Silvania: Ultimatum
Brace yourself for the ultimate hard-mode modern modpack! Designed for a long game & with aesthetics in mind, this pack is a great all-rounder, but especially well suited to survival, PvP, roleplay or massive creative builds!
Includes mods built by the author Flenix, adding things like an economy!
Keep up to date! Like SilvaniaStudios on Facebook and follow @SilvaniaStudios on Twitter!
There have been 2,201 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 13.94 years of this pack.
Applied Energistics 2 (rv2-stable-10)
A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
By: AlgorithmX2
Autolibs (0.0.1)
These mods are auto-installed, but some require the user to confirm. This simpli...
By: Unknown
Better Foliage (1.0.9)
A small mod with a huge graphical difference! Adds extra shrubbery, water plants...
By: octarine-noise (code), Meringue (textures)
BiblioCraft (1.11.4)
BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Adds support for 16 varietys of wood from Biomes O'Plenty for 8 of the wooden bl...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Adds support for 24 varietys of wood from Forestry for 8 of the wooden block in...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Big Reactors CE (0.4.4A)
Adds large, multiblock power generation machines to Minecraft. Compatible with R...
By: ErogenousBeef, Surferconor425
Biomes O' Plenty (
Adds over 75 new biomes, blocks, and more!
By: Adubbz, Amnet, Forstride, ted80
Carpenter's Blocks (3.3.5)
Adds slopes and a variety of vanilla-inspired blocks that support covers, side c...
By: Mineshopper
Chisel (1.5.7)
A mod that adds in many fancy blocks for decoration, which are crafted utilising...
CoFH Core (3.1.3-327)
Required for all CoFH Mods. Also provides some customization options for Minecra...
By: Team CoFH
Compact Solars (
They're solar panels. They're compact. What else do you need to know?
By: cpw
Computronics (1.6.1-more-fixes-OC1.6)
A ComputerCraft/OpenComputers addon mod.
By: asiekierka, Techokami, Vexatos
Conor Co. Stuff (1.7.10-1.1.7)
Random crap for Conor Co. on the Silvania: Ultimatum server.
By: surferconor425
CustomNpcs (1.7.10d(21feb16))
The Custom Npcs mod lets you create your own npcs and lets you customize them ho...
By: Noppes, DarkSignal(AI), Foxz(Commands)
DefenseTech (1.0.1)
DefenseTech is a Minecraft add-on featuring high-tech weaponry and defense techn...
By: aidancbrady
ExtraCells (2.2.68)
A Mod that adds 4 new ME Storage Cells and some other cool stuff to AE.
By: M3gaFr3ak
FastCraft (1.21)
FastCraft optimizes MineCraft in various ways, visit the homepage for further de...
By: Player
FlenixCitiesCore (0.17.0)
Core aspect of FlenixCities, providing basic blocks, money, and soon other thing...
By: Flenix
FlenixCitiesResearch (0.4)
Research part of the modular FlenixCities mod. Currently adds decorative researc...
By: Flenix
Forge Multipart (
Open source library for facilitation of multiple functional parts in the one blo...
By: ChickenBones
GregTech-Addon (5.08.32)
This Mod adds the awesome Technology of GregTech-Intergalactical to your World!
By: Gregorius Techneticies, Blood Asp
Iguana Tinker Tweaks (2.1.6)
Rebalances and adds new features to Tinkers Construct
By: boni, iguana_man
Immersive Integration (0.6.6)
Integrates IE with other mods, as well as some useful addition to IE itself
By: UnwrittenFun
IndustrialCraft 2 (2.2.767-experimental)
Industrial age themed expansion for Minecraft.
By: Alblaka, Player, RichardG, Thunderdark, GregoriusT, alexthesax, Drashian, Elemen...
Inventory Tweaks (1.59-dev-152)
Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...
By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata
Iron Chest (
New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items.
By: cpw
JourneyMap (5.0.1)
JourneyMap FairPlay Edition: Real-time map in-game or in a web browser as you ex...
By: techbrew
Lycanites Mobs (
Lycanites Mobs is a project that adds a wide range of new mobs to Minecraft. The...
By: Lycanite (Richard Nicholson)
MalisisAdvert (0.5.0)
Ingame image rendering! (NB: Not being used for advertising, but information!)
By: Ordinastie
MalisisCore (0.14.3)
MalisisCore is a framework dedicated to simplify many processes required during...
By: Ordinastie, PaleoCrafter
Minefactory Reloaded (2.8.1-174)
MFR aims to automate a number of tasks that previously would be difficult, borin...
By: skyboy026
NotEnoughItems (
Recipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more
By: chicken_bones
Nuclear Control 2 (2.1.2a)
Nuclear Control, an Industrial Craft 2 addon that allows you to build efficient...
By: Shedar, xbony2, Zuxelus, DMF444
OpenBlocks (1.6)
All the things you never thought you will ever need
By: Mikee, NeverCast, boq, Lyqyd
OpenComputers (
This mod adds modular computers and robots that can be programmed in Lua.
By: Florian 'Sangar' Nuecke, Johannes 'Lord Joda' Lohrer, Everyone who contributed t...
OptiFine (1.7.10_HD_U_D6)
Almost essential for the modpack. If you untick this, you're probably a bit sill...
By: Unknown
ProjectRed Compatibility (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Compatibility module for Project Red.
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed Core (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone. The way it was meant to be. Built against Forge S...
By: MrTJP, ChickenBones
ProjectRed Expansion (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Expansion and Transportation modules for Pr...
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed Exploration (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Exploration module for Project Red.
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed Fabrication (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Fabrication module for Project Red.
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed Illumination (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Illumination module for Project Red.
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed Transmission (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Integration and Transmission modules for Pr...
By: Mr_TJP
Redstone Arsenal (1.1.2)
Behold the Redstone (Flux) Revolution - provides Flux-Infused Tools and Armor!
By: Team CoFH
RenderTweaks (1.3)
Simple mod that allows configuration of certain aspects of Minecraft's rendering...
By: Flenix1
Ropes+ (1.0.0)
Ropes! Grappling Hook! Various new Arrows to shoot about! Rope Arrows!
By: AtomicStryker
Sound Filters (0.8)
Adds reveb to caves, as well as muted sounds underwater/in lava, and behind wall...
By: Tmtravlr
Steve's Carts 2 (2.0.0.b18)
A carttastic mod adding a near infinite number of carts possible to the game, th...
By: Vswe
Thermal Dynamics (1.2.0)
Thermal meets Dynamic - provides options for transporting items, fluids, and Red...
By: Team CoFH
Thermal Expansion (4.1.4)
Expanding Minecraft Thermally - provides new options for automation and processi...
By: Team CoFH
TiC Tooltips (1.2.4)
A simple client-side add-on for Tinkers' Construct that adds relevant stats to a...
By: squeek
Tinkers' Construct (1.8.5)
A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools
By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox, boni
Tinkers' Mechworks (
Mechanical things which can be tinkered with.
By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox
Traincraft (4.3.1-007)
A mod for Minecraft adding trains and other vehicles
By: Mrbrutal, NitroxydeX
Vivecraft Forge Extensions (1.7.10-
Forge companion mod for Vivecraft which adds syncing of HMD and controller info,...
By: Techjar
Waila Harvestability (1.1.2)
An add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you a...
By: squeek
WarpDrive (1.7.10-1.3.22.-)
Create your own space ship from any blocks (excluding bedrock) and sail it troug...
By: Cr0s, DarkholmeTenk, drpepper240, ZLOFENIX, LemADEC
Zora no Densha (
Zora no Densha adds tracks, trains, and lovely track-related decoration to Minec...
By: ZnDevelopment, Xenoniuss, Optimus13
Fixed a bug with configs being for the wrong version
Sorry! I was doing some back-end tidyup for an upcoming project and accidentally broke Ultimatum. It should be fixed now.
Existing players won't of been affected anyway so this "update" wont really do anything. Hope I didn't get anyones hopes up too early ;)
-Due to server closing, I've enabled Single Player. Have fun guys!
(Server will return in the future)
- Updated OpenBlocks to nerf Last Stand achievement
- Updated TrainCraft to fix a server-side dupe bug
- Doubled the max length of all Immersive Engineering cables
- Disabled update spam from CoFH mods (as the latest versions crash)
- Updated Zora no Densha
- Updated OpenBlocks to nerf Last Stand achievement
- Updated TrainCraft to fix a server-side dupe bug
- Doubled the max length of all Immersive Engineering cables
- Disabled update spam from CoFH mods (as the latest versions crash)
- Added conor's fix for BR
- Updated FlenixRoads with some new paints
- Added Traincraft (IT WAS FINALLY UPDATED!!!)
The downdate...?
All mods were removed due to either performance issues, lack of use, or both.
- Decocraft
- Funky Locomotion
- MineChem
- OpenFM
- Rails of War
- Buildcraft
- GraviSuite
- IguanaTweaks
- OC Minecarts
- Combat Plus
- Open Modular Turrets
- Tinkers Steelworks
Also, AE's spatial system was disabled for heavy performance reasons, and JABBA's dolly recipe was banned on the server for balancing reasons.
Also added ItemPhysics and Chisel (yeah yeah I know woo.)
The downdate...?
All mods were removed due to either performance issues, lack of use, or both.
- Decocraft
- Funky Locomotion
- MineChem
- OpenFM
- Rails of War
- Buildcraft
- GraviSuite
- IguanaTweaks
- OC Minecarts
- Combat Plus
- Open Modular Turrets
- Tinkers Steelworks
Also, AE's spatial system was disabled for heavy performance reasons, and JABBA's dolly recipe was banned on the server for balancing reasons.
Also added ItemPhysics and Chisel (yeah yeah I know woo.)
- Disabled Shaders, as they crash with an unknown mod in the pack (Shaders at fault)
The Virtual Update!
- Updated Computronics
- Updated Optifine link
- Removed Dynamic Lights (It's now part of the updated Optifine)
- Added Shaders as optional mod
- Updated Malias for compatability with HTC Vive
- Added HTC Vive support*
- Updated Forge
*To play Ultimatum with HTC Vive:
- Download Vivecraft and install into the vanilla MC Launcher (Make sure you do Forge 1614 first!)
- Download and install an instance of Silvania: Ultimatum. DON'T get Optifine, it's included with Vivecraft.
- Copy the /config and /mods folder from Ultimatum to the vanilla instance
- Remove HUDWidgets (Optional, but it looks ugly) and CustomMainMenu (Causes issue with logging in)
- Launch!
Note, you need an absolute beast of a PC to reach even 60fps with this pack in a Vive, and the game will take a while to load. Tested with a GTX 1080 overclocked and 8GB RAM to the game and I was clocking about 55 FPS. Perfectly playable though!
- Disabled Absorbtion effect from OC's nanos - they basically made you invincible under certain damage thresholds.
- Removed ICBM and Voltz
- Added DefenseTech and Mekanism (Mostly disabled, don't get excited.)
- Updated OpenBlocks
- Updated OpenModsLib
- Updated OpenModularTurrets
- Updated ThermalDynamics (FINALLY VIADUCTS!!!!)
- Updated Immersive Engineering
- Added CombatPlus (Hacking OMTurrets)
- Updated required libs zip, ONCE AGAIN a website has gone down and broke the pack dependencies. Third damn time.
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore
- Updated Advanced Armoury [Builders Edition]
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore
- Updated Advanced Armoury [Builders Edition]
- Updated Advanced Armoury [Builders Edition]
- Rolled back AR, because it was crashy crashy.
- Updated Advanced Rocketry
- Updated WarpDrive
- Updated ConorCo Stuff
- Added OpenFM
- Added Advanced Armoury [Builders Edition]
- Nerfed Baloin
- Fixed Quartz knife being disabled, and wireless terminal enabled, in AE
- Added MrTJPCore - it was an auto-downloaded dependency before, but their website is down and it was causing pack install fails.
- Updated Advanced Rocketry
- Updated WarpDrive
- Updated ConorCo Stuff
- Added OpenFM
- Added Advanced Armoury [Builders Edition]
- Nerfed Baloin
- Fixed Quartz knife being disabled, and wireless terminal enabled, in AE
- Updated autolibs, as at time of update ProjectReds website was down and so pack installation was failing.
- Updated Advanced Rocketry
- Updated WarpDrive
- Updated ConorCo Stuff
- Added OpenFM
- Added Advanced Armoury [Builders Edition]
- Nerfed Baloin
- Fixed Quartz knife being disabled, and wireless terminal enabled, in AE
The Official Server Player-made update!
- Updated Dirtbikes; Kinuferu's Tweaks.
- Updated ConorCo (And then rolled it back coz it didn't work. Damnit conor!)
- Updated FlenixCities
- Updated RPGCore
- Added SoundFilters as an optional mod
- Added FastCraft as an optional mod
- Made InvTweaks an optional mod (some people find it really annoying.)
- Nerfed Baloin
- Updated MCHeli
- Updated AdvancedRocketry
- Updated OpenComputers
- Updated RPGCore
- Updated WarpDrive
- Nerfed Baloin
- Updated MCHeli
- Updated AdvancedRocketry
- Updated AE2
- Updated OpenComputers
- Updated RPGCore
- Updated WarpDrive
- Added DefenceTech (Pending possible Voltz/ICBM removal due to lack of support. I suggest phasing over.)
- Nerfed Baloin
- Updated RPGCore and Flenix's Skills AND FINALLY FIXED THEM.
- Nerfed Baloin
- Updated RPGCore and Flenix's Skills
- Nerfed Baloin
- HOPEFULLY the last one...
- Updated RPGCore and Flenix's Skills
- Nerfed Baloin
- Updated RPGCore and Flenix's Skills
- Nerfed Baloin
- Updated RPGCore and Flenix's Skills
- Nerfed Baloin
- Updated RPGCore and Flenix's Skills
- Nerfed Baloin
- Fixed a scala issue
- Nerfed Baloin
- Updated MCHeli to fix a bug with sounds etc (and added Kodos' new vehicle)
- Updated FlenixRoads- dirtbikes should drive nicely on them now.
- Added RPGCore in a beta state. Do not get attached, your XP may be wiped in the future. Only one skill currently available, for testing purposes.
- Nerfed Baloin
- Voltz not working server-side, rollback to previous version.
- Updated MCHeli again (Bug fix, Kodos' custom heli fix)
- Updated ICBM
- Updated ConorCo Stuff
- Updated cOre
- Added WarpDrive (Currently in testing phase, looks very promising but may be removed if it's buggy. Don't get too attached until 2.13!)
- Updated MCHeli (Added cars! Woooo cars!)
- Updated HUDWidgets
- Updated FlenixCities & FlenixRoads
- Whoopsie :)
- Fixed a bug with OptiFine and FlenixRoads (Please turn OFF fast render in optifine's options!)
- Updated FlenixCities
- Removed requirement to rank up tools in Tinkers to level up ore mining level (Makes early game MUCH less of a grind now. Just find the ores and you're good to go.)
- Fixed an OptiFine bug with FlenixRoads (client-only fix - servers need not update)
- Huge FlenixRoads update
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore
- Updated OpenComputers (and addons)
- Updated FlenixCities & FlenixRoads
- Some DIFFERENT fixes to FlenixCities
^ ACTUALLY Fixed a FlenixCities bug. Really. I promise.
^ Fixed a FlenixCities bug
The Trains & Pains update
- ACTUALLY removed Mo' Bends
+ Re-added Rails of War (Creative only for decoration for now)
+ Added Zora no Densha (alternative train mod)
+ Added Advanced Rocketry. Enjoy the mooooooon!
+ Added ICBM
* Made Better Foliage optional, as it was client-only and lags some people.
^ Updated Thermal/CoFH stuff
^ Fixed a FlenixCities bug where things weren't rendering on shelves quite right.
^ Updated Buildcraft
^ Updated CustomNPCs
^ Updated OpenComputers
^ Updated ProjectRed
^ Updated Optifine
The removal update!
- Removed Mo' Bends due to it being buggy
- Removed Stacks on Stacks due to it also being buggy
- Removed flans mod pending implementation of my own custom alternative
- Removed MultiMine due to conflicts with tinkers tweaks if there is lag (Lag = no xp on your tools)
- Switched to a new world!
The removal update!
- Removed Mo' Bends due to it being buggy
- Removed Stacks on Stacks due to it also being buggy
- Removed flans mod pending implementation of my own custom alternative
- Removed MultiMine due to conflicts with tinkers tweaks if there is lag (Lag = no xp on your tools)
- Switched to a new world!
- Added Conor Co Stuff (Custom blocks mod by server user/admin surferconor425)
- Added Extra Carts & OC Carts
- Added Immersive Integration
- Updated Immersive Engineering
- Updated Forestry
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore
- Updated FlenixRoads
- Updated FlenixCitiesFood (To fix the infamous pig crash!)
Updated OC due to a server-crashing bug
Added Catwalks, Mo' Bends, MoreBores* and Stacks on Stacks
*Another custom mod designed for this pack, woo! new bores for the tunnel bore made of various materials.
Updated OpenComputers again because I loooooove updates.
- MCHeli
- Bibliocraft
- Extra Utilities
- FlenixCitiesCore
- Gregtech
- Open Modular Turrets
- Railcraft
- Ships mod
- OpenComputers
- OpenSecurity
- Computronics (and AsieLib)
- Forestry
- MineTweaker
- NEI Addons
- NEI Integration
...Don't you just love those chain updates where you want to update one thing then everything else has to update too?
- Animals+
- Armourers Workshop (lack of interest)
- Dynamic Transport (extremely buggy)
- Ender Zoo
- Slimvoidlib (No longer required)
- Major updates to mods:
Armourer's Workshop, AsieLib, Buildcraft, CoFHCore, CoFHLib, Computronics, Extra Utils, Forestry, Gregtech, IC2, MFR, NEI Integration, OpenComputers, Optifine, Project Red Suite, Redstone Arsenal, Thermal Dynamics, Thermal Expansion, Thermal Foundation
- Updated Optifine and switched to using Ultra
- Added Forge Relocation (pending future features of interest)
- Tweaked GregTech configs to hopefully increase server TPS
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore:
If you own a shop, you will now need a stock chest paired with it in order to sell things. If you play the official server you can ignore this, as you already know.
Fixed a lot of small bugs too. OH, and bankers are now 100% invincible. Don't spam them in anymore, just one will do ;)
- Updated FlenixCitiesFood:
The stove now works. You can finally eat some lovely meat!
Food override changes have been offset for a few weeks to let players switch to using meat instead of veg.
- Added Funky Locomotion (Kinda like RedPower's frames)
- Updated client-side configs for MineChem
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore:
If you own a shop, you will now need a stock chest paired with it in order to sell things. If you play the official server you can ignore this, as you already know.
Fixed a lot of small bugs too. OH, and bankers are now 100% invincible. Don't spam them in anymore, just one will do ;)
- Updated FlenixCitiesFood:
The stove now works. You can finally eat some lovely meat!
Food override changes have been offset for a few weeks to let players switch to using meat instead of veg.
- Added Funky Locomotion (Kinda like RedPower's frames)
- Added Malisis Doors & Dynamic Transport
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore to fix a few shop bugs and make them easier to use.
- Downgraded back to Forge 1420, because IC2 doesn't seem to like using the recommended builds.
(Error only occurs on dedi servers hence not being caught in test phase)
- Updated MCHeli
- Updated Forge
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore
- Added Immersive Engineering
- Added MineChem
Note; I am aware that there is a CoFH update. However, it seems to not load existing worlds for some players for an unknown reason, as such I've decided to not use it for now.
(On that note I'm looking for a few more testers. Join #silvania on if you want to discuss that further.)
- Updated Ships Mod to fix dupe bug
-Removed FloodLights. To paraphrase Tumblr, it's "buggy af"
(Crashes when you connect IC2 cables to it. Also hangs the server after that, even if the chunk isn't loaded. Icing on the cake is you can't have it in your client if the server doesn't have it... simply bad coding...)
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore (Hopefully fixing shops crashing the client when editing prices)
- Updated MCHeliParts - you can now cast for magazines (Official server only)
- Updated OpenModularTurrets
- Updated MCHeli (Bug fix with the Hornets)
- Added OpenSecurity (RFID cards and sensors to protect your base, if you're rich and good with computers.)
- Added FloodLights
- Bug fixes in FlenixCitiesCore & Flan's Mod
- Removed Mr Crayfish & Dark Menagerie due to an underlying issues where certain users simply can't load it. Hoping to re-add in the future, but we'll have to wait and see.
Issues with Flan's packs
"Recommended" Forge doesn't actually work, rolling back to 1420 (BLAZE IT!)
The Silvania Studios update!
- Updated MCHeli parts
- Modified Flan's to return magazines even when empty
- Modified Flan's so only 6 guns can be made cheaply in the Weapon Box, and they're pretty shoddy. The rest are made via complex methods (Official server only)
- Merged the Valthraxian content pack into the Modern Warfare one - hopefully fixing the crash when modifying guns. As such, all guns can now use the camo-style attachments made by Kinuferu.
- Updated RenderTweaks (Hopefully fixing nameplate stuff)
- Updated FlenixCities (Reimplementing the ATM & debit card, as well as server-owned shops)
- Updated HUDWidgets (You can now modify the HUD yourself from the main menu, and the wallet works)
- Updated cOre (Surferconor425 has helped with some textures :))
- Added a few blocks for Micropart
- Updated MCHeliParts again (Apparently ATL refused to accept my upload before...)
- Downgraded ModTweaker to one that is considerably less buggy.
Missed Open Modular Turrets from the XML
THE UPDATE UPDATE OF DEATH AND MOBS and some vehicles and updated
Dirtbikes & More
Armourers Workshop
Dark Menagerie
Ender Zoo
Lycanites Mobs
Open Modular Turrets
RenderTweaks (Thought it was already in... whoops.)
Applied Energistics 2
Biomes o Plenty
Extra Cells
Extra Utilities
HQM-The Journey
Tinkers Construct
Tinkers Tooltips
Valthraxian Marines Flan Content Pack
Translocators (crash bug, no one used it anyways)
Tinkers Construct
iguana Tweaks
Applied Energistics
- Updated FlenixCitiesFood, adding meat drops to mobs, seed drops to grass and the ability to do stuff with it. RECIPES PENDING FOR STOVE; will be added on official server tonight.
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore, re-adding money drops from mobs (in anticipation for shops later)
- Added custom vehicles for Larch (surferconor425) and Valthraxus (Kinuferu) for official server
- Added custom guns/armour for Vathraxus (Kinuferu) for official server
- Added MCHeliParts, a custom mod designed for adding hard-mode recipes to MCHeli. Again, official server exclusive feature (but feel free to use it on your own servers with MineTweaker :))
- Updated ProjectRed & BiblioCraft
Fixed another server crash
- Updated many mods which needed to be updated
- Added Ships Mod
- Added Big Reactors
- Added Computronics (and the required AsieLib)
- Added OpenGlasses
- Added ZettaIndustries
- Updated many mods which needed to be updated
- Added Ships Mod
- Added Big Reactors
- Added Computronics (and the required AsieLib)
- Added OpenGlasses
- Added ZettaIndustries
- Removed weather mod, as it caused unnecessary amounts of lag and really didn't add very much other than visuals.
...and we got a lot of complaints of people being killed by tornadoes ;)
- Updated MCHeli. Recipes coming soon to a server near you!
- Removed Factorisation. It was buggy, and literally no one used it. Ever.
- Added CustomMainMenu*
Configs Updated:
-Biomes O Plenty
*As I stated for 1.7 in general, single player is very buggy and not supported due to the intense worldgen. We use this mod to remove the option, and give a custom layout for the pack.
If you already have a working single player world, firstly congratulations your PC (or your tolerance for lag) is incredible. You just need to remove the mod again to re-access your Single Player world.
Servers still work fine, and the official server is open to play. If you're doing survival, then it's easier for you too - no temptation to be able to cheat!
There is also now a "support" button that takes you straight to IRC if you need any help with anything.
Patch due to corruption in previous XML push.
Buildcraft Compat
ProjectRed Suite
Tinkers' Construct
Tinkers' Mechworks
Configs Updated:
Railcraft Folder
Version 2.2 for 1.7.10 is a complete recompile for 1.7.10. 2.0 and 2.1 were beta releases and are not available through ATL, but are available on the Silvania Studios Jenkins in case you want to see what they were like for some odd reason.
- Updated FlenixCities to fix a bug
- Updated HUDWidgets to fix numerous bugs
- Updated Traincraft
- Updated Rotarycraft
- Updated Reactorcraft
- Updated GeoStrata
- Updated DragonAPI
- Added ElectriCraft
- Removed Binnie's extra bees as it was severely outdated and very buggy, and appears to of been abandoned.
- Removed OPIS as it could be used to "cheat" on servers by finding chunkloaded areas. ATL now allows for additional mods so if you are an admin you can re-add it yourself. Only install it server-side if you actually need to.
This is in preperation for the first 1.7 releases. If you find any sort of bugs please report them on #silvania or #atlauncher IRC channels so I can get them fixed before I update to 1.7.
- Updated official server.dat!
- Bug fixes in ICBM (AA turret targetted everything, only creative mode to change users)
- Fixed FlenixCitiesCore Debit Card PIN codes starting with 0 not working
- Fixed FCC shops not transferring NBT data on sold items (eg, charged MFSUs)
- Bumped ICBM range to 25k
- Disabled Traincraft chunk loaders - use a world anchor cart.
The Universal Electricity Update!
- Fixed MFFS crash
- Fixed ICBM turret settings
- Fixed Mad Science
- Re-added Resonant Induction
- Added Resonant Engine, removed Calclavia Core (lets be honest these are the same thing just renamed...)
- Balanced Archimedes against MCHeli (much slower now)
Removed RedIO, SlimeVoidLib and LittleBlocks. They were all very buggy.
Added BioLock to replace RedIO
Accidentally made server install worse instead of better. Fixed it now.
Thanks Zap Inc. for the report.
Fixed server-side installation. Nothing has changed for clients, so no NEED to update.
- Made WAILA client-only
- Updated MCPC to latest 1.6.4 (now renamed to Cauldron) (Thanks CarlThansk)
Made a booboo with flans with would've crashed the pack for any NEW players.
Fix it now :)
- Added custom "Valthraxian V-22 Osprey" for high rank user Kinuferu on official server. For those of you in Single player or other servers, it's not craftable, but it functions just like a normal V-22 but with two guns - one under the nose for pilot (or co-pilot if there is one), and one mounted onto the back hatch. In exchange, the back two seats are removed (seating pilot, copilot, rear gunner and 10 passengers)
- Rebalanced speeds on a few MCHeli vehicles. Harrier is now a little faster, Tornado considerably faster and Osprey (Both MV-22 and V-22) are a bit slower.
- Updated Flan's Modern Weapons pack. Bullets are now a realistic size (1cm across) and have 0 fall. Accuracy is greatly improved on ALL guns too. It should make PvP a little more realistic. Part of a test for my new modpack; Silvania: Deathmatch (pending ATL approval)
- Added RedIO
- Added ExtraCells
- Disabled IguanaTweaks Health Modification. It was making the game just a little TOO hard, as new players in single player were getting spawn-killed in many cases and only respawning with 3-4 hp.
- Fixed bugs in FlenixCities where mobs would drop money when killed by blocks, and the 4th slot of a shop didn't work as intended
- Added a car mod; mostly for testing, don't get too attached as it may be removed again.
- Removed Mariculture due to a severe server crashing bug on world generation. It wasn't exactly all it lived up to be anyway...
- Updated LogisticsPipes to hopefully stop a server crash
- Added a custom made MCHeli Addon mod, which prevents MCHeli vehicles being broken once placed.
- Updated TE Config to switch to hard mode.
- Stopped RenderTweaks installing server-side.
- Updated ThermalExpansion
- Added MineTweaker back :P
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore
- Began process of moving away from MCPC+. It is no longer recommended for use but I've not reflected that in the XML yet.
- Updated Minefactory Reloaded
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore
- Updated MCHeli
- Removed zMineTweaker*
- Added LittleBlocks
- Made HUDWidgets compulsory (to stop the onslaught of "Why's my hunger bar not moving?!")
*I had a lot of user complaints about the extremely long startup time for MineTweaker. I've removed it from the client as such.
Server admins, you can still run it on your server and it'll still have the same effect, but on clients they will still see the recipe in NEI; they just won't be able to craft it.
I've left it as an optional mod, so it's up to the client on if they see the tweaks or not now.
There's also a Bukkit plugin for MCPC called TekkitCustomizer, which is a bit faster for servers (and honestly, it works better too)
- Added LiteLoader
- Added mAtmos
- Added TabbyChat
- Added IguanaTweaks
- Added IguanaTweaksConstruct
- Added Mariculture
- Added TiCTooltips
- Updated RenderTweaks
- Updated TMechworks
- Downgraded TConstruct due to requirements
- Updated Opis
- Updated RenderTwekas
- Allowed unstable ingots
- Fixed some MineTweaker stuff
This is an entirely client-side update, bar the two config things. Updating for servers should be very quick and painless.
- Fixed the ID mismatch that a very small amount of people seemed to be getting when connecting to servers
Only use this version if you got the mismatch issue. It should still work fine if you didn't get the issue, and I can't figure out exactly what caused it. It only seems to have effected a few existing players, and I was not one of them to reproduce and/or test the issue.
Please give any feedback on the forum on this build.
- Added CustomNPCs to help with servers and adventure maps
- Added Extra Utils (with quite a bit of config editing for balance)
- Added RenderTwekas
- Added Traincraft
- Updated Archimedes' config file to allow bigger ships
- Removed Resonant Induction, due to it being very badly coded and does things no mod should. Pretty sure it wasn't being used by anyone anyway- if this is a problem for you PM me on the forum
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore due to a few bugs with using money values over $1,000.
- Updated ProjectRed due to a crash bug
- Added FCResearch to Forge Multipart listings
- Updated FCResearch with a few more pretty blocks & a player sensor
- Fixed a server-side FCCore crash
- Added the "Hide-names" mod in preperation for PvP mode
- Removed shaders as an optional. Sorry but too many people think they can run it, and complain at me when they can't
- Reverted the CCC finite water, because too many people don't read this log and know how to fix it. If you're smart enough to see this, you can enable finite water through CodeChickenCore on CLIENT only, and MCPC on SERVER only. Doing it the other way around will crash.
- Stopped advanced solars generating at night
- Set MFR to hardmode
- Disabled MFR spawners and safari nets for hardmode/stopping a dupe bug
- Reduced the power consumption of OpenComputers (The first thing I've ever made easier in this pack!)
- Added FlenixCitiesResearch
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore
- Added Carpenters Blocks
- Added MC Heli Mod (Japanese) - explosives disabled for now.
- Updated MFR
- Updated LogisticsPipes
- ATL didn't register configs correctly; hopefully this'll fix it.
- Finite water will ONLY work on clients and non-MCPC servers.
If you make a server, either don't use MCPC or disable finite water in the CodeChickenCore config!
MCPC's config offers an option for it too, so it's still possible to do it.
- Set Forestry recipes to hard mode
- Disabled recipes for rainbank & Aqueous Accumulator (as part of the finite water system; these blocks bypassed it.)
- Set strongboxes to no longer be private inventories; it was ruining the raiding fun on servers!
- Updated ComputerCraft (And as such, removed CCLights)
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore
- Updated MFR
- Updated Project Red
- Updated OpenBlocks & OpenModsLib
- Added Open Peripherals
- Added NotEnoughCodecs
- Fixed Optifine installation
- Added BiblioWoods for BoP and Forestry
- Added MiscMFRCircuits
- Added OpenComponents
- Made an official Creative server, although it will not be publicly available for a few days.
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore
- Updated SilvaniaMod
- Updated Bibliocraft
- Updated ProjectRed
- Updated MFR
- Updated Logistics Pipes
- Updated Archimedes' Ships
- Updated Forestry
- Updated MCPC+
- Fixed HUDWidgets being installed server-side
- Made water finite to fit in with the hard-mode pack theme
- Tweaked MPS to make it a little less over-the-top. It's still very over-the-top, mind you...
- Updated UE Core
- Updated Calclavia Core
- Re-added ICBM
- (Hopefully) fixed MFFS-MCPC crash
- Updated FlenixCitiesCore to fix shops bug
- Added MineTweaker (and disabled bedrock tools in RotaryCraft)
- Fixed a rather amusing typo of "Yorkshire", which I cannot repeat due to younger audiences
- Added WAILA, Opis (and MobiusCore) and GLSL Shaders as optional mods
- Added NEI Addons
*Note, although the Shaders mod itself is added, no shaders are included in any form. You will need to find those yourself.
- Alter flans weapons for higher accuracy
- Added Mad Science
- Added DragonAPI, GeoStrata, RotaryCraft & ReactorCraft
- Added Advanced Solar Panels
- Added GraviSuite
- Added OpenComputers
- Added MPS Addons
- Updated Tinker's Construct & Mechworks
- Updated FlenixCities
- Updated HUDWidgets
- Updated UE Core, Atomic Science, ICBM, MFFS, MPS, Numina, Slick utils
- Updated CodeChickenCore, NEI, Wireless Redstone, Translocator
- Updated Logistics Pipes
- Updated Project Red
Total 34 file changes!
- Updated IC2, Gregtech, Flans, FlenixRoads, Factorization & OpenBlocks
- Added Logistics Pipes, OpenModsLib, Redstone Arsenal, FlenixTweaks, MFR and HUDWidgets
- Added Thermal Expansion
- Added Minefactory Reloaded XXXX Removed again; crashed client.
- Updated FlenixCities to 0.7
- Fixed a FlenixCities texture bug
- Flowers don't make iron! That's silly.
- Set Sync to hard mode.
- MCPC 965 didn't work well with ic2, so we removed railcraft and downgraded to build 953 again.
- Updated Biomes o' plenty
Updated Forge to 965, time to start preperations for a 1.7 migration!
- Updated Railcraft to preserve items
- Updated BoP
- Re-added Manus' vehicle packs
- Updated IC2 and Gregtech to hopefully fix a bug
- Added an ore-trading NPC to FlenixCities as part of a beta test. He is temporary- don't get too attached.
- Added Sync by iChun
- Fixed a FlenixCities config issue
- Fixed (hopefully) flan extraction
- Removed Manus Flan's pack as it was rather buggy
- Fixed the FutureCraft pack's conflicts with Steves Carts
- Fixed a FlenixCities/FlenixRoads server-side bug
- Updated some mods: Applied Energistics, CodeChickenCore, ComputerCraft, Flans (and packs), FlenixCities, FlenixRoads, IC2, NEI
- Added CCLights, Mechworks and NEI Plugins
- Fixed ICBM crashes (by disabling the bugged missiles)
- Disabled RC residual heat, it's annoyingly incompatible with worldedit and useless right now anyway.
- Added a load of new blocks to the Multipart settings
- Updated Tinker's Construct to (hopefully) fix a bug.
The official server has moved to a new host. If your pre-entered IP does not automatically update, please use this IP:
If in doubt, simply clear/backup your current server.dat and let the launcher install a new one.
- Fixed FlenixCities' new bank card conflict. Shouldn't occur in any other packs/installations, was a localized issue with a pre-release we're running.
- Fixed OpenBlocks config. For some reason the Fan block didn't generate correctly and it caused an issue when creating a server.
- Updated Basic Componants
- Re-added ICBM and Misc Peripherals
- Updated FlenixCities to improve the ATM. Your users (or you for single-player) will need to get a new debit card from a Banker.
- Added Open Blocks
- Updated SilvaniaMod - simply renamed Steel to Carbon Steel to make it clear that it's weaker/more common than the other Steels
- Hopefully fixed the Project Red ID clashes. Any Project Red items you had will have turned into other items I'm afraid, it's unavoidable.
- Fixed FlenixRoads bug when using WorldEdit to paste blocks with higher meta than there was available (whoopsie!)
- Disabled Rails of War for servers; the current release doesn't work. Only use it for single player for now (where it seems to work fine with some minor graphical bugs)
- Decided to change Versioning system. It's now going to be major.minor.bug - Major being a new Minecraft version, Minor being a mod added/removed, and Bug simply being a bugfix.
- Added Rei's and Zan's Minimaps, both are optional. Choose ONE.
- Added Optifine as an optional, mainly so people can get it easily and it wont be overwritten. I personally don't recommend it.
- Added an Ore Dictionary Converter. Scrapped my own one, this one looks better anyway. (May fork it and change a few things though :P)
- Re-added Rails of War (First time for ATL but older users may remember it) - It's an experimental build. Use at your own risk; creative only.
- Updated ComputerCraft. I was getting lua-based crashes on my server, lets hope this fixes those.
--NOTE-- We are proud to announce EXCLUSIVE first public modpack permissions for MMM_'s METAWORLDS mod! However, the mod is not yet server-ready. It will be added as soon as it is, but tweaked as to disable crafting by default (to save on resources). Servers can re-enable as they so desire.
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
- Fixed a FlenixCities texture bug
- Flowers don't make iron! That's silly.
- Set Sync to hard mode.
- MCPC 965 didn't work well with ic2, so we removed railcraft and downgraded to build 953 again.
- Updated Biomes o' plenty
Updated Forge to 965, time to start preperations for a 1.7 migration!
- Updated Railcraft to preserve items
- Updated BoP
- Re-added Manus' vehicle packs
- Updated IC2 and Gregtech to hopefully fix a bug
- Added an ore-trading NPC to FlenixCities as part of a beta test. He is temporary- don't get too attached.
- Added Sync by iChun
- Fixed a FlenixCities config issue
- Fixed (hopefully) flan extraction
- Removed Manus Flan's pack as it was rather buggy
- Fixed the FutureCraft pack's conflicts with Steves Carts
- Fixed a FlenixCities/FlenixRoads server-side bug
- Updated some mods: Applied Energistics, CodeChickenCore, ComputerCraft, Flans (and packs), FlenixCities, FlenixRoads, IC2, NEI
- Added CCLights, Mechworks and NEI Plugins
- Fixed ICBM crashes (by disabling the bugged missiles)
- Disabled RC residual heat, it's annoyingly incompatible with worldedit and useless right now anyway.
- Added a load of new blocks to the Multipart settings
- Updated Tinker's Construct to (hopefully) fix a bug.
The official server has moved to a new host. If your pre-entered IP does not automatically update, please use this IP:
If in doubt, simply clear/backup your current server.dat and let the launcher install a new one.
- Fixed FlenixCities' new bank card conflict. Shouldn't occur in any other packs/installations, was a localized issue with a pre-release we're running.
- Fixed OpenBlocks config. For some reason the Fan block didn't generate correctly and it caused an issue when creating a server.
- Updated Basic Componants
- Re-added ICBM and Misc Peripherals
- Updated FlenixCities to improve the ATM. Your users (or you for single-player) will need to get a new debit card from a Banker.
- Added Open Blocks
- Updated SilvaniaMod - simply renamed Steel to Carbon Steel to make it clear that it's weaker/more common than the other Steels
- Hopefully fixed the Project Red ID clashes. Any Project Red items you had will have turned into other items I'm afraid, it's unavoidable.
- Fixed FlenixRoads bug when using WorldEdit to paste blocks with higher meta than there was available (whoopsie!)
- Disabled Rails of War for servers; the current release doesn't work. Only use it for single player for now (where it seems to work fine with some minor graphical bugs)
- Decided to change Versioning system. It's now going to be major.minor.bug - Major being a new Minecraft version, Minor being a mod added/removed, and Bug simply being a bugfix.
- Added Rei's and Zan's Minimaps, both are optional. Choose ONE.
- Added Optifine as an optional, mainly so people can get it easily and it wont be overwritten. I personally don't recommend it.
- Added an Ore Dictionary Converter. Scrapped my own one, this one looks better anyway. (May fork it and change a few things though :P)
- Re-added Rails of War (First time for ATL but older users may remember it) - It's an experimental build. Use at your own risk; creative only.
- Updated ComputerCraft. I was getting lua-based crashes on my server, lets hope this fixes those.
--NOTE-- We are proud to announce EXCLUSIVE first public modpack permissions for MMM_'s METAWORLDS mod! However, the mod is not yet server-ready. It will be added as soon as it is, but tweaked as to disable crafting by default (to save on resources). Servers can re-enable as they so desire.
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
- Flowers don't make iron! That's silly.
- Set Sync to hard mode.
- MCPC 965 didn't work well with ic2, so we removed railcraft and downgraded to build 953 again.
- Updated Biomes o' plenty
Updated Forge to 965, time to start preperations for a 1.7 migration!
- Updated Railcraft to preserve items
- Updated BoP
- Re-added Manus' vehicle packs
- Updated IC2 and Gregtech to hopefully fix a bug
- Added an ore-trading NPC to FlenixCities as part of a beta test. He is temporary- don't get too attached.
- Added Sync by iChun
- Fixed a FlenixCities config issue
- Fixed (hopefully) flan extraction
- Removed Manus Flan's pack as it was rather buggy
- Fixed the FutureCraft pack's conflicts with Steves Carts
- Fixed a FlenixCities/FlenixRoads server-side bug
- Updated some mods: Applied Energistics, CodeChickenCore, ComputerCraft, Flans (and packs), FlenixCities, FlenixRoads, IC2, NEI
- Added CCLights, Mechworks and NEI Plugins
- Fixed ICBM crashes (by disabling the bugged missiles)
- Disabled RC residual heat, it's annoyingly incompatible with worldedit and useless right now anyway.
- Added a load of new blocks to the Multipart settings
- Updated Tinker's Construct to (hopefully) fix a bug.
The official server has moved to a new host. If your pre-entered IP does not automatically update, please use this IP:
If in doubt, simply clear/backup your current server.dat and let the launcher install a new one.
- Fixed FlenixCities' new bank card conflict. Shouldn't occur in any other packs/installations, was a localized issue with a pre-release we're running.
- Fixed OpenBlocks config. For some reason the Fan block didn't generate correctly and it caused an issue when creating a server.
- Updated Basic Componants
- Re-added ICBM and Misc Peripherals
- Updated FlenixCities to improve the ATM. Your users (or you for single-player) will need to get a new debit card from a Banker.
- Added Open Blocks
- Updated SilvaniaMod - simply renamed Steel to Carbon Steel to make it clear that it's weaker/more common than the other Steels
- Hopefully fixed the Project Red ID clashes. Any Project Red items you had will have turned into other items I'm afraid, it's unavoidable.
- Fixed FlenixRoads bug when using WorldEdit to paste blocks with higher meta than there was available (whoopsie!)
- Disabled Rails of War for servers; the current release doesn't work. Only use it for single player for now (where it seems to work fine with some minor graphical bugs)
- Decided to change Versioning system. It's now going to be major.minor.bug - Major being a new Minecraft version, Minor being a mod added/removed, and Bug simply being a bugfix.
- Added Rei's and Zan's Minimaps, both are optional. Choose ONE.
- Added Optifine as an optional, mainly so people can get it easily and it wont be overwritten. I personally don't recommend it.
- Added an Ore Dictionary Converter. Scrapped my own one, this one looks better anyway. (May fork it and change a few things though :P)
- Re-added Rails of War (First time for ATL but older users may remember it) - It's an experimental build. Use at your own risk; creative only.
- Updated ComputerCraft. I was getting lua-based crashes on my server, lets hope this fixes those.
--NOTE-- We are proud to announce EXCLUSIVE first public modpack permissions for MMM_'s METAWORLDS mod! However, the mod is not yet server-ready. It will be added as soon as it is, but tweaked as to disable crafting by default (to save on resources). Servers can re-enable as they so desire.
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
- MCPC 965 didn't work well with ic2, so we removed railcraft and downgraded to build 953 again.
- Updated Biomes o' plenty
Updated Forge to 965, time to start preperations for a 1.7 migration!
- Updated Railcraft to preserve items
- Updated BoP
- Re-added Manus' vehicle packs
- Updated IC2 and Gregtech to hopefully fix a bug
- Added an ore-trading NPC to FlenixCities as part of a beta test. He is temporary- don't get too attached.
- Added Sync by iChun
- Fixed a FlenixCities config issue
- Fixed (hopefully) flan extraction
- Removed Manus Flan's pack as it was rather buggy
- Fixed the FutureCraft pack's conflicts with Steves Carts
- Fixed a FlenixCities/FlenixRoads server-side bug
- Updated some mods: Applied Energistics, CodeChickenCore, ComputerCraft, Flans (and packs), FlenixCities, FlenixRoads, IC2, NEI
- Added CCLights, Mechworks and NEI Plugins
- Fixed ICBM crashes (by disabling the bugged missiles)
- Disabled RC residual heat, it's annoyingly incompatible with worldedit and useless right now anyway.
- Added a load of new blocks to the Multipart settings
- Updated Tinker's Construct to (hopefully) fix a bug.
The official server has moved to a new host. If your pre-entered IP does not automatically update, please use this IP:
If in doubt, simply clear/backup your current server.dat and let the launcher install a new one.
- Fixed FlenixCities' new bank card conflict. Shouldn't occur in any other packs/installations, was a localized issue with a pre-release we're running.
- Fixed OpenBlocks config. For some reason the Fan block didn't generate correctly and it caused an issue when creating a server.
- Updated Basic Componants
- Re-added ICBM and Misc Peripherals
- Updated FlenixCities to improve the ATM. Your users (or you for single-player) will need to get a new debit card from a Banker.
- Added Open Blocks
- Updated SilvaniaMod - simply renamed Steel to Carbon Steel to make it clear that it's weaker/more common than the other Steels
- Hopefully fixed the Project Red ID clashes. Any Project Red items you had will have turned into other items I'm afraid, it's unavoidable.
- Fixed FlenixRoads bug when using WorldEdit to paste blocks with higher meta than there was available (whoopsie!)
- Disabled Rails of War for servers; the current release doesn't work. Only use it for single player for now (where it seems to work fine with some minor graphical bugs)
- Decided to change Versioning system. It's now going to be major.minor.bug - Major being a new Minecraft version, Minor being a mod added/removed, and Bug simply being a bugfix.
- Added Rei's and Zan's Minimaps, both are optional. Choose ONE.
- Added Optifine as an optional, mainly so people can get it easily and it wont be overwritten. I personally don't recommend it.
- Added an Ore Dictionary Converter. Scrapped my own one, this one looks better anyway. (May fork it and change a few things though :P)
- Re-added Rails of War (First time for ATL but older users may remember it) - It's an experimental build. Use at your own risk; creative only.
- Updated ComputerCraft. I was getting lua-based crashes on my server, lets hope this fixes those.
--NOTE-- We are proud to announce EXCLUSIVE first public modpack permissions for MMM_'s METAWORLDS mod! However, the mod is not yet server-ready. It will be added as soon as it is, but tweaked as to disable crafting by default (to save on resources). Servers can re-enable as they so desire.
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
Updated Forge to 965, time to start preperations for a 1.7 migration!
- Updated Railcraft to preserve items
- Updated BoP
- Re-added Manus' vehicle packs
- Updated IC2 and Gregtech to hopefully fix a bug
- Added an ore-trading NPC to FlenixCities as part of a beta test. He is temporary- don't get too attached.
- Added Sync by iChun
- Fixed a FlenixCities config issue
- Fixed (hopefully) flan extraction
- Removed Manus Flan's pack as it was rather buggy
- Fixed the FutureCraft pack's conflicts with Steves Carts
- Fixed a FlenixCities/FlenixRoads server-side bug
- Updated some mods: Applied Energistics, CodeChickenCore, ComputerCraft, Flans (and packs), FlenixCities, FlenixRoads, IC2, NEI
- Added CCLights, Mechworks and NEI Plugins
- Fixed ICBM crashes (by disabling the bugged missiles)
- Disabled RC residual heat, it's annoyingly incompatible with worldedit and useless right now anyway.
- Added a load of new blocks to the Multipart settings
- Updated Tinker's Construct to (hopefully) fix a bug.
The official server has moved to a new host. If your pre-entered IP does not automatically update, please use this IP:
If in doubt, simply clear/backup your current server.dat and let the launcher install a new one.
- Fixed FlenixCities' new bank card conflict. Shouldn't occur in any other packs/installations, was a localized issue with a pre-release we're running.
- Fixed OpenBlocks config. For some reason the Fan block didn't generate correctly and it caused an issue when creating a server.
- Updated Basic Componants
- Re-added ICBM and Misc Peripherals
- Updated FlenixCities to improve the ATM. Your users (or you for single-player) will need to get a new debit card from a Banker.
- Added Open Blocks
- Updated SilvaniaMod - simply renamed Steel to Carbon Steel to make it clear that it's weaker/more common than the other Steels
- Hopefully fixed the Project Red ID clashes. Any Project Red items you had will have turned into other items I'm afraid, it's unavoidable.
- Fixed FlenixRoads bug when using WorldEdit to paste blocks with higher meta than there was available (whoopsie!)
- Disabled Rails of War for servers; the current release doesn't work. Only use it for single player for now (where it seems to work fine with some minor graphical bugs)
- Decided to change Versioning system. It's now going to be major.minor.bug - Major being a new Minecraft version, Minor being a mod added/removed, and Bug simply being a bugfix.
- Added Rei's and Zan's Minimaps, both are optional. Choose ONE.
- Added Optifine as an optional, mainly so people can get it easily and it wont be overwritten. I personally don't recommend it.
- Added an Ore Dictionary Converter. Scrapped my own one, this one looks better anyway. (May fork it and change a few things though :P)
- Re-added Rails of War (First time for ATL but older users may remember it) - It's an experimental build. Use at your own risk; creative only.
- Updated ComputerCraft. I was getting lua-based crashes on my server, lets hope this fixes those.
--NOTE-- We are proud to announce EXCLUSIVE first public modpack permissions for MMM_'s METAWORLDS mod! However, the mod is not yet server-ready. It will be added as soon as it is, but tweaked as to disable crafting by default (to save on resources). Servers can re-enable as they so desire.
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
- Fixed a FlenixCities config issue
- Fixed (hopefully) flan extraction
- Removed Manus Flan's pack as it was rather buggy
- Fixed the FutureCraft pack's conflicts with Steves Carts
- Fixed a FlenixCities/FlenixRoads server-side bug
- Updated some mods: Applied Energistics, CodeChickenCore, ComputerCraft, Flans (and packs), FlenixCities, FlenixRoads, IC2, NEI
- Added CCLights, Mechworks and NEI Plugins
- Fixed ICBM crashes (by disabling the bugged missiles)
- Disabled RC residual heat, it's annoyingly incompatible with worldedit and useless right now anyway.
- Added a load of new blocks to the Multipart settings
- Updated Tinker's Construct to (hopefully) fix a bug.
The official server has moved to a new host. If your pre-entered IP does not automatically update, please use this IP:
If in doubt, simply clear/backup your current server.dat and let the launcher install a new one.
- Fixed FlenixCities' new bank card conflict. Shouldn't occur in any other packs/installations, was a localized issue with a pre-release we're running.
- Fixed OpenBlocks config. For some reason the Fan block didn't generate correctly and it caused an issue when creating a server.
- Updated Basic Componants
- Re-added ICBM and Misc Peripherals
- Updated FlenixCities to improve the ATM. Your users (or you for single-player) will need to get a new debit card from a Banker.
- Added Open Blocks
- Updated SilvaniaMod - simply renamed Steel to Carbon Steel to make it clear that it's weaker/more common than the other Steels
- Hopefully fixed the Project Red ID clashes. Any Project Red items you had will have turned into other items I'm afraid, it's unavoidable.
- Fixed FlenixRoads bug when using WorldEdit to paste blocks with higher meta than there was available (whoopsie!)
- Disabled Rails of War for servers; the current release doesn't work. Only use it for single player for now (where it seems to work fine with some minor graphical bugs)
- Decided to change Versioning system. It's now going to be major.minor.bug - Major being a new Minecraft version, Minor being a mod added/removed, and Bug simply being a bugfix.
- Added Rei's and Zan's Minimaps, both are optional. Choose ONE.
- Added Optifine as an optional, mainly so people can get it easily and it wont be overwritten. I personally don't recommend it.
- Added an Ore Dictionary Converter. Scrapped my own one, this one looks better anyway. (May fork it and change a few things though :P)
- Re-added Rails of War (First time for ATL but older users may remember it) - It's an experimental build. Use at your own risk; creative only.
- Updated ComputerCraft. I was getting lua-based crashes on my server, lets hope this fixes those.
--NOTE-- We are proud to announce EXCLUSIVE first public modpack permissions for MMM_'s METAWORLDS mod! However, the mod is not yet server-ready. It will be added as soon as it is, but tweaked as to disable crafting by default (to save on resources). Servers can re-enable as they so desire.
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
- Removed Manus Flan's pack as it was rather buggy
- Fixed the FutureCraft pack's conflicts with Steves Carts
- Fixed a FlenixCities/FlenixRoads server-side bug
- Updated some mods: Applied Energistics, CodeChickenCore, ComputerCraft, Flans (and packs), FlenixCities, FlenixRoads, IC2, NEI
- Added CCLights, Mechworks and NEI Plugins
- Fixed ICBM crashes (by disabling the bugged missiles)
- Disabled RC residual heat, it's annoyingly incompatible with worldedit and useless right now anyway.
- Added a load of new blocks to the Multipart settings
- Updated Tinker's Construct to (hopefully) fix a bug.
The official server has moved to a new host. If your pre-entered IP does not automatically update, please use this IP:
If in doubt, simply clear/backup your current server.dat and let the launcher install a new one.
- Fixed FlenixCities' new bank card conflict. Shouldn't occur in any other packs/installations, was a localized issue with a pre-release we're running.
- Fixed OpenBlocks config. For some reason the Fan block didn't generate correctly and it caused an issue when creating a server.
- Updated Basic Componants
- Re-added ICBM and Misc Peripherals
- Updated FlenixCities to improve the ATM. Your users (or you for single-player) will need to get a new debit card from a Banker.
- Added Open Blocks
- Updated SilvaniaMod - simply renamed Steel to Carbon Steel to make it clear that it's weaker/more common than the other Steels
- Hopefully fixed the Project Red ID clashes. Any Project Red items you had will have turned into other items I'm afraid, it's unavoidable.
- Fixed FlenixRoads bug when using WorldEdit to paste blocks with higher meta than there was available (whoopsie!)
- Disabled Rails of War for servers; the current release doesn't work. Only use it for single player for now (where it seems to work fine with some minor graphical bugs)
- Decided to change Versioning system. It's now going to be major.minor.bug - Major being a new Minecraft version, Minor being a mod added/removed, and Bug simply being a bugfix.
- Added Rei's and Zan's Minimaps, both are optional. Choose ONE.
- Added Optifine as an optional, mainly so people can get it easily and it wont be overwritten. I personally don't recommend it.
- Added an Ore Dictionary Converter. Scrapped my own one, this one looks better anyway. (May fork it and change a few things though :P)
- Re-added Rails of War (First time for ATL but older users may remember it) - It's an experimental build. Use at your own risk; creative only.
- Updated ComputerCraft. I was getting lua-based crashes on my server, lets hope this fixes those.
--NOTE-- We are proud to announce EXCLUSIVE first public modpack permissions for MMM_'s METAWORLDS mod! However, the mod is not yet server-ready. It will be added as soon as it is, but tweaked as to disable crafting by default (to save on resources). Servers can re-enable as they so desire.
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
- Updated some mods: Applied Energistics, CodeChickenCore, ComputerCraft, Flans (and packs), FlenixCities, FlenixRoads, IC2, NEI
- Added CCLights, Mechworks and NEI Plugins
- Fixed ICBM crashes (by disabling the bugged missiles)
- Disabled RC residual heat, it's annoyingly incompatible with worldedit and useless right now anyway.
- Added a load of new blocks to the Multipart settings
- Updated Tinker's Construct to (hopefully) fix a bug.
The official server has moved to a new host. If your pre-entered IP does not automatically update, please use this IP:
If in doubt, simply clear/backup your current server.dat and let the launcher install a new one.
- Fixed FlenixCities' new bank card conflict. Shouldn't occur in any other packs/installations, was a localized issue with a pre-release we're running.
- Fixed OpenBlocks config. For some reason the Fan block didn't generate correctly and it caused an issue when creating a server.
- Updated Basic Componants
- Re-added ICBM and Misc Peripherals
- Updated FlenixCities to improve the ATM. Your users (or you for single-player) will need to get a new debit card from a Banker.
- Added Open Blocks
- Updated SilvaniaMod - simply renamed Steel to Carbon Steel to make it clear that it's weaker/more common than the other Steels
- Hopefully fixed the Project Red ID clashes. Any Project Red items you had will have turned into other items I'm afraid, it's unavoidable.
- Fixed FlenixRoads bug when using WorldEdit to paste blocks with higher meta than there was available (whoopsie!)
- Disabled Rails of War for servers; the current release doesn't work. Only use it for single player for now (where it seems to work fine with some minor graphical bugs)
- Decided to change Versioning system. It's now going to be major.minor.bug - Major being a new Minecraft version, Minor being a mod added/removed, and Bug simply being a bugfix.
- Added Rei's and Zan's Minimaps, both are optional. Choose ONE.
- Added Optifine as an optional, mainly so people can get it easily and it wont be overwritten. I personally don't recommend it.
- Added an Ore Dictionary Converter. Scrapped my own one, this one looks better anyway. (May fork it and change a few things though :P)
- Re-added Rails of War (First time for ATL but older users may remember it) - It's an experimental build. Use at your own risk; creative only.
- Updated ComputerCraft. I was getting lua-based crashes on my server, lets hope this fixes those.
--NOTE-- We are proud to announce EXCLUSIVE first public modpack permissions for MMM_'s METAWORLDS mod! However, the mod is not yet server-ready. It will be added as soon as it is, but tweaked as to disable crafting by default (to save on resources). Servers can re-enable as they so desire.
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
- Added a load of new blocks to the Multipart settings
- Updated Tinker's Construct to (hopefully) fix a bug.
The official server has moved to a new host. If your pre-entered IP does not automatically update, please use this IP:
If in doubt, simply clear/backup your current server.dat and let the launcher install a new one.
- Fixed FlenixCities' new bank card conflict. Shouldn't occur in any other packs/installations, was a localized issue with a pre-release we're running.
- Fixed OpenBlocks config. For some reason the Fan block didn't generate correctly and it caused an issue when creating a server.
- Updated Basic Componants
- Re-added ICBM and Misc Peripherals
- Updated FlenixCities to improve the ATM. Your users (or you for single-player) will need to get a new debit card from a Banker.
- Added Open Blocks
- Updated SilvaniaMod - simply renamed Steel to Carbon Steel to make it clear that it's weaker/more common than the other Steels
- Hopefully fixed the Project Red ID clashes. Any Project Red items you had will have turned into other items I'm afraid, it's unavoidable.
- Fixed FlenixRoads bug when using WorldEdit to paste blocks with higher meta than there was available (whoopsie!)
- Disabled Rails of War for servers; the current release doesn't work. Only use it for single player for now (where it seems to work fine with some minor graphical bugs)
- Decided to change Versioning system. It's now going to be major.minor.bug - Major being a new Minecraft version, Minor being a mod added/removed, and Bug simply being a bugfix.
- Added Rei's and Zan's Minimaps, both are optional. Choose ONE.
- Added Optifine as an optional, mainly so people can get it easily and it wont be overwritten. I personally don't recommend it.
- Added an Ore Dictionary Converter. Scrapped my own one, this one looks better anyway. (May fork it and change a few things though :P)
- Re-added Rails of War (First time for ATL but older users may remember it) - It's an experimental build. Use at your own risk; creative only.
- Updated ComputerCraft. I was getting lua-based crashes on my server, lets hope this fixes those.
--NOTE-- We are proud to announce EXCLUSIVE first public modpack permissions for MMM_'s METAWORLDS mod! However, the mod is not yet server-ready. It will be added as soon as it is, but tweaked as to disable crafting by default (to save on resources). Servers can re-enable as they so desire.
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
The official server has moved to a new host. If your pre-entered IP does not automatically update, please use this IP:
If in doubt, simply clear/backup your current server.dat and let the launcher install a new one.
- Fixed FlenixCities' new bank card conflict. Shouldn't occur in any other packs/installations, was a localized issue with a pre-release we're running.
- Fixed OpenBlocks config. For some reason the Fan block didn't generate correctly and it caused an issue when creating a server.
- Updated Basic Componants
- Re-added ICBM and Misc Peripherals
- Updated FlenixCities to improve the ATM. Your users (or you for single-player) will need to get a new debit card from a Banker.
- Added Open Blocks
- Updated SilvaniaMod - simply renamed Steel to Carbon Steel to make it clear that it's weaker/more common than the other Steels
- Hopefully fixed the Project Red ID clashes. Any Project Red items you had will have turned into other items I'm afraid, it's unavoidable.
- Fixed FlenixRoads bug when using WorldEdit to paste blocks with higher meta than there was available (whoopsie!)
- Disabled Rails of War for servers; the current release doesn't work. Only use it for single player for now (where it seems to work fine with some minor graphical bugs)
- Decided to change Versioning system. It's now going to be major.minor.bug - Major being a new Minecraft version, Minor being a mod added/removed, and Bug simply being a bugfix.
- Added Rei's and Zan's Minimaps, both are optional. Choose ONE.
- Added Optifine as an optional, mainly so people can get it easily and it wont be overwritten. I personally don't recommend it.
- Added an Ore Dictionary Converter. Scrapped my own one, this one looks better anyway. (May fork it and change a few things though :P)
- Re-added Rails of War (First time for ATL but older users may remember it) - It's an experimental build. Use at your own risk; creative only.
- Updated ComputerCraft. I was getting lua-based crashes on my server, lets hope this fixes those.
--NOTE-- We are proud to announce EXCLUSIVE first public modpack permissions for MMM_'s METAWORLDS mod! However, the mod is not yet server-ready. It will be added as soon as it is, but tweaked as to disable crafting by default (to save on resources). Servers can re-enable as they so desire.
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
- Fixed FlenixCities' new bank card conflict. Shouldn't occur in any other packs/installations, was a localized issue with a pre-release we're running.
- Fixed OpenBlocks config. For some reason the Fan block didn't generate correctly and it caused an issue when creating a server.
- Updated Basic Componants
- Re-added ICBM and Misc Peripherals
- Updated FlenixCities to improve the ATM. Your users (or you for single-player) will need to get a new debit card from a Banker.
- Added Open Blocks
- Updated SilvaniaMod - simply renamed Steel to Carbon Steel to make it clear that it's weaker/more common than the other Steels
- Hopefully fixed the Project Red ID clashes. Any Project Red items you had will have turned into other items I'm afraid, it's unavoidable.
- Fixed FlenixRoads bug when using WorldEdit to paste blocks with higher meta than there was available (whoopsie!)
- Disabled Rails of War for servers; the current release doesn't work. Only use it for single player for now (where it seems to work fine with some minor graphical bugs)
- Decided to change Versioning system. It's now going to be major.minor.bug - Major being a new Minecraft version, Minor being a mod added/removed, and Bug simply being a bugfix.
- Added Rei's and Zan's Minimaps, both are optional. Choose ONE.
- Added Optifine as an optional, mainly so people can get it easily and it wont be overwritten. I personally don't recommend it.
- Added an Ore Dictionary Converter. Scrapped my own one, this one looks better anyway. (May fork it and change a few things though :P)
- Re-added Rails of War (First time for ATL but older users may remember it) - It's an experimental build. Use at your own risk; creative only.
- Updated ComputerCraft. I was getting lua-based crashes on my server, lets hope this fixes those.
--NOTE-- We are proud to announce EXCLUSIVE first public modpack permissions for MMM_'s METAWORLDS mod! However, the mod is not yet server-ready. It will be added as soon as it is, but tweaked as to disable crafting by default (to save on resources). Servers can re-enable as they so desire.
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
- Updated Basic Componants
- Re-added ICBM and Misc Peripherals
- Updated FlenixCities to improve the ATM. Your users (or you for single-player) will need to get a new debit card from a Banker.
- Added Open Blocks
- Updated SilvaniaMod - simply renamed Steel to Carbon Steel to make it clear that it's weaker/more common than the other Steels
- Hopefully fixed the Project Red ID clashes. Any Project Red items you had will have turned into other items I'm afraid, it's unavoidable.
- Fixed FlenixRoads bug when using WorldEdit to paste blocks with higher meta than there was available (whoopsie!)
- Disabled Rails of War for servers; the current release doesn't work. Only use it for single player for now (where it seems to work fine with some minor graphical bugs)
- Decided to change Versioning system. It's now going to be major.minor.bug - Major being a new Minecraft version, Minor being a mod added/removed, and Bug simply being a bugfix.
- Added Rei's and Zan's Minimaps, both are optional. Choose ONE.
- Added Optifine as an optional, mainly so people can get it easily and it wont be overwritten. I personally don't recommend it.
- Added an Ore Dictionary Converter. Scrapped my own one, this one looks better anyway. (May fork it and change a few things though :P)
- Re-added Rails of War (First time for ATL but older users may remember it) - It's an experimental build. Use at your own risk; creative only.
- Updated ComputerCraft. I was getting lua-based crashes on my server, lets hope this fixes those.
--NOTE-- We are proud to announce EXCLUSIVE first public modpack permissions for MMM_'s METAWORLDS mod! However, the mod is not yet server-ready. It will be added as soon as it is, but tweaked as to disable crafting by default (to save on resources). Servers can re-enable as they so desire.
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
- Fixed FlenixRoads bug when using WorldEdit to paste blocks with higher meta than there was available (whoopsie!)
- Disabled Rails of War for servers; the current release doesn't work. Only use it for single player for now (where it seems to work fine with some minor graphical bugs)
- Decided to change Versioning system. It's now going to be major.minor.bug - Major being a new Minecraft version, Minor being a mod added/removed, and Bug simply being a bugfix.
- Added Rei's and Zan's Minimaps, both are optional. Choose ONE.
- Added Optifine as an optional, mainly so people can get it easily and it wont be overwritten. I personally don't recommend it.
- Added an Ore Dictionary Converter. Scrapped my own one, this one looks better anyway. (May fork it and change a few things though :P)
- Re-added Rails of War (First time for ATL but older users may remember it) - It's an experimental build. Use at your own risk; creative only.
- Updated ComputerCraft. I was getting lua-based crashes on my server, lets hope this fixes those.
--NOTE-- We are proud to announce EXCLUSIVE first public modpack permissions for MMM_'s METAWORLDS mod! However, the mod is not yet server-ready. It will be added as soon as it is, but tweaked as to disable crafting by default (to save on resources). Servers can re-enable as they so desire.
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
Updated to 1.6.4
- Updated Advanced Machines
- Updated Atomic Science
- Updated Biomes O' Plenty
- Updated Buildcraft
- Updated CodeChickenCore
- Updated Ender Storage
- Updated Factorization
- Updated Flan's Mod
- Updated Forestry
- Updated Immibis' Core
- Updated Immibis' Peripherals
- Updated Infinitubes
- Updated MFFS
- Updated NEI
- Updated Resonant Induction
- Updated Tinker's Construct
- Updated Translocator
- Updated Tubestuff
- Updated Wireless Redstone
+ Added Project Red
+ Added Flan's Official Mechas Pack
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
Added Railcraft
Added Modular Powersuits
Updated FlenixCities
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
Fixed downloading issue which prevented modpack from installing properly.
Updated internal server.dat for the official server and test server. (And did it again for .2, because the "new host" we used briefly was terrible.)
Updated FlenixRoads and FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
Updated internal server.dat for the official server & test server
Updated FlenixRoads & FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
Updated FlenixRoads & FlenixCities, hopefully fixing the PvP bug in the process.
Removed ICBM due to a world crashing bug
Removed Advanced Power Management due to a world crashing bug
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI
Updated the FlenixCities suite
Added the Flan's addon packs, and included official servers.dat. Pending confirmation for first public release!
Added mOre and NEI