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UNABRIDGED 3, for minecraft version 1.7.10:
Feeling nostalgic? Explore the golden age of minecraft mods in 1.7.10. In this modpack, you will find something for everyone. Mods for those who like tech, magic, adventure, exploration, building, and more! There is considerable diversity in the mods available, catering to many different styles of play. No forced progression through any mod, the choice is yours to make on how easy or difficult your journey will be. Now updated, fixed, and remastered!

* Unique mod selection, a balanced blend of popular mods and more obscure mods that you have never seen before.
* Good for use on servers where players enjoy vastly different mods and playstyles, but still want to play together.
* Minetweaker scripts and config edits that introduce extra compatibility, fixes, and enhancements.
* Thaumcraft aspects added to the entirety of Biomes O' Plenty, making everything that generates in the world scannable.
* Explore the galaxy in GalaxyCraft and GalaxySpace!
* Custom mining progression that works with both Iguana Tweaks/TiC tools and vanilla-style tools.
* Custom ore crops added to Agricraft.
* Unity texture pack by CyanideX is enabled by default for a more Unified experience.
* Custom main menu!
* Actual kitchen sink courtesy of Crayfish Furniture...

Need a server? Get 25% off your first month and easy install with promo code 'unabridged' at Bisect Hosting:


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Minecraft Version
This pack uses Minecraft version 1.7.10
There have been 241,180 installs of this pack.
There have been 27,916 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 319.36 years of this pack.

Advanced Generators (

Freeform Multiblock generators that produce MJ, RF and EU

By: bdew

Lets you do Crafting... with Fluids!

By: GlodBlock

AE2 Stuff (

Various Extensions for Applied Energistics 2

By: bdew

AE2 Wireless Crafting Terminal (1.7.10-rv3-

Adds a wireless version of the AE2 Crafting Terminal

By: TheRealp455w0rd

AgriCraft (1.5.0)

Agricultural farming extended

By: InfinityRaider

AI Improvements (

Improvements for the Minecraft AIs.

By: DarkCow

Ancient Trees (1.7.10-1.6.4)

A Minecraft mod that adds many extinct tree species to the world.

By: ScottKillen, Blorph, Ruyuna

AnimationAPI (1.7.10-1.2.4)

A supporting mod that allows modders to make animations more easily.

By: thehippomaster21

AppleCore (3.1.1)

An API for modifying the food and hunger mechanics of Minecraft

By: squeek

Applied Energistics 2 (rv3-beta-6)

A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..

By: AlgorithmX2

Applied Integrations (Applied Integrations-3.2.jar)

Add-on for mod Applied Energistics 2

By: azazell_curseforge

An arcane upgrade for Blood Magic

By: jordsta95

Arcane Engineering (arcane_engineering-0.2.7.jar)

An addon for Thaumcraft and Immersive Engineering

By: cadaverous_queen

Craft and create your own ship...And sail it across the seven seas!

By: darkevilmac (Maintainer), BalkondeurAlpha (Original Author)

Armourer's Workshop (1.7.10-0.48.5)

Minecraft armour customization mod.

By: RiskyKen

Extra models for Armourer's Workshop, gathered from community.

By: Unknown

Ars Magica 2 LE (

A look into what Minecraft could become if you add a splash of magic...

By: Mithion, Zerodaimaru

AsieLib (0.4.9)

For Asie mods.

By: asiekierka, Vexatos

ASMC (1.0.2)

Backports sounds from newer minecraft version.

By: AstroTibs

Automagy (0.28.2)

An addon for Thaumcraft 4 focused on providing flexible and interesting tools fo...

By: Tuhljin (programming, art), Draanor (art)

Baubles (

Adding a touch of bling to Minecraft

By: Azanor

BD Lib (

A library of generic code for my other mods

By: bdew

Bee breeding trees for NEI.

By: HellFirePvP

An improvement to the Achievementscreen

By: way2muchnoise

BetterFps (1.0.1)

Performance Improvements

By: Guichaguri

BiblioCraft (1.11.7)

BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...

By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair

Big Doors (1.7.10-1.1.0)

Larger 3x3 block double doors in the 6 vanilla wood styles.

By: jaquadro

Big Reactors (0.4.3A)

Adds large, multiblock power generation machines to Minecraft. Compatible with R...

By: ErogenousBeef

Binnie Core (

Base mod for Binnie's Mods, with lots of common code.

By: Binnie

Biomes O' Plenty (

Adds over 75 new biomes, blocks, and more!

By: Adubbz, Amnet, Forstride, ted80

Rituals, spells, and more!

By: WayofTime

BoPTweaks (1.0)

Allows you to plant and grow full size Biomes O Plenty fir trees.

By: CombatZAK

Born in a Barn (Born in a Barn 1.7.x.jar)

Fixed a Village ChunkLoading Issue

By: Speiger, Chocohead

Botania (r1.8-249)

Botania is a mod that adds nature magic to Minecraft.

By: Vazkii

bspkrsCore (6.16)

A set of shared classes used by all mods released by bspkrs.

By: bspkrs, ErrorMikey

BugTorch (1.2.10)

Torches da bugs.

By: Unknown

BuildCraft (7.1.25)

Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more!

By: SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team

Compatibility add-on for BuildCraft

By: asie, BuildCraft Team

Campfire Backport (1.7.10-1.10.1)

The campfire, backported and reimagined.

By: connor135246

Carpenter's Blocks (

Adds slopes and a variety of vanilla-inspired blocks that support covers, side c...

By: Mineshopper

Catwalks Mod (2.0.4)

Fast travel with cool-looking catwalks!

By: TheCodeWarrior

Adds an item that allows you to transport chests.

By: CubeX2

ChickenChunks (

Advanced chunkloading managementCredits: Sanguine - TextureSupporters:

By: ChickenBones

Chisel (

A mod that adds in many fancy blocks for decoration, which are crafted utilising...

By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr

ChocoCraft Plus (4.5.9)

Do you like Chocobos? As mounts? Companions? Beasts of burden? ....Food?

By: AstroTibs

Clay Soldiers Mod (2.0.0-beta.2)

adds lil dudes made out of clay that fight eachother

By: SanAndreasP, SilverChiren, CliffracerX

Config file based cloud height editing.

By: Covert_Jaguar

Contains common code for all Chicken-Bones (Unofficial)

By: mitchej123

Codechicken...and his unofficial lib.

By: mitchej123

CoFH Core (3.1.4-329)

Required for all CoFH Mods. Also provides some customization options for Minecra...

By: Team CoFH

CoFH Lib (1.2.1-185)

Library/API required by all CoFH mods. It's also meant as a resource for other m...

By: TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH

Allows you to fit many machines inside a single block

By: Davenonymous

Computronics (1.6.6)

Chat boxes, cassette tapes, and cameras. Everything you would need if this was 1...

By: asiekierka, Techokami, Vexatos

Controlling (1.7.10-

Adds the ability to search for keybinds using their name in the KeyBinding menu,...

By: Jaredlll08

Adds a cooking book that only shows recipes you can make with what you currently...

By: BlayTheNinth, ZeroTheShinigami

Cosmetic Armor Reworked (CosmeticArmorReworked-1.7.10-v7.jar)

This mod allows you to wear two sets of armor, one for display, one for function...

By: LainMI

Crafting Tweaks (1.0.88)

Allows you to rotate or clear the crafting matrix by the press of a button, in a...

By: BlayTheNinth

CreativeCore (CreativeCore v1.3.24 mc1.7.10.jar)

a core mod

By: CreativeMD

A better loading screen that shows you the status of minecraft's loading time

By: AlexIIL

Allows you to edit the mainmenu using json

By: lumien

D-Mod (

Yet another backport mod. Featuring foxes and bundles.

By: makamys

Default Options (1.0.28)

A way for modpacks to ship a default key configuration without having to include...

By: BlayTheNinth

DummyCore (DummyCore-2.0.1710.0A.jar)

API required to launch all mods made by DummyThinking Team


Dynamic Dynamos (0.2.1)

animated pumping thermal expansion dynamos

By: Aesen

Ender IO (1.7.10-

Compact conduits, painted things and access to your stuff through an eye of ende...

By: CrazyPants, tterrag

Ender IO Addons (0.10.13)

Addons for EnderIO, including the Agricraft Farming Station.

By: HenryLoenwind

EnderCore (1.7.10-

Library mod used by EnderIO, EnderZoo, and others

By: tterrag, CrazyPants

EnderStorage (

Stores your stuff in the END!Credits: Ecu - original idea, design, chest...

By: ChickenBones

EnderTech (1.7.10-

Ender themed technological expansion.

By: voxelcarrot, Arkan

An advanced technological portal teleportation system

By: Alz454

Brings the future to now, for real this time.

By: ganymedes01, Roadhog360, embeddedt, jss2a98aj, makamys, KryptonCaptain

A fork of Steve's Workshop

By: EwyBoy, Vswe

EXCore (1.0)

Elix'x Core

By: Elix_x

Increases the potion id limit.

By: lumien

Extra Cells 2 (2.3.14)

Adds new ME Storage Cells and some other cool stuff to AE 2.

By: M3gaFr3ak, DrummerMC

Extra Resources

By: Unknown

Extra Resources

By: Unknown

Extra Utilities (1.2.12)

Just a bunch of useful things

By: RWTema

ExtraTiC (1.4.6)

An Addon-Mod adds cross compatibility for Tinker's Construct

By: Glassmaker

Factorization (0.8.109)

Auto-crafting, ore processing, barrels, and other tools

By: neptunepink

Fancy Fluid Storage (1.7.10-1.3.7)

A simple fluid storage mod that's gonna fancy up your world!

By: Lordmau5, maxpowa

FancyGrass (1.0.0)

A mod that forces fancy grass sides to be enabled, even in fast graphics.

By: tonius11

FastCraft (1.25)

FastCraft optimizes MineCraft in various ways, visit the homepage for further de...

By: Player

Flamingo (1.7.3)

A Flamingo.

By: koppeh

Flat Signs (

FlatSigns provides new sign functionality allowing signs to be placed flat on th...

By: Myrathi

Flood Lights (1.2.8-137)

Adds flood lights to Minecraft

By: Keridos

FoamFix (FoamFix-1.7.10-universal-1.0.4.jar)

FoamFix is a mod designed to optimize post-1.7.10 modded Minecraft using simple,...

By: asiekierka

Fog Nerf (1.7.10-0.4)

Reduces water and lava fog. Removes void fog.

By: Portablejim

Forbidden Magic (1.7.10-0.575)

Forbidden Magic is an addon to add many dark-themed things to Thaumcraft.

By: SpitefulFox

Trees, bees and more.

By: SirSengir

Forge Multi Part (

Open source library for facilitation of multiple functional parts in the one blo...

By: ChickenBones

Forge Multipart (

Open source library for facilitation of multiple functional parts in the one blo...

By: ChickenBones

Forge Relocation (

Move blocks from one place to another


Adds FMP support to ForgeRelocation


ForgeRelocation (

Move blocks from one place to another


You face an addon to Thaumcraft 4 and Botania, that adds tools and accesories, g...

By: Integral

FPS Reducer (mc1.7.10-1.10.3)

Reduce GPU and CPU utilization during no operation.

By: bre2el

Gadomancy (1.7.10-

An addon for Thaumcraft.

By: makeo, HellFirePvP

Galacticraft Core (

Galacticraft allows you to explore the solar system in your own spaceship.

By: micdoodle8, radfast, fishtaco

Galacticraft Planets (

Galacticraft allows you to explore the solar system in your own spaceship.

By: micdoodle8, radfast, fishtaco

Global addon for GalactiCraft

By: BlesseNtumble

Garden Containers (1.7.10-1.7.0)

A variety of containers for planting vegetation.

By: jaquadro

GenDustry (

Adds industrial apiaries, advanced genetic manipulation and mutation (Forestry a...

By: bdew

Gravity Gun (GravityGun-4.0.0-beta.jar)

Adds the Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2 into Minecraft

By: ohaiiChun

GTNHLib (0.0.13)

Common functionality library for mods in the GT New Horizons Modpack

By: mitchej123

Guide-API (1.7.10-1.0.1-29)

Simple mod guide creation.

By: Tombenpotter, TehNut

Hardcore Ender Expansion offers unique, new content across the End. The dragon b...

By: Programmed by chylex |

Hat Stand (4.0.0)

An addon to Hats, adds Hat Stands for display of hats, anywhere.

By: ohaiiChun

Hats (4.0.1)

Adds a bunch of hats, as wells as the ability to add more, into Minecraft

By: iChun

HelpFixer (1.0.7)

Fixes the help command from mod derpyness

By: matthewprenger

Hodgepodge (2.3.39)

A Hodgepodge of patches

By: mitchej123, GTNewHorizons Team

IC2 Classic (IC2Classic-1.7.10-1.2.3.jar)

The official classic remix of IC2.

By: sfPlayer1, Speiger

iChunUtil (4.2.3)

Shared library mod required by several of iChun's Mods.

By: iChun, Kihira

Rebalances and adds new features to Tinkers Construct

By: boni, iguana_man

Immersive Cavegen (1.2g-hotfix5)

A mod aiming to overhaul parts of world generation such as caves for 1.7.10.

By: TCLProject

A retro-futuristic tech mod!

By: BluSunrize, Damien A.W. Hazard

Integrates IE with other mods, as well as some useful addition to IE itself

By: UnwrittenFun

In-Game wiki Mod (1.1.12-34)

Mod that allows for mods to add in-game documentation.

By: MineMaarten

InGame Info XML (

A customizable "F3 screen".

By: Lunatrius

Inventory Tweaks (1.59-dev-24d1203)

Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...

By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata

Upgradeable backpacks!

By: gr8pefish

Iron Chest (

New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items.The feature chest is t...

By: cpw

jaad (0.8.5)

AAC decoder and MP4 demultiplexer library

By: Unknown

JABBA (1.2.2)

Moar barrelsThe Jabba team would like to thank the Academy for this award... oh...

By: ProfMobius, Taelnia

JAOPCA (W.0.4.11)

Just A Ore Processing Compatibility Attempt

By: TheLMiffy1111

JourneyMap (5.1.4p6)

Real-time mapping in-game or your browser as you explore.

By: techbrew, Mysticdrew

Kore Sample (1.7.10-1.3.2)

Kore Sample provides a set of tools and base classes for other Minecraft mods th...

By: ScottKillen

LittleTiles (LittleTiles v1.2.0 mc1.7.10.jar)


By: CreativeMD

Logistics Pipes (1.0.8-GTNH)

Logistics Pipes is an extensive overhaul of the Buildcraft pipe system. It allow...

By: RS485, LP Team

LunatriusCore (

A (small) compilation of utility classes used in Lunatrius' mods.

By: Lunatrius

Magic Bees (1.7.10-2.4.4)

Magic themed bee expansion for Forestry. TC4, Botania, EE3, AM 2, TE 3

By: MysteriousAges

Malisis' Doors (1.13.2)

Better doors!

By: Ordinastie

MalisisCore (0.14.3)

MalisisCore is a framework dedicated to simplify many processes required during...

By: Ordinastie, PaleoCrafter

Mantle (0.3.2b)

Shared code for Slime Knights mods and others.

By: mDiyo, Sunstrike, progWML6

Mary TTS (1)

Speech synthesizer for computronics, so the speech box can speak!

By: Unknown

MATMOS (1.7.10-36)

Sound atmosphere generator. Whenever you join a multiplayer server or single-pla...

By: Hurricaaane (Ha3), Dag_, Sollace, makamys

The flagship soundpack, featuring seamless loops and indoors/outdoors variations...

By: Unknown

McJtyLib (1.8.1-SNAPSHOT)

McJtyLib library for RFTools, Deep Resonance, ...

By: McJty

Energy, Armor, Tools, Weapons, Machines, Magic.

By: aidancbrady

Generators module of Mekanism.

By: aidancbrady

Tools module for Mekanism.

By: aidancbrady

MicdoodleCore (

Galacticraft allows you to explore the solar system in your own spaceship.

By: moosetwin

MineFactory Reloaded (2.8.2B1-201)

Automate everything!

By: PowerCrystals, TehKrush, AtomicStryker, Feanorith, skyboy026

MineTweaker 3 (1.7.10-3.1.0)

Customize your minecraft experience!

By: Stan Hebben

MmmMmmMmmMmm (1.7.10-1.9)

Provides a test dummy that can be placed in the world. Punch it, kick it, slice...

By: boni

Mobs Info (0.1.4)

1.7.10 minecraft mod that adds a new NEI tab with the mobs info (Name, Origin (M...

By: kuba6000

ModTweaker is an addon for MineTweaker 3.

By: Jaredlll08

Modular Powersuits (1.7.10-

A mod which adds modular power armor, power tool, and a tinker table to configur...

By: MachineMuse

More Chisels (1.7.10-1.0-28)

More chisels for Chisel

By: TehNut

Morpheus (1.7.10-1.6.21)

Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server. Wh...

By: Quetzi

Mouse Tweaks (2.4.4)

A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...

By: YaLTeR

Moving World (1.7.10-1.8.1)

A Library for allowing the movement of tile entities in the world while still en...

By: Darkevilmac, Large portions of code based on Archimedes' Ships

mp3spi (1.9.5-1)

mp3 SPI.

By: Unknown

MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (MrCrayfishFurnitureModv3.4.7(1.7.10).jar)

§bAdds over 40 unique pieces of furniture to the game!

By: §8MrCrayfish

MrTJPCore (

Core libs and utilities


Natura (2.2.1a2)

Heyo, Redwood trees! Chop them all day long!

By: mDiyo, Slime Knights

Nature's Compass (1.7.10-1.3.1)

This will lead the way to any biome you would like to find.

By: ChaosTheDude

NEI Addons (

Addons for Not Enough Items for various mods

By: bdew

NEI handlers for all of the mods, one at a time.

By: tonius11

Nether Ores (2.3.2B1-25)

Introduces mineable yet dangerous ores to the Nether

By: PowerCrystals, TehKrush, AtomicStryker, skyboy026

Netherlicious (3.2.8)

Nether biomes inspired by the ones from 1.16, with much much more.

By: DelirusCrux

NetherPortalFix (netherportalfix-mc1.7.10-1.1.0.jar)

Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Porta...

By: BlayTheNinth

No Nausea (1.0)

Replaces the vanilla nausea effect with something less headache inducing.

By: lumien

Not Enough Items (2.4.13-GTNH)

Recipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more; GTNH Version in...

By: ChickenBones, mitchej123

Not Enough Pets (2.3.6)

New alternate versions of cats and wolves.

By: AstroTibs

Not Enough Resources (NotEnoughResources-1.7.10-0.1.0-128.jar)

Adds Resources and Mob Drops to NEI

By: hilburn, way2muchnoise

NotEnoughIDs (

Extends hardcoded block ID limit.

By: fewizz, Player

NotEnoughKeys (1.7.10-3.0.0b45)

Upddated Version of Okushama's NotEnoughKeys. Sorts the Controls gui system and...

By: dmodoomsirius, okushama, Parker8283, TheTemportalist

Numina (

A common library of useful functions and utilities for dealing with Minecraft's...

By: MachineMuse

ObsidiPlates (

Provides pressure plates that can only be activated by players (plus NPC, quiet...

By: Myrathi

OC Glasses (1.0.46)

Addon for Open Computers which adds Augmented Reality features to Minecraft.

By: marcin212, magik6000


By: Unknown

Open Modular Turrets (2.2.11-245)

All a man needs are meat ingots, and big ass turrets. Adds a heap of new turrets...

By: Poenjabiesous, UntouchedWagons, Keridos

OpenBlocks (1.6)

Random collection of blocks. Some of which aren't blocks at all.

By: OpenMods, 0x00716F62

OpenComputers (1.8.3)

This mod adds modular computers and robots that can be programmed in Lua.

By: Florian 'Sangar' Nuecke, Johannes 'Lord Joda' Lohrer, Everyone who contributed t...

OpenFM (

Radio Streaming mod for Minecraft,

By: MichiyoRavencroft

OpenMods (0.10.1)

Boring stuff for all that silly Open* mods

By: Mikee, NeverCast, boq, Lyqyd

Random CC peripherals

By: Mikeemoo, cybcaoyibo, SinZ, theoriginalbit, Foone

Converts many blocks into ComputerCraft peripherals!

By: Mikeemoo, boq, theoriginalbit, Foone, SinZ

Converts many blocks into ComputerCraft peripherals!

By: Mikeemoo, boq, theoriginalbit, Foone, SinZ

-- DO NOT REPORT VISUAL ISSUES IF YOU USE THIS -- Improves FPS, chunkloading, pe...

By: Unknown

Origin (1.7.10-

A mod which provides an API, Foundation, and Main branch for TheTemportalist's m...

By: TheTemportalist

p455w0rd's Library (1.7.10-0.0.1a)

Library component for all of p455w0rd's mods

By: TheRealp455w0rd

An absolutely huge farming and food mod.

By: Pamela Collins

Library for some MrDimka's mods.

By: MrDimka

Passive Torch (0.1.0)

Disable all the other spawns!

By: hilburn

Physica (1.7.10-1.5.6-0)

Physica is a Minecraft Mod focused around science and technology that introduces...

By: aurilisdev

Modular Forcefield Systems is a mod designed to provide forcefields in minecraft...

By: aurilisdev

Physica Nuclear Physics (1.7.10-1.5.7-FC563AA)

Nuclear Science is a Minecraft Mod for version 1.20 focused around nuclear physi...

By: aurilisdev

Ping (1.7.X-1.0.3.B7)

Inspired by Portal 2, this mod brings the Ping tool into Minecraft.

By: dmillerw, Girafi

Pistronics 2 (0.6.4)

BETA-VERSION: Adds Pistons, Rotators and more.

By: Letiu

PlanetguyLib (PlanetguyLib-1.9.2.jar)



Player API (1.4)

Player API gives third party mods managed access to the main player classes

By: Forge_User_03353248

PneumaticCraft (1.12.7-152)

A technical mod all about pneumatics!

By: MineMaarten

Portal Gun (PortalGun-4.0.0-beta-6-fix-1.jar)

This mod adds the Portal Gun, as well as several other portal-related aspects, t...

By: ohaiiChun

Portal gun sounds resource.

By: Unknown

PortalBlocks (1.0)

Adds various blocks and items inspired by the game Portal 2, intending to go wit...

By: luc33990,

Pressure Pipes (1.3.0.fix1)

Unlimited Fluid Transport

By: bdew

ProjectRed Compatibility (4.7.0pre12.95)

Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Compatibility module for Project Red.

By: MrTJP, covers1624

ProjectRed Core (4.7.0pre12.95)

Redstone. The way it was meant to be. Built against Forge

By: MrTJP, ChickenBones

ProjectRed Expansion (4.7.0pre12.95)

Expansion module for Project Red series

By: MrTJP, covers1624

ProjectRed Exploration (4.7.0pre12.95)

Exploration module for the Project Red series

By: MrTJP, covers1624

ProjectRed Fabrication (4.7.0pre12.95)

Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Fabrication module for Project Red.

By: MrTJP, covers1624

ProjectRed Illumination (4.7.0pre12.95)

Illumination module for the Project Red series

By: MrTJP, covers1624

ProjectRed Transmission (4.7.0pre12.95)

Integration module for the Project Red series

By: MrTJP, covers1624

QuiverBow (b101d)

Ranged weaponry, as thought up by Steve.

By: Domochevsky

QuiverMob (b14)

Skeletons with Ranged Weaponry

By: Domochevsky

Railcraft (

Redefine your rails!

By: Covert_Jaguar

Random Things (2.2.4)

Random Things packed into one Mod.

By: Lumien

ReAuth (4.0.7)

A Mod to renew your Session

By: TechnicianLP

Redstone Armory (1.7.10-1.2.0-41)

Enhancing the Flux Revolution!

By: TehNut, Tombenpotter

Behold the Redstone (Flux) Revolution - provides Flux-Infused Tools and Armor!

By: Team CoFH

Reliquary (1.7.10-

Two words: magical swag. Oh, and a gun.

By: x3n0ph0b3, TheMike

RelocationFMP (

Adds FMP support to ForgeRelocation


Moves blocks

By: John Anthony Kazos Jr., planetguy, da3dsoul

Allows mod pack creators / users to add their own custom textures to minecrafts...

By: lumien

RFTools (4.23)

RedFlux tools

By: McJty

Adds randomized dungeons to the world

By: Greymerk

A manager pack made for and required by all my mods.

By: SanAndreasP

Sanguimancy (1.7.10-1.1.9-35)

A Blood Magic addon adding all kind of stuff

By: Tombenpotter

A Minecraft coremod aiming to patch serious security vulnerabilities found in ma...

By: Dogboy21

SimpleLabels (1.7.10-1.0-9)

This mod modifies how you interact with your Deep Storage Unit by adding a DSU L...

By: insaneau, tterrag1098

Redstone Flux jetpacks and more

By: tonius11

Simply Paths (1.1.1)

Simply Paths is a mod which adds many types of paths to Minecraft based on both...

By: momnop

Smithing In The "90'S" (1.7.10-1.1.0)

Bring netherite stuff and the smithing table back to legacy minecraft.

By: Tapio

Continuation of Moze_Intel�s Soul Shards: Reborn mod.

By: Team Whammich

Adds reveb to caves, as well as muted sounds underwater/in lava, and behind wall...

By: Tmtravlr

spark (1.10.35)

spark is a performance profiling plugin/mod for Minecraft clients, servers and p...

By: Luck

Spatial IO Compat (build-9)

Spatial IO Compatability Mod

By: AlgorithmX2, Contributors

StartingInventory (1.7.10.r03)

This mod gives you items and blocks each time you start a new world.

By: bspkrs

Steve's Addons (0.10.16)

Adds extra things to improve SFM

By: hilburn

Steve's Carts 2 (2.0.0.b18)

A carttastic mod adding a near infinite number of carts possible to the game, th...

By: Vswe

Steve's Factory Manager is a mod which allows you to set up systems that moves a...

By: Vswe

Storage Drawers (1.10.9)

Multi-drawer storage blocks for quick storage and retrieval.

By: jaquadro

Storage Drawers NEI Fix (sdnf-1.0.jar)

Fixes duplicate recipes in NEI caused by Storage Drawers NEI handler

By: fake_domi

Tainted Magic is an addon to Thaumcraft 4 which focuses on the dark side of Thau...

By: John Yorke (tadashi_3)

Allows hovering over items in inventories while holding a Thaumometer to scan th...

By: BlayTheNinth

TC Node Tracker (1.7.10-1.1.2)

Tracks scanned nodes for Thaumcraft

By: Dyonovan

Botania Exoflame support for Thaumcraft's Alchemical Furnace!

By: Matthias Mann

Thaumcraft (

Adding a touch of magic to Minecraft

By: Azanor

Magic with ease

By: glee8e

NEI Integration for Thaumcraft 4.

By: DjGiannuzz

Thaumic Bases (ThaumicBases-1.3.1710.4.jar)

Thaumic bases is a Thaumcraft 4 addon, which adds a whole bunch of random additi...


Thaumic Dyes (1.10.5)

This mod adds in upgrades and dyeable variants of Thaumcraft's armor!

By: KryptonCaptain, Amerem

The digital age could use some magic

By: Nividica

Pushing the boundaries of magic

By: Kentington

Allows alteration of the properties and purpose of a block through the use of Th...

By: DrunkMafia

Thaumic Tinkerer (2.5-1.7.10-164)

An addon to Thaumcraft 4, implementing new content. This mod is a spiritual succ...

By: pixlepix, nekosune

The Aether (v1.1.2.2)

Gilded Games presents the original Aether mod! Up to date for modern Minecraft v...

By: bconlon, Oscar Payn, Hugo Payn, JellySquid

An enchanted forest dimension.

By: Benimatic (Ben Mazur)

A Minecraft mod which adds the ability to create blocks of metal using Thermal E...

By: MikeLydeamore

Thermal meets Dynamic - provides options for transporting items, fluids, and Red...

By: Team CoFH

Expanding Minecraft Thermally - provides new options for automation and processi...

By: Team CoFH

Thermal Foundation (1.2.6-118)

The foundation of a Thermally enhanced world!

By: Team CoFH

Thermal Smeltery Redux (ThermalSmeltery-Redux-v1.1.jar)

A simplified remake of ThermalSmeltery

By: T145_irl

TiC Tooltips (1.2.5)

A simple client-side add-on for Tinkers' Construct that adds relevant stats to a...

By: squeek

Tinker I/O (release 1.5.0.DEV.GITBORK)

Smeltery Upgrade!


Tinkers' Construct (1.8.8.build991)

A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools

By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox, boni

Tinkers' Mechworks (

Tinkers' Mechworks is a mod that adds various redstone machines.

By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox

TipTheScales (

Allows for more control when adjusting the GUI size.

By: Jared

TIS-3D (

TIS-100 inspired low-tech computing for Minecraft.

By: Sangar

Translocator (

Translocates stuff! Credits: MouseCop - TexturesSupporters:

By: ChickenBones

TrashSlot (1.0.31)

Adds a trash slot to the inventory screen that allows deletion of unwanted items...

By: BlayTheNinth

Traveller's Gear (1.16.6)

RPG Inventories! Armorstands! Cross-Mod Interaction! Woohoo!

By: BluSunrize

Tumbleweed (1.7.10-0.2)

Tumbleweeds spawn around dead bushes in deserts. They drop random goodies upon d...

By: konwboy

UniMixins (0.1.14)

UniMixins composite jar consisting of the following modules: Mixin (UniMix); Com...

By: makamys

Unity (

Realistic tones and random block variants designed to make Minecraft feel a litt...

By: CyanideX

Minecraft Mod thats add a Discord Rich Presence

By: ijo42

Village Names (4.4.6)

Generate names for villages and villagers, as well as for other entities and str...

By: AstroTibs

vorbisspi (1.0.3-1)

Vorbis SPI.

By: Unknown

Waila (1.5.10)

All your data are belong to us.

By: ProfMobius

An add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you a...

By: squeek

WAILA Plugins (0.2.0-25)

WAILA plugins for various mods, such as Blood Magic, Magical Crops, and Forestry...

By: tterrag

Water Hooks (1.2.1)

Adds Event for Infinite Water Source Forming

By: Henry Loenwind

Waterproof (Waterproof 1.0-1.jar)

Makes Redstone and Rails not be destroyed by water

By: Vazkii

Witchery (1.7.10-0.24.1)

Bringing witchcraft and nature magic to Minecraft: cauldrons, broomsticks, ritua...

By: Emoniph

WitcheryPatch (WitcheryPatch-1.7.10-1.0.0.jar)

A small mod that uses ASM to fix some bugs in Witchery

By: TheSatanicSanta

Witching Gadgets (1.1.10)

It's a kind of magic

By: BluSunrize

WR-CBE Core (

Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition Core APISupporters: Vizerei

By: ChickenBones

Zetta Industries (1.1-120)

ZI for shorts a mod that aims to extend other mods by adding various functional...

By: marcin212

Ztones (2.2)

Decorative Blocks

By: riciJak


** UNABRIDGED 3.21 **

* Fixed pack download issues.
* Fixed some security exploits present in old mods by including the SerializationIsBad mod.
* Added some new mods!
* Old worlds may or may not be compatible with this update. Many changes. Make a backup if you try to update a world from a previous version.

* default options saved
* server tested

* fixed player skins (client config change in armorer's workshop)

AE2 Fluid Crafting Rework
AI Improvements
Ars Magica 2 LE
CodeChickenCore Unofficial 1.7.10
CodeChickenLib Unofficial 1.7.10
Cosmetic Armor Reworked
Custom Loading Screen
Et Futurum Requiem [1.7.10 ONLY]
Forge Multi Part
Forge Relocation
Forge Relocation - FMP Plugin
Immersive Cavegen
Mekanism Community Edition: GENERATORS
Mekanism Community Edition: TOOLS
Mobs Info
Modular Powersuits
Smithing In The "90'S"
Thaumcraft 4 Tweaks
Thaumic Dyes
Thaumic Horizons
Uplink - Discord Presence

Another One Bites the Dust
Ars Magica 2
Et Futurum
Logistics Pipes
Thaumic Fixer

bdlib- -> bdlib-
buildcraft-7.1.23.jar -> buildcraft-7.1.25.jar
buildcraft-compat-7.1.7.jar -> buildcraft-compat-7.1.8.jar
campfirebackport-1.7.10-1.7.3.jar -> campfirebackport-1.7.10-1.10.1.jar
ChocoCraftPlus-1.7.10-4.5.4.jar -> ChocoCraftPlus-1.7.10-4.5.9.jar
Controlling-1.7.10-1.0.0.jar -> Controlling-1.7.10-
PhysicaCore-1.7.10-1.5.6-3.jar -> PhysicaCore-1.7.10-1.5.6-0.jar
EnderIO-1.7.10- -> EnderIO-1.7.10-
EnderCore-1.7.10- -> EnderCore-1.7.10-
FoamFix-1.7.10-universal-1.0.0-beta1.jar -> FoamFix-1.7.10-universal-1.0.4.jar
GalaxySpace-1.7.10-1.2.14.jar -> GalaxySpace-1.7.10-1.2.15.jar
IC2Classic Version -> IC2Classic-1.7.10-1.2.3.jar
journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.4p2-unlimited.jar -> journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.4p6-unlimited.jar
matmos-1.7.10-35.4.1.jar -> matmos-1.7.10-36.jar
MekanismALLT-1.7.10-9.10.6.terralization.jar -> Mekanism-Community-Edition-1.7.10-9.10.33-Core.jar ->
PhysicaForcefield-1.7.10-1.5.6-3.jar -> PhysicaForcefield-1.7.10-1.5.6-0.jar
netherlicious-2.5.0.jar -> netherlicious-3.2.8.jar
NotEnoughPets-1.7.10-v2.2.0.jar -> NotEnoughPets-1.7.10-2.3.6.jar
NotEnoughItems-1.7.10-2.0.6-GTNH-universal.jar -> NotEnoughItems-2.4.13-GTNH.jar
PhysicaNuclearPhysics-1.7.10-1.5.6-3.jar -> PhysicaNuclearPhysics-1.7.10-1.5.7-FC563AA.jar
OpenComputers-MC1.7.10- -> OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-1.8.3+089dd28-universal.jar
ReAuth-3.5.0.jar -> ReAuth-1.7.10-Forge-4.0.7.jar
Tainted-Magic-r7.82.jar -> Tainted-Magic-1.7.10-8.1.1.jar
aether-1.7.10-v1.1.2.1.jar -> aether-1.7.10-v1.1.2.2.jar
twilightforest-1.7.10-2.3.8.jar -> TwilightForest-2.4.3.jar
VillageNames-1.7.10-4.1.3.jar -> VillageNames-1.7.10-4.4.6.jar

** UNABRIDGED 3.21 **

* Fixed pack download issues.
* Fixed some security exploits present in old mods by including the SerializationIsBad mod.
* Added some new mods!
* Old worlds may or may not be compatible with this update. Many changes. Make a backup if you try to update a world from a previous version.

* default options saved
* server tested

( secret update, removed applecore from serverpack, works with Thermos now)

AE2 Fluid Crafting Rework
AI Improvements
Ars Magica 2 LE
CodeChickenCore Unofficial 1.7.10
CodeChickenLib Unofficial 1.7.10
Cosmetic Armor Reworked
Custom Loading Screen
Et Futurum Requiem [1.7.10 ONLY]
Forge Multi Part
Forge Relocation
Forge Relocation - FMP Plugin
Immersive Cavegen
Mekanism Community Edition: GENERATORS
Mekanism Community Edition: TOOLS
Mobs Info
Modular Powersuits
Smithing In The "90'S"
Thaumcraft 4 Tweaks
Thaumic Dyes
Thaumic Horizons
Uplink - Discord Presence

Another One Bites the Dust
Ars Magica 2
Et Futurum
Logistics Pipes
Thaumic Fixer

bdlib- -> bdlib-
buildcraft-7.1.23.jar -> buildcraft-7.1.25.jar
buildcraft-compat-7.1.7.jar -> buildcraft-compat-7.1.8.jar
campfirebackport-1.7.10-1.7.3.jar -> campfirebackport-1.7.10-1.10.1.jar
ChocoCraftPlus-1.7.10-4.5.4.jar -> ChocoCraftPlus-1.7.10-4.5.9.jar
Controlling-1.7.10-1.0.0.jar -> Controlling-1.7.10-
PhysicaCore-1.7.10-1.5.6-3.jar -> PhysicaCore-1.7.10-1.5.6-0.jar
EnderIO-1.7.10- -> EnderIO-1.7.10-
EnderCore-1.7.10- -> EnderCore-1.7.10-
FoamFix-1.7.10-universal-1.0.0-beta1.jar -> FoamFix-1.7.10-universal-1.0.4.jar
GalaxySpace-1.7.10-1.2.14.jar -> GalaxySpace-1.7.10-1.2.15.jar
IC2Classic Version -> IC2Classic-1.7.10-1.2.3.jar
journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.4p2-unlimited.jar -> journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.4p6-unlimited.jar
matmos-1.7.10-35.4.1.jar -> matmos-1.7.10-36.jar
MekanismALLT-1.7.10-9.10.6.terralization.jar -> Mekanism-Community-Edition-1.7.10-9.10.33-Core.jar ->
PhysicaForcefield-1.7.10-1.5.6-3.jar -> PhysicaForcefield-1.7.10-1.5.6-0.jar
netherlicious-2.5.0.jar -> netherlicious-3.2.8.jar
NotEnoughPets-1.7.10-v2.2.0.jar -> NotEnoughPets-1.7.10-2.3.6.jar
NotEnoughItems-1.7.10-2.0.6-GTNH-universal.jar -> NotEnoughItems-2.4.13-GTNH.jar
PhysicaNuclearPhysics-1.7.10-1.5.6-3.jar -> PhysicaNuclearPhysics-1.7.10-1.5.7-FC563AA.jar
OpenComputers-MC1.7.10- -> OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-1.8.3+089dd28-universal.jar
ReAuth-3.5.0.jar -> ReAuth-1.7.10-Forge-4.0.7.jar
Tainted-Magic-r7.82.jar -> Tainted-Magic-1.7.10-8.1.1.jar
aether-1.7.10-v1.1.2.1.jar -> aether-1.7.10-v1.1.2.2.jar
twilightforest-1.7.10-2.3.8.jar -> TwilightForest-2.4.3.jar
VillageNames-1.7.10-4.1.3.jar -> VillageNames-1.7.10-4.4.6.jar

** UNABRIDGED 3.19.3 **
* added playerapi - fixes extra utilities last millennium and deep dark portals
* added Bisect Hosting deal to main menu (25% off first month of server with code 'unabridged')
* Void Quartz and Quartz are now chiselable
* Fixed burnt quartz being uncraftable
* added more woods to 'logWood' oredict entry
* reversed galacticraft plate oredict changes, recipes work again
* disabled NEI culling entirely, i'm going to have to find another solution as NEI crafttweaker integration is broken

* ASMC - the sounds of future minecraft, backported to 1.7.10
* BeeBetterAtBees - Bee breeding trees in NEI
* BoPTweaks - Allows you to plant and grow full size Biomes O Plenty fir trees.
* Campfire Backport - The campfire, backported and reimagined.
* ChocoCraft Plus - Do you like Chocobos? As mounts? Companions? Beasts of burden? ....Food?
* Clay Soldiers Mod - adds lil dudes made out of clay that fight eachother
* Dynamic Dynamos - animated pumping thermal expansion dynamos
* EnderIO Addons - back again, adds many new EIO machines, including the highly coveted Agricraft Farming Station
* FoamFix/bugfixmod - thanks asie, my boats work right and my ghost chunks have been busted
* InventoryTweaks - readded to curseforge, still optional on ATL
* Matmos + Zen Soundpack - Sound atmosphere generator. Whenever you join a multiplayer server or single-player world, MAtmos will search your surroundings and generates a soundscape of natural noises to match, filling out that perpetual silence of Minecraft.
* Nature's Compass - will point the way to any biome you like
* Not Enough Pets
* SAPManPack - helps add those lil dudes I was talking about
* SpongeMixins - mixes in the sponges
* Village Names - backports features from future village updates, and works well with mods
* waterhooks - stay hydrated

* Aether - fixed cockatrice and aechor plant poison arrow server crash
* AsieLib 0.4.9
* Computronics 1.6.6
* Terralization Mekanism Patched - This mod is exempt from the Unabridged license, and I hereby declare that Terralization Mekanism Patched is under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
* Netherlicious 2.5.0
* Not Enough items 2.0.6-GTNH
* UpToDate 2.3.10 - now even more up to date

* EiraIRC - unused and depreciated
* Eiramoticons - not working properly
* Thaumic Expansion - unfinished mod that did not work correctly
* AntiIdConflict - great mod, but only for pack development
* InpureCore - dependencies don't download anymore, I replaced its functionality of hiding certain things in NEI with an extensive minetweaker script

* Aether Sun Altar enabled for multiplayer servers
* Enabled Agricraft's Harvestcraft crop support
* Disabled dig breaks tile entities AM2
* Enabled villages in a few more biomes: Dense Forest, Garden, Lavender Fields, Lush Desrt, Orchard, Wasteland, Woodland
* Disabled buildcraft water springs, slightly reduced oil well generation
* Completely replaced AM2's worldgen using cofhworld. No more worldgen spam. Ores can be found with NEI. Ceru Blossom and Desert Nova spawn in specific biomes, Etherium lakes are rarer and spawn on flat stone or sand surfaces, small witchwood trees spawn rarely in any biome.
* Harvestcraft salt now spawns in limestone patches.
* Big Reactors yellorite spawns in veins with Physica Uranium.
* Updated defaultkeys key config, there are a few keys that are set by default but most are set to NONE. Customize! Your customizations to the key config wont be lost between versions.
* Fixed OpenBlocks last stand enchantment in EIO Enchanter, and also added a few more enchantments to the list.
* Enabled 'supress volume if window is inactive' in FPS Reducer config.
* Fixed generation of moon sapphire, and I couldn't get cobalt to stop spawning on the moon so I changed the texture so it matches the moon rock.
* Added Flux armor, enderium armor, dark steel armor, and sanguine armor to the space radiation and pressure protection list.
* Turned on 'cropsdropseeds' in Harvestcraft.
* Added more boots to the IC2 magnetizer, if they look like they would be magnetic or contain iron, they will probably work with the magnitizer now!
* Disabled prefilled tanks from the mekanism config, even though they are already hidden from NEI.
* Reduced quivermob armed skeletons spawnrate
* Configured loading screen, new colors and loading gif.
* Configured Uplink Discord rich presence, now people will know you're playing Unabridged!
* Disabled uptodate mutton because harvestcraft already has it.
* Ported my own Soul Shards textures from newer versions of the mod to SSTOW
* Fixed crafting of Advanced Generators Iron Frame
* Removed chiseling from Yellorite to Uranium
* Greatly expanded food oredict support. All Extra Trees foods and items now work in harvestcraft recipes. Also support for IC2, Galacticraft, etfuturum, uptodate, aether, and Twilight Forest.
* Added phosphor+heatsand=lava to forestry squeezer.
* Entirety of blocks in PortalBlocks now craftable. Ready your test chamber.
* disabled ae2 facades (use forge multipart instead)
* Hid and disabled unuseful things from NEI using crafttweaker and config options instead of InpureCore + Commons Compress + Commons Codec

** UNABRIDGED 3.19.2 **
* ASMC - the sounds of future minecraft, backported to 1.7.10
* BeeBetterAtBees - Bee breeding trees in NEI
* BoPTweaks - Allows you to plant and grow full size Biomes O Plenty fir trees.
* Campfire Backport - The campfire, backported and reimagined.
* ChocoCraft Plus - Do you like Chocobos? As mounts? Companions? Beasts of burden? ....Food?
* Clay Soldiers Mod - adds lil dudes made out of clay that fight eachother
* Dynamic Dynamos - animated pumping thermal expansion dynamos
* EnderIO Addons - back again, adds many new EIO machines, including the highly coveted Agricraft Farming Station
* FoamFix/bugfixmod - thanks asie, my boats work right and my ghost chunks have been busted
* InventoryTweaks - readded to curseforge, still optional on ATL
* Matmos + Zen Soundpack - Sound atmosphere generator. Whenever you join a multiplayer server or single-player world, MAtmos will search your surroundings and generates a soundscape of natural noises to match, filling out that perpetual silence of Minecraft.
* Nature's Compass - will point the way to any biome you like
* Not Enough Pets
* SAPManPack - helps add those lil dudes I was talking about
* SpongeMixins - mixes in the sponges
* Village Names - backports features from future village updates, and works well with mods
* waterhooks - stay hydrated

* Aether - fixed cockatrice and aechor plant poison arrow server crash
* AsieLib 0.4.9
* Computronics 1.6.6
* Terralization Mekanism Patched - This mod is exempt from the Unabridged license, and I hereby declare that Terralization Mekanism Patched is under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
* Netherlicious 2.5.0
* Not Enough items 2.0.6-GTNH
* UpToDate 2.3.10 - now even more up to date

* EiraIRC - unused and depreciated
* Eiramoticons - not working properly
* Thaumic Expansion - unfinished mod that did not work correctly
* AntiIdConflict - great mod, but only for pack development
* InpureCore - dependencies don't download anymore, I replaced its functionality of hiding certain things in NEI with an extensive minetweaker script

Added in 3.19 then Removed in 3.19.2
* Uplink - Discord Rich Presence - causing crashes on macos, will readd when fixed
* VTweaks - Fixed right click crop harvest but caused several other issues, I'll have to find something new to fix right click crop harvest.

* Aether Sun Altar enabled for multiplayer servers
* Enabled Agricraft's Harvestcraft crop support
* Disabled dig breaks tile entities AM2
* Enabled villages in a few more biomes: Dense Forest, Garden, Lavender Fields, Lush Desrt, Orchard, Wasteland, Woodland
* Disabled buildcraft water springs, slightly reduced oil well generation
* Completely replaced AM2's worldgen using cofhworld. No more worldgen spam. Ores can be found with NEI. Ceru Blossom and Desert Nova spawn in specific biomes, Etherium lakes are rarer and spawn on flat stone or sand surfaces, small witchwood trees spawn rarely in any biome.
* Harvestcraft salt now spawns in limestone patches.
* Big Reactors yellorite spawns in veins with Physica Uranium.
* Updated defaultkeys key config, there are a few keys that are set by default but most are set to NONE. Customize! Your customizations to the key config wont be lost between versions.
* Fixed OpenBlocks last stand enchantment in EIO Enchanter, and also added a few more enchantments to the list.
* Enabled 'supress volume if window is inactive' in FPS Reducer config.
* Fixed generation of moon sapphire, and I couldn't get cobalt to stop spawning on the moon so I changed the texture so it matches the moon rock.
* Added Flux armor, enderium armor, dark steel armor, and sanguine armor to the space radiation and pressure protection list.
* Turned on 'cropsdropseeds' in Harvestcraft.
* Added more boots to the IC2 magnetizer, if they look like they would be magnetic or contain iron, they will probably work with the magnitizer now!
* Disabled prefilled tanks from the mekanism config, even though they are already hidden from NEI.
* Reduced quivermob armed skeletons spawnrate
* Configured loading screen, new colors and loading gif.
* Configured Uplink Discord rich presence, now people will know you're playing Unabridged!
* Disabled uptodate mutton because harvestcraft already has it.
* Ported my own Soul Shards textures from newer versions of the mod to SSTOW
* Fixed crafting of Advanced Generators Iron Frame
* Removed chiseling from Yellorite to Uranium
* Greatly expanded food oredict support. All Extra Trees foods and items now work in harvestcraft recipes. Also support for IC2, Galacticraft, etfuturum, uptodate, aether, and Twilight Forest.
* Added phosphor+heatsand=lava to forestry squeezer.
* Removed Galacticraft plates from ore dictionary. Plates from other mods don't work in Galacticraft recipes so the opposite should also be true. Compressed plates are different than plates!
* Entirety of blocks in PortalBlocks now craftable. Ready your test chamber.
* disabled ae2 facades (use forge multipart instead)
* Hid and disabled unuseful things from NEI using crafttweaker and config options instead of InpureCore + Commons Compress + Commons Codec

** UNABRIDGED 3.19 **
* ASMC - the sounds of future minecraft, backported to 1.7.10
* BeeBetterAtBees - Bee breeding trees in NEI
* BoPTweaks - Allows you to plant and grow full size Biomes O Plenty fir trees.
* Campfire Backport - The campfire, backported and reimagined.
* ChocoCraft Plus - Do you like Chocobos? As mounts? Companions? Beasts of burden? ....Food?
* Clay Soldiers Mod - adds lil dudes made out of clay that fight eachother
* Dynamic Dynamos - animated pumping thermal expansion dynamos
* EnderIO Addons - back again, adds many new EIO machines, including the highly coveted Agricraft Farming Station
* FoamFix/bugfixmod - thanks asie, my boats work right and my ghost chunks have been busted
* InventoryTweaks - readded to curseforge, still optional on ATL
* Matmos + Zen Soundpack - Sound atmosphere generator. Whenever you join a multiplayer server or single-player world, MAtmos will search your surroundings and generates a soundscape of natural noises to match, filling out that perpetual silence of Minecraft.
* Nature's Compass - will point the way to any biome you like
* Not Enough Pets
* SAPManPack - helps add those lil dudes I was talking about
* SpongeMixins - mixes in the sponges
* Uplink - Discord Rich Presence - If you're using ATLauncher, you'll have to disable the ATLauncher Discord integration in the atlauncher config menu for this to work.
* Village Names - backports features from future village updates, and works well with mods
* VTweaks - helped me fix the right click harvest issues in the pack, and also adds some fun infernal mobs style mobs
* waterhooks - stay hydrated

* Aether - fixed cockatrice and aechor plant poison arrow server crash
* AsieLib 0.4.9
* Computronics 1.6.6
* Terralization Mekanism Patched - This mod is exempt from the Unabridged license, and I hereby declare that Terralization Mekanism Patched is under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
* Netherlicious 2.5.0
* Not Enough items 2.0.6-GTNH
* UpToDate 2.3.10 - now even more up to date

* EiraIRC - unused and depreciated
* Eiramoticons - not working properly
* Thaumic Expansion - unfinished mod that did not work correctly
* AntiIdConflict - great mod, but only for pack development
* InpureCore - dependencies don't download anymore, I replaced its functionality of hiding certain things in NEI with an extensive minetweaker script

* Aether Sun Altar enabled for multiplayer servers
* Enabled Agricraft's Harvestcraft crop support
* Disabled dig breaks tile entities AM2
* Enabled villages in a few more biomes: Dense Forest, Garden, Lavender Fields, Lush Desrt, Orchard, Wasteland, Woodland
* Disabled buildcraft water springs, slightly reduced oil well generation
* Completely replaced AM2's worldgen using cofhworld. No more worldgen spam. Ores can be found with NEI. Ceru Blossom and Desert Nova spawn in specific biomes, Etherium lakes are rarer and spawn on flat stone or sand surfaces, small witchwood trees spawn rarely in any biome.
* Harvestcraft salt now spawns in limestone patches.
* Big Reactors yellorite spawns in veins with Physica Uranium.
* Updated defaultkeys key config, there are a few keys that are set by default but most are set to NONE. Customize! Your customizations to the key config wont be lost between versions.
* Fixed OpenBlocks last stand enchantment in EIO Enchanter, and also added a few more enchantments to the list.
* Enabled 'supress volume if window is inactive' in FPS Reducer config.
* Fixed generation of moon sapphire, and I couldn't get cobalt to stop spawning on the moon so I changed the texture so it matches the moon rock.
* Added Flux armor, enderium armor, dark steel armor, and sanguine armor to the space radiation and pressure protection list.
* Turned on 'cropsdropseeds' in Harvestcraft.
* Added more boots to the IC2 magnetizer, if they look like they would be magnetic or contain iron, they will probably work with the magnitizer now!
* Disabled prefilled tanks from the mekanism config, even though they are already hidden from NEI.
* Reduced quivermob armed skeletons spawnrate
* Configured loading screen, new colors and loading gif.
* Configured Uplink Discord rich presence, now people will know you're playing Unabridged!
* Disabled uptodate mutton because harvestcraft already has it.
* Fixed empty hand right click replant harvesting of crops.
* Ported my own Soul Shards textures from newer versions of the mod to SSTOW
* Fixed crafting of Advanced Generators Iron Frame
* Removed chiseling from Yellorite to Uranium
* Greatly expanded food oredict support. All Extra Trees foods and items now work in harvestcraft recipes. Also support for IC2, Galacticraft, etfuturum, uptodate, aether, and Twilight Forest.
* Added phosphor+heatsand=lava to forestry squeezer.
* Removed Galacticraft plates from ore dictionary. Plates from other mods don't work in Galacticraft recipes so the opposite should also be true. Compressed plates are different than plates!
* Entirety of blocks in PortalBlocks now craftable. Ready your test chamber.
* disabled ae2 facades (use forge multipart instead)
* Hid and disabled unuseful things from NEI using crafttweaker and config options instead of InpureCore + Commons Compress + Commons Codec

** UNABRIDGED 3.18.3 **
* Removed Creeper Collateral (causes crash on server startup)
* Removed Uplink (causes crash on some clients)

Server download now tested and available! Fire up your servers and invite some friends.

* fixed download of scripts folder
* server download now working properly

### Major changes between 3.15 -> 3.18 ###

* Ars Magica 2
* Applied Integrations 3.2
* ForgottenRelics 1.7.3
* IC2 Classic
* LittleTiles 1.2.0
* Natura 2.2
* Netherlicious 2.4.3
* Open Peripherals
* Physica Core, Forcefield, Nuclear Physics
* Portal Blocks 1.0
* Soul Shards 0.1-RC9-7
* ThaumicBases 1.3.1710.4
* ThaumicExpansion 4.1.3
* UpToDateMod 2.3.9
* AnimationAPI, AntiIdConflict, BetterFps, BorninaBarn, ChestTransporter, Controlling, cookingbook, CreativeCore, DummyCore, Excore, FpsReducer, InGameInfoXML, LunatriusCore, NotEnoughIDs, NotEnoughThaumcraftTabs, Origin, ThaumicFixer, TipTheScales, WitcheryPatch

* Aether 2 with Aether Legacy
* Minetweaker with CraftTweaker
* BluePower with ProjectRed
* GregsLighting with FloodLights
* Mekanism with Terralization Mekanism Patched
* NotEnoughItems with NotEnoughItems-GTNH
* PlantMegaPack with Pam's Harvestcraft
* Roadblocks with SimplyPaths
* Custom Things with NetherOres

* Apple Core 3.1.1
* Arcane Arteries 0.8.5
* Armourer's Workshop 0.48.5
* Carpenter's Blocks
* CoFHLib 1.2.1-185
* GalaxySpace 1.2.14
* Journeymap 5.1.4p2
* OpenComputers
* OpenFM 0.1.0-45
* OpenModsLib 0.10.1
* Redstone Arsenal 1.1.2-92
* Reliquary
* Thermal Smeltery r1.1
* TIS-3D
* Twilight Forest 2.3.8

* Aquaculture
* BackInSlime
* BugfixMod
* ChatFlow
* Decocraft
* EnderIOAddons
* FTBUtilities
* GekosLasers
* HungerOverhaul
* ibench
* integratedcircuits
* ItemSearch
* latticemod
* moarcarts
* OpenEye
* PlaceableGunpowder
* RefinedRelocation
* RFDrills
* RopeBridge
* Realistic World Generation
* Starminer
* StartingInventory
* supercraftingframe
* Tails
* Thaumic Horizons
* Tropicraft
* Waterhooks
* YeGamolChattels
* ZyinsHUD

** UNABRIDGED 3.18.2 **

New release! Shiny. Way less buggy! Officially supported! A lot of things have changed in this version. Old worlds are compatible but there will be missing blocks due to mod changes. Make a backup before any update attempts. Use caution if playing on a server, make sure you are on the correct version for the server you are playing on.

3.18.2 is also available on CurseForge.

-Added AE2 Wireless Crafting Terminal
-Added Thaumic Tinkerer

-Updated AppleCore
-Updated Armourer's Workshop
-Updated Asielib
-Updated Bibliocraft
-Updated Binnie's Mods
-Updated Biomes O' Plenty
-Updated Buildcraft
-Updated BuildCraft Compat
-Updated CoFHCore
-Updated Computronics
-Updated CoroUtil Library
-Updated Crafting Tweaks
-Updated Decocraft
-Updated EiraMoticons
-Updated EnderCore
-Updated Ender IO Addons
-Updated Ewy's Workshop
-Updated Extra Cells 2
-Updated FastCraft
-Updated Galacticraft Planets
-Updated Galacticraft Core
-Updated Galaxy Space
-Updated iChunUtil
-Updated Logistics Pipes
-Updated Magic Bees
-Updated Mekanism
-Updated MekanismGenerators
-Updated MekanismTools
-Updated MicdoodleCore
-Updated Minefactory Reloaded
-Updated MoarCarts
-Updated Mod Tweaker 2
-Updated Not Enough Resources
-Updated OpenBlocks
-Updated OpenComputers
-Updated OpenEye
-Updated OpenFM
-Updated OpenMods
-Updated Open Modular Turrets
-Updated PneumaticCraft
-Updated Portal Gun
-Updated Pressure Pipes
-Updated Railcraft
-Updated Refined Relocation
-Updated Storage Drawers
-Updated Tainted Magic
-Updated Thaumic Energistics
-Updated Thaumic Infusion
-Updated Thermal Dynamics
-Updated Thermal Expansion
-Updated Thermal Foundation
-Updated TIS-3D
-Updated WAILA Plugins
-Updated World Edit
-Updated Zetta Industries

-Added Blue Power alloys to EnderIO

-enabled RandomThings Bloodstone as default

-Added Chat Flow
-Added Not Enough Keys
-Added Spacial IO Compatibility
-Updated Armourers Workshop
-Updated Biomes O' Plenty
-Updated Carpenters Blocks
-Updated CodeChickenLib
-Updated Custom Things
-Updated Forestry
-Updated Gadomancy
-Updated Iron Backpacks
-Updated Logistics Pipes
-Updated Open Computers
-Updated OpenFM
-Updated Open Modular Turrets
-Updated Re-Auth
-Removed YABM2 (Backups are being handled by FTB Utilities)
-Added recipes for TiCon unstable tool parts
-Fixed Ancient Tree Slab Recipes
-Fixed ferrous ingot to block recipe derp on servers
-Debuffed BigReactors and buffed BigReactor's turbines
-Minor changes to the main menu
-Added a satchel and a fortune cookie to the starting inventory
-No more free teleporting with FTB Utilities

## [Release.13b]

>###Config Changes
* Fixed Quartz spawning in the Nether, thanks Aedda!
* Fixed Open Computers diamond chip recipe, thanks Sephiroth!
* Added Patreon button to main menu, removed non working changelog button.
* Added some aspects to malisis trapdoors to help with thaumcraft progression.


* ExtendedPotions-MC1.7.10-1.2.jar -- needed to fix an aether potion crash, turns out I accidentally used all the potion ids...

* AppleCore-mc1.7.10-1.3.1.jar
* appliedenergistics2-rv3-beta-6.jar
* arcane_engineering-0.2.7.jar
* Armourers-Workshop-1.7.10-0.39.0.jar
* Back In Slime-1.7.10-3.1.6.jar
* BiblioCraft[v1.11.5][MC1.7.10].jar
* buildcraft-7.1.16.jar
* buildcraft-compat-7.1.5.jar
* catwalks-2.0.4.jar
* craftingtweaks-mc1.7.10-1.0.82.jar
* CustomThings-MC1.7.10-0.0.3-50.jar
* Decocraft-2.3.2_1.7.10.jar
* EnderCore-1.7.10-
* EnderIO-1.7.10-
* EnderIOAddons-1.7.10-
* ExtraCells-1.7.10-2.3.10b190.jar
* ExtraTiC-1.7.10-1.4.6.jar -- fixes ender amethyst issue, almost a year after I reported it! 10/10
* fastcraft-1.23.jar -- things actually feel a little bit faster
* Forbidden Magic-1.7.10-0.574.jar
* forestry_1.7.10-
* gendustry-
* generators-
* ImmersiveEngineering-0.7.7.jar
* immersiveintegration-0.6.8.jar
* IvToolkit-1.2.1.jar
* Jabba-1.2.2_1.7.10.jar
* journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.4p1-unlimited.jar
* logisticspipes-
* Mekanism-1.7.10- -- V9!!! All new textures and mechanics!
* MekanismGenerators-1.7.10-
* MekanismTools-1.7.10-
* MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.2B1-186.jar
* NotEnoughItems-1.7.10-
* OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-
* OpenFM-1.7.10-0.1.0-34.jar
* OpenModularTurrets-1.7.10-2.2.2-217.jar
* plantmegapack-4.33-1.7.10-1492.jar
* Railcraft_1.7.10- -- RF cart! pretty neat
* RefinedRelocation-mc1.7.10-1.1.28.jar
* ResourceLoader-MC1.7.10-1.3.jar
* roguelike-1.7.10-1.5.0b.jar
* Sanguimancy-1.7.10-1.1.9-35.jar
* SimpleLabels-1.7.10-1.0-8.jar
* Starminer1710-0.9.9.jar
* StorageDrawers-1.7.10-1.9.8.jar
* thaumicenergistics-
* ThermalDynamics-[1.7.10]1.2.0-171.jar
* ThermalFoundation-[1.7.10]1.2.4-114.jar
* TIS-3D-MC1.7.10-
* Translocator-1.7.10-
* waterhooks-1.2.1.jar


* Enabled all tinkers' materials for all parts. Iguana Tweaks is kinda annoying in a pack like this.
* Fixed recipe for EnderIO weather crystal
* Fixed recipe conflict between greg's lighting and imersive engineering

## [Release.11a]

>###Hotfix a
* Switched to the correct version of AE2stuff for AE2 rv3, sorry! -- ae2stuff-rv3-

>###Added (7)
* aether-1.7.10-1.6 -- official aether
* AetherFixes-0.1
* Binnie Patcher 1.4 -- we can update to forestry 4!
* gilded-games-util-1.7.10-1.9
* IDCleaner-1.7.10-1.0 -- fixes block corruption when updating an old world, should fix the ol' ID scramble issue
* netherportalfix-mc1.7.10-1.1.0 -- makes nether portals not link all weirdly
* waterhooks-1.2.0

>###Updated (86)
* AgriCraft-1.7.10-1.5.0
* AOBD-2.9.1
* AppleCore-mc1.7.10-1.3.0
* appliedenergistics2-rv3-beta-5 -- AE2 RV3!
* Aquaculture-1.7.10-
* arcane_engineering-0.2.6
* archimedesshipsplus-1.7.10-1.8.1 -- SUBMARINES!
* Armourers-Workshop-1.7.10-
* AsieLib-1.7.10-0.4.5
* Automagy-1.7.10-0.28.2
* Back in Slime-1.7.10-3.1.5
* bdlib-
* BiomesOPlenty-1.7.10-
* boilerplate-1.7.10-
* Botania r1.8-249
* buildcraft-7.1.15
* Chisel- -- DUPE FIXES!
* CoFHCore-[1.7.10]3.1.2-325
* Computronics-1.7.10-1.6.0
* coroutil-1.7.10-1.1.5
* craftingtweaks-mc1.7.10-1.0.79
* CustomThings-MC1.7.10-0.0.3-43
* defaultkeys-mc1.7.10-1.0.28
* eirairc-mc1.7.10-2.9.402
* eiramoticons-mc1.7.10-1.2.84
* EnderIO-1.7.10-
* EnderIOAddons-1.7.10-
* Et Futurum-1.5.5
* Ewy's Workshop-1.1.1
* ExtraCells-1.7.10-2.3.9b188
* Fancy Fluid Storage-1.7.10-1.3.7
* forestry_1.7.10- -- FORESTRY 4!
* gadomancy-1.7.10-
* Galacticraft-Planets-1.7-
* GalacticraftCore-1.7-
* GalaxySpace-1.0.8+STABLE -- New planets and shit!
* gendustry-
* generators-
* Guide-API-1.7.10-1.0.1-29
* IguanaTinkerTweaks-1.7.10-2.1.6
* IGW-Mod-1.7.10-1.1.12-34-universal
* ImmersiveEngineering-0.7.4 -- Less OP!
* immersiveintegration-0.6.7
* journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.4-unlimited
* logisticspipes-
* magicbees-1.7.10-2.4.3 -- now with more magic!
* malisiscore-1.7.10-0.14.3
* malisisdoors-1.7.10-1.13.2
* Mekanism-1.7.10-
* MekanismGenerators-1.7.10-
* MekanismTools-1.7.10-
* MicdoodleCore-1.7-
* MineFactoryReloaded-[1.7.10]2.8.2B1-178
* moarcarts-1.7.10-1.1.1-48
* ModTweaker2-0.9.5
* movingworld-1.7.10-1.8.1
* neiaddons-
* NEIIntegration-MC1.7.10-1.1.2
* OpenBlocks-1.7.10-1.5.1
* OpenComputers-MC1.7.10- -- OC 6!
* OpenFM-1.7.10-0.1.0-33
* OpenModsLib-1.7.10-0.9.1
* OpenModularTurrets-1.7.10-2.1.9-211
* Ping-1.7.X-1.0.3.B7-universal
* PneumaticCraft-1.7.10-1.12.7-150-universal
* pressure-
* Railcraft_1.7.10-
* ReAuth-2.1-1.7.10
* RedstoneArsenal-[1.7.10]1.1.3B1-93
* RefinedRelocation-mc1.7.10-1.1.25
* RemainInMotion-2.8.9
* rftools-4.23
* roguelike-1.7.10-1.4.4
* RopeBridge-v1.3-mc1.7.10
* StorageDrawers-1.7.10-1.9.4
* tcinventoryscan-mc1.7.10-1.0.11
* TConstruct-1.7.10-1.8.8.build991
* thaumicenergistics-
* ThermalDynamics-[1.7.10]1.2.0B2-169 -- PLAYER DUCTS!
* ThermalExpansion-[1.7.10]4.1.2-240
* ThermalFoundation-[1.7.10]1.2.3-112
* tinker_io-1.7.10-release 1.5.0
* TIS-3D-MC1.7.10-
* WailaHarvestability-mc1.7.10-1.1.6
* WAILAPlugins-MC1.7.10-0.2.0-23
* zettaindustries-1.1-OC1.5.jar

>###Removed (10)
* Aether Unofficial -- replaced with aether official
* IGD -- unused
* Json Loot Bags -- farewell bag o books
* Old World Gen -- broke
* Recurrent Complex -- unused
* Sprinkles for Vanilla -- unused
* STFU -- unused
* Storage Drawers - Biomes O Plenty Pack -- replaced with framed drawers
* Storage Drawers - Forestry Pack -- replaced with framed drawers
* Storage Drawers - Misc Pack -- replaced with framed drawers

This release should fix the majority of issues people have been having. Harvesting issues, etc. Been a long time coming. Part of that was because this has been an extremely difficult update, another part was because I am rapidly losing interest in minecraft. I apologize for leaving R10 for so long with so many issues. Hopefully this one does better. I'll still do small mod updates here and there but this is probably going to be the last major update for Unabridged. If you run into any issues, I suggest trying to figure them out yourself. If it's something as simple as a config change or recipe conflict, fix it with a pull request on github, and I will accept as long as you can prove it works. From now on I am unable to dedicate time to fixing crashes or issues by myself.

It's really tearing me down. I would like to do some non-minecraft related things for a while. A lot of people don't realize how much time and energy it takes to maintain a modpack, especially a massive one like this. I'm only one person. :P

By the way, Unabridged is ending with 1.7.10. I have no plans to bring it into 1.8 or 1.9.

Anyways, as usual, backup before updating. If you have trouble (world corruption) when updating an old world, try using the optional mod "ID Cleaner".

Thanks for playing!
- BBoldt

## [Release.10a]

* libsandstone
* Reliquary

* This fixes the "crashing when connecting to a multiplayer server" issue.


Hotfix A

* added lib files for OpenFM


* arcane_engineering-0.2.0.jar -- Mod bridging Thaumcraft and Immersive Engineering.
* craftingtweaks-mc1.7.10-1.0.49.jar -- Adds helpful extra buttons to most crafting tables.
* EnderIOAddons-1.7.10- -- A suite of extra machines and other things for EnderIO.
* gadomancy-1.7.10-1.0.3.jar -- New Thaumcraft addon with a lot of interesting mechanics.
* Halcyon Skies (optional) -- Pretty shader-esque skies, requires optifine.
* JsonLootBags-1.7.10- -- Basically a dungeon chest in bag form, only used for a couple things currently.
* OptiFine_1.7.10_HD_U_C1.jar (optional) -- You know what it is.
* ReAuth-1.2.jar -- Allows you to relogin/authenticate without restarting minecraft.
* StorageDrawers-Misc-1.7.10-1.0.1.jar -- Drawers for Thaumcraft and Witchery.
* trashslot-mc1.7.10-1.0.30.jar -- Adds a trashslot to the inventory screen.
* bspkrsCore-universal-6.16.jar
* BugfixMod-universal-2.5.0.jar -- Fixes a lot of bugs in vanilla that haven't been fixed by mojang in 1.7.10. Things like boat desync, snowball fights, and more.
* StartingInventory-universal-1.7.10.r03.jar


* Better Boat -- Weird in the way it replaces vanilla boats; doesn't always work correctly; replaced by bugfixmod.
* Creeper Collateral -- Major dupe bug
* GoodyBags -- Replaced with jsonlootbags, sorry nut :P
* SAPManPack -- no longer needed


* Pistronics2-v0.6.1.jar
* AgriCraft-1.7.10-1.4.4.jar
* AsieLib-1.7.10-0.4.5-noforestry.jar
* BiblioCraft[v1.11.4][MC1.7.10].jar
* BloodMagic-1.7.10-1.3.3-17.jar
* Botania r1.7-233.jar -- new shit, as always
* buildcraft-7.1.13.jar
* catwalks-2.0.3.jar
* Chisel-
* Computronics-1.7.10-1.5.10-noforestry.jar
* CustomMainMenu-MC1.7.10-1.9.1.jar
* Decocraft-2.2_1.7.10.jar -- some new things, happy extremely late halloween!
* EnderCore-1.7.10-
* EnderIO-1.7.10- -- some major bugfixes
* extrautilities-1.2.12.jar
* Galacticraft-Planets-1.7-
* GalacticraftCore-1.7- -- bugfixes
* generators-
* ImmersiveEngineering-0.6.1.jar -- Insane amount of new content. Check the book.
* immersiveintegration-0.6.1.jar
* integratedcircuits-1.7.10-0.9r37.jar -- fixed server crashes hopefully
* journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.1rc1-unlimited.jar -- lots of optimizations
* logisticspipes-
* malisiscore-1.7.10-0.12.10.jar
* malisisdoors-1.7.10-1.10.1.jar
* mcjtylib-1.7.0.jar
* MicdoodleCore-1.7-
* MoreChisels-1.7.10-1.0-28.jar
* OpenComputers-MC1.7.10-
* OpenFM-0.1.0-20.jar
* OpenModularTurrets-1.7.10-2.1.5-184.jar
* plantmegapack-4.29-1.7.10-1492.jar
* PneumaticCraft-1.7.10-1.11.19-141-universal.jar
* Railcraft_1.7.10- -- cargo carts!
* RedstoneArmory-1.7.10-1.2.0-41.jar
* RefinedRelocation-mc1.7.10-1.1.12.jar -- fixed that crash when navigating the GUI
* RemainInMotion-2.8.8.jar
* Unity resource pack -- updated to latest version from the repo; Blood Magic is completely retextured now thanks to me and Inap!
* rftools-4.01.jar
* StacksOnStacks-1.7.10-2.2.0.jar
* StorageDrawers-BiomesOPlenty-1.7.10-1.0.3.jar
* StorageDrawers-Forestry-1.7.10-1.0.5.jar
* thaumichorizons-1.7.10-1.1.9.jar -- didn't fix the golemancers bell issue >.>
* tinker_io-1.7.10-beta 1.4.2.jar
* WailaHarvestability-mc1.7.10-1.1.3.jar
* zettaindustries-1.1-104.jar

Config Changes
* Changed conflicting BOP biome ID - Thicket
* Disabled forge multipart/buildcraft builder integration because it's broke
* turned off cofh retrogen by default
* turned off blizzes being able to spawn at any light level
* added new method replacing gunpowder in mekanism
* knocked down platinum mining level
* added method of getting golemancer's bell; gives you a null bell though so don't put it in a crafting table
* fixed a couple potion ID conflicts
* fixed some of the binnie's mod trowels being uncraftable
* updated ztones/chisel script to add recipes back to the base ztones block
* minor update to default keyconfig
* disabled Immersive Engineering/Forestry integration (until forestry update possible)
* Replaced Bag O' Books with JsonLootBags version, you will get a slightly random assortment of books with each new world, more likely to get some than others.
* Added starting inventory that consists of a few "getting started" items. Full set of mud armor, some torches, some apples, a chisel, bag o books.
* Chisel endstone variants now craftable
* Added Thaumcraft aspects for Blood Magic blocks and items, by Delvious from curseforge.
* Added tempestas aspect to chisel clouds.
* Replaced gunpowder's role in mekanism with "sparkpowder", to prevent infinite gunpowder from cobblestone. From okyriosy.
* Updated tooltip for storage drawers to be less long and to include the new woods.
* Added workaround for obtaining Golemancer's Bell, along with an explanation page in the Thaumonomicon for what is causing the issue. Hopefully this one gets actually fixed soon, the Thaumic Horizons dev has returned and knows about it and what causes it.

Config Changes

* Updated microblocks config file to have some more microblocks, if you
have any more requests open an issue on the github.
* Microblock'd the newer Ztones microblocks that I missed last time, all Ztones
microblocks are now microblockable.
* Microblock'd the entirety of BiomesOPlenty. Cut those blocks!


* buildcraft-7.1.11.jar
* buildcraft-compat-7.1.2.jar
* Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.8_dev_r2 - MC 1.7.10.jar -- fixed block permission issues
* EnderIO-1.7.10- -- fixed crash when looking at certain blocks
* mcjtylib-1.6.1.jar
* rftools-3.50.jar -- New shield shapes!

-- Fixed unity endstone texture, my bad, just reinstall your instance of 7a to fix.


* Back in Slime-1.7.10-3.0.2 -- fixes server crash
* Botania r1.7-223 -- rip passive mana generation, never 4get; fixes dandelifeon texture
* Chisel- -- fixed potential crashes
* magicbees-1.7.10-2.3.6 -- bzzz bzzz; made bee nodes less buzzy
* MineTweaker3-1.7.10-3.0.10B -- fixed minetweaker scripts not showing up on servers
* PneumaticCraft-1.7.10-1.11.11-133-universal -- fixed crash upon picking up a pistronics gear
* RFDrills-1.7.10-1.7.1 -- new block animation
* StorageDrawers-1.7.10-1.6.2 -- fixed potential crash

Config Changes

* remade default key config
* changed sprinkles for vanilla's particle settings, hopefully fixing
the extra utils watering can particles
* added creosote torch crafting recipe
* Added alternate non-crashy way of getting mekanism induction stuff
* Coconut and bamboo tooltips for tropicraft with important info

* Greg's Lighting -- welcome back, the new plan is to convince greg to add an RF lamp


* PneumaticCraft -- neat AE2 integration for drones


* EnderZoo -- I strongly dislike the direction this mod is moving in. The new mobs may be disableable, but really, I don't think this mod in its entirety is actually adding much in the challenge department, other than mobs that fuck you up by annoying you to death. No offense meant to the creators of this mod, i'm just tired of dealing with it. Farewell sentient dirt blocks, you will be missed by no one.

* Floodlights -- Still causing crashes, really really vague ones; sick of its shit.

Config changes

* Disabled poor lead ore from flaxbeard's steam power mod


* Apple Core
* Big Doors -- Adds some 3x3 swinging doors to Malisis' Doors.
* Default Keys -- Replaces the default key config option. Works much better as it can remember your changes to the key config while still having the defaults I assigned.
* Ender Core -- Formerly ttcore.
* Fancy Fluid Storage (FFS) -- Adds tanks which can be crafted with any blocks. Similar to the XYcraft tanks if you remember those.
* Hunger Overhaul -- Using this to create a new hunger system, I have it configured to be much slower than vanilla, but it's still a little bit of a challenge. Most of the weird stuff in this mod is disabled currently.
* Immersive Engineering -- A retro-futuristic industrial tech mod. Has windmills, watermills, machines, unique power transfer, weapons, and more! It also looks amazing aesthetically.
* Immersive Integration -- Adds the ability to hook up AE2 networks and transfer redstone along Immersive Engineering power poles.
* Simple Labels -- Adds label items that can be affixed to MFR deep storage units to make them behave like barrels.
* Waterproof -- Makes redstone work underwater.
* Yet Another Backup Mod 2 -- An automatic backup mod, optional.
* Zetta Industries -- Adds some neat intermod compatibility features for Buildcraft, Immersive Engineering, and Open Computers.


* Aroma1997Core
* Aroma Backup -- Removed in favor of Yet Another Backup Mod 2
* Gravestone -- Removed in favor of Open Blocks gravestones, which seem to work much better these days.
* Hunger Strike -- Removing hunger entirely from a pack like this was kind of an experiment, and that experiment failed when it started breaking things like Witchery.
* Natural Absorption -- Was originally in as a replacement for Tinkers' Construct hearts, which were disabled because the Aether II broke them and created exploits, but now with the Aether gone I can add them back.
* Quadrum -- Not needed anymore, we have custom things.
* Router Reborn -- Gone too far past its scope. Adding barrels, chests, OP tools, and other nonsense. There are things like the router in refined relocation.
* Swapper -- Dupe bugs galore unfortunately. Botania has something like this if you want the functionality.
* TTcore -- Now known as EnderCore.
* Vegan Option -- OP recipes, annoying drops from unexpected places, breaking crafting in other mods, no config.


* Resource Pack
* Forge 1481 -- KCauldron compatible ;)
* AE2 Stuff
* Agricraft 1.4.0 alpha 8 -- Tons of new content, mod has been entirely rewritten.
* Ancient Trees 1.6.2
* Another One Bites the Dust 2.7.1 -- Immersive Engineering support
* Applied Energistics 2 rv2 stable 10
* Aquaculture
* AquaTweaks 1.0 -- Support for waterproof redstone
* Automagy 0.26.2
* BD Lib
* Binnie's Mods 2.0 pre 14
* Blood Magic 1.3.0 beta
* Blue Power 0.2.954
* Botania 1.7.207 - Many many new things. As always. Look at the long-ass changelog on Vazkii's website.
* Buildcraft 7.0.17
* Chisel
* CoFH Core 3.0.3-303
* Compact Machines 1.20
* Custom Main Menu 1.6
* Custom Things 0.0.2-32
* EiraIRC 2.8.293
* Ender IO
* Et Futurum 1.1.2
* Extra Utilities 1.2.8
* Forbidden Magic 0.57
* GalactiCraft - Fixed weird Buildcraft oil override problem.
* Geko's Lasers 0.8 - Fixed server crash; lots of new laser stuff.
* Gendustry
* Advanced Generators
* Goody Bags
* Hardcore Ender Expansion 1.8.2
* In-game wiki 1.1.7-26
* Kore Sample 1.3.2
* Magic Bees 2.3.3 -- Applied Energistics bees for some reason. "Magic" bees
* MalisisCore 0.12.5
* Malisis' Doors 1.9.3
* Mekanism
* VoxelMap 1.5.15
* NEI Addons
* NEI Integration 1.0.11
* Open Computers
* Open Modular Turrets 2.1.2-160
* PlanetguyLib 1.7
* Plant Mega Pack 4.27 -- Some new foods and crops.
* PneumaticCraft 1.9.10-98
* Portal Gun 4.0.0 beta 5
* Pressure Pipes
* Redstone Armory 1.2.0-37
* Redstone Arsenal 1.1.1
* Remain In Motion 2.8.0
* RF Drills 1.6.2
* RF Tools 3.12beta1
* sprinkles_for_vanilla 1.4.0
* Stackie
* Steve's Addons 0.10.15
* Storage Drawers 1.5.12
* Tainted Magic -- magical croissants?!
* TC Node Tracker 1.1.2
* Tinker I/O beta 1.3.0 hotfix III
* Tinkers' Construct 1.8.6a -- Some new bricks
* Thaumic Energistics
* Thermal Dynamics 1.1.0 -- Some new pipes
* Thermal Expansion 4.0.3B1 -- Some new items; bugfixes.
* Thermal Foundation 1.2.0-102 -- Forge Lexicon works now! New fluids!
* TiC Tooltips 1.2.5
* WAILA Plugins 0.1.0-16
* Morpheus 1.6.9

Misc Changes

* Rebalanced and removed some custom agricraft crops
* Changed bamboo forest biome ID to resolve conflict with Thaumic
* I'm too good for block descriptions on the chisel worldgen
* Doubled the rate of ores spawning in the nether (cluster size)
* Added more books to the bag o' books, along with a warning
* Deleted some irrelevant info from the Unabridged Guide
* Nerfed heart drops a bit
* Some changes to Iguana Tweaks, to hopefully make things less stupid
* Nerfed Signalum, Enderium, and Lumium
* Enabled tinkers construct heart canisters
* Fixed mekanism box blacklist formatting
* Enabled open blocks gravestones
* Enabled tainted magic's config option to replace shadow ore in-world
spawning with its own recipe
* Disabled utility mob replacements of vanilla iron golem and snow
* Disabled conversion from Iguana Tweaks enderman skull to Ender IO
* New recipe for extra utilities' dark curtains


* Aqua Tweaks - Water renders through certain things. Looks good.
* Aroma1997Core - optional
* AromaBackup - optional
* BluePower - Replacing Project Red. Better support of buildcraft and open computers, more Redpower2-esque.
* CoroUtil
* FoxLib
* QmunityLib
* Refined Relocation - Replacing Remote IO. Much more stable, has sorting variants of Jabba, storage drawers, iron chests, and more. Also some things which behave like remote IO, but a bit less OP.
* Sound Filters - Adds some reverb to caves, wool actually muffles sound.
* Tails - For people who like customizing their characters to the extreme.
* Tainted Magic - Replacing Thaumic Upholstery.
* Tropicraft - Replacing Aether II. You like Pina Coladas? Drink one during sunset to be transported to a tropical paradise.


* Aether II - Lingering issues; the 1.7.10 version has been abandoned.
* Aether Aspects
* Gilded Games Util
* MrTJPCore
* Project Blue - Da ba dee da ba dead.
* Project Red - It's getting kinda weird.
* Remote IO - Lots of crashes, pretty OP.
* Thaumic Upholstery - Hasn't added couches or even localization. 0/10
* Thermal Recycling - Gone too far past the initial reason I added it (machine recycling). Really OP and intrusive.


* Unity - Bluepower textures
* Forge (cauldron compatible) - loading bars will auto disable themselves, if they crash you, restart the game
* Forge Multipart
* AE2 Stuff
* Ancient Trees 1.5.1 - Ancient storage drawers
* Applied Energistics rv2 stable 9
* asielib 0.4.2
* Automagy 0.24.2
* BD Lib
* Binnie's Mods 2.0 pre11
* Blood Magic 1.3.0
* Botania 1.6-192
* Buildcraft 7.0.11 - NEW EVERYTHING, BUILDCRAFT 7 WOO
* Buildcraft Compat 7.0.8
* Computronics 1.5.2
* Custom Things
* EiraIRC 2.8.270
* Ender IO
* Enhanced Portals 3.0.12
* Extra Cells 2.2.73
* Extra Utilities 1.2.6 - Tinkers Construct compat. Magical wood, unstable, and bedrockium tools.
* Forestry
* Galacticraft 3.0.12
* Garden Stuff 1.6.3
* Geko's Lasers 0.7
* Gendustry
* Advanced Generators
* Goody Bags 1.0.0-2
* Gravestone 2.12.4
* Guide-API 1.0.1-20
* Kore Sample 1.3.0
* Logistics Pipes - New models, neat stuff
* Malisis Core 0.12.3
* Malisis Doors 1.8.2
* Mekanism - Fixed machine side issues
* Modtweaker 0.7.b53 - Fixed thaumcraft scanning compat. Most worldgen stuff is scannable once again.
* Moving World 1.7.12b
* NEI Addons
* NEI Integration 1.0.10
* PneumaticCraft 1.8.1-83 - Lots of new content, refineries, fuel types, liquid plastic.
* Pressure Pipes
* RF Drills 1.4
* RF Tools 3.02
* Router Reborn
* sapmanpack 2.5.1 - now cauldron compatible
* Sanguimancy 1.1.9-31
* Storage Drawers 1.5.6
* Tinker I/O 0.2.14
* Thaumcraft NEI Plugin 1.7a
* Thaumic Horizons 1.1.5
* Traveller's Gear 1.16.5
* ttcore
* Witching Gadgets 1.1.9
* Critical Resources 0.2 - fixed blutonium grains


* Disabled et futurum armour stand and the slime block that melts worlds
* Fixed certain things not working correctly in compacting drawers from storage drawers
* Added recipe for Unabridged book
* Temporarily disabled Open Computers bees until computronics updates to the new forestry
* Disabled extra utilities extra tic compat because extra utilities added its own tinkers support.
* Enabled obsidian from water and lava in the smeltery.
* Fixed RF Drills mining levels.
* Hid more useless stuff from NEI
* Enabled forge loading screen, it will auto disable if it crashes you, just restart
* Hid potion swirls
* Disabled the ore in tainted magic and replaced it with a different recipe
* Disabled overpowered Ztones tools. 9x ore dupe *dies*
* Added several new chisel recipes and groups. Mostly for botania, but a bit of Bluepower as well.
* Added smeltery recipes for brass
* Condensed Thaumonomicon tabs into tabs that made sense. No more tabs with 1-2 items.
* Added some compatibility recipes to Tropicraft, including botania petals from its flowers and also recipes to convert Plant Mega Pack bamboo to Tropicraft bamboo.
* Removed some unused config files
* fixed billions of other issues


* MrTJPcore
* AE2 Stuff
* Aether II 1.4
* AOBD 2.6.3
* AE2 rv2 stable 3
* Aquaculture
* Archimedes Ships Plus 1.7.1
* asielib 0.4.1
* Automagy 0.24
* BD Lib
* Bibliocraft 1.10.4
* Biomes O' Plenty -- fixed grass crash
* Blood Magic 1.3.3
* Botania 191
* Buildcraft 6.4.16
* Compact Machines 1.19b
* Computronics 1.5.1
* Creeper Collateral 3-15
* Custom Main Menu 1.5
* Extra Cells 2.2.71
* Extra TiC 1.4.5
* Extra Utilities 1.2.5
* Flat Signs
* Garden Stuff 1.6.2
* Gendustry
* Gravestone 2.12.3
* Hardcore Ender Expansion 1.8.1
* Iguana Tinker Tweaks 2.1.5
* Magic Bees 2.3.1
* Malisis Core 0.12.2
* Malisis Doors 1.8.1
* Mekanism
* NEI 107
* Open Computers
* OC Glasses 1.0.46
* PlanetGuylib
* PneumaticCraft
* Project Red
* Quivermob b14 -- Fixed console spam
* Redstone Armory
* Remain in Motion 2.7.0
* Resource Loader 1.2 -- fixed texture packs getting deselected every load
* RF Drills 1.3.1
* RF Tools 2.93
* Roadblocks 2.1.8 -- fixed compressed cobble conflict
* Router Reborn
* Sanguimancy 1.1.9-30
* Simply Jetpacks 1.5.1
* Special Mobs 3.1.1
* sprinkles_for_vanilla 1.2.3
* Stackie
* Steve's Addons 0.10.12
* Storage Drawers 1.5.2
* TC Node Tracker 1.1.1
* Thaumic Energistics
* Thermal Recycling 0.3.6alpha
* TiC Tooltips 1.2.4
* Traveller's Gear 1.16.4
* Twilight Forest 2.3.7
* Witching Gadgets 1.1.8


* Better Boats -- Boats don't break when colliding with entities, they don't desync, and they drop when you hit land.
* Ender Compass -- Points you to a stronghold.
* Goody Bags -- Adds bags of Goodies.
* Moving World -- Needed for updated fork of Archimedes' Ships.
* SanAndreasP's Manager Pack -- Needed for Better Boats.
* Tinker I/O -- Makes smeltery a bit more viable as a serious ore doubling method. Speed upgrades, solid fuel, etc.
* The Vegan Option -- Adds alternative mechanics to obtain certain drops that you would otherwise only be able to get from mobs.


* Matter Overdrive -- Was getting a bit too overpowered for my tastes. Basically EE3 with a tech skin. Also in a recent update, super dangerous black holes were added to worldgen.

Config Changes

* Fixed certain Mekanism blocks and items being hidden from NEI
* Fixed open blocks tank, empty pressure canister, and empty fluid pattern being hidden from NEI
* Disabled parts of Router Reborn that were not router related
* Fixed certain Bibliocraft items being duped in NEI
* Disabled extra tic enderio compat until Drullkus fixes his shit
* Disabled enderminy/creeper interaction, as they tend to grief stuff together
* Added charcoal blocks to syngas producer
* Disabled forge loading screen until it works on all platforms (had issues with os x & linux)
* Added shapeless endermen head conversion recipes
* Added squeezer recipe for essence berries --> liquid XP
* Added more backgrounds to start screen
* Made Unity texture pack optional (you monsters)
* Separated out essential resources so they don't disappear if you try to remove Unity
* Turned off aether chat override so EiraIRC works correctly.
* Added "Abridged Guide to Unabridged" starter book
* Condensed inventory spam into "Bag O' Books" goody bag. Open it to recieve all the books you will ever need.
* Added strange things to well of suffering blacklist
* Disabled Mekanism update checker
* removed compressed iron minetweaker fixed as the original mechanic is restored

-- Fixed screwy potion ids causing crash on respawn.
