There have been 1,726 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 15.49 years of this pack.
AppleCore (1.12.2-3.1.4)
An API for modifying the food and hunger mechanics of Minecraft
By: squeek502
Applied Energistics 2 (rv5-stable-11)
A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
By: AlgorithmX2
Astral Sorcery (1.12.2-1.10.3)
Magic mod that draws power from stars and their constellations
By: HellFirePvP, wiiv
Bookshelf (2.3.568)
Bookshelf is a core/library mod, which adds new features and tools into the game...
By: darkhax, lclc98
CodeChicken Lib (
CodeChickenLib is a library of systems to help make various aspects of minecraft...
By: ChickenBones, covers1624
CoFH Core (
Required for all CoFH Mods. Also provides some customization options for Minecra...
By: Team CoFH
CoFH World (
Provides advanced and highly customizable world generation capabilities.
By: Team CoFH
Cooking for Blockheads (6.4.65)
Adds a cooking book and multiblock kitchens that only shows recipes you can make...
By: BlayTheNinth
Dynamic Surroundings (1.12.2-
Adds a variety of sound and visual effects to improve your Minecraft experience
By: OreCruncher
Extra Cells 2 (2.5.13)
Adds new ME Storage Cells and some other cool stuff to AE 2.
By: M3gaFr3ak, DrummerMC
Fast Leaf Decay (v14)
Increases leaf decay rates. Check out the config to change the decay rate!
By: Olafski
Immersive Engineering (0.12-86)
A tech based mod focused on realism.
By: BluSunrize, Damien A.W. Hazard
Immersive Petroleum (1.1.9)
Adds oil and oil processing features to Immersive Engineering.
By: Flaxbeard
Inventory Tweaks (1.63)
Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...
By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata
Mouse Tweaks (2.9)
A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...
By: YaLTeR
OpenBlocks (1.8)
All the things you never thought you will ever need
By: Mikee, NeverCast, boq, Lyqyd
p455w0rd's Library (2.0.29)
Lib Mod to consolidate common functionality used across p455w0rd's Mods
By: TheRealp455w0rd, covers1624
Ranged Pumps (0.5)
Ranged Pumps is a simple mod that adds a pump that pumps liquids in a range
By: Ranged Pumps contributors
Reborn Core (
Reborn Core is a library used for many of the Tech Reborn team's mods, including...
By: modmuss50, Gigabit101, Prospector
Redstone Flux (
The Redstone Flux API - the cornerstone of Energy Transfer in modded Minecraft s...
By: Team CoFH
Refined Storage (1.5.34)
An elegant solution to your hoarding problem
By: Refined Storage contributors
Refined Storage Addons (0.3)
An addon mod for Refined Storage
By: Refined Storage Addons contributors
Ruins Spawning System (1.1)
Allows highly customizable Structure Templates to randomly generate in your Worl...
By: AtomicStryker, QuarterAnimal, homacs, d00dv4d3r, kolt666, 4HeadTiger, Blue001, j...
Simple Storage Network (1.12.2-1.5.4)
A simplified version of the abandoned Storage Network mod from MrRiegel. Connec...
By: MrRiegel, Lothrazar
Thermal Dynamics (
Thermal meets Dynamic - provides options for transporting items, fluids, and Red...
By: Team CoFH
Thermal Expansion (
Expanding Minecraft Thermally - provides new options for automation and processi...
By: Team CoFH
Thermal Innovation (
Thermal Technology marches on. Adds Thermal-style tools and equipment!
By: Team CoFH
Tinkers' Construct (
A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools
By: boni, KnightMiner
TombManyGraves2 API (1.12.2-1.0.0)
The API used by Tomb Many Graves 2 for gathering/restoring inventories to their...
By: M4thG33k
ToroHealth Damage Indicators (1.12.2-11)
Displays damage indicators and health bars for all entities.
By: torocraft
Wireless Crafting Terminal 2 (1.12.2-3.9.67)
Adds a wireless version of the AE2 crafting terminal
By: TheRealp455w0rd
Version 1.12.2-1.2.0
*Updated most mods to current version
* Did NOT update Refined Storage or dependent mods, as I prefer to not faff around with the cutting tool to make circuits.
Version 1.12.2-1.1.0
* Set Astral Sorcery and Thaumcraft to Optional for those who don't feel like devoting quite so much RAM
* Added: ThaumicJEI for convenience while delving into Thaumcraft. Includes JEI integration for essences as well as Shift+Click functionality with the Workbench.
ShneekeyCraft 1.12.2-1.0.0 RELEASE VERSION!
* Fixed so many spoopy things, I can't even count them.
* It actually runs without crashing! Always a plus, right?
* No, really, ran this on Windows and Linux distros, so there shouldn't be any issues. If there are, please provide feedback via Discord or the ATLauncher forums.
* Used a mostly vanilla ore spawning mechanic. This is designed as an entry-level pack, having significantly different oregen would be cool, but not newbie-friendly.
* Couldn't get the stupid quest thing working properly without dozens of hours of extra investment, trimmed for now, may show up later.
Version 1.12.2-1.1.0
* Set Astral Sorcery and Thaumcraft to Optional for those who don't feel like devoting quite so much RAM
* Added: ThaumicJEI for convenience while delving into Thaumcraft. Includes JEI integration for essences as well as Shift+Click functionality with the Workbench.
ShneekeyCraft 1.12.2-1.0.0 RELEASE VERSION!
* Fixed so many spoopy things, I can't even count them.
* It actually runs without crashing! Always a plus, right?
* No, really, ran this on Windows and Linux distros, so there shouldn't be any issues. If there are, please provide feedback via Discord or the ATLauncher forums.
* Used a mostly vanilla ore spawning mechanic. This is designed as an entry-level pack, having significantly different oregen would be cool, but not newbie-friendly.
* Couldn't get the stupid quest thing working properly without dozens of hours of extra investment, trimmed for now, may show up later.
Hey, we finally got to an actual release version! This will be the LTR that will be maintained, but I doubt there will be many updates for this pack going forward as most mod authors have stopped supporting 1.10 and moved on to 1.12. But hey... it's still here.
Thermal Dynamics and MFR have been included!
Agricraft update should solve some issues. Also tweaked config files. There *SHOULD* be no more weeds!
Config files updated. CoFH Core is now primary ore generation mod, there *should* not be any more oregen from multiple mods (i.e. no more IE copper or Forestry Tin). Ravines have also been turned back on.
Couple of mod updates, mostly Chisel. Should help with some corner cases where textures were wonky.
Stability updates for several mods
Updates to the CoFSuite, EnderIO, and others. Still no worldgen finalization yet, he apparently changed the syntax for 1.10.2
CoFH Suite!
Stability updates across the board, iteration of Forge. Preparing for the CoFH Suite once it goes live.
Updates for many mods
Added: Dark Utilities (and the Bookshelf dependency). Now your mob grinders are much more effective!
Updated Agricraft, ExUtil2, and several other mods.
Updated Agricraft. Full vanilla functionality should be completely implemented, cross-mod compatibility is still WIP.
Added as OPTIONAL: Botania. You don't have to, but if you want to, you now can without adding it manually.
Updated various mods.
ADDED: Agricraft (and the coremod dependency). Huzza!
Updated: all the usual suspects, EXCEPT ExtraUtils2 who still has a crash-bug with TiCon that hasn't been fixed.
Major Change: JourneyMap is not wanting their files distributed in the way they were anymore, so now you get to have a shiny download splash page.
Updated: Majority of mods (goes with being a bleeding-edge pack)
Don't worry, Agricraft is coming... once it is stable and crops actually grow on the sticks
Hunger Overhaul is still being developed, will also be included once it has a stable release
Still looking for a good oregen mod that lets me generate ores how I want to.
ExUtil is explicitly NOT updated until they can fix the rendering CTD bug with TiCo
Fixed a few things I broke with the last patch. Sorry.
Updated: Majority of mods.
Tinker's Construct now has ranged weapons.
Forge iteration
Fixed: Refined Storage having issues deciding which wood to use when using Oredict
Updated: Plenty of them.
Hotfix: fixing some wands not appropriately using RF.
Fixed: Refined Storage bug with consuming fluids during auto-crafting but not crafting item on servers.
Updated: Most mods.
Added: Not Enough Wands.
Added: Ranged Pumps
Updated: Most of them
Updated: Forge
So apparently building dependencies on unstable alpha builds is a thing now, updating JEI.
Updating Forge
Fixing problem with Storage Drawers. Did not catch the iteration to Forge dependency.
Swapping MapWriter for JourneyMap due to certain crash issues with SMP.
Config changes: Those stupid dirt slimes SHOULD now be gone.
Mod updates: Still more mods updating.
Several more mod updates.
Mod updates
Oops, crash bug found and fixed!
Added Flat Colored Blocks as an optional mod for decorators who want a flat color palette to paint with Chisels n Bits.
Added Akashic Tome
Fixing a few last minute things
Beta release!
Kicking out those who Do Not Play Nice With Others.
Tweaking some numbers
Fixing what I just broke. Oops.
Improving some things and getting things prepared for release. Also made things prettier.
Hopefully fixing what I broke, and updates.
We're almost there, folks
Did the necessary. Now to make it work.
It finally stuck. Now to do the necessary.
Alpha-Dev version. Just trying to throw things at a wall and see what sticks.
Thermal Dynamics and MFR have been included!
Agricraft update should solve some issues. Also tweaked config files. There *SHOULD* be no more weeds!
Config files updated. CoFH Core is now primary ore generation mod, there *should* not be any more oregen from multiple mods (i.e. no more IE copper or Forestry Tin). Ravines have also been turned back on.
Couple of mod updates, mostly Chisel. Should help with some corner cases where textures were wonky.
Stability updates for several mods
Updates to the CoFSuite, EnderIO, and others. Still no worldgen finalization yet, he apparently changed the syntax for 1.10.2
CoFH Suite!
Stability updates across the board, iteration of Forge. Preparing for the CoFH Suite once it goes live.
Updates for many mods
Added: Dark Utilities (and the Bookshelf dependency). Now your mob grinders are much more effective!
Updated Agricraft, ExUtil2, and several other mods.
Updated Agricraft. Full vanilla functionality should be completely implemented, cross-mod compatibility is still WIP.
Added as OPTIONAL: Botania. You don't have to, but if you want to, you now can without adding it manually.
Updated various mods.
ADDED: Agricraft (and the coremod dependency). Huzza!
Updated: all the usual suspects, EXCEPT ExtraUtils2 who still has a crash-bug with TiCon that hasn't been fixed.
Major Change: JourneyMap is not wanting their files distributed in the way they were anymore, so now you get to have a shiny download splash page.
Updated: Majority of mods (goes with being a bleeding-edge pack)
Don't worry, Agricraft is coming... once it is stable and crops actually grow on the sticks
Hunger Overhaul is still being developed, will also be included once it has a stable release
Still looking for a good oregen mod that lets me generate ores how I want to.
ExUtil is explicitly NOT updated until they can fix the rendering CTD bug with TiCo
Fixed a few things I broke with the last patch. Sorry.
Updated: Majority of mods.
Tinker's Construct now has ranged weapons.
Forge iteration
Fixed: Refined Storage having issues deciding which wood to use when using Oredict
Updated: Plenty of them.
Hotfix: fixing some wands not appropriately using RF.
Fixed: Refined Storage bug with consuming fluids during auto-crafting but not crafting item on servers.
Updated: Most mods.
Added: Not Enough Wands.
Added: Ranged Pumps
Updated: Most of them
Updated: Forge
So apparently building dependencies on unstable alpha builds is a thing now, updating JEI.
Updating Forge
Fixing problem with Storage Drawers. Did not catch the iteration to Forge dependency.
Swapping MapWriter for JourneyMap due to certain crash issues with SMP.
Config changes: Those stupid dirt slimes SHOULD now be gone.
Mod updates: Still more mods updating.
Several more mod updates.
Mod updates
Oops, crash bug found and fixed!
Added Flat Colored Blocks as an optional mod for decorators who want a flat color palette to paint with Chisels n Bits.
Added Akashic Tome
Fixing a few last minute things
Beta release!
Kicking out those who Do Not Play Nice With Others.
Tweaking some numbers
Fixing what I just broke. Oops.
Improving some things and getting things prepared for release. Also made things prettier.
Hopefully fixing what I broke, and updates.
We're almost there, folks
Did the necessary. Now to make it work.
It finally stuck. Now to do the necessary.
Alpha-Dev version. Just trying to throw things at a wall and see what sticks.
ShneekeyCraft now comes to Minecraft 1.7.10!
* Tech mods: CoFH Suite, Mekanism, MFR, and EnderIO
* Magic Mods: Botania, Blood Magic, Thaumcraft, and some expansions to them
* Decoration mods: Carpenter's Blocks, Chisel2, Bibliocraft
* And More!
Botania is out of date. It will continue to be out of date. This is the last version of botania that does not have depreciating flowers. I have no intention of updating Botania until passive flowers no longer die every two minecraft days. If you wish to update this yourself, by all means.
Patch update: I had neglected to create certain high-performance mods as optional to be more friendly to legacy hardware. This has been fixed, all of the mods known to be unfair to legacy hardware have been flagged as optional.
Added: Storage Drawers. A multiblock version of JABBA. Use the controller block to interact with the entire bank.
Changed: You will no longer find a stack of delighted meals in chests. You will find, at most, one.
Fixed: Potential crash error when heading to the End has been fixed.
Added: Roguelike Dungeons, an alternative to the admittedly buggy Better Dungeons.
Added: Ruins, another mod which adds buildings.
Added: Better Rain. Makes rain less annoying, adds ambient sounds, sandstorms, and other neat effects.
Removed: Better Dungeons.
Updated: Mekanism.
Updated: CoFH suite. Who'da thunk it?
Updated: Better Rain (Now Dynamic Surroundings)
Updated: CoFH Core
Updated: Thermal Foundation
Updated: Thermal Expansion
Updated: Dynamic Surroundings
Added: CoFHTweaks
CoFHTweaks is an OPTIONAL mod. Because it is listed as ALL RIGHTS RESERVED on Curse, you have to manually download this one, I am not permitted to distribute. It explicitly does not work with fastcraft, and has some reported issues with Optifine.
Updated: Mekanism and dependents
Updated: AE2, should be less laggy now
Updated: Botania. Vaskii finally gave us an option for decaying passives, so I updated.
Updated: Carpenter's Blocks. Solves a crash-to-desktop problem with slopes.
Updated: Dynamic Surroundings. You can now adjust various sound effects on the fly.
New Mod: Crafting for Blockheads. Optional mod that introduces a multi-block kitchen. Not really able to be automated, but useful for the subcombine-heavy Pam's Harvestcraft foods and looks very nice.
- Updating Thermal Expansion
- Updating Mekanism
- Several other minor updates to BoP and Extra Bees and such.
- Updated Forge to v965
- Updated Thermal Expansion. Retiring 1.2.6. Patches following this one will no longer have the warning message.
- Updated MFR to hopefully stop some bugs.
- Updated Railcraft
- Updated NEI and NEI Plugins
- ADDED: NEI Addons
- ADDED: Damage Indicators
- ADDED: Redstone Arsenal. You're welcome.
- LTR stands for Long-Term Release. Barring unforseen glitches, this is the final version for 1.6.4 and will be the version supported. All other versions will be phased out in the coming week. This is the recommended version to update to, the others will be slowly vanishing.
- Updated Thermal Expansion: Please read the Update message before updating
- Edited configs, there should no longer be any extra types of tin or copper in worldgen
- Disabled MFR Lakes by default
- Disabled Taint biomes as a part of worldgen (although with sufficient flux, you can still make one).
- Included WAILA
- Updated Mekanism: No more smelting dirt!
- Included Mekanism Induction
- Library Derp Fixed
- JABBA Added
- Chisel added
- Carpenter's Blocks added
- OpenBlocks moved to 'Optional'
- DartPatch included to provide cross-mod support between DartCraft and MFR
- Tinkers Mechworks included because.... MECHWORKS. Need I say more?
- Fixed some bugs with the configs.
- Updated NEI Plugins to fix a severe crash bug
- Updating everything to 1.6.4
- Updated MFR
- Updated Thermal Expansion!
- Now has all mods that were in the 1.5.2 launch
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Forge MultiPart
- Updated donation links for every mod
- Updated FORGE
- Updated Inventory Tweaks
- Updated Applied Energistics
- Actually installing ExtaUtils after solving a GL render bug
- Updating several mods:
- Tinker's Construct
- Natura
- Applied Energistics
- Adding new mods:
- Dartcraft
- Engineer's Toolbox
- ExtraUtils
- Luma
- actually fixing the crash this time...
-Those responsible for the sacking have been sacked
-Fixed Mekanism Universal Cable crash
- Pulled Optifine due to crash bug involving rendering of items in NEI.
- Adding in a few mods as they update
- Added: BoP, Bibliocraft, BiblioWoods support for BoP and Forestry, Binnie's Mods, and Optifine
- Modular Powersuits and MPS Addon have been officially removed from this branch of the mod.
- Stable beta version for 1.6.2
- WARNING: WORLD RESET STRONGLY SUGGESTED! Not to be held accountable for strangeness which occurs if you try to load your old world with this version.
- Not all mods have been updated to 1.6.2, therefore not all mods have been included. Please see mod list for details.
- PLEASE continue using v 0.3.1 if you wish to continue using Minecraft 1.5.2
- Upgrading to 1.6.2. Officially ending updating of 1.5.2 fork.
- Using Mekanism instead of Thermal Expansion for primary ore processing mod.
- Including those mods which have updated to 1.6.x.
- Doing stuff on the back-end to comply with changes from 1.5.x to 1.6.x.
- Version 0.3.1 will continue to be available as the 1.5.2 LTR version.
- Dev version. Will not be pushed.
- Added Nether Ores as optional
- Added Inventory Tweaks as optional
- Updated EE3 to pre1h
- Tweaked configs. They should now be working properly.
- Minecraft 1.5.2 LTR version
- Added Optifine as optional download
- Added ExtraUtils
- Fixed a typo which would result in infinite download loop
- Added BiblioCraft and BiblioWoods as optional mods
- Updated configs
- Oops, nothing to see here, Citizen
-Added optional mods
- Updated Forge
- Fixed ForgeLibs missing
- fixed problem with config
- AlphaDev version.