All The Fabric 4
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All The Fabric 4 is an impressive modpack that prioritizes performance gameplay, utilizing the Fabric Loader API from the ground up. It's also integrated with select mods from All The Forge 9, making it a versatile choice for Minecraft players. This pack showcases the best of what Fabric has to offer and is continually updated with new mods. It includes popular mods like Bewitchment, Applied Energistics 2, and many more, providing players with a wealth of options to enhance their gaming experience. With its focus on performance and quality, All The Fabric 4 is a top choice for those seeking a stable and immersive Minecraft experience.
Our modpack offers a diverse selection of different style mods, so you're sure to find something that suits your preferences. Whether you're after a mix of gameplay styles or looking for a more lightweight version of our Forge modpack, you've come to the right place. Built with performance in mind, our modpack is designed to run smoothly on lower-end PCs with at least 3GB of RAM. However, we advise against running the modpack on machines with less than 3GB of RAM, as it has not been tested and may result in performance issues.
☑ William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld
☑ Terrestria and Traverse
☑ Cinderscapes
☑ Towns and Towers
☑ Applied Energistics 2 and Tech Reborn
☑ CC: Restitched
☑ More Mob Variants
☑ The Graveyard
☑ Lots of Building Blocks
☑ Lots of more Food.
☑ Built in Shader support thanks to Iris Shader [You need to add your own Shader]
☑ No Chat Reporting (Restores the chat back to Pre 1.19)
☑ Quality of Life improvements such as Backpacks, Macaw’s Bridges, Waystones, Recipes fixes plus upgrades & Optimizations and much more.
☑ 100+ Mods
And so much more.
FABRIC: The latest version of Fabric for 1.19.3 should work, but in the case it breaks an older mod in this modpack, the version I have currently packaged with the modpack is 0.14.24.
OPTIFINE: Is not compatible with All The Fabric 4 due to having Lithium and Sodium which are both optimisation mods unless you manually remove them yourself, however you will need to download a mod called OptiFabric in order to use Optifine on this pack.
+ Sodium
+ Lithium
+ Indium
+ Iris Shaders
+ Cull Less Leaves
+ Custom Entity Models
+ Entity Texture Features
+ Entity Culling Fabric/Forge
Keep in mind you will also need a mod called OptiFabric\ alongside OptiFine otherwise the pack will crash.
I'd personally recommend some shaders if your system can handle them to bring out the best with this modpack and Minecraft.
So Much More
There is so much more you to play with and check out in All The Fabric 4. Download our the pack.
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There have been 1,569 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 8.34 years of this pack.
2mal3's Recipes (1-v1.7.1)
Adds, changes fixes and upgrades 450+ recipes to improve the overall game experi...
Minecraft asking you if you want to load a custom world is annoying. Let's fix i...
By: Nara
Adaptive Tooltips (1.1.1)
Highly configurable tooltip rendering, so they always fit on the screen.
By: XanderIsDev
AdvancementInfo (1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-1.3.1)
Make it easier to see which advancements you have and what's missing.
By: Giselbaer
Applied Energistics 2 (13.0.6-beta)
A Mod about matter, energy and using them to conquer the world..
By: thetechnici4n, TeamAppliedEnergistics, shartte
Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals (13.0.6-beta)
Adds Wireless versions of ae2 Terminals with infinite range capabilities.
By: Mari_023
Architectury API (Fabric/Forge) (7.1.86)
A intermediary api aimed to ease developing multiplatform mods.
By: shedaniel, Juicebus, MaxNeedsSnacks
Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded (3.14.1)
Silence server level sounds making them local in the process.Other sounds can be...
By: Kreezxil
Better Beds (1.3.0)
Changes the renderer of the bed to use block models instead of a block entity re...
By: Motschen
Introducing the BisectHosting Server Integration Mod, exclusively designed for o...
By: BisectHosting, Quarris
Boat Item View (0.0.4)
The Boat Item View mod allows you to view your held items whilst sitting in a mo...
By: 50ap5ud5
Cardinal Components (5.1.0)
Attaching more data to various game objects
By: UpcraftLP, PyrofabTheModsmith
Chunks fade in (2.0.12-1.19.3)
Adds bedrock-like chunk fade-in animation and chunk animations like in ChunkAnim...
By: kerudion
Clear Despawn [Fabric] (1.1.11)
Makes disappearing items flash to warn players to pick them up.
By: StrikerRocker
ClickThrough (1.19.3-fabric0.68.1-0.4)
Click through signs and item frames to chests and other containers
By: Giselbaer
Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge) (9.1.104)
An API for config screens.
By: shedaniel, LinkieIsBetterThanK9
Continuity (3.0.0-beta.3+1.19.3)
Continuity is a Fabric mod built around modern APIs to allow for the most effici...
Cooking for Blockheads (14.0.2)
Adds a cooking book and multiblock kitchens that only shows recipes you can make...
Cristel Lib (1.0.0)
A Library mod for easy structure config and runtime datapacks.
By: Cristelknight
Cull Leaves (3.0.3)
Adds culling to leaf blocks, providing a huge performance boost over vanilla.
By: Motschen
Custom Entity Models (CEM) (0.7.3)
Allows for loading custom models into the game as defined by .jem and .jpm files...
By: dorianpb
DeepslateCutting (1.6.0)
This mod allows you to use regular Deepslate in a stonecutter!
By: NoComment1105
Default Options (16.0.2)
A way for modpacks to ship a default (key) configuration without having to inclu...
Drippy Loading Screen [Fabric] (2.2.2)
Drippy Loading Screen © Copyright 2021-2023 Keksuccino. Drippy Loading Screen i...
By: Keksuccino
Easy Anvils [Forge & Fabric] (5.0.1)
Be ready for overhauled anvils! Items stay, better name tags, many tweaks!
By: Fuzs
End Remastered [Fabric] (5.2.1)
End Remastered aims to make your Minecraft experience more challenging by emphas...
By: jack_bagel, gilvoisard
Enhanced Block Entities (0.8.1+1.19.3)
Optimize and customize block entity rendering with a more modern approach.
By: FoundationGames
Entity Culling Fabric/Forge (1.6.1-mc1.19.3)
This mod uses async path-tracing to hide Tiles/Entities that are not visible.
By: tr7zw
Fabric API (0.76.1+1.19.3)
Core API module providing key hooks and intercompatibility features.
By: modmuss50, sfPlayer1
FancyMenu [Fabric] (2.14.7)
Give your life a fancy touch. You deserve it. | FancyMenu © Copyright 2020-2023...
By: Keksuccino
Farming for Blockheads (12.1.0)
Adds a seed market with a search bar and a scrolling grid and more farming utili...
Forge Config API Port [Fabric] (5.0.11)
Forge's whole config system provided to the Fabric ecosystem. Designed for a mul...
By: Fuzs
GeckoLib (4.0.6)
GeckoLib is an animation engine for Minecraft Mods, with support for complex 3D...
By: Gecko, EliotL
Iceberg [Fabric] (1.1.5)
A library containing events, helpers, and utilities to make modding easier.
By: Grend_G
Indium (1.0.14+mc1.19.3)
Sodium addon providing support for the Fabric Rendering API, based on Indigo
By: comp500
Iris Shaders (1.5.2)
A modern shaders mod for Minecraft intended to be compatible with existing OptiF...
By: coderbot, IMS21
Journeymap (5.9.7)
JourneyMap: Real-time map in-game or in a web browser as you explore. JourneyMap...
Konkrete [Fabric] (1.6.1)
Konkrete Copyright © 2020-2022 Keksuccino. Konkrete is licensed under GPLv3. |...
By: Keksuccino
Krypton (0.2.1)
A Fabric mod that optimizes the Minecraft networking stack and entity tracker.
By: tuxed
Lanterns Belong on Walls (1.5.1-1.19.3)
Lanterns Belong on Walls allows the placing of lanterns on walls.
By: CoalTheBurnRock
Leaves Be Gone (5.0.0)
Quick leaf decay from cutting down trees. Built for great performance and mod co...
Legendary Tooltips [Fabric] (1.4.1)
Gives rare items a fancy tooltip and adds additional tooltip configuration optio...
By: Grend_G
To provide users with NEI-like light overlay.
By: shedaniel
Lithium (Fabric) (0.11.1)
Lithium is a free and open-source optimization mod for Minecraft which makes a w...
By: jellysquid3_
Model Gap Fix (1.10)
Fixes those annoying gaps that appear in item and block models
By: MehVahdJukaar
Mouse Tweaks (2.24)
A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...
By: YaLTeR
NetherPortalFix (12.0.1)
Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Porta...
No Chat Reports (1.19.3-v2.0.0)
Strips cryptographic signatures from player messages, making it impossible to tr...
By: Aizistral
OptiGUI (2.1.6)
Custom inventory GUIs on Fabric&Quilt with OptiFine resource pack support&many m...
Prism [Fabric] (1.0.4)
A library all about color! Provides lots of color-related functionality for depe...
By: Grend_G
Reborn Core (5.5.0)
Reborn Core is a library used for many of the Tech Reborn team's mods, including...
By: modmuss50, drcrazy777
A simple Discord Rich Presence plugin for Modpacks
By: hypherionsa, ExplodingCreeperGroup
Smooth Boot (Fabric) (1.19-1.7.1)
Improve and tweak Minecraft CPU scheduling.
By: UltimateBoomer, fantahund99
Sodium (0.4.9+build.23)
Sodium is a free and open-source optimization mod for Minecraft which improves f...
By: jellysquid3_
Statement Library (4.2.8+1.14.4-1.20.1)
Library to assist with adding properties to existing block states.
By: Virtuoel
Tech Reborn (5.5.0)
A completely standalone tech mod including tools and machines to gather resource...
By: modmuss50, drcrazy777
Terrestria (5.1.1)
A mod enhancing the detail of Minecraft with unique and vibrant biomes. Inspired...
By: coderbot, NeusFear
The Graveyard (FABRIC) (2.6)
Adds new bosses, structures, mobs and blocks themed around the graveyard.
By: finallion_13
Towns and Towers (1.11.1)
Spice up your world with new villages, pillager outposts, and even new ships!
By: Biban_Auriu, Kubek
TrashSlot (13.0.1)
Adds a trash slot to the inventory screen that allows deletion of unwanted items...
Traverse (6.1.2)
A biome expansion mod that embraces the simplistic nature of Minecraft biomes
By: Prospector, gniftygnomecraft
Universal Bone Meal (5.0.0)
Stop the bonemeal discrimination! Grow all plants, no limitations.
By: Fuzs
Way Much Faster Oxidize (1.2.0)
Just place copper next to water, or pour water on copper whatever.
By: dragons_plus, marblegatekeeper
In this mod I seek to re-create the vanilla biomes in a way that makes a more re...
By: Cristelknight, Apollo, williamwythers
Windchimes (1.2.2)
This mod adds three wind chimes that sway in the wind and occasionally ring. Des...
By: hibiscvs
YetAnotherConfigLib (2.2.0)
YetAnotherConfigLib (yacl) is just that. A builder-based configuration library f...
By: XanderIsDev
All The Fabric 4 | Patch Notes
Be sure to review these changes carefully before updating your world(s).
- Almost Unified (0.5.0 → 0.6.0)
- BisectHosting Server Integration Menu (2.3.1 → 2.4.1)
- Chunks fade in (v2.0.11 → v2.0.12-1)
- ClearDespawn (1.1.10 → 1.1.11)
- Cloth Config API (v9.0.94 → v9.1.104)
- Continutity (3.0.0-beta2 → 3.0.0-beta3)
- Default Options (16.0.1 → 16.0.2)
- Drippy Loading Screen (v2.2.1 → v2.2.2)
- Enhanced Block Entities (v0.8 → v0.8.1)
- Fabric Language Kotlin (1.9.5 → 1.10.10)
- Forgotten Graves (3.1.0 → 3.2.1)
- Macaw's Bridges (v2.0.7 → v2.1.0)
- Mod Menu (v5.1.0-beta4 → v5.1.0)
- OptiGUI (2.1.2 → 2.1.6)
- Reese's Sodium Options (1.4.9 → 1.6.4)
- Refined Advancements (1.0.1d → 1.0.3c)
- Roughly Enough Items (v10.0.620 → v10.0.646)
- Simple Discord RPC (3.2.2 → 3.2.4)
- Statement (4.2.5 → 4.2.8)
- Towns and Towers (v1.10.2 → v1.11.1)
- Fixed Towns and Towers causes installation errors on Modrinth #8
- Fixed chunk fading inconsistency issues.
- Fixed Apple M1 compatibility.
- Fixed broken villager ship loot table that caused the game to freeze/crash.
- Fixed all bridge recipes unlock instantly.
- Removed Suggestions and GitHub buttons as pack will be reaching its EOS soon.
- General Performance improvements.
All The Fabric 4 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
All The Fabric 5 has begun development
+ Almost Unified (0.4.4 → 0.5.0)
+ Fabric Language Kotlin (v1.8.21 → v1.8.22)
+ OptiGui (2.1.0-beta 3 → 2.1.2 released)
+ Attepted to fixed recipes not showing in-game once again [#5](
+ Fixed Tech Reborn machine recipes not displaying in-game [#6](
+ Fixed our built-in pack displaying as incompatible.
+ Updated pack logo.
+ Updated Main Menu design.
+ Rougly Enough Items
+ Forgotten Graves
+ Clumps
+ Universal Graves
+ Just Enough Items
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Fabric 4 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
No old worlds are not compatible with previous worlds.
Minecraft 1.19.3 | Fabric Loader 0.14.21
+ Architectury API (V7.1.81 → V7.1.86)
+ PuzzlesLib (v5.0.30 → v5.0.33)
+ OptiGUI (2.1.0-beta 2 → 2.1.0-beta 3)
+ Updated Discord RPC "Download" button URL.
+ Fixed recipes not showing in-game [#5](
+ Just Enough Items
+ Smooth Swapping
+ Roughly Enough Items
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Fabric 4 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
No old worlds are not compatible with previous worlds.
Minecraft 1.19.3 | Fabric Loader 0.14.19
+ Oxidizing Lightning Rods!
+ Way Much Faster Oxidize
+ 2mal3's Recipes See screenshots below for a better understanding.
+ Traverse
+ Universal Bone Meal
+ Universal Graves
+ Windchimes
+ Better Beds
+ Boat item view
+ CC: Restitched
+ Chunks fade in
+ Cinderscapes
+ ClickThrough
+ Enhanced Block Entities
+ Lanterns Belong on Walls
+ Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
+ Light Overlay
+ Model Gap Fix
+ More Mob Variants
+ Presence Footsteps
+ Quick Shulker
+ Refined Advancements
+ Reinforced Barrels
+ Reinforced Shulker Boxes
+ Smooth Swapping
+ Terrestria
+ The Graveyard
+ Towns and Towers
+ Clear Despawn
+ Plus most of the mods from v6
+ Paridase Lost
+ Twilight Forest
+ Better End
+ Better Nether
+ Bewitchment
+ More Villagers
+ More Axolotl Variants Mod
+ More Frogs
+ All Dimension Height Increase
+ Oh The Biomes You'll Go
+ Fabric Quarry
+ YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses
+ FuelInfo
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Fabric 4 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
Minecraft 1.19.2 | Fabric Loader 0.14.19
+ Almost Unified (0.3.7 → 0.4.1)
+ Applied Energistics 2 (12.9.2 → 12.9.3)
+ Architectury API (6.5.69 → 6.5.77)
+ BisectHosting Server Integration Menu (2.1 → 2.2)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (2.1.1 → 2.2.0)
+ FancyMenu (2.14.1 → 2.14.4)
+ Iris Shaders (1.5.2 → 1.6.1)
+ Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames (2.0.0 → 2.2.1)
+ Pehkui (3.7.2 → 3.7.3)
+ The Twilight Forest (4.2.335 → 4.2.357)
+ Traveler's Backpack (8.2.17 → 8.2.18)
+ Fixed interfaces and PPs not saving after inv changes.
+ Fixed a terminal fluid dupe.
+ Fixed facades not using the correct biome colours.
+ Fixed an issue where you could plant multiple magic beans in the same block space.
+ Fixed holding giant tools giving the player more reach for every interaction than just the tools themselves.
+ Fixed memory slots not accepting items with different durability value.
+ Fixed the block and chain not being repairable in anvils.
+ Fixed the block and chain not properly disabling shields.
+ Mushrooms no longer break when next to a portal.
+ Decreased spawn chance of mobs with backpack.
+ Updated Suggestions button URL.
+ FuelInfo
+ Adaptive Tooltips
+ Connectible Chains
+ Couplings
+ Light Overlay
+ Harvest with ease
+ Sodium (CurseForge Only)
+ Reese's Sodium Options (CurseForge Only)
+ Sodium Extra (CurseForge Only)
+ Iris Shaders (CurseForge Only)
+ Indium (CurseForge)
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Fabric 4 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
Minecraft 1.19.2 | Fabric Loader 0.14.18
+ Almost Unified (0.3.6 → 0.3.7)
+ BisectHosting Server Integration Menu (1.3 → 2.1)
+ Fabric Language Kotlin (1.8.10 → 1.8.20)
+ FancyMenu (2.13.3 → 2.14.1)
+ JourneyMap (5.9.4 → 5.9.5)
+ Harvest with ease ( →
+ Pehkui (3.7.0 → 3.7.2)
+ Traveler's Backpack (8.2.16 → 8.2.17)
+ TerraBlender ( →
+ Fixed a crash when right clicking tall crops.
+ Fixed: Cave and Surface Render distance sliders.
+ Added the ability to rent a Minecraft server using our partner BisectHosting find it in the multiplayer screen.
+ Added the ablilty to view other public servers that use this pack and are hosted on BisectHosting.
+ Removed a few client side only mods from the server files.
+ New splashscreen and loading screen images.
+ Trample No More
+ Macaw's Bridges
+ Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames
+ Better Advancements
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Fabric 4 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
Minecraft 1.19.2 | Fabric Loader 0.14.17
+ Almost Unified (0.2.0 → 0.3.6)
+ Applied Energistics 2 (12.9.1 → 12.9.2)
+ Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals (12.8.4 → 12.8.5)
+ Architectury API (6.4.62 → 6.5.69)
+ Axolotl Bucket Fix (1.1.3 → 1.1.4)
+ Balm (4.5.2 → 4.5.7)
+ BCLib (2.1.4 → 2.1.6)
+ BetterEnd (2.1.2 → 2.1.4)
+ BetterNether (7.1.2 → 7.1.3)
+ Bookshelf (16.1.11 → 16.2.18)
+ Continuity (2.0.1 → 2.0.2)
+ Cooking for Blockheads (13.3.0 → 13.3.1)
+ Custom Entity Models (0.7.1 → 0.7.3)
+ Default Options (15.0.0 → 15.0.1)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (1.6.6 → 2.1.1)
+ Elytra Slot (6.0.0 → 6.1.0)
+ Entity Culling Fabric/Forge (1.5.2 → 1.6.1)
+ Entity Texture Features (4.2.0 → 4.3.3)
+ Fabric API (0.68.0 → 0.76.0)
+ Fabric Language Kotlin (1.8.7 → 1.9.2)
+ Fabric Waystones (3.0.5 → 3.0.7)
+ FancyMenu (2.13.0 → 2.13.3)
+ Farming for Blockheads (11.1.0 → 11.2.0)
+ Fix Experience Bug (18 → 19)
+ Forge Config API Port (v4.2.9 → v4.2.11)
+ Iris Shaders (1.4.4 → 1.5.2)
+ Jade (8.6.3 → 8.7.3)
+ JamLib (0.5.0 → 0.6.0)
+ JourneyMap (5.9.0beta4 → 5.9.4)
+ LambDynamicLights (2.1.2 → 2.2.0)
+ Language Reload (1.4.1 → 1.5.6)
+ Lithium (0.10.4 → 0.11.1)
+ NetherPortalFix (10.0.0 → 10.0.1)
+ Paradise Lost (2.0.2 → 2.1.0)
+ Pehkui (3.6.0 → 3.7.0)
+ Quarry Reborn (1.0.2 → 1.0.3)
+ Roughly Enough Items (9.1.577 → 9.1.595)
+ Sodium Extra (0.4.14 → 0.4.16)
+ Simple Discord RPC (3.2.1 → 3.2.2)
+ The Twilight Forest (4.2.310 → 4.2.335)
+ TrashSlot (12.0.1 → 12.0.2)
+ Traveler's Backpack (8.2.9 → 8.2.16)
+ Trinkets (3.4.1 → 3.4.2)
+ William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld (3.1.9 →
+ YetAnotherConfigLib (1.7.1 → 2.2.0)
+ YUNG's API (3.8.2 → 3.8.9)
+ Fixed a crash when opening the inventory with an enchanted item. Reported here
+ Fixed loot table modifiers preventing other mods from modifying loot tables dynamically.
+ Fixed an issue with some configs not loading currectly.
+ Fixed a crash with JourneyMap with empty Waystone names.
+ Fixed a crash if a painting failed to place during Lich Tower generation.
+ Fixed the block and chain not being repairable in anvils.
+ Added Oh The Biomes You'll Go items to Farming for blockheads market.
+ Updated CurseForge icon to their new rebranded one.
+ Updated Suggestions, Store and Forums URL.
+ Small UI Tweaks.
+ Tree Harvester
+ Collective
+ Harvest with ease
+ YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses
+ RightClickHarvest
+ Tree Harvester (Legacy)
+ Collective (Legacy)
+ Login Protection
+ Blur
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Fabric 4 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
1.19.3 upgrade coming 2023
Minecraft 1.19.2 | Fabric Loader 0.14.11
+ Almost Unified (0.2.0 → 0.3.2)
+ Applied Energistics 2 (12.7.0 → 12.9.1)
+ Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals (12.7.0 → 12.8.4)
+ Architectury API (6.2.46 → 6.4.62)
+ bad packets (0.2.0 → 0.2.1)
+ BCLib (2.1.2 → 2.1.4)
+ BetterEnd (2.1.1 → 2.1.2)
+ BetterNether (7.1.1 → 7.1.2)
+ Bewitchment (1.19-5 → 1.19-6)
+ Bookshelf (16.1.5 → 16.1.11)
+ Collective (5.10 → 5.22)
+ Controlling (10.0+6 → 10.0+7)
+ Cooking for Blockheads (13.2.1 → 13.3.0)
+ Clumps (9.0.0+11 → 9.0.0+14)
+ Drippy Loading Screen (1.6.4 → 1.6.6)
+ Entity Texture Features (4.1.1 → 4.2.0)
+ Fabric API (0.63.0 → 0.68.0)
+ Fabric Waystones (3.0.3 → 3.0.5)
+ Fabric Language Kotlin (1.8.5 → 1.8.7)
+ FancyMenu (2.12.5 → 2.13.0)
+ Farmer's Delight (1.3.3 → 1.3.9)
+ Forge Config API Port (v4.2.6 → v4.2.9)
+ Iris Shaders (1.4.0 → 1.4.4)
+ Iron Chests: Restocked (3.0.2 → 3.1.1)
+ Jade (8.2.1 → 8.6.3)
+ JamLib (0.4.4 → 0.5.0)
+ JourneyMap (5.9.0beta2 → 5.9.0beta4)
+ Konkrete (1.5.3 → 1.6.0)
+ Language Reload (1.3.2 → 1.4.1)
+ Lithium (0.10.0 → 0.10.4)
+ Login Protection (1.6 → 1.9)
+ Mod Menu (4.0.6 → 4.1.2)
+ More Axolotl Variants Mod (1.1.0 → 1.2.0)
+ More Frogs (1.2.3a → 1.2.3b)
+ No Chat Reports (1.13.9 → v1.13.12)
+ The Twilight Forest (4.2.299 → 4.2.310)
+ Pehkui (3.5.0 → 3.6.0)
+ Polymorph (0.45.0 → 0.46.1)
+ Reborn Core (5.3.4 → 5.4.0)
+ Reese's Sodium Options (1.4.7 → 1.4.9)
+ RightClickHarvest (3.0.1 → 3.0.6)
+ Roughly Enough Items (9.1.550 → 9.1.577)
+ Simple Discord RPC (3.1.1 → 3.2.1)
+ Sodium Extra (0.4.11 → 0.4.14)
+ Tech Reborn (5.3.4 → 5.4.0)
+ TerraBlender ( →
+ Traveler's Backpack (8.2.5 → 8.2.9)
+ Tree Harvester (5.8 → 5.9)
+ Trinkets (3.4.0 → 3.4.1)
+ Universal Graves (2.1.2 → 2.1.3)
+ William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld (3.1.8 → 3.1.9)
+ YetAnotherConfigLib (1.5.0 → 1.7.1)
+ Fixed disabling end entities result in crashes.
+ Fixed nether trees growing would sometimes not destroy sapling.
+ Fixed an issue with loading the main menu layout on linux.
+ Fixed Hydra fire not counting as fire damage.
+ Fixed xp stack overflow error.
+ Fixed a crash when IDSU energy storage is queried on the client.
+ Fixed pause menu github button url.
+ Minor ui tweaks.
+ Paradise Lost
+ Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded
+ Debugify
+ MemoryLeakFix
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Fabric 4 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
Minecraft 1.19.2 | Fabric Loader 0.14.9
+ Applied Energistics 2 (12.2.0-beta → 12.7.0)
+ Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals (12.2.0-beta → 12.7.0)
+ Architectury API (6.2.43 → 6.2.46)
+ BCLib (2.1.0 → 2.1.2)
+ BetterEnd (2.1.0 → 2.1.1)
+ BetterNether (7.1.0 → 7.1.1)
+ Cloth Config API (8.1.77 → 8.2.88)
+ Collective (4.51 → 5.10)
+ Cardinal Components (5.0.1 → 5.0.2)
+ CIT Resewn (1.1.1 → 1.1.2)
+ Collective (4.52 → 5.8)
+ Debugify (2.5.0 → 2.7.1)
+ Entity Texture Features (4.0.2 → 4.1.1)
+ Fabric API (0.60.0 → 0.63.0)
+ Fabric Language Kotlin (1.8.3 → 1.8.5)
+ Fabric Waystones (3.0.3 → 3.0.5)
+ FancyMenu (2.12.1 → 2.12.5)
+ Iris Shaders (1.2.8 → 1.4.0)
+ Konkrete (1.5.0 → 1.5.3)
+ Lithium (0.8.3 → 0.10.0)
+ Legendary Tooltips (1.2.6 → 1.3.3)
+ More Frogs (1.2.2 → 1.2.3a)
+ No Chat Reports (1.11.2 → v1.13.9)
+ OptiGUI (1.1.1 → 1.1.6)
+ Oh The Biomes You'll Go Refabricated ( →
+ oωo (0.8.3 → 0.8.5)
+ Pehkui (3.4.2 → 3.5.0)
+ Prism (1.0.1 → 1.0.3)
+ Patchouli (76 → 77)
+ Roughly Enough Items (9.1.530 → 9.1.550)
+ Sodium Extra (0.4.10 → 0.4.11)
+ Tree Harvester (5.6 → 5.8)
+ Traveler's Backpack (8.20 → 8.2.5)
+ Universal Graves (2.1.1 → 2.1.2)
+ YetAnotherConfigLib (0.1.2 → 1.5.0)
+ William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld (3.1.7 → 3.1.8)
+ Fixed Waystone list not syncing when joining a server.
+ Fixed a dupe bug with traveler's backpacks.
+ Fixed some known memory leaks.
+ Fixed waystones spawning more than 1 waystone per village.
+ Fixed an issue with the pause menu logo being cut off when in fullscreen with Gui scale set to auto.
+ No Chat Reports is now required to be installed on the server.
+ Slight improvments to both sever and client.
+ Almost Unified
+ YUNG's Better Dungeons
+ YUNG's Better Strongholds
+ The Twilight Forest
+ Smooth Boot
+ Krypton
+ Eden Ring
+ Warden Tools
+ GeckoLib
+ New Pllagers Outpost (datapack)
+ Roughly Enough Trades
+ Roughly Enough Resources
+ Cull Less Leaves
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
All The Fabric 4 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
Minecraft 1.19.2 | Fabric Loader 0.14.9
+ Initial Release.
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker