Ocean Outlast
Ocean Outlast is a 1.12.2 pack all about having a good balance, you spawn on an island, all islands are 100% random so your island might be big or small, There is also randomly generated islands around you, and dungeons to explore, with 1000+ quests there is loads of help for the avid Minecraft player to the expert, This modpack contains few select ores so you will have to find other ways to find resources.
This pack uses Packmode current modes are easy, hard and the default expert. Go to settings and simply change the packmodes in the packmode settings tab.
Need a server? get one at Bisecthosting use my code EFM or follow the link https://bisecthosting.com/EFM
Recommended RAM: is 6 GB. Tho you can run it as low as 4 GB with slight side effects as random lag spikes.
World Type: World type is Default.
For any big issues, bug reports or suggestions use https://github.com/NordicGamerFE/Ocean-Outlast/issues.
For small issues or just wanna connect with the community use https://discord.gg/WhRVWxJ.
If you really like a mod i suggest looking at the mods list and maybe giving them a little donation for their great work :D
There have been 9,452 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 105.99 years of this pack.
Actually Additions (1.12.2-r152)
Do you want Automation? Wireless Transport? Better Machines? A cup o' Coffee? Ch...
By: Ellpeck
Provides a strong bow, shield and extremely powerful swords. Also a new way to o...
By: KevskyBoy
AE2 Unofficial Extended Life (rv6-stable-7-extended_life-v0.54.17)
A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
By: AlgorithmX2
AE2 Wireless Fluid Terminal (1.0.4)
Adds a wireless version of the AE2 fluid terminal
By: TheRealp455w0rd
AE2 Wireless Interface Terminal (1.0.2)
Adds a wireless version of the AE2 Interface Terminal
By: TheRealp455w0rd
AE2 Wireless Terminal Library (1.0.34)
A Library which provides basic functions to create AE2 Wireless Terminals with i...
By: TheRealp455w0rd
Aqua Acrobatics [Forge] (1.15.1)
Fancy swimming, elegant sneaking: modern movement without compromises in 1.12.
By: Fuzs, embeddedt
Aquaculture 2 (1.6.8)
Welcome to Aquaculture! An expansion of Minecraft's fishing system.
By: Team Metallurgy
Armory Expansion (2.0.0-alpha)
Expansion for Construct's Armory and Tinker's Construct
By: YaibaToKen
AtomicStryker's Battle Towers (1.6.5)
Giant Towers spawn all over the lands, featuring a vicious Mob infested Ascend l...
By: AtomicStryker
AttributeFix (1.0.10)
Fixes arbitrary attribute restrictions, and makes them configurable.
By: darkhax
Avaritia 1.1x (
A mod to see how hard people are willing to grind.
By: SpitefulFox, TTFTCUTS
Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded (1.12.2-3.4.18)
A simple mod to silence the Wither and Dragon broadcast sounds.
By: droidicus, kreezxil
Baubley Heart Canisters (1.2.3)
This mod brings back the old Tinkers Heart Canisters that go in a Bauble Slot
By: EmoKiba, UpCraftLP
Better Spawner Control (1.5)
A drag-and-drop mod which disables mob spawners whenever they are surrounded by...
By: Rick South
Bewitchment (Legacy) (0.22.63)
A Witchery inspired mod
By: Zabi94, Sunconure11, Ingoleth, MoriyaShiine, Samaritans, and a whole lot of awes...
BisectHosting Server Integration Menu [FORGE] (1.12.2-1.3)
BisectHosting Server List Integration Menu for Modpacks [FORGE ONLY]
By: BisectHosting
Blue Skies (1.1.3)
Blue Skies is survival mod that adds aspects like dimensions, dungeons and more...
By: KingPhygieBoo, Silver_David, Lachney, Voyed
Bookshelf (2.3.590)
Bookshelf is a core/library mod, which adds new features and tools into the game...
By: darkhax, lclc98
Born in a Barn (Born In A Barn V1.8-1.12-1.1.jar)
Fixed a Village ChunkLoading Issue
By: Speiger, Chocohead
Botania (r1.10-364.4)
Botania is a mod that adds nature magic to Minecraft
By: Vazkii, williewillus, wiiv, dylan4ever
Brandon's Core (2.4.20)
Brandon's Core is a library mod used by most of my mods. It is no longer a core...
By: brandon3055
Cathedral (1.12.2-1.9.9)
Provides blocks for building cathedrals and other fantasy structures
By: FerreusVeritas
CB Multipart (
Open source library for facilitation of multiple functional parts in the one blo...
By: ChickenBones
Chameleon (1.12-4.1.3)
Shared code and render support for mods. Used by jaquadro's mods.
By: jaquadro
Chisel (MC1.12.2-
Adds in tons of fancy blocks for decoration, crafted using the Chisel.
By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr
Chocolate Quest Repoured (2.6.12B)
A complete rewrite of the Chocolate Quest mod by Chocolatin, who disappeared. A...
By: At first we want to thank and credit Chocolatin for creating the original Choco...
ClearChatOnJoin (1.12.2-1.0.0)
Clears the pesky spam that most mods violate your chat with on join.
By: Jad Chehimi
CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (
CodeChickenLib is a library of systems to help make various aspects of minecraft...
By: ChickenBones, covers1624
CoFH Core (
Required for all CoFH Mods. Also provides some customization options for Minecra...
By: Team CoFH
CoFH World (
Provides advanced and highly customizable world generation capabilities.
By: Team CoFH
Collective (3.0)
Collective is a shared library with common code for all of Serilum's mods.
By: Rick South
Common Capabilities (2.4.8)
Forge Capabilities that can be shared by multiple mods
By: rubensworks (aka kroeserr)
ComputerCraft Addons (1.12.2-1.6.6)
A ComputerCraft/OpenComputers addon mod.
By: asiekierka, Techokami, Vexatos
ConnectedTexturesMod (MC1.12.2-
Allows resource packs to add connected textures, emissive rendering, and much mo...
By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr
Construct's Armory (
A Tinkers' Construct add-on for those looking to enter the world of armor
By: C4
Cooking for Blockheads (6.5.0)
Adds a cooking book and multiblock kitchens that only shows recipes you can make...
By: BlayTheNinth
Corail Tombstone (4.6.0)
Tombstone is a grave's mod with lots of features on death and teleportation, in...
By: Corail31
Cosmetic Armor Reworked (CosmeticArmorReworked-1.12.2-v5a.jar)
This mod allows you to wear two sets of armor, one for display, one for function...
By: LainMI
Crafting Tweaks (8.1.9)
Allows you to rotate or clear the crafting matrix by the press of a button, in a...
By: BlayTheNinth
Creative Plus (1.0.2)
Creative Plus adds a bunch of useful tools to creative mode. It also re-adds Ite...
By: Tschipp
CreativeCore (1.10)
A core mod required by the most mods of CreativeMD. Contains a packets system, g...
By: CreativeMD, N247S
Custom Starter Gear (1.2.0)
Gives you full control over what items players start the game with.
By: brandon3055
Cyclops Core (1.6.7)
Coremod for EvilCraft, Integrated Dynamics and others.
By: rubensworks (aka kroeserr), immortaleeb (aka _EeB_)
Death Backup (1.4)
Creates a backup of an inventory right before a player death, which can be loade...
By: Rick South
Default Options (9.2.8)
A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to inclu...
By: BlayTheNinth
Ding (Forge) (1.0.2)
Plays a sound once the client has loaded to the main menu or loaded the world
By: iChun
Enchantment Descriptions (1.1.20)
Shows information about enchantments on enchantment books.
By: Darkhax
End: Reborn (0.3.9)
The dragon was only the beginning. And the End more than your brain can imagine....
By: EleC0TroN
Ender IO (5.3.70)
Compact conduits, painted things and all sorts of stuff and bling.
By: CrazyPants, tterrag, HenryLoenwind, MatthiasM, CyanideX, EpicSquid
Ender IO Endergy (5.3.70)
All the overpowered stuff to compete with other mods
By: EpicSquid, CrazyPants, tterrag, HenryLoenwind
EnderCore (1.12.2-0.5.76)
Library mod used by EnderIO, EnderZoo, and others
By: tterrag, CrazyPants, HenryLoenwind
Energy Control (1.12.2-0.3.1)
Energy Control is a remastered version of original Nuclear Control, an Industria...
By: Shedar, xbony2, Zuxelus, DMF444
Entity Purger (1.2.3)
Automatically purges entities based on configuration to reduce lag.
By: Wicked7000
Environmental Tech (1.12.2-
Environmental Tech is a mod containing a vast selection of multiblock machines....
By: ValkyrieofNight
Equivalent Energistics Patched (0.8.4)
Patches for the mod Equivalent Energistics
By: EndangeredNayla
Equivalent Stone (1.2.0)
This mod adds stone for converting some types of vanilla matter between each oth...
By: BENCH, Ircmaan
Eternal Singularity (1.0.7)
A Mod that Adds an Eternal Singularity! (That Works as a Singularity Binder)
By: RCXcrafter, WanionCane, Wealthyturtle
Ex Compressum (3.0.32)
Ex Nihilo Addon. Adds compressed hammers, automatic sieves and hammerers, wooden...
By: BlayTheNinth
Ex Nihilo: Creatio (1.12.2-
"From nothing, with progression"
By: Insaneau, OhYea777, Jacky1356400, BloodWorkXGaming, SirLyle
Adds some new ways to craft items, as well as extra crafting items and utilities...
By: BlakeBr0, ALongStringOfNumbers, Eutropium, Exa4096, notmywing, dan
Extra Bit Manipulation (1.12.2-3.4.1)
This mod is an addon to the Chisels & Bits mod. It adds a wrench that rotates/mi...
By: Phylogeny
Extra CPUs (1.12.2-1.2.1)
This mod gives you additional Crafting Storages with more capacity.
By: RLNT, Relentless, Zoko061602
Adds new ME Storage Cells and some other cool stuff to AE 2.
By: M3gaFr3ak, DrummerMC
FancyMenu [Forge] (2.13.2)
Give your life a fancy touch. You deserve it. COPYRIGHT: > FancyMenu Â...
By: Keksuccino
Fast Leaf Decay (v14)
Increases leaf decay rates.Check out the config to change the decay rate!
By: Olafski
Featured Servers (1.12-1.0.6)
Add a server to the server list on load, stop shipping a server.dat!
By: Jake_Evans
Fish's Undead Rising (1.3.3)
Fill your world with all kinds of mobs, undead-related or not.
By: Fish0016054
FoamFix (foamfix-0.10.15-1.12.2.jar)
Simple, targetted optimizations for a popular block game
By: asiekierka
Fossils and Archeology: Revival (8.0.6)
Adding dinosaurs, fossils, and more to Minecraft. If you have downloaded this mo...
By: Microjunk, Shadowbeast007, tyranno66, 4f6f3b, Cannibal Vox, JTGhawk137, Alexthe6...
FTB Library (Forge) (Legacy) (
FTB Library is a library mod that is used for some of our mods.
By: LatvianModder
FTB ProjectEX (
ProjectE addon mod that adds Transmutation Table MK2 and other things
By: LatvianModder
FTB Utilities (Forge) (
FTB Utilities is a mod by FTB. It aims to provide several useful utilities withi...
By: LatvianModder
Activates fullscreen windowed mode for Minecraft
By: Hancin
GeckoLib (3.0.31)
Geckolib is an entity animation loader for Java Edition, which lets you export b...
By: Gecko, Eliot, AzureDoom, McHorse, DerToaster
Genetics Reborn (1.14)
A genetics mod based on the 1.7.10 Advanced Genetics.
By: TheUnderTaker11, abused_master, ClubPetey
Gliby's Voice Chat Reloaded (1.3.0)
Gliby's Voice Chat mod enables in-game voice communication, as well as support f...
By: theGliby, Icosider
Global GameRules (2.2.7)
A mod that allows for global gamerules when a world is loaded
By: Gory_Moon
Hwyla (1.8.26)
You are using Hwyla, a fork of Waila. You can find more information on the Hwyla...
By: ProfMobius, TehNut
I Know What I'm Doing (IKWID) (1.0.2)
Small mod that disables the in-game tutorial for new instances.
By: InsomniaKitten
IC2 Tweaker (0.2.1+build.4)
There are some people who insist using CraftTweaker for tweaking everything. So...
Improvable Skills 3 (12.4.68)
Boost player's abilities as well as granting useful abilities using single book...
By: Zeitheron
Industrial Craft (2.8.222-ex112)
Industrial age themed expansion for Minecraft.
By: Alblaka, Player, RichardG, Thunderdark, GregoriusT, alexthesax, Drashian, Elemen...
Inventory Tweaks [1.12 only] (1.64+dev.151.822d839)
Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...
By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata
InWorldCrafting (1.12.2-1.2.0)
Crafttweaker integration that lets you craft in the world with Fluids, Fire or E...
By: xt9 (IterationFunk)
Iron Backpacks (1.12.2-3.0.8-12)
Adds tiered backpacks and a system of modular upgrades to go with them!
By: gr8pefish
Iron Chests (1.12.2-
New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items.The feature chest is t...
By: cpw
Item Filters (
Item Filters is a library mod that is used by mods like FTB Quests. It adds seve...
By: LatvianModder
JAOPCASingularities (1.12.2-
Just A Ore Processing Compatibility Attempt: Singularities
By: TheLMiffy1111
JEI Integration (1.6.0)
JEI Integration, the successor to NEI Integration by Tonius, is an addon for Jus...
By: SnowShock35
JourneyMap (1.12.2-5.7.1)
Real-time mapping in-game or your browser as you explore.
By: techbrew, Mysticdrew, meme_sapiens
Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC) (1.7.2)
Just Enough Items (JEI) integration for Pam's HarvestCraft.
By: mrapplexz
JustEnoughIDs (JustEnoughIDs-1.0.4-SNAPSHOT-thin.jar)
Remove the block, item, and biome ID limits by using the 1.13 chunk format in 1....
By: Runemoro, ZombieHDGaming, mysticpasta1
Konkrete [Forge] (1.6.0)
COPYRIGHT: Konkrete Copyright © 2020-2022 Keksuccino. Konkrete is licensed und...
By: Keksuccino
KubeJS (forge-1.12.2-
Edit recipes, add new custom items, script world events, all in JavaScript!
By: LatvianModder
LibraryEx (1.2.2)
A library for mods that add expansions, explorations, and experiences to Minecra...
By: LogicTechCorp
Login Shield (1.12.2-6-g5654706)
protects users from taking damage between when they login and they can start int...
By: Glasspelican
Loot Capacitor Tooltips (1.3)
Adds tooltips to the loot capacitors to show their effectiveness
By: Tfar
LootTweaker (0.3.1)
An addon for CraftTweaker that allows modification of loot tables
By: Leviathan143
A map to find structures made by Shadows_of_Fire and modified by KevskyBoy to wo...
By: Shadows_of_Fire, KevskyBoy
Thanos Snap pesky mods' items, blocks, ores, biomes, enchantments, recipes, and...
By: MalekiRe
Mekanism (1.12.2-
Tools and Machines
By: aidancbrady, thommy101, thiakil, pupnewfster, dizzyd
Mekanism Generators (1.12.2-
Generators module for Mekanism
By: aidancbrady, thommy101, thiakil, pupnewfster, dizzyd
Mekanism Tools (1.12.2-
Tools module for Mekanism
By: aidancbrady, thommy101, thiakil, pupnewfster, dizzyd
Mixin 0.7-0.8 Compatibility (1.0-SNAPSHOT)
By: NotStirred
MixinBooter (7.0)
A core plugin that prepares, boots mixins. Making lives easier for 1.12.2 mixin...
By: Rongmario
MixinBootstrap (_MixinBootstrap-1.1.0.jar)
MixinBootstrap is a temporary way of booting Mixin in a MinecraftForge productio...
By: LX_Gaming
ModTweaker (
ModTweaker is an addon for CraftTweaker, a recipe manipulator utility for Minecr...
By: Jaredlll08
Modular Assembly (1.0.2)
Modular Assembly is an addon for Modular Machinery.It makes it easy for players...
By: ikexing
Modular Machinery (1.11.1)
A modpack-maker toolset to create custom, massive, unique and complex machines a...
By: HellFirePvP, wiiv
More Overlays (1.15.1)
Adds some overlays from NEI (Mob spawns, Chunk Bounds, Item Search)
By: feldim2425
Morpheus (1.12.2-3.5.106)
Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server. Wh...
By: Quetzi
Mouse Tweaks (2.10.1)
A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...
By: YaLTeR
Mowzie's Mobs (1.5.8)
Mowzie's Mobs adds a variety of high-quality fantasy creatures to your Minecraft...
By: BobMowzie, pau101
Multi Mob Library (1.0.4a)
A library mod containing essential files for Daveyx0's mob mods
By: Daveyx0
Mystical Agriculture Tiered Crystals (1.0.1-hotfix)
Adds Tiered crystals to Mystical Agriculture.
By: Ilovepie220
NetherEx (2.2.5)
A Nether expansion, exploration, and experience.
By: LogicTechCorp, Eleazzaar, Nazenn, Vlakk, AnarchCassius, LapisWhovian, misterslim...
NetherPortalFix (5.3.17)
Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Porta...
By: BlayTheNinth
No Recipe Book (1.2.1)
Removes the Recipe Book button from the player inventory and crafting table GUI.
By: Luwin
OpenBlocks (1.8.1)
Random collection of blocks. Some of which aren't blocks at all.
By: OpenMods, 0x00716F62
OpenComputers (1.7.7+5413028)
This mod adds modular computers and robots that can be programmed in Lua.
By: Sangar, Vexatos, payonel, magik6k, Lord Joda, Github Contributors
Ore Excavation (1.4.150)
Allows players to mine whole veins of ore, cut down whole trees or any other too...
By: Funwayguy, Darkosto
p455w0rd's Library (2.3.161)
Library for containing commmon utilities used across my mods
By: TheRealp455w0rd
Patchouli (1.0-23.6)
Accessible, Data-Driven, Dependency-Free Documentation for Minecraft Modders and...
By: Vazkii
Phosphor (Forge) (1.12.2-0.2.7-SNAPSHOT)
Consider pledging to my Patreon! Your support will go directly towards funding d...
By: Angeline (@jellysquid)
Potion Core (1.9_for_1.12.2)
Mod with tons of serious, silly, and awesome potions!
By: Tmtravlr, Father Toast
Progressive Bosses (1.5.4)
Wither and Ender Dragon will be more powerful the more are respawned
By: Insane96MCP
ProjectE (1.12.2-PE1.4.1)
A complete rewrite of EE2 for modern Minecraft versions.
By: sinkillerj, Moze_Intel
Quality Tools (1.0.7_for_1.12.2)
Gives tools, weapons, and armor a randomized 'quality', much like tools in Terra...
By: Tmtravlr
Ranged Pumps (0.5)
Ranged Pumps is a simple mod that adds a pump that pumps liquids in a range
By: Ranged Pumps contributors
Reach Fix (1.0.6)
Fix for vanillas hit detection and the reach attribute not being used for entiti...
By: Meldexun
Reborn Core (Fork NBT fix) (3.19.5)
Reborn Core is a library used for many of the Tech Reborn team's mods, including...
By: modmuss50, Gigabit101, Prospector
Redstone Arsenal (
Behold the Redstone (Flux) Revolution - provides Flux-Infused Tools and Armor!
By: Team CoFH
Redstone Flux (
The Redstone Flux API - the cornerstone of Energy Transfer in modded Minecraft s...
By: Team CoFH
Resource Loader (1.5.3)
Allows mod pack creators / users to add their own custom textures to minecrafts...
By: lumien
Save My Stronghold! (Forge) (1.12.2-1.0.0)
A lightweight mod to prevent strongholds from being torn up by underground caves...
Security Craft (v1.9.3.1)
Adds a load of things to keep your house safe with and defend yourself from atta...
By: Geforce, bl4ckscor3, Redstone_Dubstep
A simple Discord Rich Presence plugin for mod packs
By: HypherionMC
Simple Storage Network (1.8.3)
Connect your inventories and manage your items easily. A simplified version of...
By: MrRiegel, Lothrazar
Simple Void World (
This is a very simple mod that adds a block that takes the player to a void worl...
By: modmuss50
Snad (1.12.1-
You're finally able to have your sugarcane grow faster. What could possibly be b...
By: TheRoBrit
Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (1.8.4)
A mod designed to encourage dietary variety! It does so by rewarding the player...
By: Cazsius, Talonos, juliand665
Splash Logo Color Fix (splashlogofix-1.0.jar)
Fixes the color of the mojang logo when a background color is used.
By: modmuss50
StepUp (1.0.2-mc1.10-1.12.2)
3 options allow you to choose between no auto jump, Minecraft auto jump, and Ste...
By: NotTooManyItems
Super Sound Muffler: Revived (
A block that allows you to select which sounds to muffle.
By: EdgarAllen
SuperMartijn642's Config Lib (1.1.6)
Config Lib makes dealing with config files just a bit easier.
By: SuperMartijn642
SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (1.0.19)
SuperMartijn642's Core Lib adds lots of basic implementations for guis that allo...
By: SuperMartijn642
Surge (2.0.79)
A tweak mod that improves Minecraft performance and stability.
By: Darkhax, Jaredlll08, lclc98
The Aurorian (1.12.2-release)
Explore a land beyond this world, bathed in moonlight and shrouded in nature.
By: (Elise)Elseytd
The Erebus (1.0.32)
Discover a world ruled by insects, the Erebus is a place to explore, mine and bu...
By: vadis365, ganymedes01, DylanKaizer
Thermal Dynamics (
Thermal gets Dynamic! Adds ducts - blocks for transporting Items, Fluids, Redsto...
By: Team CoFH
Thermal Expansion (
Expanding Minecraft Thermally - provides new options for automation and processi...
By: Team CoFH
Tinkering with Blood Magic (1.0.5)
A Blood Magic integration for Tcon and Conarm
By: terrapin47, Locien
Tinkers Construct (1.12.2-
A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools
By: boni, KnightMiner
Tinkers' Tool Leveling (1.12.2-1.1.0)
A small mod that gives your tools XP and awards extra modifiers on levelup
By: boni
Tiny Progressions (3.2.31)
Cobblegens, Growth Crystals and Watering Cans and more oh my!
By: Kashdeya, Darkosto, GenDeathrow, ArclightTW
Toast Control (1.8.1)
Control what toasts are enabled, because some of them are useless.
By: Shadows_of_Fire
Torchmaster (
Adds a special torch which prevents mobs from spawning in a configurable range
By: xalcon
VanillaFix (VanillaFix-1.0.10-150.jar)
Keep playing after a crash | Increase your FPS by up to 3x
By: Runemoro, ZombieHDGaming
Vending block (1.12.2-
Adds a vending block that lets you sell items.
By: AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN, kamildanak
Waila Harvestability (1.1.12)
An add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you a...
By: squeek
Wall-Jump! [FORGE] (1.3.2)
Jump from wall to wall! Jump near a wall and hold the wall jump key (LSHIFT). Th...
By: genandnic
Wawla - What Are We Looking At (2.6.275)
Greatly expands upon the amount of information provided by the Waila HUD, along...
By: Darkhax
Waystones (4.1.0)
Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers.
By: BlayTheNinth
Wireless Crafting Terminal (3.12.97)
Adds a wireless version of the AE2 crafting terminal
By: TheRealp455w0rd
Wireless Pattern Terminal (1.0.3)
Adds a wireless version of the AE2 Pattern Terminal
By: TheRealp455w0rd
Wormhole (Portals) (1.1.10)
Wormhole allows you to construct portals with the use of wormhole stabilizer tec...
By: SuperMartijn642
Add new tools to and integrate various mods with Tinker's Construct
By: Landmaster (phuong0429)
Switch between conflicting recipes
By: stimmedcow, GotoLink, SirOMGitsYOU, JamesYeoman
Updated AE2 Unofficial Extended Life
Updated Aqua Acrobatics
Updated Corail Tombstone
Updated FancyMenu
Added Better Spawner Control
Added Entity Purger
Added Simple Discord RPC
Added Equivalent Energistics Patched
Added Equivalent Stone
Added Battle Towers Fixes
Added BisectHosting Server Integration Menu
Removed MemoryTester
Removed RenderLib
Removed Nothirium
Removed CraftPresence
Other Changes:
Fixed complete Industrial Craft 2 quest
Adjusted various emc values
Added emc to loads of items
Reduced the chance of snow biomes
Added villages to more biomes
Updated IC2 Tweaker
Updated Konkrete
Updated GeckoLib
Updated Improvable Skills 3
Updated Security Craft
Updated FancyMenu
Updated Crafttweaker
Updated AE2 Extended Life
Updated Chocolate Quest Repoured
Updated Chunk Pregenerator
Updated Fossils and Archeology
Updated FoamFix
Updated ReachFix
Updated OpenComputers
Updated Had Enough Items
And i also updated a bunch of other things but i forgot to write them down
Updated AE2 Unofficial Extended Life
Updated Chocolate Quest Repoured
Updated Dungeons 2
Updated Gliby’s Voice Chat Reloaded
Updated MixinBooter
Updated Nothirium
Updated RenderLib
Updated GeckoLib
Updated Konkrete
Fixed the Ore Void Miner
Nerfed leaves to stone recipe
Changed furnace tooltip
Changed stone grill recipe
Added recipe for blue skies portals in easy mode
Added a warning tooltip to the blue skies portals
Changed default settings
Updated Forge to 2860
Added FastWorkbench
Added Fast Leaf Decay
Added End: Reborn
Added Trinklets and Baubles
Added Aqua Acrobatics
Added Ranged Pumps
Added Mystical Agriculture Tiered Crystal
Added Had Enough Items
Added Modular Assembly
Added I Know What I’m Doing
Added Toroquest
Added InWorldCrafting
Added Wormhole (Portals)
Added Tinkers OreDict Cache
Added Fancy Menu
Added AE2 Unofficial Extended Life
Added Game Stages
Added Recipe Stages
Added Advanced Combat OC Edition
Added KubeJS
Added Born in a Barn
Added IC2 Patcher
Added Sound Device Options
Added Super Sound Muffler
Added Ancient Beasts
Added Nothirium
Added MemoryTester
Added Avaritiaaddons
Added Simple Diving Gear
Added Clear Water
Added ClearChatOnJoin
Added Wall-jump!
Added Spellbound Spire Towers
Added Energy Control
Added Malek's Infinity Gauntlet
Removed BetterBiomeBlend
Removed Just Enough Items
Removed BetterDiving
Removed The Beneath
Removed CustomMainMenu
Removed Applied Energistics 2
Removed Industrial Upgrade
Removed Advanced Combat
Added EMC to loads of tinkers
Added EMC to Feral Flare Lantern
Added EMC to gold and emerald gears
Added EMC to Ectoplasm
Added EMC to Flint Block
Added EMC to blank rune
Added EMC to Demon Ingot
Added EMC to buckets
Added EMC to skystone
Added EMC to most of ProjectE
Added EMC to some of the items in Fossils and Archeology
Added EMC to quite a bit of Erebus items
Added EMC to Peace Candle
Added EMC to Mega Torch
Added EMC to iron / gold dense and normal plates
Added EMC to PSI
Added EMC to nearly all of the chisel blocks (I’ve lost my sanity)
Added EMC to most of Cathedral
Fixed it so the quest for Diopside and Pyrope tools so they accept tools made from both wood variants
Fixed Normal mana tablet working for the creative mana tablet quest
Moved artificial end portal quest from random things to end introduction
Highly Decreased knightslime sell price
Fixed Falsite and Ventium saying wrong dimension to find in
Changed Bewitchment Altar quest accept more carpets and only require one
Changed the upgraded armor quests in EnderIO chapter to just do the upgrades
Added more information to Rudimentary Snare quest
Changed the botania lexica 364th edition to not require relic knowlagde
Adjusted some quest rewards for easy mode
Minor oredict changes
Highly reduced rf cost for Medium Covalence Dust
Oredicted all Blue Skies ores
Made the ender tank and ender chest quite a bit easier to make
Made Magma armor easier to make
Making a Crafting Unit now takes 288 liqud steel
Made peace candle easier to make
Quite massive changes to early game mechanics
Big changes to how Mystical Agriculture works
Disabled Flame Spewer
Removed many mystical agriculture seeds from spawning in greenhouses
Made Stellar Armor harder
Made recipes for certain items easier after you finish certain quests
Made the recipe for the Vacuum Hopper easier
Added recipes to most Extra Utilities 2 generators
Removed custom recipe for Photovoltaic Cell
Added recipe to Ancient Javelin
Changed creative generator recipe
Fixed Automatic Empowerer not working
Added empowered blocks to the Automatic Empowerer
Added low Covalence Dust recipe to Automatic Empowerer
Added Notch Apple recipe to Automatic Empowerer
Its come to my attention that some people have Arachnophobia therefor find Erebus difficult, Therefor i’ve changed recipes to have alternatives that is harder but will not require Erebus
Added Blue Skies ores to the environment tech void ore miner
Reduced usage of PSI in other mods
Made Advanced Machine Casing easier
Made all auto sifters easier
Changed the Instant Bone Meal recipe to be loads easier
Changed Basic Machine Casing recipe
Changed Openblocks Tank recipe
Added water/lava clay bucket recipe with fire and water essence
Added recipes to four sided logs
Changed Blood Altar recipe
Fixed Infinity Ingot recipe
Fixed the Iskandert dupe bug 😡 - Added new easter egg
Removed hard packmode
Updated GeckoLib
Updated CreativeCore
Updated Reach Fix
Updated xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx
Updated Security Craft
Updated ReAuth
Updated SuperMarijn642 Config Lib
Updated Not Enough Energistics
Updated ExtendedCrafting Omnifactory (Now called Nomifactory)
Updated Hammer Lib
Updated JustEnoughIDs
Updated Crafttweaker
Updated SuperMartijin642’s Core Lib
Updated Fish’s Undead Rising
Updated Corail Tombstone
Updated Mystical Adapation
Updated Treasure2!
Updated Collective
Updated Chunk Pregenerator
Updated Unidict
Updated WanionLib
Updated Chocolate Quest Repoured
Updated Mystical Adaptations
Updated Torchmaster
Changelog 63
The scary days is over so let bring it back and also improve the pack
Memberships, Thank everyone who support me with memberships you can also become a member at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Kevsky
Virgil Risi
Added Enchantment Descriptions
Removed Halloween Luckyblocks
Updated LibNine
Updated Not Enough Energistics
Updated Armory Expansion
Updated Dupefix Project
Updated Extended Crafting: Omnifactory Edition
Updated GeckoLib
Updated Just Enough Items
Updated Mouse Tweaks
Updated Loottweaker
Updated Pewter
Updated Redstone Arsenal
Updated Simple Storage Network
Updated Surge
Updated Wireless Crafting Terminal
Updated Collective
Updated CreativeCore
Updated CraftTweaker
Updated GeckoLib
Updated GottschCore
Updated Treasure2!
Halloween is over so is all the Halloween fun
Visual overhaul of the main menu
Changed the recipe for the iron frame
Changed the recipe for the tiny progression emerald armor
Fixed an issue with scripts in hard mode
Changed Silver Capacitor recipe #124
Fixed the Lexica Botania with elven knowledge working with the normal Lexica Botania #118
Killing a blight no longer puts it in chat #113
Fixed some lost crate rewards #111
Fixed Some custom machines only accepting machines in specific directions #110
Changed bread slice recipe from Tiny Progression #107 #109
Fixed some recipes #114
Tweaked the enchantment crystal #123
Fixed Miss spelled quests #121
Fixed issue with akashic tomb being deleted #101
Fixed Item Collector having two recipes #112
Changelog 62
Halloween is here soon so lets get in the mood :D
Memberships, Thank everyone who support me with memberships you can also become a member at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Kevsky
Added back Morpheus
Added Toast Control
Added Halloween LuckyBlocks
Added Gliby’s Voice Chat Reloaded
Removed Additional Mobs
Updated Chunk Pregenerator
Updated ModTweaker
Updated Hammer Lib
Halloween :D:
Halloweenified the main menu
Halloweenified Introduction chapter
Do Trick or Treet quests for a limited time
Added quest rewards to the master baker quest
Changelog 62
Halloween is here soon so lets get in the mood :D
Memberships, Thank everyone who support me with memberships you can also become a member at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Kevsky
Added back Morpheus
Added Toast Control
Added Halloween LuckyBlocks
Added Gliby’s Voice Chat Reloaded
Removed Additional Mobs
Updated Chunk Pregenerator
Updated ModTweaker
Updated Hammer Lib
Halloween :D:
Halloweenified the main menu
Halloweenified Introduction chapter
Do Trick or Treet quests for a limited time
Added quest rewards to the master baker quest
Added PackMode Menu OC Edition
Added Global GameRules
Removed PackModeMenu
Fixed the PSI quest that could be claimed when it should not have been claimable
Fixed pure daisy quest description
Changed the reward for finishing the PSI chapter
Changed the amount of lost crate you get in jackpot machine
Removed a quest in Botania chapter that was left after Thaumcraft was removed
Major redesign to the ProjectE Chapter
Visual improvement and some new quests to Introduction chapter
Changed some of the contract quests to let people start earlier on them
Moved the Tinker’s quest a little around
Did a minor visual change to the ic2 chapter
Did a minor visual change to the Genetics Reborn chapter
Quite major visual change to the EnderIO Chapter
Major visual redesign to the Erebus chapter
Updated JAOPCA
Updated MysticalLib
Added a tooltip to some disabled items
Yeah i agree Dark Matter was a bit to expensive
Added a cooldown to the gem chestplate explosion ability
Added a cooldown for firing projectiles with ProjectE items
Added some other cooldowns for certain things for ProjectE that should improve server performance
Disabled Gem of Eternal Density
Need a server use code oceanoutlast for 30% off at nodecraft.com/r/oceanoutlast, and i even earn a little commision :D
Removed First Aid as it caused issues
Disabled dinosaur hunger
Removed rewards for removed mods
Fixed a dupe, beat it speshel_
Changed jackpot machine chances
New crate to spend way too much money on in the shop
Adjusted some shop prices
Added some Fossils and Archeology quests
Adjusted some EMC values
Fixed an issue where the supremium chestplate could not be crafted
Need a server use code oceanoutlast for 30% off at nodecraft.com/r/oceanoutlast, and i even earn a little commision :D
Added Additional Mobs
Removed Blood Moon and Mod Spawner Controller as they were left in by mistake from testing
Removed Grimorie of Gaia
Removed Altered Damage
Updated Crafttweaker
First Aid now scales with vanilla health
Added more informative descriptions to some quests
Made Applied Energistics 2 a bit easier
Added the new shop items and quests to the other gamemods as they were left out by mistake
Tweaked First Aid
Highly reduced ender tank and chest production cost
Made changes to The Beneath
Added more quests to the masterchef chapter
Added Not Enough Energetics
Added First Aid
Added Quality Tools
Removed Just Enough Energetics
Actually fixed Mystical Agriculture
Removed Nytro from the server list by default
Added some new quests
Added some new items to the shop
Made a medical crate you can buy
Added some items to crates
Updated Collective
Updated CraftTweaker
Updated CreativeCore
Updated DupeFix Project
Updated Extended Crafting: Omnifactory Edition
Updated GeckoLib
Updated MysticalLib
Updated The Beneath
Updated B.A.S.E
Updated Baubley Heart Canisters
Updated CraftPresence
Updated Tesla Core Liv
Update Ender Tweaker
Update CraftPresence
Changelog 57
Hallo Thank you for your continued support of my modpack. Today i release an update fixing some of the present bugs in the modpack and adding a couple of quests. Again thank you for playing Ocean Outlast. -Kev
Updated Forge to
Added Unloader
Added TexFix
Added MTQFix
Added Better Biome Blend
Added ExtraCells2 SamLam’s Fork
Added Reborn Core Fork
Added Yet Another Recipe Conflict Fixer
Added Death Backup
Added Collective
Added Altered Damage
Added Agricraft
Added InfinityLib
Added Mixin 07-0.8 Compatibility
Removed Better Hurt Timer
Removed OpenEye
Removed ExtraCells2
Removed Reborn Core
Removed No More Recipe Conflict
Removed AgriComputers
Removed AgriLib
Removed Performant
Updated Botania
Updated Chocolate Quest Repoured
Updated Corail Tombstone
Updated CraftPresence
Updated CraftTweaker
Updated CreativeCore
Updated EnderIO
Updated EnderIO Energy
Updated EnderTweaker
Updated Foamfix
Updated JAOPCA
Updated JAOPCAAgriculture
Updated LootTweaker
Updated ModTweaker
Updated MTLib
Updated RebornCore
Updated SecurityCraft
Updated The Aurorian
Updated Treasure2!
Updated HammerLib
Updated PlusTIC
Updated Fish’s Undead Rising
Updated LibraryEx
Updated ModTweaker
Updated NetherEx
Updated BradonsCore
Fixed Blood Magic Quests
Fixed Missing Mystical Agriculture recipes
Islands are rarer
Large islands are a lot rarer
Villages can now spawn in deep oceans
Changes to configs to improve performance
You now spawn on a island
Added more quests for Bewitchment
Slight reduce to player attack damage
Slight increase to mob attack damage
Players playing in easy mode can now enjoy the wonders of the creative items
Become a monster hunter with our new quest tree in contracts
Fixed some recipes for hard mode
Hard mode now has an easier start to the modpack then expert mode
Changelog 57
Hallo Thank you for your continued support of my modpack. Today i release an update fixing some of the present bugs in the modpack and adding a couple of quests. Again thank you for playing Ocean Outlast. -Kev
Updated Forge to
Added Unloader
Added TexFix
Added MTQFix
Added Better Biome Blend
Added ExtraCells2 SamLam’s Fork
Added Reborn Core Fork
Added Yet Another Recipe Conflict Fixer
Added Death Backup
Added Collective
Added Altered Damage
Added Agricraft
Added InfinityLib
Added Mixin 07-0.8 Compatibility
Removed Better Hurt Timer
Removed OpenEye
Removed ExtraCells2
Removed Reborn Core
Removed No More Recipe Conflict
Removed AgriComputers
Removed AgriLib
Removed Performant
Updated Botania
Updated Chocolate Quest Repoured
Updated Corail Tombstone
Updated CraftPresence
Updated CraftTweaker
Updated CreativeCore
Updated EnderIO
Updated EnderIO Energy
Updated EnderTweaker
Updated Foamfix
Updated JAOPCA
Updated JAOPCAAgriculture
Updated LootTweaker
Updated ModTweaker
Updated MTLib
Updated RebornCore
Updated SecurityCraft
Updated The Aurorian
Updated Treasure2!
Updated HammerLib
Updated PlusTIC
Updated Fish’s Undead Rising
Updated LibraryEx
Updated ModTweaker
Updated NetherEx
Updated BradonsCore
Fixed Blood Magic Quests
Fixed Missing Mystical Agriculture recipes
Islands are rarer
Large islands are a lot rarer
Villages can now spawn in deep oceans
Changes to configs to improve performance
You now spawn on a island
Added more quests for Bewitchment
Slight reduce to player attack damage
Slight increase to mob attack damage
Players playing in easy mode can now enjoy the wonders of the creative items
Become a monster hunter with our new quest tree in contracts
Fixed some recipes for hard mode
Hard mode now has an easier start to the modpack then expert mode
Changelog V.53
Thank you Shamantor92 for being a member
If you want to become a member head over to BuyMeACoffee
Added The Erebus
Added Erebusfix
Added The Aurorian
Added Blue Skies
Added NetherEx
Added RFTools Power
Added Advanced Generators
Added Dirt2Path
Added Simple Void World
Added SplashAnimation
Added PackModeMenu
Added BilingualName
Added CraftPresence
Added Artemislib
Added LibraryEX
Added Mcjtylib
Removed CoralReef
Removed Doomlike Dungeons
Removed Random PSIdeas
Removed Ruins
Removed YUNG’s Better Mineshafts
Removed Born in a Barn
Removed Calm Down Zombie Guy
Removed Custom Stuff 4
Removed Mutant Beasts
Removed Pack Crash Info
Removed reWIRED
Removed ThaumicComputer
Removed Thaumic Periphery
Removed Tweakers Construct
Removed Enitity nan healt fix
Removed Robotic Parts
Removed Sampler
Removed Caliper
Removed AI Reducer
Removed Botanic Bonsai
Removed Roots
Removed Mystical World
Removed Aunis
Removed Dragon Mounts 2
Removed Eerie Entities
Removed The Farlanders
Removed Nether Update Backport
Removed Ender Zoo
Removed DiscordSuite
Removed Lootbags
Quests & Lootcrates:
Fixed Water Powerd saw quest description
Fixed Thermal quests
Reworked Thaumcraft quest chapter
Added new quest chapter Masterchef
More quests in the Mekanism chapter
Added new shop tab Elixir Emporium
Added more items to the lost crate
Increased the Jackpot Machine Price
Changes to the jackpot machine ods
Added new bonus game in the jackpot machine
Added new Omega Crate to the Lost Crate
New quest under the Actually Additions for Wings of the bats
Many new quests but why spoil them all (or maybe i am just to lazy to write it all)
Changes to Farmers Market Odds
Added new quest chapter Erebus
Added new quest chapter Blue Skies
Added new quest chapter The Aurorian
Removed Challenges chapter
Added new quest chapter Contracts
Added new loot crate теневой ящик
Removed Dragon Trainer loot crate
Added new quest group Technical Age
Added new quest group Wizard Academy
Added new quest group Dimensional Traveler
Fixed hot pocket quest not working with whittled fire sticks
Removed Occupation it was just so badly done it will return in another update
Renamed Stock Market to ATM
Changed some assets name to better work on Linux systems
Removed Quest introduction logo
New Information quest about stepup
Added a couple more AE2 quests and adjusted some rewards
Fixed Glass Fibre Cable quest in IC2 Chapter
Added new shop crate Auction House
Amethyst now has EMC
Added recipe for magical forest biome marker
Infinity Catalyst is harder to make but the tools and armor is easier to make
Fixed Creative Gas Tank recipe
Changed Cosmic Meatballs EMC value from 1G to 100 Mil
Changed dark matter recipe
Changed Bewitchment Altar recipe to be easier
Why is AE2 so hard? idk so here i made it easier
Made tinkers patterns a shapeless crafting recipe
Max difficulty changed from 50 to 75
Added Automatic Empowerer via Modular Machinery
Made battletowers rarer
Battletowers should spawn in less weird places now
Reduced rf cost per steel in the blastfurnace
Added new machine Fluid Compressor
Pure Daisy dont nearly use as much time to covert times
Made Mystical Agriculture harder
Made ProjectE Harder
Updated Lazy AE2
Updated LibNine
Updated Avarita Tweaks
Updated Bewitchment
Updated Chocolate Quest Repoured (Congratz on beta)
Updated Creativecore
Updated Fish’s Undead Rising
Updated FTBQuests
Updated Industralcraft 2
Updated Mixinbootstrap
Updated PSI
Updated Better Diving
Updated Patchouli
Updated SecurityCraft
Updated Unidict
Updated Entity Culling
Updated Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed
Updated DupeFix Project
Updated Actually Additions
Updated LLibary
Updated RandomPatches
Updated Ender Tweaker
Updated Treasure2!
Updated Corail Tombstone
Updated EnderIO
Updated EnderIO - Endergy
Updated Endercore
Removed Debug Tools
53.1.hf1 on ATL will work with 53.1 on curseforge
Removed DoubleSlabs
Thank you Shamantor92 for becoming a member
Added Waystones
Added Ender IO Endergy
Added Entity culling
Added Chocolate Quest Reproud (Thanks to the devs for showing me how to fix our issues)
Added back Avaritia Tweaks as its no longer decrepit
Added Extra Bit Manipulation
Added AI Reducer
Removed LagGoggles (Causes issues within other mods)
Removed Tick Central
Removed FastWorkbench (Caused more issues then it fixed)
Added new sleeping bag quest in the introduction chapter
New quest chapter PSI
New quest chapter Extra Utilites
New quest chapter SecurityCraft
Changed Mekanism quest chapter icon
Added backpack quests in introduction chapter
Added quests for waystones in the introduction chapter
Added new quest in challenges collect all the dragon eggs
Added new info quest to the Thaumcraft Chapter
New quest in challenges Iridium Collector
Changes to the Genesis Spectre Coil recipe
Added a recipe to the Creative Quibit Cluster
Added a recipe for the Creative Computer Case
Added a recipe for the Creative Capacitor from Cyberware/Robotic Parts
Added recipe for Creative Energy Source
Increase shape limit for 3d printer (24 => 128)
You can now convert ingots to TF Ingots
Changes to hammercore ASM
Adjusted Emc Values
Added the Creative Storage Upgrade to the lost crate
Fixed most Mystical Agriculture seeds that didnt work with Agricraft
Added new loot crate Shamus Rune Roulette found in the covens market
(Do you also want a crate? go to buymeacoffee and buy a shop item named after you and we can have a 1 on 1 talk about adding a new crate with your name and items you want :D)
Fixed broken sell shop item
Increased farlanders structured spawn gen
Patched Dupe bug duo to dupefix project update
Added Shamantors flower shop
Removed EMC from the time in a bottle to avoid accidental void
Added the Modulary Machinery blueprints to the shop incase loss
Changes to the treasure2 loottables
Added new crate Dragon Trainer
JEI now gives items directly into the inventory
JEI now has a centred search bar
Changes to the Bewitchment Altar recipe
New crate Sorcerer Crate
Changed the recipe for the Mekanism Reactor Frame
Fixed Ultimate Ingot Recipe
Updated Brandon’s Core
Updated YUNG’S Better Mineshafts
Updated CommonCapabilities
Updated Mystical World
Updated Roots
Updated Creativecore
Updated Doubleslabs
Updated EnderIO
Updated Treasure 2
Updated Bewitchment
Updated Chunk Pregenerator
Updated DupeFix Project
Updated Fish’s Undead Rising
Updated MixinBootstrap
Updated RandomPatches
Updated Unidict
Updated WanionLib
Updated Dupefix Project
Updated MutantBeasts
Updated YUNG’s Better Mineshafts
Important Notice!!!!
If you got a Corpse that you have not taken the items out of do that before the update!!!
I wanna thank all of you and my great staff team
Added Corail Tombstone
Added QuantumFlux
Added Extended Crafting: Omni Factory Edition
Added Ruins
Added The Farlanders
Added YUNG’S Better Mineshafts
Added Appleskin
Removed Corpse
Removed Corpse Complex
Removed Phosphor (No longer supported)
Removed Extended Crafting
Removed Chocolate Quest Repoured (Had to many bugs and lag issues)
Updated BadWitherNoCookieReloaded
Updated Bewitchment
Updated CraftTweaker
Updated Creative Core
Updated Lazy AE2
Updated IC2
Updated Mowzie’s Mobs
Updated RandomPatches
Updated Treasure2!
Updated Torchmaster
Added new quest chapter Avaritia
Added new quest chapter QuantumFlux
Nerfed creative me cell recipe
Important Notice!!!!
If you got a Corpse that you have not taken the items out of do that before the update!!!
I wanna thank all of you and my great staff team
Added Corail Tombstone
Added QuantumFlux
Added Extended Crafting: Omni Factory Edition
Added Ruins
Added The Farlanders
Added YUNG’S Better Mineshafts
Added Appleskin
Removed Corpse
Removed Corpse Complex
Removed Phosphor (No longer supported)
Removed Extended Crafting
Removed Chocolate Quest Repoured (Had to many bugs and lag issues)
Updated BadWitherNoCookieReloaded
Updated Bewitchment
Updated CraftTweaker
Updated Creative Core
Updated Lazy AE2
Updated Mowzie’s Mobs
Updated RandomPatches
Updated Treasure2!
Updated Torchmaster
Added new quest chapter Avaritia
Added new quest chapter QuantumFlux
Nerfed creative me cell recipe
Beware awsomeness incoming
I wanna thank all of you and my great staff team
Forgot to remove Knob Control for the ATL Version Sorry for any issues caused by this
Beware awsomeness incoming
I wanna thank all of you and my great staff team
Lazy AE2
Removed Knob Control
Updated Bewitchment
Updated Chocolate Quest Repoured
Updated HammerLib
Updated JEI
Updated LibrarianLib
Updated Mowziemobs
Updated MutantBeasts
Updated MysticalWorld
Updated MysticalLib
Updated RandomPatches
Updated Roots
Updated TravelersBackpack
Fixed Modular Machinery Custom recipes
Disabled Vertical slabs
Added Disbled tooltip to Deep Dark Portal
Disabled Netherrack fire effect
Boost in Nether Knight spawn rate
Fixed Tinkers traits
Added Spanish Moss to the shop
Added more coin values to the Stock Market shop
Fixed Control Freak quest
Blacklisted the FTB Quest Book being able to be added to a Akashic Tome
Fixed a dupe
Beware awsomeness incoming
I wanna thank all of you and my great staff team
Lazy AE2
Removed Knob Control
Updated Bewitchment
Updated Chocolate Quest Repoured
Updated HammerLib
Updated JEI
Updated LibrarianLib
Updated Mowziemobs
Updated MutantBeasts
Updated MysticalWorld
Updated MysticalLib
Updated RandomPatches
Updated Roots
Updated TravelersBackpack
Fixed Modular Machinery Custom recipes
Disabled Vertical slabs
Added Disbled tooltip to Deep Dark Portal
Disabled Netherrack fire effect
Boost in Nether Knight spawn rate
Fixed Tinkers traits
Added Spanish Moss to the shop
Added more coin values to the Stock Market shop
Fixed Control Freak quest
Blacklisted the FTB Quest Book being able to be added to a Akashic Tome
Fixed a dupe
Hallo everyone hope you all are staying safe and are using a mask :D
I wanna thank all of you and my great staff team
Added Packmode
● added 2 new packmodes into the game
- easy
- hard
● Easy has nearly no custom recipes the only things left from hard and expert is no ore gen and islands otherwise you are a free man
● Hard, hard is still close to expert but has been made a bit easier
Expert is still the same and the default packmode
- Wanna try out a other packmode do /packmode hard/easy/expert, and restart your game, if you are running server navigate into your configs folder find packmode and change the packmode there
Added Modular Machinery
● New machine Automatic PSI
- Gives you the ability to make all psi materials without a wand
● New machine Automatic Crucible
- Gives you the ability to make luminessence easy
● New machine blastfurnace
- Gives you the ability to make steel faster and cheaper
● New machine Reinforced Blastfurance
- Works like the Blastfurance but is faster and cheaper in energy
● New machine fossil Refinery
- Gives you the ability to turn fossils into curde oil
Added xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx
Added Tweakers Construct
Added Armory Expansion
Added Double Slabes
Added StepUp
Updated Bewitchment
Updated Chocolate Quest Repoured
Updated Robotic Parts
Updated Security Craft
Updated Torchmaster
Updated Controlling
Updated Login Shield
Updated PSI
Updated Random Patches
Updated Genetics Reborn
Updated Craftstudio API
Added new loot crate used in the Fossils and Archeology Chapter
Added quests for Modular Machinery
Added new Cybernetic Crate to tech chapters
Fixed quests only having 1 item as a reward for most quest
Revamped quest rewards
Removed useless i lost my questbook quest
Lootbag quest now accept all rarites but not secret tiers
Added a info quest for packmodes
Price of Kev’s lost chest changed from 900 to 600
Price of Box of Sealed Evil changed from 1200 to 1400
Added more items to the common crate
Changes to the uncommon crate odds
There is now a 10% chance for bosses to drop Lost Crates
Disabled protection for Chocolate Quest Structures
Oredicted Emerald Armor
Nerfed Magma armor durability and its recipe
Changed unlogical thermal recipes
Removed travelers backpacks from lootbags
You can now craft clay blocks into clay
Made livingrock and livingwood convert time shorter
Grove Spirits no longer plant saplings
Trollager no longer destroy terrain
Fixed weird seamoth view
More limestones and sandstone in each chunk
Luminessence cost less lux to make
Disabled agricraft weed
Re-Enabled black death from Genetics Reborn
Escape rope was made cheaper to craft
Photovoltaic cells was made cheaper to craft
Nerfed sugercane and nether tools from Tiny Progression
Netherrack burn time has been shorten
Fixed Actually Additions Farmer crafting recipe
Skystone seeds can now be planted in agricraft crop sticks
Hallo everyone hope you all are staying safe and are using a mask :D
I wanna thank all of you and my great staff team
Added Packmode
● added 2 new packmodes into the game
- easy
- hard
● Easy has nearly no custom recipes the only things left from hard and expert is no ore gen and islands otherwise you are a free man
● Hard, hard is still close to expert but has been made a bit easier
Expert is still the same and the default packmode
- Wanna try out a other packmode do /packmode hard/easy/expert, and restart your game, if you are running server navigate into your configs folder find packmode and change the packmode there
Added Modular Machinery
● New machine Automatic PSI
- Gives you the ability to make all psi materials without a wand
● New machine Automatic Crucible
- Gives you the ability to make luminessence easy
● New machine blastfurnace
- Gives you the ability to make steel faster and cheaper
● New machine Reinforced Blastfurance
- Works like the Blastfurance but is faster and cheaper in energy
● New machine fossil Refinery
- Gives you the ability to turn fossils into curde oil
Added xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx
Added Tweakers Construct
Added Armory Expansion
Added Double Slabes
Added StepUp
Updated Bewitchment
Updated Chocolate Quest Repoured
Updated Robotic Parts
Updated Security Craft
Updated Torchmaster
Updated Controlling
Updated Login Shield
Updated PSI
Updated Random Patches
Updated Genetics Reborn
Updated Craftstudio API
Added new loot crate used in the Fossils and Archeology Chapter
Added quests for Modular Machinery
Added new Cybernetic Crate to tech chapters
Fixed quests only having 1 item as a reward for most quest
Revamped quest rewards
Removed useless i lost my questbook quest
Lootbag quest now accept all rarites but not secret tiers
Added a info quest for packmodes
Price of Kev’s lost chest changed from 900 to 600
Price of Box of Sealed Evil changed from 1200 to 1400
Added more items to the common crate
Changes to the uncommon crate odds
There is now a 10% chance for bosses to drop Lost Crates
Disabled protection for Chocolate Quest Structures
Oredicted Emerald Armor
Nerfed Magma armor durability and its recipe
Changed unlogical thermal recipes
Removed travelers backpacks from lootbags
You can now craft clay blocks into clay
Made livingrock and livingwood convert time shorter
Grove Spirits no longer plant saplings
Trollager no longer destroy terrain
Fixed weird seamoth view
More limestones and sandstone in each chunk
Luminessence cost less lux to make
Disabled agricraft weed
Re-Enabled black death from Genetics Reborn
Escape rope was made cheaper to craft
Photovoltaic cells was made cheaper to craft
Nerfed sugercane and nether tools from Tiny Progression
Netherrack burn time has been shorten
Fixed Actually Additions Farmer crafting recipe
Skystone seeds can now be planted in agricraft crop sticks
Hallo everyone hope you all are staying safe and are using a mask :D
I wanna thank all of you and my great staff team
Added Packmode
● added 2 new packmodes into the game
- easy
- hard
● Easy has nearly no custom recipes the only things left from hard and expert is no ore gen and islands otherwise you are a free man
● Hard, hard is still close to expert but has been made a bit easier
Expert is still the same and the default packmode
- Wanna try out a other packmode do /packmode hard/easy/expert, and restart your game, if you are running server navigate into your configs folder find packmode and change the packmode there
Added Modular Machinery
● New machine Automatic PSI
- Gives you the ability to make all psi materials without a wand
● New machine Automatic Crucible
- Gives you the ability to make luminessence easy
● New machine blastfurnace
- Gives you the ability to make steel faster and cheaper
● New machine Reinforced Blastfurance
- Works like the Blastfurance but is faster and cheaper in energy
● New machine fossil Refinery
- Gives you the ability to turn fossils into curde oil
Added xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx
Added Tweakers Construct
Added Armory Expansion
Added Double Slabes
Added StepUp
Updated Bewitchment
Updated Chocolate Quest Repoured
Updated Robotic Parts
Updated Security Craft
Updated Torchmaster
Updated Controlling
Updated Login Shield
Updated PSI
Updated Random Patches
Updated Genetics Reborn
Updated Craftstudio API
Added new loot crate used in the Fossils and Archeology Chapter
Added quests for Modular Machinery
Added new Cybernetic Crate to tech chapters
Fixed quests only having 1 item as a reward for most quest
Revamped quest rewards
Removed useless i lost my questbook quest
Lootbag quest now accept all rarites but not secret tiers
Added a info quest for packmodes
Price of Kev’s lost chest changed from 900 to 600
Price of Box of Sealed Evil changed from 1200 to 1400
Added more items to the common crate
Changes to the uncommon crate odds
There is now a 10% chance for bosses to drop Lost Crates
Disabled protection for Chocolate Quest Structures
Oredicted Emerald Armor
Nerfed Magma armor durability and its recipe
Changed unlogical thermal recipes
Removed travelers backpacks from lootbags
You can now craft clay blocks into clay
Made livingrock and livingwood convert time shorter
Grove Spirits no longer plant saplings
Trollager no longer destroy terrain
Fixed weird seamoth view
More limestones and sandstone in each chunk
Luminessence cost less lux to make
Disabled agricraft weed
Re-Enabled black death from Genetics Reborn
Escape rope was made cheaper to craft
Photovoltaic cells was made cheaper to craft
Nerfed sugercane and nether tools from Tiny Progression
Netherrack burn time has been shorten
Fixed Actually Additions Farmer crafting recipe
Skystone seeds can now be planted in agricraft crop sticks
I wanna thank all of you and my great staff team
Fixed Lock recipe
Oredicted Obsidian Tools
Main Menu:
Changes some Things on the main menu based on feedback
I wanna thank all of you and my great staff team
Main Menu Scale
Fixed Headhunter being possible over and over
I wanna thank all of you and my great staff team
Added The Beneath
Added SecurityCraft
Added Entity NaN Health Fix
Added Aroma1997Core
Added AromaBackup
Added Traveler’s Backpack
Removed Lost Magic
Removed No tema Stahp
Removed Stackup
Removed Thaumic Equivalence
Removed Universal Bestiary
Removed World Utils
Removed Hunger in Peace
Removed better with lib
Removed FTB Backups
Removed BiggerPacketsPlease
Removed Custom Window Title
Removed Just Enough Torches
Removed World Book
Removed OpenSecurity
Fixed book of shadows NBT.
Additions to the Environment Tech Chapter and general visual improvement.
Added images beside the Materials of the sea quest to help people see what limestone and sandstone chunks look like.
Removed most chapter description since they hide the chapter name.
Visual Improvements to the Tiny Progression Quest Chapter.
Added new way to earn money (Headhunter Kill 50 mobs).
Hot pocket quest has new rewards.
Hot pocket quest allows for more items now to complete.
Materials of the sea now only needs one item from a sandstone/limestone chunk to complete.
Added picture of wishing well beside scavenger quest.
Visual improvement to the EX Nihilo quest chapter.
Made the Jackpot Machine cheaper in the shop.
Made the Lost Crate a bit cheaper in the shop.
High reduce of the price of Kev’s long lost sword in the shop.
Made the SUPRA Crate cheaper in the shop.
Removed the duplicate Box of sealed evil in the covens market.
Reduced the price of Flux.
Reduced the price of greater darken magic.
Removed psi-cuffs from the shop.
Added more food items to the shop.
High reduction in price for the grave scroll (Used to teleport back to death point).
Updated BetterDiving
Updated FTBQuests
Updated ProjectEX
Updated CommonCapabilities
Updated Corpse
Updated Cyclopscore
Updated FTBMoney
Updated FTButilites
Updated Bewitchment
New MainMenu background
New MainMenu Buttons (Made by Orion)
Changes to Fish’s Undead Parasite
Nerfed Wub Wub Tools
Nerfed Cooked Apple
Fixed XP Glitch (If you die now you will lose negative levels)
Locks can now be converted into their material
tweaked Scaling Difficulty
Highly reduced max Difficulty
Changed Storage Remote recipe
Slight buff to T1 Void Ore Miner
Added information tooltips to certain items
Made the Bag of Holding harder to make
Re-Enabled XP Storage from Improvableskills 3
Fixed a couple of conflicting recipes
Tinker’s tool leveling now takes longer
New starting inventory (Added 32 bone meal for new players)
I wanna thank all of you and my great staff team
Server is now out!!! can be found in the multiplayer menu
Quick Hotfix update:
Fixed console spam
Updated Better Diving
Removed waiting time
Disabled xp bank
Fixed easy furnace recipe
Fixed Clay bucket recipe
I wanna thank all of you and my great staff team
Server is now out!!! can be found in the multiplayer menu
Added Compact Drawers
Added Cathedral
Added save my stronghold!
Added Universal Bestiary
Added Eerie Entities
Added Custom Window Title
Added Waitingtime
Added Corpse
Added Corpse Complex
Added Bigger Packets Please
Added AntiGhost
Added Born in a Barn
Added Nether Update Backport
Removed Custom Loading Screen
Removed Corail Tombstone
Removed non update
Removed OldJavaWarning
Removed JEI Villagers
Removed Aerial Affinity
Removed Psionic Peripherals
Removed Just a Few Fish
Updated Ender IO
Updated Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC)
Updated LootTweaker
Updated FTB Utilities
Updated Just Enough Items (JEI)
Updated LibrarianLib
Updated Simple Storage Network
Updated Patchouli
Updated Flux Networks
Updated Roots
Updated FTBQuests
Updated Item Filters
Updated FTBMoney
Updated Open Security
Updated Cyclopscore
Updated Building Gadets
Updated Randompatches
General changes to quests
Made the woot prism easier to craft
New quest chapter woot
New quest chapter occupation
Death is more punishing
Woot was made easier
Maybe fixed hunger not going down glitch
Changed outcome for grout
disabled back command
slight nerf to bonsai trees
festive creepers don’t harm terrain
Fixed quick problem with an internal issue preventing ability to download the pack
The first release on ATLauncher
Hope you enjoy my modpack
This couldn't be done without my great team