Magicality: The Next Dimension
There have been 5,313 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 55.63 years of this pack.
AdvHealthOptions (
AHO for short is a mod which allows heavy customization of Minecraft's natural r...
By: copygirl
Apple,Milk and Tea (2.0_beta5)
Adds some flavour in the form of Apple, Milk and Tea!
By: defeatedcrow
AutoMagy (0.13)
Adds in a bit of automation to Thaumcraft
By: Tuhljin (programming, art), Draanor (art)
Backpack (2.0.1)
Provides the player with multiple, colored backpacks, which each has the space o...
By: Eydamos
Better Title Screen (1.1)
Allows you to mess around with the Minecraft Title Screen and add all the things...
By: Girafi, Amadornes
BiblioCraft (1.8.2)
BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Adds support for 16 varietys of wood from Biomes O'Plenty for 8 of the wooden bl...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Carpenter's Blocks (3.3.3)
Adds slopes and a variety of vanilla-inspired blocks that support covers, side c...
By: Mineshopper
Cave Control (V2)
Cave Control allows you to control the spawn rate of caves, strongholds and more
By: Unknown
Chisel (2.1.3)
Adds a chisel item that lets you carve blocks like cobblestone or sandstone. Add...
CoFH Framework ([1.7.10]3.0.0B6-32)
Framework required for all Team CoFH mods.
By: KingLemmingCoFH, Cynycal, Zeldo
Damage Indicators (3.2.0)
Displays the damage you inflict on creatures, as well as current health, name an...
By: rich1051414
DragonAPI (V2)
DragonAPI is a function library and support mod which is relied upon by Reika's...
By: Reika
Forge Multipart (
Allows you to place small parts of blocks for decoration!
By: ChickenBones
Gravestones Mod (2.10.2)
Adds in gravestones for every occasion, dungeons and all sorts of dark items and...
By: nightkosh
Hardcore Ender Expansion (1.6.4)
Hardcore Ender Expansion offers unique, new content across the End. The dragon b...
By: chylex
Hardcore Quest Mode (4.2.1)
Give yourself and extra challenge and have a set amount of lives
By: Vswe, Lorddusk, Newcastlegeek
Immibis Core (59.0.3)
This is like CodeChicken Core, Buildcraft Core, RedPower Core, and so on - it pr...
By: immibis
Inventory Tweaks (1.58-147)
Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...
By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata
Lore Expansion (1.0.3.B26)
Allows lore to be added to the game, in talking form but also as reading
By: Unknown
Minecraft Forge (
Minecraft Forge is a modding API used by alot of mods.
By: Eloraam, FlowerChild, Hawkye, MALfunction84, Scokeev9, SpaceToad, LexManos, cpw
Morpheus (1.5.19)
Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server. Wh...
By: quetzi
Nodal Mechanics (1.0-7)
Adds a research item with 3 associated recipes which allow players to manufactur...
By: Shukaro
NotEnoughItems (
Allows you to quickly and easily look up recipes and uses for any item in Minecr...
By: ChickenBones
OpenEye (0.6)
Our primary aim is to collect and share vital information to allow us to provide...
By: Mikee, NeverCast, boq, Lyqyd
Opis (1.2.3)
Opis is a server and client mod that allows you to find tick problems within the...
By: ProfMobius
Redstone Paste (1.6.2)
Adds a paste form of redstone, which can stick to various surfaces
By: FyberOptic
Special Mobs (3.0.3)
In short, this mod introduces variants to your default Minecraft mods, such as c...
By: FatherToast
StatusEffectHUD (1.26)
Shows active player effects (potions, etc) without opening your inventory!
By: bspkrs
Storage Drawers (1.1.7)
This mod adds new storage solutions to your workshops that resembles a mix of Ja...
By: jaquadro
Adds in aspects to other mods mobs!
By: iguana_man, lycaon, XanderGryphon
Thaumic Exploration (1.1-29)
Adding more balanced Thaumcraft content of the quality you would expect from Aza...
By: Flaxbeard
Thaumic Tinkerer (2.5-1.7.10-158)
An addon to Thaumcraft 4, implementing new content. This mod is a spiritual succ...
By: Vazkii
Waila Harvestability (1.1.0)
Gives you more info on what you can harvest with the tool in hand
By: squeek
Lore Expansion to 1.0.3.B26
Spoon EMC exploit (thanks Sverd!)
Gravestone EMC, no more killing yourself and spamming loads of EMC, much less now.
SMP!!!! You can now create a server and play with your friends within Magicality!
Lore pages should be saved when you exit and relaunch the game now (everyone must thanks dmillerw for his awesome support!)
Thaumium Ingots now have NO EMC
Currently the lore pages show up as un-named on the server but fine single-player. It's aesthetic, everything still works as normal.
I've had reports some quests show up as completed updating to this even though you haven't done them. I'm afraid the only way to fix this is to get yourself a '/hqm edit' book and resetting everything then completing what you've done again using this book.
Initial Release:
Alpha - 1.0
Minecraft Forge
Dependancys 1.0
Inventory Tweaks 1.58-147
Damage Indicators 3.2.0
Opis 1.2.3
The Twilight Forest 1.7.10-2.3.2
OpenEye 0.6
Sanguimancy 1.1.7-2
Immibis Core 59.0.3
Dimensional Anchors 59.0.2
Thaumic Tinkerer 2.5-1.7.10-158
Blood Magic 1.2.1a
Forbidden Magic 0.54
Ender Utilities 0.3.4
Thaumic Exploration 1.1-29
Botania r1.2-137
Witchery 0.20.6
Carpenter's Blocks 3.3.3
Thaumcraft Mob Aspects 2A
I'm Looking At Blood 1.1a
Biomes O' Plenty
Special Mobs 3.0.3
Nodal Mechanics 1.0-7
Mobius Core 1.2.3
Waila 1.5.5
Waila Harvestability 1.1.0
Hardcore Quest Mode 4.2.1
ModTweaker 0.6-22
MineTweaker 3.0.9B
Gravestones Mod 2.10.2
Chisel 2.1.3
ProjectE 0.2d-Dev10
AutoMagy 0.13
BiblioCraft 1.8.2
BiblioWoods Biomes O'Plenty Edition 1.8
Apple,Milk and Tea 2.0_beta5
Decocraft 1.11
CoFH Framework [1.7.10]3.0.0B6-32
Forge Multipart
Hardcore Ender Expansion 1.6.4
bspkrsCore 6.14
StatusEffectHUD 1.26
Storage Drawers 1.1.7
Fox Lib 0.6.0
Tails Mod 1.2.3
Thermal Foundation 1.0.0B3-8
Custom Scripts 1.03
Magicality Resource Pack 1.1
Redstone Paste 1.6.2
Xeno's Reliquary 1.2
Backpack 2.0.1
Thaumic NEI 0.1.2
Better Title Screen 1.1
Too Much Loot3.0.1.B22
Mob Properties 0.3
Lore Expansion 1.0.2.B24
Lore 1.1
DragonAPI V2
Cave Control V2
Resource Pack:
You HAVE to have this resource pack enabled or else things just wont work! Make sure to select it!
Current Issues:
WARNING: The pack does NOT work for SMP currently. This is due to a bug within Lore Expansion but we are working on it!
It is Alpha currently and we have lots of ideas on where we want to take this. Things will change but we will look to avoid a world reset where we can!
It's not just me that's been involved with this this time around and mentions have to be had when it comes to this massive project. All the guys who are in the Magicality test group will know how many times things have changed, how many arguments have been had but it's all culminated in a great playing experience. Many thanks to Belgabor, who, if you follow my channel (HaighyorkieChilled) on YouTube will know who he is. He did all of the script work and recipe edits you can see. Killajoke, who had some great and amazing ideas and this pack would not be what it is today without him, not only that but he wrote the quests in a way I never could. Bengalgod, who voices the Narronomicon and I just love that style of voice! A regular in the chat with so much input and help! Dragon-in-a-human who brought some interesting discussions and topics to the making of the pack and generally blasting through it before everyone else (and making sure you knew about it :P) Also the rest of the guys involved in the server, Voila, she's been there for a short while but settled a few arguments! and others who have been along for this amazing ride. There's still a lot to come from this pack, so dont think this ends here...oh no. I really do hope you enjoy it guys, a lot of work has gone into this :) Please make sure you make your feedback known in the forum page! We're open to all ideas!
New 1.7.2 Beta!
New Mods Added:
Thaumic Pipes 1.0.02
Transmute Liquids 1.5
Symcalc 0.13.3
Minions 1.7.2
Carpenters Blocks 3.2.1 (by popular demand!)
EvilCraft 0.4.1b
Mystical Trinkets 1.4.0
Thaumcraft Mob Aspects 2A
I'm Looking At Blood 1.0
Talismans 1.0-11
Recall Stones 0.4.6
Divine Smoker 1.1
Updated Mods:
Botania 1.1-63
Mods Waiting on:
Ars Magica
Hardcore Questing Mode (for the upcoming Magicality Map)
Ender Storage
Magical Crops
To Note:
This is NOT the finished product. Balancing is still required and tweaks still to be done! Mods may/may not remain in the pack at this stage. This is purely testing phase!
Any Suggestions? Don't forget to make them over on the Magicality forums!
New 1.7.2 Beta!
This will NOT work with previous world from 1.6 so bare this in mind before updating!
Welcome back to the brand new 1.7.2 Magicality! There are a couple of notable mods missing from what I want the final product to be so please be aware this is BETA and you WILL have to recreate worlds when it comes out of Beta!
Starting Modlist:
Blood Magic 1.0.1g
Code Chicken Core 1.0.0
Not Enough Items 1.0.1
Enchanting Plus
Inventory Tweaks 1.57-116
MapWriter 2.1.1
Mutant Creatues 1.4.5
Twilight Forest 2.1.1
Waila 1.5.2a
Forbidden Magic 0.41b
Living Blocks 1.4.4
The Farlanders 1.2a
Hardcore Ender Expansion 1.6.1
Plant Mega Pack 3.00.09
Ender Utilities 0.1.1
Necromancy 1.0
Refined Relocation 1.0.5a
Advanced Thaumaturgy 0.1.1
Thaumic Exploration 0.6.0
Thaumic Infusion 0.983
Botania 1.1-62
Totemic 0.4.1
Witchery 0.19.2
Mods Waiting on:
Ars Magica
Hardcore Questing Mode (for the upcoming Magicality Map)
Ender Storage
Magical Crops
Any Suggestions? Don't forget to make them over on the Magicality forums!
To Minecraft 1.6.4!
Forge to
Optifine to HD_U_C7
Code Chicken Core to
NotEnoughItems to
Damage Indicators to
MapWriter to 2.0.11
Zan's Minimap to 1.6.4
Waila to 1.4.2
Iron Chests to
EnderStorage to
Twilight Forest to 1.20.3
Enchanting Plus to 1.16.5
BiblioCraft to 1.5.3
Ars Magica to 1.0.2b
Animation API to 1.1.2
Mutant Creatures to 1.4.
Magical Crops to 3.1.3
XACT to 0.4.3
Thaumcraft to 4.0.5b
Blood Magic to 0.6.5b
DartCraft to 0.2.14
Stuff to Note:
Change the entity ID's for Dartcraft's cold animals, now you shouldn't get crashes when force shearing!
Changed the Zelda HUD heart system to false, hearts are back to normal now
Zan's Minimap 1.6.2 and added the group 'Minimap' allowing only 1 map to be selected
Ars Magica 2 to 1.0.1
Thaumcraft 4 to 4.0.3a
Familiars - Due to crashes and incompatibilities between it and Ars Magica 2
Dartcraft to 0.2.10
Exploit with Energy Manipulator that would give you infinite Ev
Thaumcraft to 4.0.2a
Energy Manipulator 1.1.8 (yes it's back thanks to Ben's eagle eyes and noticing the problem!)
Ars Magica 2!
DartCraft to 0.2.09
Thaumcraft to 4.0.1b
Thaumic Tinkerer 2 to 2.0-20
A couple of Entity ID's within Thaumcraft to avoid crashes
Changed it from 5 Lives to 10 Lives (again)
Worthy Of noting:
Energy Manipulator will no longer be able to be reintroduced into the pack. It's compatibility issue between it and Thaucmraft are impossible to resolve.
Magicality: The Next Dimension
Version: 2Beta2
This contains new world generation from Thaumcraft 4, either enable dynamic world generation or restart in a new world! I would recommend starting a new world as both Aether 2 and Energy Manipulation have been removed for reasons as follows:
Thaumcraft 4.0.0
Thaumic Tinkerer 2.0-19
Blood Magic 0.5.1b
Damage indicators 2.9.09
MapWriter 2.0.10
Mutant Creatures 1.4.3
Enhanced Portals 1.0.9
Dartcraft 0.2.07
Changed amount of lives give from 5 to 10.
Removed Aether 2 due to a serious amount of bugs and null pointers
Removed Energy Manipulation temporarily until Thaumcraft bug is fixed!
Magicality: The Next Dimension
Version: 2Beta1
This is the 1.6.2 version of Magicality and will remain in Beta until Thaumcraft 4 and Ars 2 are released. Things could change between now and then and you may have problems porting worlds between beta versions!
Welcome the addition of the Aether Mod, a huge addition to the pack. Thaumcraft and Ars will still be included but will be put into the pack on release. You will also find that the only optional mods are client side helpers, maps, tweaks and the like. You will also start with 5 lives, use them wisely, things will be getting harder in the future...
Optifine HD_U_C4
Not Enough Items
Inventory Tweaks 1.56-b77
Damage Indicators
MapWriter 2.0.8
Iron Chests 1.6.2-
Ender Storage
Twilight Forest 1.19.3
Enchanting Plus 1.16.4
BiblioCraft 1.4.1
Familiars API 1.6.2c
Familiars FamPack 1.6.2a
AnimationAPI 1.1.1
Mutant Creatures 1.4.2
Magical Crops 3.0.6
XACT 0.4.2c
Enhanced Portals 2 1.1.3
Threaded Lighting 1.6.2
Player Core API 1.6.2
Aether II
Blood Magic 0.5.0
Dartcraft 0.2.05
Energy Manipulation 1.1.8
Hardcore Questing Mode LVL 1
Updated Household gods file number
Version: 1.0 (Direct port from SC
Initial Release:-
Should work fine with old SolitaryCraft worlds, please back-up though just in case