Vanilla Overhaul
Pack created by Crustymustard:
Build Guild Team Page:
(PS: If you would like to stream or make videos of this pack, please do! It was built by streamers, for streamers!)
There have been 8,025 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 64.99 years of this pack.
Aquaculture (1.2.4)
In Aquaculture you never know what you will catch. Every biome is home to tons o...
By: Shadowclaimer, Lclc98, Freyja, Rebelkeithy
BetterStorage (
Adds more storage related blocks and items to the game.
By: copygirl, copyboy
BiblioCraft (1.5.5)
BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Adds support for 16 varietys of wood from Biomes O'Plenty for 8 of the wooden bl...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Adds support for 13 varietys of wood from Natura for 8 of the wooden block in Bi...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Chisel (1.5.0fix)
Adds a chisel item that lets you carve blocks like cobblestone or sandstone. Add...
Damage Indicators (
Displays the damage you inflict on creatures, as well as current health, name an...
By: rich1051414
Ender Storage (
EnderStorage is a mod that offers a means to store your items in The END, causin...
By: ChickenBones
Flat Signs (
FlatSigns provides new sign functionality allowing signs to be placed flat on th...
By: myrathi
Gany's End (1.6.0)
This is one of the three mods in the Gany's Mods collection. Gany's End adds blo...
By: ganymedes01, KingPurpleRaptor
Gany's Nether (1.5.7)
This is one of the three mods in the Gany's Mods collection. Gany's Nether adds...
By: ganymedes01, KingPurpleRaptor
Gany's Nether API (1.5.0)
This is one of the three mods in the Gany's Mods collection. Gany's Nether adds...
By: ganymedes01, KingPurpleRaptor
Infinity Bow Fix (
Removes the need for a single arrow in the inventory when using an "Infinity I"...
By: Myrathi
IngameInfo (1.6.4.r05)
Provides the ability to display many different player and world details on the i...
By: DaftPVF, bspkrs, Lunatrius
Inventory Tweaks (1.56-b77)
Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...
By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata
Just Another Spawner (0.13.6)
Just Another Spawner (JAS) is a Minecraft Mod aimed at providing an alternative...
By: Crudedragos
Lucky Blocks (4.2.1)
The Lucky Block mod adds just one block, yet over one hundred possibilities to M...
By: Player in Distress
Lycanites Mobs (1.4.9d)
Lycanites Mobs is a project that adds a wide range of new mobs to Minecraft. The...
By: Lycanite
Magical Crops (3.2.0_BETA_15a)
Every get bored of mining all the time for resources? Want a new way of collecti...
By: Mark719
MapWriter (1.6.4-2.0.17)
If you can't resist walking to every corner of the world in games for no other p...
By: daveyliam
Mine & Blade Battlegear 2 - Warcry (
A WIP, opensource combat mod, focusing on groundbreaking features and balanced c...
By: nerd-boy, GotoLink
Minecraft Comes Alive (3.5.4)
Say goodbye to those annoying and ugly Testificates! Minecraft Comes Alive (MCA)...
By: WildBamaBoy, SheWolfDeadly
Minecraft Forge (
Minecraft Forge is a modding API used by alot of mods.
By: Eloraam, FlowerChild, Hawkye, MALfunction84, Scokeev9, SpaceToad, LexManos, cpw
NEI Addons (
Adds in mod integration into NEI by showing bee breeding information as well as...
By: bdew
Not Enough Keys (0.0.4)
A very simple mod created to clean up and organize the keybinds gui, organizing...
By: oku
NotEnoughItems (
Allows you to quickly and easily look up recipes and uses for any item in Minecr...
By: ChickenBones
OpenBlocks (1.2.7)
OpenBlocks is a random collection of ideas - ideas the community have suggested,...
By: Mikee, NeverCast, boq, Lyqyd
Ore Dictionary Converter (1.4.2)
Convert between different versions of the same ore using the Forge Ore Dictionar...
Pam's Clay Spawn (1.6.4)
This mod adds in clay deposits underground with the frequency and density of iro...
By: MatrexsVigil
Pam's DesertCraft (1.6.4 v1.01)
This mod adds in new tools, blocks, armour and more all centered around the dese...
By: MatrexsVigil
Pam's Melon Spawn (1.6.4)
This mod adds melon patches in the world similar to pumpkin patches in forest, p...
By: MatrexsVigil
Pam's Simple Recipes (1.6.4)
This mod adds several crafting and smelting recipes to the game.
By: MatrexsVigil
Pam's Temperate Plants (1.6.4)
This mod adds in sixteen new plants that spawn in Forge Biome Dictionary biomes...
By: MatrexsVigil
Pam's Weee! Flowers (1.04)
This mod adds fourteen new flowers that generate naturally across the world, giv...
By: MatrexsVigil
Project Zulu (
This mod aims to create a better overworld by adding unique mobs, blocks, strucu...
By: Crudedragos
Adds 47 new versions of the Redstone Lamp, allowing you to change its mode of op...
By: Demoxin
Slime Dungeons (1.5.6b)
This mod adds slime dungeons to the game where you will find a lot of slime ball...
By: Wuppy29
The Farlanders (1.1a)
This mod adds more creatures to the game allowing the player to have more choice...
By: Fabiulu
The Peacefulpack (
The Peacefulpack makes Minecraft easier to play by adding new ores, items crops...
By: Wuppy29
The SecretRoomsMod (
This mod adds a variety of cool blocks that camouflage themselves to the surroun...
By: AbrarSyed, alexbegt
Tinkers' Construct (1.5.4d6)
A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools
By: mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike
Waila (1.5.1a)
Waila is an extension for NEI. It will show in the tooltip what mod an item is f...
By: ProfMobius
Deep dark dimension ID changed from -100 to 50
Added Just Another Spawner, which fixes the mob spawning problem forever!!!
Updated Configs to hopefully fix the mob-spawning problem!
Config Changes:
-Lucky Block recipe changed (made slightly easier)
-Ender Quarries (Extra Utilities) disabled
-Generators (Extra Utilities) disabled
-Spawn Check (Lycanite's Mobs) lowered from 32 radius to 8
-Edited Control Vanilla Mobs (Lycanite's Mobs) to be false in all configs
- Better Storage (V0.7.3.38 >
- Mine & Blade Battlegear (V1.0.4.7 >
- Better Dungeons (V2.0.7 > V2.0.9.1)
- Extra Utilities (V1.0.2 > 1.0.3c)
- Farlanders (V1.1 > 1.1a)
- Gany's End (V1.5.7 > V1.6.0)
- Gany's Nether (V1.5.6 > 1.5.7)
- Hats (V2.1.1 > 2.1.4)
- Lycanite's Mobs (V1.4.6 > 1.4.9d)
- Magical Crops (V3.2.0 BETA 5 > 3.2.0 BETA 15a)
- Mapwriter (V2.0.16 > 2.0.17)
- Open Blocks Lib (V0.1 > 0.4b)
- Open Blocks (V1.2.4 > 1.2.7)
- Xeno's Reliquary (V1.1.1 > 1.1.2b)
- Secret Rooms Mod (V4.6.2.323 >
- Tinker's Construct (V1.5.2.6 > 1.5.4d6)
- WAILA (V1.4.5 > 1.5.1a)
- Took away the Aspid poison cloud (Lycanite's Mobs)
- Fixed a few misc item bugs
Added mods:
-Chisel (+Autoutils)
-Dyeable Beds
-NEI Plugins (client)
-NEI Addons (client)
-Flat Signs
-Lycanites Mobs
-Better Furnaces
-The SecretRooms Mod
-Not Enough Keys (client)
-Enhanced Portals 2 (+Enhanced Core)
-Gany's End
-Gany's Nether (+Gany's Nether API)
-Better Anvils
-Slime Dungeons
-Chicken Shed
-Redstone Lamps Plus
-Better Dungeons
-BiblioWoods Natura
-BiblioWoods Biomes O Plenty
-Project Zulu
-The Farlanders
-Made anvil repairs and enchanting cost way less (0.2x as much)
-Added lucky blocks for most of the mods listed above (200+ new configs)
-Lucky Blocks rebalanced (removed random spawns, made the recipe much more difficult)
Added Server-side compatibility
Config changes galore!
-Hunger Overhaul configuration changes:
-Removed "sunlight growth" requirement
-Lowered "delay multipliers" from 4 to 2
-Lowered "cow milked timeout" from 20 to 1
-Disabled "difficulty scaling"
-Changed "mod Food Value Divider" from 4 to 2
-Lowered "hoe tool damage multiplier" from 4 to 1
-Raised "chest loot chance" from 5 to 6
-Raised max number of seeds gained from non-tree crops from 0 to 1
-Raised minimum hunger to heal from 7 to 8
-Removed low-stat nausea
-Removed Clashsoft API, Brewing API, and More Potions Mod
-Fixed potions not being usable until relogging after one use
-Edited Configs for Hunger Overhaul
-Fixed food stacks
-Fixed amount of hunger food heals
-Fixed seeds not spawning in long grass
-Edited Configs for Lucky Blocks
-Removed all Lucky Blocks pertaining to More Potions Mod
-Removed Nalkrien, Destroyer of Worlds
-Nalkrien, Destroyer of Worlds refuses to be removed, last item is null.
-Added server compatibility
-Added ChatBubbles
-Added noVoidFog
-Added IngameInfo
-Added Hunger Overhaul
-Edited configs for IngameInfo to not display light level and experience.