Too Much of Everything
TMOE is one of the largest and most diverse Minecraft 1.10.2 packs currently available, and as such, provides some mods for everyone, and every play style! TMOE aims to bring stability to a large modpack in ways rarely done before. This pack is no longer being updated to add new mods and stability updates, but if you have any issues, please feel free to hop into our Discord Server to receive support! TMOE 2 will replace this pack in the near future.
Enjoy, and have fun!
There have been 1,887 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 3.95 years of this pack.
AbyssalBlocks (1.9.4-1.2.0)
Lucky Block spin-off filled with AbyssalCraft rewards/punishments
By: shinoow
AbyssalCraft (1.10.2-
Explore the world of the dead, along with Dark arts and Lovecraftian horrors. Su...
By: shinoow
Actually Additions (r105)
Do you want Automation? Wireless Transport? Better Machines? A cup o' Coffee? Ch...
By: Ellpeck
ActuallyComputers (1.0.0)
Interaction between ActuallyAdditions machines and OpenComputers functions
By: canitzp
Advanced Rocketry (1.10.2-1.4.0-13)
A space mod for minecraft, adds planets, rockets, and some machines
By: zmaster587
Aether Legacy (v1.6)
Aether Legacy, a port of Aether I which has been updated to the latest version o...
By: 115kino, KingPhygieBoo, xJonL
Agricultural Expansion (r-1.2.0)
A simple mod which allows you to obtain resources using crops.
By: Lionel775
Applied Energistics 2 (rv4-stable-1)
A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
By: AlgorithmX2
Aquaculture (
Welcome to Aquaculture! An expansion of Minecraft's fishing system.
By: Team Metallurgy
ArchitectureCraft (1.7.3-mc1.10.2)
Distinguished architectural features for your Minecraft buildings.
By: Greg Ewing
ArmorPlus (1.10.2-
ArmorPlus is a mod based on exploration, killing, building, getting geared up, f...
By: sokratis12GR and Moritz30 in Association with TheDragonTeam.
Aroma1997's Dimensional World (
This mod adds a new Dimension especially for mining. It is pretty much like the...
By: Aroma1997, Schillaa
Aroma1997Core (
This is basically a library used by most my other mods.
By: Aroma1997, Schillaa
AromaBackup (
This is a small Backup mod I created. All it does: Backups. It also works on cli...
By: Aroma1997
Ars Magica 2 (1.5.0-18)
A look into what Minecraft could become if you add a splash of magic...
By: Mithion, Zerodaimaru, EdwinMindcraft, Growlith1223
Astral Sorcery (1.4.5)
Magic mod that draws power from stars and their constellations
By: HellFirePvP, wiiv
Avaritia (1.10.2-2.2.7)
A mod to see how hard people are willing to grind.
By: SpitefulFox, TTFTCUTS
Avaritita and Refined Storage (1.10.2-1.0)
A mod that adds Avaritia support to Refined Storage
By: ExpensiveKoala, MechWarrior99
Better Agriculture (1.0.1)
Better Agriculture is a companion mod of Forestry and Pam's Harvestcraft, it add...
By: Knoxhack
Better Builder's Wands (0.11.1)
Wands that allow placing of multiple blocks at a time
By: Portablejim
BiblioCraft (2.2.5)
BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Biomes O' Plenty (
Adds over 50 new biomes, blocks, and more!
By: Adubbz, Amnet, Cheeserolls, Forstride, ted80
Biomes o' Plenty Tools (1.10-
adds Tools and Armor for all Biomes o' Plenty Gems
By: undertrox
Bookshelf (
Bookshelf is a core/library mod, which adds new features and tools into the game...
By: darkhax, lclc98
Botania (r1.9-341)
Botania is a mod that adds nature magic to Minecraft. This time with a fancy num...
By: Vazkii, williewillus, wiiv, dylan4ever
Brandon's Core (1.10.2-
This is the core mod that will be used by most of my mods from now on
By: brandon3055
Calculator (1.10.2-3.2.6)
Whoever said Calculators were boring?! Awesome Calculators, crazy items, mind-bl...
By: Ollie Lansdell
Can I Join Now? (1.10-1.0-5)
"Can I Join Now?" is question asked by many players. What time is it on the remo...
By: CallMeFoxie
Carry On (1.9)
Carry On is a simple mod that improves game interaction by allowing players to p...
By: Tschipp, Purplicious_Cow, cy4n
ChickenChunks (
Advanced chunkloading management Credits: Sanguine - Texture Supporters:
By: ChickenBones
Chisel (
Adds in tons of fancy blocks for decoration, crafted using the Chisel.
By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr
Chisels & Bytes (1.9.4-0.4)
Chisels & Bytes is an addon for the Minecraft mod Chisels & Bits by AlgorithmX2....
By: Belgabor
CodeChicken Lib (
CodeChickenLib is a library of systems to help make various aspects of minecraft...
By: ChickenBones, covers1624
CoFH Core (
Required for all CoFH Mods. Also provides some customization options for Minecra...
By: Team CoFH
CommonCapabilities (1.10.2-1.3.4)
Forge Capabilities that can be shared by multiple mods
By: rubensworks (aka kroeserr)
compatlayer (1.10-0.3.1)
Compatibility layer to make migrating between different vanilla/forge versions e...
By: McJty
Cooking for Blockheads (4.2.45)
Adds a cooking book and multiblock kitchens that only shows recipes you can make...
By: BlayTheNinth
Corail Recycler (.)
The mod adds an uncrafting table with automation and several ways to customize t...
By: Corail31
CosmeticArmorReworked (1.10.2-v2a)
This mod allows you to wear two sets of armor, one for display, one for function...
By: zlainsama
CreativeCore (1.7)
A core mod required by the most mods of CreativeMD. Contains a packets system, g...
By: CreativeMD, N247S
CTM (MC1.10.2-
Allows resource packs to add connected textures, emissive rendering, and much mo...
By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr
Cyclic (1.10.30)
Items, inventory features, world generation, simple machines, gameplay tweaks, n...
By: Lothrazar
Cyclops Core (1.9.4-0.10.10)
Coremod for EvilCraft, Integrated Dynamics and others.
By: rubensworks (aka kroeserr), immortaleeb (aka _EeB_)
Davinci's Vessels (1.10.2-0006)
Craft and create your own ship... And sail it across the seven seas!
By: darkevilmac (Maintainer), BalkondeurAlpha (Original Author)
Doomlike Dungeons (1.11.0)
Algorithmically generates multiroom dungeons resembling Doom levels into the wor...
By: Jared Blackburn (JaredBGreat)
Draconic Evolution (1.10.2-
This is a mod that was originally made for the Tolkiencraft mod pack but it has...
By: brandon3055
Druidry (.)
A simple nature based mod that adds more early game variety, with a touch of mag...
By: FeyberryJam
Adds a variety of sound and visual effects to improve your Minecraft experience
By: OreCruncher
This mod/addon adds the ability to create EIO alloys in the TE Induction Smelter...
By: XFactHD
Electroblob's Wizardry (2.1.2)
Electroblob's Wizardry adds an rpg-style system of magic spells to Minecraft wit...
By: Electroblob
Enchanting Plus (1.10.2-
Provides a less random enchanting system.
By: Darkhax, lclc98, xkyouchoux, odininon, GnR Slash
Ender IO (3.1.193)
Compact conduits, painted things and all sorts of stuff and bling.
By: CrazyPants, tterrag, HenryLoenwind, MatthiasM, CyanideX
Ender Utilities (0.7.4)
Some random, hopefully fun, and possibly even useful utilities (Modjam 4)
By: masa
EnderStorage (
Stores your stuff in the END! Credits: Ecu - original idea, design, chest and po...
By: ChickenBones, covers1624
Environmental Tech (1.10.2-0.10.6a)
Environmental Tech is a mod containing a vast selection of multiblock machines....
By: ValkyrieofNight
Eternal Singularity (1.0.5)
A Mod that Adds an Eternal Singularity! (That Works as a Singularity Binder)
By: RCXcrafter, WanionCane, Wealthyturtle
EvilCraft (1.10.2-0.10.29)
An evil mod for Minecraft.
By: rubensworks (aka kroeserr), immortaleeb (aka _EeB_)
Ex Compressum (2.0.97)
Ex Nihilo Addon. Adds compressed hammers, automatic sieves and hammerers, wooden...
By: BlayTheNinth
Adds extra in-world bit manipulation to the Chisels & Bits mod.
By: MolecularPhylo
Extra Cells 2 (2.4.4)
Adds new ME Storage Cells and some other cool stuff to AE 2.
By: M3gaFr3ak, DrummerMC
Extra Golems (6.02)
Adds 35 golems to the minecraft universe, each with unique textures and abilitie...
By: sky01
Extreme Reactors (1.10.2-
Adds large, multiblock power generation machines to Minecraft. Compatible with R...
By: ErogenousBeef, ZeroNoRyouki, ABookFreak
Fluidity (6.1.4)
Adds all kinds of content that should only exist when certain mods are loaded to...
By: The_Fireplace
FoamFix (@VERSION@)
Questionable "performance improvements" that are not in Forge for probably very...
By: asiekierka
Forestry Extras (.)
A 1.10.2 port for Binnie's Mods, based on the Version 1.11.2 builds
By: taotsetung
Forge Multipart CBE (
Open source library for facilitation of multiple functional parts in the one blo...
By: ChickenBones
GenDustry (
Adds industrial apiaries, advanced genetic manipulation and mutation (Forestry a...
By: bdew
Hopper Ducts (mc1.9.4-
Adds hopper ducts, which are item transport blocks functionally similar to hoppe...
By: FyberOptic
How 'Bout That Furniture (1.1.3)
Adds multiple different types to Minecraft such as tables, chairs, doorbells, an...
By: Zundrel
Hunger Overhaul (1.1.0.jenkins118)
Hunger mechanics overhauled
By: iguana_man, Parker8283, progwml6, squeek502
Immersive Cables (1.2.1)
Adds IE-style wires and blocks that integrate with other mods
By: SanAndreasP
Immersive Petroleum (1.1.3)
Adds oil and oil processing features to Immersive Engineering.
By: Flaxbeard
IndustrialCraft 2 (2.6.252-ex110)
Industrial age themed expansion for Minecraft.
By: Alblaka, Player, RichardG, Thunderdark, GregoriusT, alexthesax, Drashian, Elemen...
Infinity Storage (0.2)
A fork of Refined Storage, to bring back a couple of key features from AE2.
By: LousyLynx
Infused Ring Mod (1.0.4)
A mod about potion effects. It add 3 items , the "magical stone" , the "infusing...
By: Naturaspell
Integrated Dynamics (1.10.2-0.7.14)
Take full and automated control of your appliances.
By: rubensworks (aka kroeserr)
Integrated Tunnels (1.10.2-1.2.6)
Transfer other stuff over Integrated Dynamics networks
By: rubensworks (aka kroeserr)
Inventory Pets (1.5.2)
Inventory Pets are living animated creatures that exist in your inventory and gi...
By: A_villager, Capn_Kirok
Inventory Tweaks (1.62-dev-66)
Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...
By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata
Iron Backpacks (1.10.2-2.2.33)
Adds tiered backpacks and a system of modular upgrades to go with them!
By: gr8pefish
Iron Chest (
New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items. The feature chest is...
By: cpw
IvToolkit (1.3.3-1.10)
This is a framework that I mostly use in my own mods, for shared functionality.
By: Ivorius
Just A Ore Processing Compatibility Attempt: Singularities
By: TheLMiffy1111
JEI Bees (
Adds JEI recipes that show breeding and products from Forestry bees, trees and b...
By: bdew
JEI Integration (
JEI Integrations is the predecessor to NEI Integrations created by Tonius for Mi...
By: SnowShock35
Just Enough Forestry Bees (1.0.3)
View bee breeding and production, tree breeding and production
By: MrDimkas_Studio
Just Enough Items (JEI) integration for Pam's HarvestCraft.
By: mrAppleXZ
Add a category to JEI displaying items craftable with banners
By: Lorexe
KaratGarden (0.1.0)
Karat Garden Mod - A Mod that adds a new way of growing carrots. You can plant t...
By: MrAmericanMike
Keyboard Wizard (1.10.2-1.5)
A simple that makes finding and fixing key bind conflicts a lot easier
By: MrNerdy42
LibrarianLib (1.10.1)
A library for the Team Wizardry mods
By: thecodewarrior, wiresegal, LordSaad44, Elucent, Eladkay, murapix, werty1124, Lev...
libVulpes (1.10.2-0.2.8-37)
A Library containing code for multiblocks and ore/item registration and access
By: zmaster587
Login Shield (1.10.2-25-g2a63586)
protects users from taking damage between when they login and they can start int...
By: Glasspelican
MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits (1.10.2-1.2.129)
A mod which adds modular power armor, power tool, and a tinker table to configur...
By: MachineMuse
Magic Bees (Beta-3.0.4)
Magic themed bee expansion for Forestry. TC4, Botania, EE3, AM 2, TE 3 & more!
By: Elec332, MysteriousAges
Magneticraft (1.0.0)
Magneticraft: Energy, Industries and Multiblocks!
By: Cout970, Minecreatr, MattDahEpic, MechWarrior99, Cypher121
MalisisCore (1.10.2-4.4.0)
MalisisCore is a framework dedicated to simplify many processes required during...
By: Ordinastie, PaleoCrafter
MineColonies (1.10.2-0.9.7587)
MineColonies is a Colony/Town Simulator that adds many structures and NPC worke...
By: MineColonies Mod Team
MFR aims to automate a number of tasks that previously would be difficult, borin...
By: skyboy026
MineTweakerRecipeMaker (
MineTweaker Recipe Maker
By: Dries007, DoubleDoorDevelopment, Gigabit_101
Mob Totems (0.1.2)
A mod which adds Mob Totems to the game. Craft these totems and ward off evil mo...
By: CorwinJV
Moo Fluids (1.10.2-
Adds dynamically generated cows to the world, that give different fluids when ri...
By: TheRoBrit
More Avaritia (1.02)
Adds recipes for more creative items to avaritia, as well as a few new ones. Mas...
By: TheUnderTaker11
More Chickens (1.1.7)
Adds Tinkers Construct and Draconic Evolution chickens for Chickens Mod
By: GenDeathrow
More Furnaces (1.10.2-1.8.6)
Three new furnaces: Iron, Gold, Obsidian and Diamond Furnace.
By: CubeX2
MoreOverlays (1.11)
Adds some overlays from NEI (Mob spawns, Chunk Bounds, Item Search)
By: feldim2425
Morpheus (1.10.2-3.1.13)
Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server. Wh...
By: Quetzi
Mouse Tweaks (2.8)
A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...
By: YaLTeR
Moving World (1.10.2-0007)
A Library for allowing the movement of tile entities in the world while still en...
By: Darkevilmac, Large portions of code based on Archimedes' Ships
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (4.1.2)
Adds over 50 unique pieces of furniture to the game!
By: MrCrayfish
Mystical MFR Compat (1.0.0)
Adds Mystical Agriculture/Agradditions support to MineFactory Reloaded.
By: BlakeBr0
Natural Absorption (1.10.2-1.2.2)
Provides the player with a regenerating shield, intended for play with no health...
By: FatherToast
Natural Baby Animals (1.1.2-mc1.10.x)
Animals spawned in the world have a chance to be baby. Like Minecraft:Pocket Edi...
By: Insane96MCP
Recipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more
By: covers1624
Open Modular Turrets (3.0.0-245)
All a man needs are meat ingots, and big ass turrets. Adds a heap of new turrets...
By: Poenjabiesous, UntouchedWagons, Keridos
OpenBlocks (1.7.6)
All the things you never thought you will ever need
By: Mikee, NeverCast, boq, Lyqyd
OpenComputers (
This mod adds modular computers and robots that can be programmed in Lua.
By: Florian 'Sangar' Nuecke, Johannes 'Lord Joda' Lohrer, Everyone who contributed t...
Ore Dictionary Converter (1.9.1)
Convert between different versions of the same ore using the Forge Ore Dictionar...
OreExcavation (1.2.116)
Allows players to mine whole veins of ore, cut down whole trees or any other too...
By: Funwayguy, Darkosto
Pam's Clay Spawn (1.9.4-1.10.2a)
This mod adds in clay deposits underground with the frequency and density of iro...
By: Pamela Collins
Pam's Get all the Seeds! (1.9.4-1.10.2a)
This mod makes pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, carrots, and potatoes drop from tall...
By: Pamela Collins
Pam's Need Moar Sticks (1.9.4-1.10.2a)
Turn everything back into the appropriate amount of sticks for all those times y...
By: Pamela Collins
Pam's Simple Recipes (1.9.4-1.10.2a)
This mod adds several crafting and smelting recipes to the game.
By: Pamela Collins
PlusTiC (
Add new tools to and integrate various mods with Tinker's Construct
By: Landmaster (phuong0429)
Potion Core (1.5.2_for_1.10.2)
Mod with tons of serious, silly, and awesome potions!
By: Tmtravlr, Father Toast
Progressive Automation (1.7.4)
A mod that adds automation that can be built in the early game and upgraded thro...
By: Vanhal
ProjectE (1.10.2-PE1.3.1)
A complete rewrite of EE2 for modern Minecraft versions.
By: sinkillerj, Moze_Intel
ProjectRed Core (
Redstone. The way it was meant to be. Built against Forge Supporte...
By: MrTJP, ChickenBones
ProjectRed Expansion (
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Expansion and Transportation modules for Pr...
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed Exploration (
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Exploration module for Project Red.
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed Fabrication (
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Fabrication module for Project Red.
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed Illumination (
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Illumination module for Project Red.
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed Transmission (
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Integration and Transmission modules for Pr...
By: Mr_TJP
Quality Tools (1.0.4_for_1.10.2)
Gives tools, weapons, and armor a randomized 'quality', much like tools in Terra...
By: Tmtravlr
Ranchable Fluid Cows (1.10.2-1.2.0B1)
Enables the MFR rancher to 'Milk' the cows from Moo Fluids.
By: JDLogic
Recurrent Complex (1.4.5-1.10)
Adds structures to worldgen, handles exporting and importing structures, and pro...
By: Ivorius
Redstone Arsenal (
Behold the Redstone (Flux) Revolution - provides Flux-Infused Tools and Armor!
By: Team CoFH
Redstone Paste (mc1.9.4-1.7.4)
Adds a paste form of redstone, which can stick to various surfaces.
By: FyberOptic
Refined Relocation (@VERSION@)
Sorting Chests. More to come soon.
By: BlayTheNinth, ZeroTheShinigami
Refined Storage (1.2.26)
An elegant solution to your hoarding problem
By: Refined Storage contributors
Reliquary (1.10.2-
Two words: magical swag. Oh, and a gun.
By: x3n0ph0b3, TheMike, P3pp3rF1y
Resource Loader (1.5.1)
Allows mod pack creators / users to add their own custom textures to minecrafts...
By: lumien
Runes of Wizardry (1.10.2-0.7.2)
Magic. Runes. And dust. Lots of dusts.
By: LightningPig333, Xilef11
Runes of Wizardry - Classic Dusts Pack (1.10.2-0.4.3-b2)
Adds the classic dusts and runes to Runes of Wizardry
By: Xilef11
Simple Generators (1.10.2-0.10.6a)
Simple Generators gives you access to several tiers of early game generators.
By: ValkyrieofNight
This is a very simple mod that adds a block that takes the player to a void worl...
By: modmuss50
SimpleAchievements (1.2.2-28)
This mod allows you to define a list of achievements, which will be listed in a...
By: tterrag1098, MikeLydeamore
Snad (1.10.2-
You're finally able to have your sugarcane grow faster. What could possibly be b...
By: TheRoBrit
Sound Filters (0.9_for_1.9.4)
Adds reveb to caves, as well as muted sounds underwater/in lava, and behind wall...
By: Tmtravlr
Spartan Shields (1.3)
Spartan Shields adds a variety of new shields to Minecraft.
By: ObliviousSpartan
Stellar Sky (
Constellations & Planets in Minecraft! You can see Real Sky with this mod.
By: Abastro
Steve's Carts 2 (
A carttastic mod adding a near infinite number of carts possible to the game, th...
By: Vswe
Steve's Factory Manager (1.0.13)
Steve's Factory Manager is a mod which allows you to set up systems that moves a...
By: Vswe, Gigabit101
TechReborn (
TechReborn, The Gregtech revival you dream about on a cool mid summer's eve.
By: modmuss50, Gigabit101, tntrololol, joflashstudios, Prospector
Terraqueous (1.10.0-1.2.25)
Fruit Trees/Vines/Plants, Cloud Blocks, Flowers, Doodads, Pergola, Tools
By: ShetiPhian
Terraria Mod (1.7)
This mod is inspired by the game Terraria, and I will try to add many of the bos...
By: MrTutankhamun
Thaumcrafft Inventory Scanning (2.0.7)
Allows hovering over items in inventories while holding a Thaumometer to scan th...
By: BlayTheNinth
Thermal Dynamics (
Thermal meets Dynamic - provides options for transporting items, fluids, and Red...
By: Team CoFH
Thermal Expansion (
Expanding Minecraft Thermally - provides new options for automation and processi...
By: Team CoFH
Tinkers Alloying Addon (1.10.2-1.2.6)
An addon for Tinkers' Construct! 32 New Materials including 16 various alloys.
By: Zkaface, Chefe
Tinkers Tool Leveling (1.0.1)
A small mod that gives your tools XP and awards extra modifiers on levelup
By: boni
Tinkers' Construct (2.6.5)
A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools
By: boni, KnightMiner
Tiny Progressions (1.10.2-1.2.6)
Cobblegens, Growth Crystals and Watering Cans and more oh my!
By: Kashdeya, Darkosto, GenDeathrow
TorchMaster (
Adds a special torch which prevents mobs from spawning in a configurable range
By: xalcon
Translocator (
Translocates stuff! Credits: MouseCop - Textures Supporters:
By: ChickenBones
Tropicraft (
This is Tropicraft, the utopian idyllic getaway that you have been waiting for!
By: Cojomax99, Corosus, Fishtaco567, Mr_okushama, MrRube, newthead, 303, tterrag
Useful Nullifiers (1.3.5)
Nullifiers to help get rid of all those items, fluids, and energy.
By: Bartz24
Vein Miner (0.38.2)
When a configured block is harvested a chain reaction is initiated to break conn...
By: portablejim
Vending (1.10.2-1.4.3)
Adds a vending block that lets you sell items.
By: AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN, kamildanak
Waila (1.7.0-B3)
Waila (What Am I Looking At) is a UI improvement mod aimed at providing block in...
By: ProfMobius
Waila Harvestability (1.1.10)
An add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you a...
By: squeek
WAILA Plugins (MC1.10.2-0.3.0-26)
WAILA plugins for various mods, such as Blood Magic, Magical Crops, and Forestry...
By: tterrag
Waystones (2.0.13)
Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers.
By: BlayTheNinth
What Are We Looking At (
Greatly expands upon the amount of information provided by the Waila HUD, along...
By: Darkhax
Wireless Crafting Grid (1.10.2-1.0.0)
Refined Storage addons that adds a wireless version of the crafting grid
By: TheRealp455w0rd
Wireless Crafting Terminal 2 (1.10.2-2.1.49)
Adds a wireless version of the AE2 crafting terminal
By: TheRealp455w0rd
- Removed JourneyMap due to download error
- Removed JourneyMap due to download error
- Updated Configs
- Added Quark
- Added Biomes 'o Plenty Tools
- Added What Are We Looking At
- Added Useless Utilities
- Added TorchMaster
- Added Agricultural Expansion
- Added Mystical MFR Compat
- Added DiscordSuite
- Added Genetics Reborn
- Added Druidry
- Added How Bout' That Furniture
- Added Can I Join Now?
- Added HelpFixer
- Added Terraqueous
- Added Grimoire of Gaia
- Added Grimoire of Alice
- Added Keyboard Wizard
- Added Crossroads
- Added More Dyes
- Added Animus
- Added Fluidity
- Updated Configs
- Removed Tinkers' Defense
- Updated Configs
- Updated Configs
- Removed The One Probe
- Updated Configs
- Removed Modern Warefare
+ Added WrapUp
+ Added JAOPCA
+ Added JAOPCAAgriculture
+ Added JAOPCAAdditions
+ Added JAOPCASingularities
+ Added Corail Recycler
+ Added Unlimited Chisel Works
+ Added Electroblob's Wizardry
+ Added Simple Void World
+ Added Modern Warfare
+ Added Ambient Sounds 2.0
+ Added MineTweaker 3
+ Added Runes of Wizardry
+ Added Runes of Wizardry - Classic Dusts Pack
+ Added Vampirism
+ Added Steve's Factory Manager Reborn
+ Added Growable Cells
+ Added EnderBags
+ Added VoidCraft
+ Added TamModized
+ Added Chisels & Bytes
+ Added EIORecipesTEInductionSmelter
+ Added XL Food Mod
+ Added Just Enough Pattern Banners
+ Added JustEnoughToolTips
+ Added Just Enough Calculation
+ Added InGame Info XML (BloodMagic, Deep Resonance, RFTools)
+ Added Waila Harvestability
+ Added Waila Plugins
+ Added Waila Features
+ Added Chickens
+ Added Hatchery
+ Added More Chickens
+ Added View EMC
+ Added Karat Garden
+ Fixed "[playername] Moved too quickly!" On servers
+ Updated Mods to latest version (A LOT of mods)
- Removed Battletowers
+ Fixed Main Menu
+ Added Natural Pledge
+ Added Ore Dictionary Converter
+ Added Natural Baby Animals
+ Added Infused Ring
+ Added Natural Absorption
+ Added AppleSkin
+ Added XNet
+ Added Quick Leaf Decay
+ Added Just Enough HarvestCraft
+ Added Ore Excavation
+ Added OreExcavation Integration
- Removed Levels 3
- Removed Pam's Bonecraft
- Removed Pam's Desertcraft
- Downgraded Redstonic
+ Initial Release