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Themed by the post apocalyptic resource pack Last Days. This Mod pack is a collection of mods that help build the setting of the Last Days world. Living in the wastes is a constant battle for survival. Work together in settlements or compete against rival survivors for resources. Last Days is well known for its roleplay aspect. Don't forget to turn on the Last Days language pack. (Textures and the Language pack are a WIP.)

Lore- A post-WWII inventor named Mr. History once made a fortune off of his android robot toy(The Hugatron). With his new-found fortune he built a company called Orbital Industries that soon fulfilled every need and want of the world.
But, with prosperity there also came over production and the consequence of the world’s resources being depleted severely; the surface quickly became covered in waste and unneeded overstock. Soon, it was found that the moon also had bountiful resources ripe for extraction.
Having leaped forward unto the moon, Mr. History’s company, Orbital Industries(O.I.), yet again began its mass-production. Digging deep, these mines, nicknamed the belly, were later turned into laboratories, factories, and storage for the waste and other mass-produced products.
The countries of Earth, with the fortunes they amassed from selling all their resources to O.I., also began stockpiling weapons of all kinds produced by O.I..
One fateful day, Mr. History's lead scientist, Dr. Crocopolous, performed an experiment that left the world in fear. From the Earth, people looked to the sky and saw the moon crumbling to pieces; this day is known as the start of The Event.
Over the course of seven years, the countries of the world prepared for Doomsday as the debris from the moon fell deeper into the gravity well of Earth. Once the first lunar debris began its descent unto the world, a single malfunctioning early-warning missile alert system inadvertently triggered the launch of an I.C.B.M; this caused all other countries to launch their own ICBMs inevitably leading to the cascading destruction of the world.
Over the next few years, the debris raining from the moon slowly waned in severity and what was left of humanity began leaving the H.I.V.E.s (built by the apologetic O.I.) for their own settlements they began to construct. Several Centuries have since passed since the time known as The Event...

Who are you in this wasteland; who will you become?
Minecraft Version
This pack uses Minecraft version 1.12.2
There have been 1,382 installs of this pack.
There have been 83 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 0.30 years of this pack.


By: sukar42

Advanced Chimneys (1.12.2-

Adds chimney pipes through which smoke from a fire or furnace goes up into the a...

By: EnderLanky

AppleCore (1.12.2-3.2.0)

An API for modifying the food and hunger mechanics of Minecraft

By: squeek502

Atomic Science (1.12.2-3.2.0b3)

Atomic science is a tech mod focused on nuclear physics. Featuring a mixture of...

By: DarkCow aka DarkGuardsman

Biomes O' Plenty (

Adds over 50 new biomes, blocks, and more!

By: Adubbz, Amnet, Cheeserolls, Forstride, ted80

Bird's nests (2.1.0)

pseudo-random reward events from chopping trees

By: Cleverpanda714

Bloodmoon (1.5.3)

Adds the bloodmoon from terraria to minecraft

By: lumien

Born in a Barn (V1.8-1.12-1.1)

Fixed a Village ChunkLoading Issue

By: Speiger, Chocohead

Carry On (1.12.3)

Carry On is a simple mod that improves game interaction by allowing players to p...

By: Tschipp, Purplicious_Cow, cy4n

Chameleon (4.1.3)

Shared code and render support for mods. Used by jaquadro's mods.

By: jaquadro

A small client side mod that animates the appeareance of chunks so that they don...

By: lumien

Come Closer (1.12-0.7.0b4)

Tweaks name tag render properties

By: QueenOfMissiles

CoroUtil Library (1.12.1-1.2.37)

Collection of systems and helper code for Corosus's mods

By: Corosus

Craft lotsa gunpowder with redstone, flint and coal. Get more gunpowder for less...

By: Deus_Ex45, MCreator

A core mod required by the most mods of CreativeMD. Contains a packets system, g...

By: CreativeMD, N247S

DarknessLib (1.12.2-1.1.0)

Library mod for handling light calculations and similar things

By: shinoow

Dice Roller (1.3.1)

Simple dice roller for RPG.

By: cthompson

Bend and twist reality itself, creating pocket dimensions, rifts, and much more

By: StevenRS11, SenseiKiwi, Zixiken, WaterPicker, Robijnvogel, ZombieHDGaming, Runem...

Doggy Talents (

Turning your wolves into fun, playful dogs.

By: percivalalb

Saves your items when you die in a container so that you can get your items back...

By: Cyanobacterium

Experience realism and extra video effects for your in-game experience.

By: Sonicjumper, CreativeMD

Farseek (2.5)

A Scala API for Minecraft mods.

By: delvr

Forge Endertech (1.12.2-

Contains all shared classes for Endertech mods.

By: EnderLanky

Grue (1.12.2-1.8.0)

It's pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

By: shinoow

Removes the minimum light that's always present in minecraft.

By: lumien


By: Adam_R_K

Hostile Worlds Invasions (1.12.1-1.1.13)

Every few nights zombies will invade and dig into your base

By: Corosus

Hungering Darkness (1.12.2-1.4.0)

The darkness slowly eats away at you. Be sure to bring many torches!

By: shinoow

Hwyla (1.8.26)

You are using Hwyla, a fork of Waila. You can find more information on the Hwyla...

By: ProfMobius, TehNut

ICBM - Classic (1.12.2-4.0.1b75)

Explosives, Missiles, and More!!!

By: QueenOfMissiles

IguanaTweaks Reborn (1.5.0-mc1.12.x)

Various survival tweaks that make the game harder

By: Insane96MCP

A tech based mod focused on realism.

By: BluSunrize, Damien A.W. Hazard

Adds Railroading to Minecraft

By: Christian Mesh (cam72cam), TheLegend5550 , WrongWeekend, DennisTheCan, Thomas4pe...

Realistic planes and cars for Minecraft!

By: don_bruce

InstantUnify (1.12.2-1.1.2)

Unifies oredicted items automatically

By: MrRiegel

Inventory Tweaks (1.64dev.151)

Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...

By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata

Just Enough Items (

Simple recipe and item helper.

By: mezz

Localized Weather & Storms (1.12.1-2.6.12)

Localized rain and storms that evolve into deadly tornadoes and others, also som...

By: Corosus

Loot Bags (

Add loot pouches to entity drops

By: Malorolam

magma_monsters (0.3.0)

A Mod that adds some Magma Monsters.

By: vadis365, Kashdeya

Mekanism (1.12.2-

Tools and Machines

By: aidancbrady, thommy101, thiakil, pupnewfster, dizzyd

Mod Name Tooltip (1.10.1)

Shows the mod an ItemStack is from on its tooltip.

By: mezz

MoreOverlays (1.15.1)

Adds some overlays from NEI (Mob spawns, Chunk Bounds, Item Search)

By: feldim2425

A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...

By: YaLTeR

MTQ fix (1.12.2-1.1.0)

Disables 'Moving Too Quickly' and 'Moved Wrongly' SMP features

By: kmarple1, The009

The Official Vehicle Pack for MTS!

By: don_bruce

Neat (1.4-17)

Minimalistic Functional Unit Plates for the modern Minecrafter

By: Vazkii

NetherPortalFix (5.3.17)

Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Porta...

By: BlayTheNinth

OMLib (3.1.4-249)

Lib for OMT and its companion mods!

By: Poenjabiesous, Keridos

All a man needs are meat ingots, and big ass turrets. Adds a heap of new turrets...

By: Poenjabiesous, UntouchedWagons, Keridos

Optifine (1.12.2_HD_U_F5)

Optifine can optimize client-side performance and is used by The_Last_Days_Resou...

By: Unknown

Ore Veins (2.0.15)

Adds realistic ore veins

By: alcatrazEscapee

performant Mod (1.12.2-1.9)

Vanilla mod with the aim to improve vanilla performance in certain areas.

By: SomeAddons

Pollution of the Realms (1.12.2-

Adds environmental pollution mechanics to the game.

By: EnderLanky

Realistic Torches (1.12.2-2.1.1)

Increases the difficulty of the early game by adding realism mechanics to torche...

By: ChaosTheDude

ReAuth (3.6.0)

A Mod to renew your Session

By: TechnicianLP

Rough Mobs Revamped (1.12.2-2.3.15)

Makes hostile creatures significantly more hostile

By: p1ut0nium_94, Lellson

Rough Tweaks (1.0)

Adds a bit of extra difficulty

By: Lellson

Scannable (

Scan the area for points of interest.

By: Sangar

Storage Drawers (5.4.1)

Multi-drawer storage blocks for quick storage and retrieval.

By: jaquadro

Streams (0.4.8)

This mod introduces real flowing rivers, with a true current, to your Minecraft...

By: delvr

Surge (2.0.79)

A tweak mod that improves Minecraft performance and stability.

By: Darkhax, Jaredlll08, lclc98

Techguns (1.12.2-

Guns, Armors, NPCs, Machines and more

By: pWn3d_1337, Th3_St4lk3r

Encourages dietary variety through diminishing returns.

By: squeek

A post-apocalyptic themed Resource pack. By_ The LastDays Team.

By: The LastDays Team

The_Teknoaxe_Music_Pack(with music by Teknoaxe)

By: sukar42

The_Teknoaxe_Music_Pack(with music by Teknoaxe)

By: sukar42

ToxicRain (2.2.0)

There is no such thing as bad weather.

By: CoolSquid

Track API (1.2)

A common track interface for minecraft forge

By: cam72cam

Traverse (1.12.2-1.6.0-69)

Improving the world with fancy new biomes since 2017.

By: Prospector

UniDict (1.12.2-2.9.6)

a mod about unifying all the things.

By: WanionCane

WanionLib (1.12.2-2.4)

Shared Code Library Used by (not)all WanionCane mods!

By: WanionCane

Worley's Caves (1.5.1)

Cave generation with Worley noise

By: SuperFluke, booleanbyte

Zombie Awareness (1.12.1-1.11.16)

Smarter more aware zombies (and skeletons), they track you down via blood scent,...

By: Corosus


+ Added Mods