.2)
Updated Immibis Core (v59.0.4)
Updated Infernal Mobs (v1.5.9)
Updated InGame Info (v2.8.1.67)
Updated Lunatrius Core (v1.1.2.18)
Updated Mantle (v0.3.2)
Updated Mekanism (v1.1.133)
Updated Mekanism Generators (v1.1.133)
Updated Mekanism Tools (v1.1.133)
Updated Mine Factory Reloaded (v2.8.0RC5-694)
Updated Forge (v10.13.2.1230)
Updated Mob Properties (v0.3.4)
Updated Natura (v2.2.0.1)
Updated Not Enough Items (v1.0.3.68)
Updated NEI Addons (v1.12.3.11)
Updated Open Blocks (v1.3-snapshot-498)
Updated Open Mods Lib (v0.6-snapshot-263)
Updated Project Red Base (v4.5.6.57)
Updated Project Red Compatibility (v4.5.6.57)
Updated Project Red Integration (v4.5.6.57)
Updated Project Red Lighting (v4.5.6.57)
Updated Project Red Mechanical (v4.5.6.57)
Updated Project Red World (v4.5.6.57)
Updated Random Things (v2.2.1)
Updated Ruins (v14.4)
Updated Simply Jetpacks (v1.2.0)
Updated Stackie (v1.5.1.30)
Updated Thermal Expansion (v4.0.0B6-16)
Updated Tinkers Construct (v1.7.1c)
Updated Artifacts (v1.0.6)
Chaotic Ore can now be processed in a pulverizer
Chaotic Diamonds can be created in an induction smelter
Resolved issue with stair rotation on ruins.
Added Hunger Overhaul (v1.7.10 beta 2)
Updated Applied Energistics 2 (rv1 stable build 1)
Updated Backpacks (v2.0.1)
Updated Better Storage (v0.10.3.115)
Updated Biomes a Plenty (v2.1.0.991).
Updated Compact Solars (v4.4.39.315)
Updated Elemental Creepers (v4.2.2)
Updated Enchanting Plus (v3.0.1)
Updated Forestry (v3.00.212)
Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion (v1.6.3)
Updated HarvestCraft (v1.7.10b)
Updated IndustrialCraft 2 ( v2.2.647 Experimental)
Updated Iron Chests (v6.0.60.742)
Updated Mekanism (v7.1.1.114)
Updated Mekanism Generators (v7.1.1.114)
Updated Mekanism Tools (v7.1.1.114)
Updated NEI (v1.0.3.57)
Updated OpenBlocks (v1.3 snapshot 434)
Updated Random Things (v2.1.5)
Updated Simply Jetpacks (v1.1.3)
Updated TiC Tooltips (v1.1.11b)
Updated Tinkers Constuct (v1.7.0 361)
Updated Twilight Forest (v2.3.2)
Updated Waila (v1.5.5)
The engineers at EnderIO Inc have improved their manufacturing processes and greatly increased energy transfer and storage abilities.
Carpet can be processed in the SAG Mill.
Records can be processed in the SAG Mill.
Changed default display for mechanism energy to RF.
Drop chance for broken spawners lowered to 50%
Removed Inventory Tweaks from server download.
Updated NEI Plugins Unofficial (v1.1.0.10)
There has been wide spread looting in the world of Karma and as such the amount of loot in chests seems to have decreased.
Due to the looting issue the merchant guilds have responded with putting traps in random vessels to fend off wood be thieves.
Chaotic Diamond can now be crafting in the Alloy Smelter
Hardened Clay can now be used in the SAG Mill
Zombie Kings now have a rare chance to drop an emerald from their crown when killed.
Opis is now recommended by default
Nether Ores can now be processed in the SAG Mill
Added Journey Map (v4.0.4)
Added FastCraft Browser Link (v1.9)
Added NEI Plugins Unofficial (v1.1.0.8)
Removed MapWriter
Removed Realms Library
Removed Soul Shards: Reborn
Updated Applied Energistics 2 (rv1 beta build 33)
Updated BiblioCraft Mod (v1.8.1)
Updated Biomes a Plenty (v2.1.0.989)
Updated Carpenter's Blocks (v3.2.8)
Updated Chaotic Craft (v1.0.5.0)
Updated Chisel (v1.5.7)
Updated CodeChickenCore (v1.0.3.26)
Updated Ender IO (v2.0.8.221)
Updated Ender Storage (v1.4.5.24)
Updated Forestry (v3.00.140)
Updated Gravitation Suite (v2.0.3)
Updated IndustrialCraft 2 (v2.2.645 Experimental)
Updated Inventory Tweaks (v1.5.9 dev 155)
Updated Iron Chests (v6.0.56.739)
Updated Kwasti Bust Monsters (v1.0.9)
Updated Mekanism (v7.1.1.104)
Updated Mekanism Generators (v7.1.1.104)
Updated Mekanism Tools (v7.1.1.104)
Updated Mine Factory Reloaded (v2.8.0RC3-596)
Updated NEI (v1.0.3.56)
Updated Progressive Automation (v1.4.12)
Updated Project Red Base (v4.4.9 build #49)
Updated Project Red Compatability (v4.4.9 build #49)
Updated Project Red Integration (v4.4.9 build #49)
Updated Project Red Lighting (v4.4.9 build #49)
Updated Project Red Mechanical (v4.4.9 build #49)
Updated Project Red World (v4.4.9 build #49)
Updated Simply Jetpacks (v1.1.1)
Updated TiC Tooltips (v1.1.11)
Updated Tinkers Constuct (v1.6.0 317)
Updated Waila (v1.5.4a)
Due to the inappropriate action of one of the developers for Pay2Spawn the Karma Dev Team can no longer, in good conscience support Pay2Spawn.
Added Mob Properties (v0.2.1)
Added Natural Absorption (v1.2.1)
Added Opis (v1.2.3)
Added Soul Shards Reborn (Alpha 0.9c)
Added MobiusCore (v1.2.3)
Removed Pay2Spawn
Updated Advanced Health Options (v1.5.0.10)
Updated Applied Energistics 2 (rv1 beta build 20)
Updated Better Storage (v0.10.1.113)
Updated Biomes a Plenty (v2.1.0.986)
Updated Buildcraft (v6.0.18)
Updated Carpenter's Blocks (v3.2.7 devR4)
Updated Chaotic Craft (v1.0.2.0)
Updated Chisel (v1.5.6b)
Updated CodeChickenCore (v1.0.3.25)
Updated CodeChickenLib (v1.1.1.104)
Updated Copy Core (v1.5.0.6)
Updated Ender IO (v2.0.5.214)
Updated Ender Storage (v1.4.5.22)
Updated Extra Utilities (v1.1.0k)
Updated Forestry (v3.00.110)
Updated IndustrialCraft 2 (v2.2.633 Experimental)
Updated Immibis' Core (v59.0.3)
Updated IngameInfo (v2.8.1.61)
Updated Inventory Tweaks (v1.5.9 dev 153)
Updated Iron Chests (v6.0.51.736)
Updated Mantle (v0.3.1)
Updated Mekanism (v7.1.1.96)
Updated Mekanism Generators (v7.1.1.96)
Updated Mekanism Tools (v7.1.1.96)
Updated Mine Factory Reloaded (v2.8.0RC3-592)
Updated MoreEnchants (v1.4.0c)
Updated NEI addons (v1.12.2.9)
Updated Nether Ores (v2.3.0RC3-85)
Updated NEI (v1.0.3.51)
Updated OpenBlocks (v1.3 snapshot 433)
Updated OpenModsLib (v0.6 snapshot 224)
Updated Roguelike Dungeons (v1.3.5)
Updated Project Red Base (v4.4.8 build #47)
Updated Project Red Compatability (v4.4.8 build #47)
Updated Project Red Integration (v4.4.8 build #47)
Updated Project Red Lighting (v4.4.8 build #47)
Updated Project Red Mechanical (v4.4.8 build #47)
Updated Project Red World (v4.4.8 build #47)
Updated Random Things (v2.1.4)
Updated TiC Tooltips (v1.1.10)
Updated Tinkers Constuct (v1.6.0 293)
Updated Vein Miner (v0.21.0.36)
Updated Waila (v1.5.3a)
Added config options to turn on/off instant death on drowning and/or starvation.
Due to popular request lowered default FOV to "normal"
Due to popular request changed GUI scale to "Large"
Lowered gold spawn a bit.
Resolved death loop in Advanced Health Options when selecting Hardcore regen mode.
Resolved issue that allowed chests picked up with contents to be placed next to a double chest.
Resolved issue when placing spawners picked up with the Chaotic Tool on a server.