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Rotary Skies

From the creator of Brass and a couple other reasonably successful modpacks comes an entirely new experience: Rotary Skies!

You wake up and look at your floating rock of dirt. It seems so familiar, somehow, but then a massive meteor screams through the sky overhead. Welcome to Rotary Skies!

Rotary Skies is the authorized Rotarycraft-centered Skyblock modpack. The start seems similar enough, but as soon as you get steel, a whole world of engines, gearboxes, grinders, pumps, and centrifuges opens up!

Work through over eighty quests as you go from cobblestone generators to fusion reactors! The quests guide you but don’t hold your hand. They’ll tell you what you need to do next, but not exactly how. In Rotary Skies, the “how” is the fun part!

There is no sieving in this modpack! What are you, some kind of caveman? No, until our liquefaction machines and centrifuges are up and running, we hunt for ores in the nether, like men (or other strong, mighty genders)!

We also keep bees, and by “keep bees” I mean selectively-breed and genetically-modify bees in our quest for the uberbiene: the ultimate bee! We’ve also got trains and stuff, so that’s cool.

Eventually the day will come where we will obtain the elusive and mysterious Crystal, allowing us to escape from our Sky Island and into pocket dimensions of our own creation, full of resources and incredible creatures.

Rotary Skies is a proud affiliate of Akliz Server Hosting! Visit today to get started. Follow the link or use code "Brass" for 20% off your first month.
Minecraft Version
This pack uses Minecraft version 1.7.10
There have been 251 installs of this pack.
There have been 1 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 0.08 years of this pack.

Adventure Backpack (1.7.10-0.8c)

Useful and pretty backpacks for Minecraft

By: Darkona

AppleCore (3.1.1)

An API for modifying the food and hunger mechanics of Minecraft

By: squeek

Add slime blocks from 1.8 to 1.7.10

By: don_bruce

Backhand (1.4.0)

A backport of the vanilla Minecraft offhand for 1.7.10.

By: LouisXIV

ClientSide NEI Addon to make bees a little less painful

By: HellFirePvP

Better Questing (3.0.328)

A new and improved questing mod for Minecraft pack creators

By: Funwayguy

Contains all the standard tasks, rewards, importers and themes for Better Questi...

By: Funwayguy

BiblioCraft (1.11.7)

BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...

By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair

Binnie's Mods (2.0.19)

Base mod for Binnie's Mods, with lots of common code.

By: Binnie

BuildCraft|Core ($version)

Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more!

By: SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team

Chisel (

A mod that adds in many fancy blocks for decoration, which are crafted utilising...

By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr

CodeChickenCore (

Base common code for all chickenbones mods.Supporters: JBoyJr

By: ChickenBones

ContentTweaker (1.0.5)

Allows you to create items, blocks and Tinkers construct materials via ZenScript...

By: Jaredlll08

Controlling (1.7.10-

Adds the ability to search for keybinds using their name in the KeyBinding menu,...

By: Jaredlll08

Crafting Tweaks (1.0.88)

Allows you to rotate or clear the crafting matrix by the press of a button, in a...

By: BlayTheNinth

CraftTweaker (3.1.0)

Customize your minecraft experience!

By: Stan Hebben

Allows you to edit the mainmenu using json

By: lumien

Digital XP (0.1.5)

Lets you store your XP in a block and trade it with other players.

By: source-code

DragonAPI (V33b)

My core library.

By: Reika

ElectriCraft (V33a)

An RC addon to make RC power easier to transport and store

By: Reika

Enchanting Plus (1.7.10-3.0.1)

Provides an alternative way to enchant your items!

By: xkyouchoux, odininon, GnR Slash, Darkhax

EnderCore (1.7.10-

Library mod used by EnderIO, EnderZoo, and others

By: tterrag, CrazyPants

Evil Notch Lib (a1.0.3)

A Java and Forge Library that makes the game have stability and gives mods the o...

By: jredfox

A mod to greatly expand the power of vanilla redstone

By: Reika

Increases leaf decay rates.

By: Olafski

FastCraft (1.25)

FastCraft optimizes MineCraft in various ways, visit the homepage for further de...

By: Player

FastFlyBlockBreaking (MC1.7.10-1.1)

Allows to break blocks with normal speed when flying is enabled in survival mode...

By: Barteks2x

Fluxed-Core (1.0.9)

Mod that holds methods that are used in all GetFluxed mods.

By: Jaredlll08

Forestry (

Trees, bees and more.

By: SirSengir


By: LatvianModder, Jared


By: LatvianModder

GraveStone Mod (


By: Max Henkel

Hunger In Peace (1.0.0)

Hunger and normal health regen in peaceful.

By: squeek

Inventory Tweaks [1.12 only] (1.59-dev-152-cf6e263)

Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...

By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata

JourneyMap (5.1.4p6)

Real-time mapping in-game or your browser as you explore.

By: techbrew, Mysticdrew, meme_sapiens

LootTweaks (V33a)

This mod allows you to customize loot tables throughout the various structures i...

By: Reika

LunatriusCore (

A (small) compilation of utility classes used in Lunatrius' mods.

By: Lunatrius

MeteorCraft (V33a)

A mod that adds ore-filled meteors

By: Reika

Minechem (

A mod based on chemicals and doing neat things with them

By: jakimfett

ModTweaker (0.9.6)

ModTweaker is an addon for MineTweaker 3.

By: Jaredlll08

Morpheus (1.7.10-1.6.21)

Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server. Wh...

By: Quetzi

Mouse Tweaks (2.4.4)

A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...

By: YaLTeR

Mystcraft (

Mystcraft brings elements from the Myst series of games and books to Minecraft,...

By: XCompWiz

NEI Addons (

Addons for Not Enough Items for various mods

By: bdew

NEI Mystcraft Plugin (MystNEI-Plugin-1.7.10-02.01.09.jar)

Mystcraft NEI integration

By: heldplayer

NotEnoughItems (

Recipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more.<plugins>Support...

By: ChickenBones

OpenComputers (1.8.3)

This mod adds modular computers and robots that can be programmed in Lua.

By: Florian 'Sangar' Nuecke, Johannes 'Lord Joda' Lohrer, Everyone who contributed t...

Ore Gen Anything (1.7.10-1.0)

This is a OreGen Mod which allows you to spawn any Block, anywhere you want.

By: designflawz

Railcraft (

Redefine your rails!

By: Covert_Jaguar

ReactorCraft (V33a)

A nuclear power RC addon.

By: Reika

Switch between conflicting recipes

By: stimmedcow, GotoLink

Allows mod pack creators / users to add their own custom textures to minecrafts...

By: lumien

RotaryCraft (V33a)

My tech mod, RotaryCraft.

By: Reika

Schematica (

Display ghost structures and export parts of your world, all inside Minecraft!

By: Lunatrius

SkinPort (SkinPort-1.7.10-v10d.jar)

This mod adds rendering support for the new skin format introduced in minecraft...

By: LainMI

SpACore (SpACore-1.7.10-01.05.12.jar)

Library Mod

By: heldplayer

Storage Drawers (1.7.10-1.10.9)

Multi-drawer storage blocks for quick storage and retrieval.

By: jaquadro

TooMuchRain (%VERSION%)

Gives players more control over Minecraft weather patterns

By: dmillerw

Make your skyblock more interesting!

By: tterrag1098

Treecapitator (1.7.10)

Allows players to chop down trees by breaking a single log.

By: bspkrs

Makes all trees - vanilla and modded - climbable.

By: Reika

Waila (1.5.10)

All your data are belong to us.

By: ProfMobius

Waila NBT (1.4)

Waila NBT is a mod to show player defined specific NBT info on Waila HUD.

By: Epix

WAILA Plugins (MC1.7.10-0.2.0-25)

WAILA plugins for various mods, such as Blood Magic, Magical Crops, and Forestry...

By: tterrag

Greatly expands upon the functionality of Waila by providing many new forms of i...

By: Darkhax

WorldEdit (6.1.1)

WorldEdit is an easy-to-use in-game world editor for Minecraft, supporting both...

By: sk89q, wizjany, TomyLobo

Adds a new World Type option to generate nothing except for a inital spawn platf...

By: LexManos


Added easy mode