Per Fabrica ad Astra
This pack aims at providing a complete, believable and smooth experience from stone age to interstellar travel, with heavy engineering content in mind and guided with quests and manuals.
Survive, mine, craft, design your base and your automations, manage your power generation and consumption, shape the world with your hands and in the end create the massive factory you have dreamed of.
This pack provides many unique challenges in automation, as there are no magic block which can solve every problem. You will need to use all available tools, transport belts, trains, servos, redstone gates, or even computers to control them all
The gameplay can be identified with a few “ages”:
- Stone age to Bronze age provided by vanilla TFC.
- Steel age – Basic industry with Immersive Engineering and Industrialcraft 2, unmanned resource extraction and great increase in resource processing efficiency.
- Petrochem age – Enhanced industry featuring chemistry and oil refining, powered by Magneticraft and IHL. Have you ever seen a real oil refinery?
- Aluminium age – Start of advanced rocketry, making advanced components and extracting minor elements from minerals.
- Titanium age – Basic space flight, moon landing, UUM and iridium production, experimental fusion devices.
- Tungsten age – Top-tier-insanely-complex material production, interstellar travel, ultimate productivity enhancement.
- Endgame – Mekanism self-sustainable fusion as the ultimate goal.
This pack is intended for multiplayer due to its complexity and design.
Join us on discord:
This pack contains Fastcraft, by Player, enabled by default. Fastcraft enhances Minecraft with increased performance. Bug reports being made directly to Mod Authors should state Fastcraft is enabled.
There have been 2,930 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 37.12 years of this pack.
Advanced Rocketry (1.7.10-1.4.0-20)
A space mod for minecraft, adds planets, rockets, and some machines
By: zmaster587
Antique Atlas (1.7.10-4.2.10)
Antique Atlas is a book that acts like a map featuring infinite scrolling, zoom...
By: Hunternif
Applied Energistics 2 (rv3-beta-10)
A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
By: AlgorithmX2
Aroma1997Core (
This is basically a library used by most my other mods.
By: Aroma1997, Schillaa
BiblioCraft (1.11.5)
BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
BiblioWoodsTFC (1.2)
BiblioWoods TFC edition brings recipes and TFC specific items for BiblioCraft so...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Bookshelf (
Bookshelf is a core/library mod, which adds new features and tools into the game...
By: darkhax, lclc98
Buildcraft (7.1.22)
Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more!
By: CovertJaguar
Carpenter's Blocks (
Adds slopes and a variety of vanilla-inspired blocks that support covers, side c...
By: Mineshopper
Chisel (
A mod that adds in many fancy blocks for decoration, which are crafted utilising...
By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr
CoFH Lib (1.1.2-182)
Library/API required by all CoFH mods. It's also meant as a resource for other m...
By: TeamCoFH, KingLemming, ZeldoKavira, skyboy026
Cooking with TFC (1.7.10-
Extends the diversity of cooking with TerraFirmaCraft 0.79.29.
By: StrayWolfe
Custom Ore Generation (1.2.24)
Allows the player to customize how ore is generated.
By: JRoush, noogenesis
FastCraft (1.25)
FastCraft optimizes MineCraft in various ways, visit the homepage for further de...
By: Player
Forge Multipart (
Open source library for facilitation of multiple functional parts in the one blo...
By: ChickenBones
Graviation Suite (1.7.10-2.0.3)
Gravitation Suite give you ability to fly. This is addon for IndustrialCraft 2
By: SeNtiMeL
Hardcore Questing Mode (4.4.4-noteam)
This mod will add Hardcore mode with extra lives. If you use up your lives, your...
By: Vswe, Lorddusk, Newcastlegeek
Immersive Integration (0.6.8)
Integrates IE with other mods, as well as some useful addition to IE itself
By: UnwrittenFun
IndustrialCraft 2 (2.2.828-experimental)
Industrial age themed expansion for Minecraft.
By: Alblaka, Player, RichardG, Thunderdark, GregoriusT, alexthesax, Drashian, Elemen...
InputFix (1.7.10-v5)
InputFix is a way to enable multi-byte input method in Minecraft. (windows platf...
By: ZLainSama
Inventory Tweaks (1.58-PFAA)
Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...
By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata
Iron Chest (
New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items. The feature chest is...
By: cpw
JourneyMap fairplay (5.1.4p2)
JourneyMap FairPlay Edition: Real-time map in-game or in a web browser as you ex...
By: techbrew, mysticdrew
JourneyMap Unlimited (5.1.4p2)
JourneyMap FairPlay Edition: Real-time map in-game or in a web browser as you ex...
By: techbrew, mysticdrew
Key binding configs (1.0.3)
Default key binds, ignore this if you want to make your own
By: snape313
Leather Water Sac (3.9.B79)
It's a water sac made out of leather for TerraFirmaCraft
By: Emris_Morath
libVulpes (1.7.10-0.2.8-34)
A Library containing code for multiblocks and ore/item registration and access
By: zmaster587
Magneticraft (0.6.0-final)
Magneticraft Energy, Industries and Multiblocks!
By: Cout970, Minecreatr, MattDahEpic, MechWarrior99, Cypher121
MalisisCore (0.14.3)
MalisisCore is a framework dedicated to simplify many processes required during...
By: Ordinastie, PaleoCrafter
Minecraft Forge (
Minecraft Forge is a modding API used by a lot of mods.
By: Eloraam, FlowerChild, Hawkye, MALfunction84, Scokeev9, SpaceToad, LexManos, cpw
Mouse Tweaks (2.4.4)
A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...
By: YaLTeR
NotEnoughItems (
Recipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more
By: chicken_bones
Nuclear Control 2 (2.3.4a)
Nuclear Control, an Industrial Craft 2 addon that allows you to build efficient...
By: Shedar, xbony2, Zuxelus, DMF444
Numina (
A common library of useful functions and utilities for dealing with Minecraft's...
By: MachineMuse
OpenBlocks (1.5.1)
All the things you never thought you will ever need
By: Mikee, NeverCast, boq, Lyqyd
OpenComputers (
This mod adds modular computers and robots that can be programmed in Lua.
By: Florian 'Sangar' Nuecke, Johannes 'Lord Joda' Lohrer, Everyone who contributed t...
ProjectRed Core (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone. The way it was meant to be. Built against Forge
By: MrTJP, ChickenBones
ProjectRed Fabrication (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Fabrication module for Project Red.
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed Illumination (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Illumination module for Project Red.
By: Mr_TJP
ProjectRed Transmission (4.7.0pre12.95)
Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Integration and Transmission modules for Pr...
By: Mr_TJP
Resource Loader (1.2)
Allows mod pack creators / users to add their own custom textures to minecrafts...
By: lumien
Shatter (4.0.0)
This mod adds a new death animation. Mobs die, their bodies wrecked, and souls s...
By: iChun
Shinkeiseikan Collection (rv26.2)
Collect cute SeiKan mobs! forum:
By: PinkaLulan
Singleplayer scripts (1.0.0)
Scripts for those who would like to play singleplayer, adds recipe to techgun or...
By: Unknown
Smaller TFC biome size (1.0.5)
Config for smaller stone biome size, decreasing the exploration difficulty for T...
By: Unknown
Sound Filters (0.8)
Adds reveb to caves, as well as muted sounds underwater/in lava, and behind wall...
By: Tmtravlr
StatusEffectHUD (1.27)
Shows active player effects (potions, etc) without opening your inventory!
By: bspkrs
StepUp (v.2.0.0-mc1.7.10)
Allows for stepping up 1 block height without having to jump. Like in the game T...
By: NotTooManyItems
TechReborn (
TechReborn, The Gregtech revival you dream about on a cool mid summer's eve.
By: modmuss50, Gigabit101, tntrololol, joflashstudios
TerraFirmaCraft (0.79.35-PFAA)
Survival Mode as it should have been.
By: Bioxx, Dunkleosteus, Kittychanley
TerraFirmaPumpkins (2.1)
This mod adds growable pumpkin and melon plants to TerraFirmaCraft.
By: Peffern
TFC Crop Index (1.2)
This mod alters TFC's crops system to allow for easier extensibility
By: Peffern
TFC Primitive Technology AddOn (1.00.03)
This mod adds Slinghot and advanced leather and paper processing for use with Te...
By: Wahazar, aleksey
TFC Railcraft Compatibility (0.2.0)
Fixes recipes and makes Railcraft usable with TFC
By: vidaj, kev12east
TFC Tweaker (1.7.10-
Provides Minetweaker 3.0.10B support for Terrafirmacraft 0.79.29.
By: StrayWolfe
TFC Wells (1.1)
This mod adds Wells to TerraFirmaCraft that can be used to produce Fresh Water.
By: Peffern
Uncomplication (
This mod just adds the old version of the new IC2 recipes.
By: Aroma1997, Speiger
UnicodeFontFixer (1.1.4-mc1.7.10)
A mod fixes broken text caused by small Unicode font.
By: oldjunyi
Universal Coins (1.7.10-1.7.5b-PFAA)
Adds a basic economy system to MineCraft. Sell blocks and items, setup a shop, f...
By: notabadminer, TED_996, AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN
WAILA Plugins (0.2.0-25)
WAILA plugins for various mods, such as Blood Magic, Magical Crops, and Forestry...
By: tterrag
WorldEdit (6.1.1;no_git_id)
WorldEdit is an easy-to-use in-game world editor for Minecraft, supporting both...
By: sk89q, wizjany, TomyLobo
This update is brought to you by Horthrax and ladyofwc.
Removed starting apples by editing FTBUtils config in local/
Fixed arrow bug
Set TFCtweaks autostack to true by default
Updated Fastcraft to version 1.25 from 1.23, which works with Optifine
Added marble as another source of calcite dust. Previously only limestone was available.
Moved Advanced Lightsabers crafting content into its own script due to issues with the mod. Previously the lack of the mod causes general.zs to not be loaded correctly.
Added a recipe for netherrack and soulsand.
Fixed recipe for bandit armor
Fixed some quests in the Culinary Adventures questline.
Fixed the recipe for infinite durability graphite electrodes
Changed some minor parts in the beginner quests
This update is brought to you by Horthrax and ladyofwc.
Universal coins is now optional and no longer recommended, Beware when updating!
Added TFC Merchants mod.
Added optional ships mod.
Tweaked recipes and balances.
Certus Quartz can be made from slag slurry now.
Tweaked AR machines processing time and power usage to match its tier.
Potassium now uses TR electrolyzer, IHL eletrolysis bath is no longer usd at all.
And more™.
Fixed COG crash on visiting dim 13
Updated open computers
Sulfur fuel value is modified to 400 for early game power needs
Making Lithium now uses TR electrolyzer
Largely decreased Mekanism fusion cost
Making aluminium and magnesium no longer uses IHL electrolysis bath due to performance issues
Sulfur is nerfed less
Nerfed sulfur fuel value
Fixed natural gas cluster not generating
Disabled engineer's toolbox due to dupe exploit
Implemented performance tweaks and bugfixes by dries007, see
Please report any bugs.
Fixed crash when opening techguns explosives gui in mid-air on a server.
Added TFC support for techguns inventory.
Fixed a few recipes using vanilla iron ingot.
Note: This will be the last update of this pack if nothing major breaks.
Decreased catalyst consumption chance in IHL reactor by a factor of 10
Fixed some recipes using non oredicted iron/gold ingot
Added recipe for vulcanization agent, chalk is no longer essential
Tweaked some recipes. IE router is more expensive now. DON'T SPAM IT, IT CAN BREAK YOUR WORLD.
Updated advanced rocketry
Disabled IHL explosives
Various recipe fixes
More forestry flower support (thanks to pap1723)
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed crash related to cooking with tfc quests
The following mods are made optional: Cooking with TFC, Item physics, TFC Primitive Tech
Cooking with TFC is no longer recommended
Added Peaceful Nights, Dangerous Caves as optional mod
Forestry bees now should works with TFC flowers
Various recipe fixes
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed dupe bug with techreborn digital chest
Fixed quest for iridium requiring disabled item
Updated AR
Various script fixes for better gameplay
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
This update is brought to you by Horthrax and ladyofwc.
Fixed arrow bug
Set TFCtweaks autostack to true by default
Updated Fastcraft to version 1.25 from 1.23, which works with Optifine
Added marble as another source of calcite dust. Previously only limestone was available.
Moved Advanced Lightsabers crafting content into its own script due to issues with the mod. Previously the lack of the mod causes general.zs to not be loaded correctly.
Added a recipe for netherrack and soulsand.
Fixed recipe for bandit armor
Fixed some quests in the Culinary Adventures questline.
Fixed the recipe for infinite durability graphite electrodes
Changed some minor parts in the beginner quests
This update is brought to you by Horthrax and ladyofwc.
Universal coins is now optional and no longer recommended, Beware when updating!
Added TFC Merchants mod.
Added optional ships mod.
Tweaked recipes and balances.
Certus Quartz can be made from slag slurry now.
Tweaked AR machines processing time and power usage to match its tier.
Potassium now uses TR electrolyzer, IHL eletrolysis bath is no longer usd at all.
And more™.
Fixed COG crash on visiting dim 13
Updated open computers
Sulfur fuel value is modified to 400 for early game power needs
Making Lithium now uses TR electrolyzer
Largely decreased Mekanism fusion cost
Making aluminium and magnesium no longer uses IHL electrolysis bath due to performance issues
Sulfur is nerfed less
Nerfed sulfur fuel value
Fixed natural gas cluster not generating
Disabled engineer's toolbox due to dupe exploit
Implemented performance tweaks and bugfixes by dries007, see
Please report any bugs.
Fixed crash when opening techguns explosives gui in mid-air on a server.
Added TFC support for techguns inventory.
Fixed a few recipes using vanilla iron ingot.
Note: This will be the last update of this pack if nothing major breaks.
Decreased catalyst consumption chance in IHL reactor by a factor of 10
Fixed some recipes using non oredicted iron/gold ingot
Added recipe for vulcanization agent, chalk is no longer essential
Tweaked some recipes. IE router is more expensive now. DON'T SPAM IT, IT CAN BREAK YOUR WORLD.
Updated advanced rocketry
Disabled IHL explosives
Various recipe fixes
More forestry flower support (thanks to pap1723)
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed crash related to cooking with tfc quests
The following mods are made optional: Cooking with TFC, Item physics, TFC Primitive Tech
Cooking with TFC is no longer recommended
Added Peaceful Nights, Dangerous Caves as optional mod
Forestry bees now should works with TFC flowers
Various recipe fixes
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed dupe bug with techreborn digital chest
Fixed quest for iridium requiring disabled item
Updated AR
Various script fixes for better gameplay
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
This update is brought to you by Horthrax and ladyofwc.
Universal coins is now optional and no longer recommended, Beware when updating!
Added TFC Merchants mod.
Added optional ships mod.
Tweaked recipes and balances.
Certus Quartz can be made from slag slurry now.
Tweaked AR machines processing time and power usage to match its tier.
Potassium now uses TR electrolyzer, IHL eletrolysis bath is no longer usd at all.
And more™.
Fixed COG crash on visiting dim 13
Updated open computers
Sulfur fuel value is modified to 400 for early game power needs
Making Lithium now uses TR electrolyzer
Largely decreased Mekanism fusion cost
Making aluminium and magnesium no longer uses IHL electrolysis bath due to performance issues
Sulfur is nerfed less
Nerfed sulfur fuel value
Fixed natural gas cluster not generating
Disabled engineer's toolbox due to dupe exploit
Implemented performance tweaks and bugfixes by dries007, see
Please report any bugs.
Fixed crash when opening techguns explosives gui in mid-air on a server.
Added TFC support for techguns inventory.
Fixed a few recipes using vanilla iron ingot.
Note: This will be the last update of this pack if nothing major breaks.
Decreased catalyst consumption chance in IHL reactor by a factor of 10
Fixed some recipes using non oredicted iron/gold ingot
Added recipe for vulcanization agent, chalk is no longer essential
Tweaked some recipes. IE router is more expensive now. DON'T SPAM IT, IT CAN BREAK YOUR WORLD.
Updated advanced rocketry
Disabled IHL explosives
Various recipe fixes
More forestry flower support (thanks to pap1723)
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed crash related to cooking with tfc quests
The following mods are made optional: Cooking with TFC, Item physics, TFC Primitive Tech
Cooking with TFC is no longer recommended
Added Peaceful Nights, Dangerous Caves as optional mod
Forestry bees now should works with TFC flowers
Various recipe fixes
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed dupe bug with techreborn digital chest
Fixed quest for iridium requiring disabled item
Updated AR
Various script fixes for better gameplay
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Fixed COG crash on visiting dim 13
Updated open computers
Sulfur fuel value is modified to 400 for early game power needs
Making Lithium now uses TR electrolyzer
Largely decreased Mekanism fusion cost
Making aluminium and magnesium no longer uses IHL electrolysis bath due to performance issues
Sulfur is nerfed less
Nerfed sulfur fuel value
Fixed natural gas cluster not generating
Disabled engineer's toolbox due to dupe exploit
Implemented performance tweaks and bugfixes by dries007, see
Please report any bugs.
Fixed crash when opening techguns explosives gui in mid-air on a server.
Added TFC support for techguns inventory.
Fixed a few recipes using vanilla iron ingot.
Note: This will be the last update of this pack if nothing major breaks.
Decreased catalyst consumption chance in IHL reactor by a factor of 10
Fixed some recipes using non oredicted iron/gold ingot
Added recipe for vulcanization agent, chalk is no longer essential
Tweaked some recipes. IE router is more expensive now. DON'T SPAM IT, IT CAN BREAK YOUR WORLD.
Updated advanced rocketry
Disabled IHL explosives
Various recipe fixes
More forestry flower support (thanks to pap1723)
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed crash related to cooking with tfc quests
The following mods are made optional: Cooking with TFC, Item physics, TFC Primitive Tech
Cooking with TFC is no longer recommended
Added Peaceful Nights, Dangerous Caves as optional mod
Forestry bees now should works with TFC flowers
Various recipe fixes
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed dupe bug with techreborn digital chest
Fixed quest for iridium requiring disabled item
Updated AR
Various script fixes for better gameplay
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Largely decreased Mekanism fusion cost
Making aluminium and magnesium no longer uses IHL electrolysis bath due to performance issues
Sulfur is nerfed less
Nerfed sulfur fuel value
Fixed natural gas cluster not generating
Disabled engineer's toolbox due to dupe exploit
Implemented performance tweaks and bugfixes by dries007, see
Please report any bugs.
Fixed crash when opening techguns explosives gui in mid-air on a server.
Added TFC support for techguns inventory.
Fixed a few recipes using vanilla iron ingot.
Note: This will be the last update of this pack if nothing major breaks.
Decreased catalyst consumption chance in IHL reactor by a factor of 10
Fixed some recipes using non oredicted iron/gold ingot
Added recipe for vulcanization agent, chalk is no longer essential
Tweaked some recipes. IE router is more expensive now. DON'T SPAM IT, IT CAN BREAK YOUR WORLD.
Updated advanced rocketry
Disabled IHL explosives
Various recipe fixes
More forestry flower support (thanks to pap1723)
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed crash related to cooking with tfc quests
The following mods are made optional: Cooking with TFC, Item physics, TFC Primitive Tech
Cooking with TFC is no longer recommended
Added Peaceful Nights, Dangerous Caves as optional mod
Forestry bees now should works with TFC flowers
Various recipe fixes
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed dupe bug with techreborn digital chest
Fixed quest for iridium requiring disabled item
Updated AR
Various script fixes for better gameplay
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Nerfed sulfur fuel value
Fixed natural gas cluster not generating
Disabled engineer's toolbox due to dupe exploit
Implemented performance tweaks and bugfixes by dries007, see
Please report any bugs.
Fixed crash when opening techguns explosives gui in mid-air on a server.
Added TFC support for techguns inventory.
Fixed a few recipes using vanilla iron ingot.
Note: This will be the last update of this pack if nothing major breaks.
Decreased catalyst consumption chance in IHL reactor by a factor of 10
Fixed some recipes using non oredicted iron/gold ingot
Added recipe for vulcanization agent, chalk is no longer essential
Tweaked some recipes. IE router is more expensive now. DON'T SPAM IT, IT CAN BREAK YOUR WORLD.
Updated advanced rocketry
Disabled IHL explosives
Various recipe fixes
More forestry flower support (thanks to pap1723)
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed crash related to cooking with tfc quests
The following mods are made optional: Cooking with TFC, Item physics, TFC Primitive Tech
Cooking with TFC is no longer recommended
Added Peaceful Nights, Dangerous Caves as optional mod
Forestry bees now should works with TFC flowers
Various recipe fixes
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed dupe bug with techreborn digital chest
Fixed quest for iridium requiring disabled item
Updated AR
Various script fixes for better gameplay
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Fixed natural gas cluster not generating
Disabled engineer's toolbox due to dupe exploit
Implemented performance tweaks and bugfixes by dries007, see
Please report any bugs.
Fixed crash when opening techguns explosives gui in mid-air on a server.
Added TFC support for techguns inventory.
Fixed a few recipes using vanilla iron ingot.
Note: This will be the last update of this pack if nothing major breaks.
Decreased catalyst consumption chance in IHL reactor by a factor of 10
Fixed some recipes using non oredicted iron/gold ingot
Added recipe for vulcanization agent, chalk is no longer essential
Tweaked some recipes. IE router is more expensive now. DON'T SPAM IT, IT CAN BREAK YOUR WORLD.
Updated advanced rocketry
Disabled IHL explosives
Various recipe fixes
More forestry flower support (thanks to pap1723)
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed crash related to cooking with tfc quests
The following mods are made optional: Cooking with TFC, Item physics, TFC Primitive Tech
Cooking with TFC is no longer recommended
Added Peaceful Nights, Dangerous Caves as optional mod
Forestry bees now should works with TFC flowers
Various recipe fixes
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed dupe bug with techreborn digital chest
Fixed quest for iridium requiring disabled item
Updated AR
Various script fixes for better gameplay
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Implemented performance tweaks and bugfixes by dries007, see
Please report any bugs.
Fixed crash when opening techguns explosives gui in mid-air on a server.
Added TFC support for techguns inventory.
Fixed a few recipes using vanilla iron ingot.
Note: This will be the last update of this pack if nothing major breaks.
Decreased catalyst consumption chance in IHL reactor by a factor of 10
Fixed some recipes using non oredicted iron/gold ingot
Added recipe for vulcanization agent, chalk is no longer essential
Tweaked some recipes. IE router is more expensive now. DON'T SPAM IT, IT CAN BREAK YOUR WORLD.
Updated advanced rocketry
Disabled IHL explosives
Various recipe fixes
More forestry flower support (thanks to pap1723)
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed crash related to cooking with tfc quests
The following mods are made optional: Cooking with TFC, Item physics, TFC Primitive Tech
Cooking with TFC is no longer recommended
Added Peaceful Nights, Dangerous Caves as optional mod
Forestry bees now should works with TFC flowers
Various recipe fixes
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed dupe bug with techreborn digital chest
Fixed quest for iridium requiring disabled item
Updated AR
Various script fixes for better gameplay
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Note: This will be the last update of this pack if nothing major breaks.
Decreased catalyst consumption chance in IHL reactor by a factor of 10
Fixed some recipes using non oredicted iron/gold ingot
Added recipe for vulcanization agent, chalk is no longer essential
Tweaked some recipes. IE router is more expensive now. DON'T SPAM IT, IT CAN BREAK YOUR WORLD.
Updated advanced rocketry
Disabled IHL explosives
Various recipe fixes
More forestry flower support (thanks to pap1723)
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed crash related to cooking with tfc quests
The following mods are made optional: Cooking with TFC, Item physics, TFC Primitive Tech
Cooking with TFC is no longer recommended
Added Peaceful Nights, Dangerous Caves as optional mod
Forestry bees now should works with TFC flowers
Various recipe fixes
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed dupe bug with techreborn digital chest
Fixed quest for iridium requiring disabled item
Updated AR
Various script fixes for better gameplay
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Disabled IHL explosives
Various recipe fixes
More forestry flower support (thanks to pap1723)
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed crash related to cooking with tfc quests
The following mods are made optional: Cooking with TFC, Item physics, TFC Primitive Tech
Cooking with TFC is no longer recommended
Added Peaceful Nights, Dangerous Caves as optional mod
Forestry bees now should works with TFC flowers
Various recipe fixes
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed dupe bug with techreborn digital chest
Fixed quest for iridium requiring disabled item
Updated AR
Various script fixes for better gameplay
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Fixed crash related to cooking with tfc quests
The following mods are made optional: Cooking with TFC, Item physics, TFC Primitive Tech
Cooking with TFC is no longer recommended
Added Peaceful Nights, Dangerous Caves as optional mod
Forestry bees now should works with TFC flowers
Various recipe fixes
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed dupe bug with techreborn digital chest
Fixed quest for iridium requiring disabled item
Updated AR
Various script fixes for better gameplay
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
The following mods are made optional: Cooking with TFC, Item physics, TFC Primitive Tech
Cooking with TFC is no longer recommended
Added Peaceful Nights, Dangerous Caves as optional mod
Forestry bees now should works with TFC flowers
Various recipe fixes
Updated Advanced rocketry
Fixed dupe bug with techreborn digital chest
Fixed quest for iridium requiring disabled item
Updated AR
Various script fixes for better gameplay
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Fixed dupe bug with techreborn digital chest
Fixed quest for iridium requiring disabled item
Updated AR
Various script fixes for better gameplay
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Fix new world generation crash.
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Updated AR again to fix space suit crashes
Universal coins recipes fix
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Updated railcraft and advanced rocketry to the latest version, should fix many issues
Vanilla / TFC torches are now interchangeable (via crafting)
Misc recipe fixes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Fixed quartz crystal in AR chemical reactor
Tweaked power consumption of oil cluster mining
Tweaked AR solar satellite output
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Fixed ore processing (for real)
Added machine processing for TFC dye
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Added Ingame wiki as optional mod
Removed tfc cobblestone oredict tag to prevent crash with chisel
Fix techreborn digital & quantum chest (again)
Various script fixes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Fixed ic2 heat exchanger not accepting mod fluids
Fixed magneticraft ore processing outputs
Removed chunk pregenerator since it does not work with TFC
Fixed recipes using hammer
Added TFC marble and limestone support for chisel
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Fixed custom molds in foundry caster
FIxed bc gates being uncraftable
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome to lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplification
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Added config option for smaller TFC stone biome for lower exploration difficulty
MT script fixes and simplifications
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Replaced bugfixing mod with betterboat for better boat
Added some quests for progression guide
Fixed cellar not working
Fixed crash when looking up some TFCtech item recipe in NEI
Fixed a bug in techreborn that causes dupes
Fixed typo in quests and manuals thanks to Danielsaid
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Fixed potential world corruption when updating from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, now all your stuff made of greatwood should persist.
Added Toomuchtime and chunk pregenerator as optional mods
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Removed thaumcraft for world generation crashes and (possible) lagspikes
Back up your world before updating!
Added option for singleplayer
Added option for more frequent ore generation