Jurassic World: Revelations®
Jurassic World : Revelations is a community that is tailored to those particular players who just want more to do than a typical Vanilla server.
We offer a range of different mods that you won't see on your every day, run of the mill mod pack such as JurassiCraft and Blood Magic.
(Pack is owned and maintained by pchard/PCTheWolf/PowerEclipse)
There have been 9,979 server installs of this pack.
Players have played a total of 50.09 years of this pack.
/dank/null (1.12.2-1.7.91)
Adds the /dank/null items from p455w0rd's Things 1.10.2 mod
By: TheRealp455w0rd
Actually Additions (r151-2)
Do you want Automation? Wireless Transport? Better Machines? A cup o' Coffee? Ch...
By: Ellpeck
AE2 Wireless Terminals (AE2WTLib) (1.12.2-1.0.34)
A Library which provides basic functions to create AE2 Wireless Terminals with i...
By: TheRealp455w0rd
AngelRing 2 Bauble (0.3.1)
Make the Extra Utils 2 Angel Ring into a bauble
By: Portablejim. Art by JamiesWhiteShirt
Applied Energistics 2 (rv6-stable-7)
A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
By: AlgorithmX2
Astral Sorcery (1.12.2-1.10.23)
Magic mod that draws power from stars and their constellations
By: HellFirePvP, wiiv
Bad Wither No Cookie! Reloaded (1.12.2-3.3.16)
A simple mod to silence the Wither and Dragon broadcast sounds.
By: droidicus, kreezxil
Better Builder's Wands (0.13.2)
Wands that allow placing of multiple blocks at a time
By: Portablejim
BiblioCraft (2.4.5)
BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot...
By: Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair
Bookshelf (2.3.590)
Bookshelf is a core/library mod, which adds new features and tools into the game...
By: darkhax, lclc98
Botania (r1.10-363)
Botania is a mod that adds nature magic to Minecraft
By: Vazkii, williewillus, wiiv, dylan4ever
Carry On (1.12.3)
Carry On is a simple mod that improves game interaction by allowing players to p...
By: Tschipp, Purplicious_Cow, cy4n
Chisel (
Adds in tons of fancy blocks for decoration, crafted using the Chisel.
By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr
Cloche Call (1.1.2)
Immersive Engineering Integration for Crops that may not fit with the default im...
By: mallrat208
CodeChicken Lib (
CodeChickenLib is a library of systems to help make various aspects of minecraft...
By: ChickenBones, covers1624
CoFH Core (
Required for all CoFH Mods. Also provides some customization options for Minecra...
By: Team CoFH
CoFH World (
Provides advanced and highly customizable world generation capabilities.
By: Team CoFH
CommonCapabilities (1.12.2-2.4.6)
Forge Capabilities that can be shared by multiple mods
By: rubensworks (aka kroeserr)
Cooking for Blockheads (6.5.0)
Adds a cooking book and multiblock kitchens that only shows recipes you can make...
By: BlayTheNinth
Corail Tombstone (3.7.4)
Tombstone is a grave's mod with lots of features on death and teleportation, in...
By: Corail31
Crafting Tweaks (8.1.9)
Allows you to rotate or clear the crafting matrix by the press of a button, in a...
By: BlayTheNinth
CTM (MC1.12.2-
Allows resource packs to add connected textures, emissive rendering, and much mo...
By: tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr
Cyclic (1.20.2)
Items, inventory features, world generation, simple machines, gameplay tweaks, n...
By: Lothrazar
Cyclops Core (1.12.2-1.6.4)
Coremod for EvilCraft, Integrated Dynamics and others.
By: rubensworks (aka kroeserr), immortaleeb (aka _EeB_)
Dynamic Surroundings (1.12.2-
Adds a variety of sound and visual effects to improve your Minecraft experience
By: OreCruncher, Abastro
Ender Utilities (0.7.14)
Some random, hopefully fun, and possibly even useful utilities (Modjam 4)
By: masa
Environmental Tech (1.12.2-
Environmental Tech is a mod containing a vast selection of multiblock machines....
By: ValkyrieofNight
Extra Cells 2 (2.6.5)
Adds new ME Storage Cells and some other cool stuff to AE 2.
By: M3gaFr3ak, DrummerMC
Extreme Reactors (1.12.2-
Adds large, multiblock power generation machines to Minecraft. Compatible with R...
By: ErogenousBeef, ZeroNoRyouki, ABookFreak
Farming for Blockheads (3.1.28)
Adds a seed market with a search bar and a scrolling grid.
By: BlayTheNinth
Fast Leaf Decay (v14)
Increases leaf decay rates. Check out the config to change the decay rate!
By: Olafski
Forge Multipart CBE (
Open source library for facilitation of multiple functional parts in the one blo...
By: ChickenBones
FTB Library (
FTB Library is a library mod that is used for some of our mods.
By: LatvianModder
FTB Utilities (
FTB Utilities is a mod by LatvianModder. It aims to provide several useful utili...
By: LatvianModder
Hopper Ducts (mc1.12-1.5)
Adds hopper ducts, which are item transport blocks functionally similar to hoppe...
By: FyberOptic
Immersive Engineering (0.12-92)
A tech based mod focused on realism.
By: BluSunrize, Damien A.W. Hazard
Integrated Dynamics (1.12.2-1.1.6)
Take full and automated control of your appliances.
By: rubensworks (aka kroeserr)
Integrated Tunnels (1.12.2-1.6.11)
Transfer other stuff over Integrated Dynamics networks
By: rubensworks (aka kroeserr)
Inventory Pets (2.0.5)
Inventory Pets are living animated creatures that exist in your inventory and gi...
By: Purplicious_Cow
Inventory Tweaks (1.63)
Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re...
By: Jimeo Wan, Kobata
Iron Backpacks (1.12.2-3.0.8-12)
Adds tiered backpacks and a system of modular upgrades to go with them!
By: gr8pefish
Iron Chest (
New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items. The feature chest is...
By: cpw
Iron Jetpacks (1.1.0)
A fully customizable Forge Energy (FE) based standalone jetpacks mod.
By: BlakeBr0
IvToolkit (1.3.3-1.12)
This is a framework that I mostly use in my own mods, for shared functionality.
By: Ivorius
JEI Integration (1.6.0)
JEI Integration, the successor to NEI Integration by Tonius, is an addon for Jus...
By: SnowShock35
JourneyMap (5.7.1)
JourneyMap: Real-time map in-game or in a web browser as you explore. JourneyMap...
By: techbrew, mysticdrew
JurassiCraft (2.1.23)
JurassiCraft is a mod based on Jurassic Park and Jurassic World franchises, but...
By: JurassiCraft Team
Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC) (just-enough-harvestcraft-1.12.2-1.7.0.jar)
Just Enough Items (JEI) integration for Pam's HarvestCraft.
By: mrapplexz
LibraryEx (1.1.3)
A library for mods that add expansions, explorations, and experiences to Minecra...
By: LogicTechCorp
Light Level Overlay Reloaded (1.1.6-mc1.12.2)
A mod visualizes the light level on top of blocks.
By: oldjunyi
MalisisCore (1.12.2-6.5.1-SNAPSHOT)
MalisisCore is a framework dedicated to simplify many processes required during...
By: Ordinastie, PaleoCrafter, AlmuraDev
Mekanism (1.12.2-
Tools and Machines
By: aidancbrady, thommy101, thiakil, pupnewfster, dizzyd
Mekanism: Generators (1.12.2-
Generators module for Mekanism
By: aidancbrady, thommy101, thiakil, pupnewfster, dizzyd
Mekanism: Tools (1.12.2-
Tools module for Mekanism
By: aidancbrady, thommy101, thiakil, pupnewfster, dizzyd
Mod Tweaker (4.0.18)
ModTweaker is an addon for CraftTweaker, a recipe manipulator utility for Minecr...
By: Jaredlll08
MooFluids (1.12.2-
Adds dynamically generated cows to the world, that give different fluids when ri...
By: TheRoBrit
More Chickens (3.1.0)
Adds Tinkers Construct and Draconic Evolution chickens for Chickens Mod
By: GenDeathrow
MoreOverlays (1.15.1)
Adds some overlays from NEI (Mob spawns, Chunk Bounds, Item Search)
By: feldim2425
Morpheus (1.12.2-3.5.106)
Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server. Wh...
By: Quetzi
Mouse Tweaks (2.10)
A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi...
By: YaLTeR
NetherEx (2.1.7)
A Nether expansion, exploration, and experience.
By: LogicTechCorp, Eleazzaar, Nazenn, Vlakk, AnarchCassius, LapisWhovian, misterslim...
NetherPortalFix (5.3.17)
Ensures correct destinations when travelling back and forth through Nether Porta...
By: BlayTheNinth
No Night Vision Flashing (
Hate Night Vision flashing when it has less than 10 seconds remaining? We do too...
By: Team CoFH
OpenBlocks (1.8.1)
All the things you never thought you will ever need
By: Mikee, NeverCast, boq, Lyqyd
OreExcavation (1.4.150)
Allows players to mine whole veins of ore, cut down whole trees or any other too...
By: Funwayguy, Darkosto
p455w0rd's Library (1.12.2-2.3.161)
Library for containing commmon utilities used across my mods
By: TheRealp455w0rd
Pam's Cookables (1.1)
Changes the recipes from Pam's Harvestcraft back to cooking
By: BloodWorkXGaming
PneumaticCraft: Repressurized (1.12.2-0.11.14-395)
A port of MineMaarten's PneumaticCraft to Minecraft 1.12+
By: desht, MineMaarten
PortalGun (1.12.2-7.1.0)
Adds the Portal Gun and various other aspects from Portal/Portal 2 to Minecraft
By: iChun
Ranged Pumps (0.5)
Ranged Pumps is a simple mod that adds a pump that pumps liquids in a range
By: Ranged Pumps contributors
Reborn Core (
Reborn Core is a library used for many of the Tech Reborn team's mods, including...
By: modmuss50, Gigabit101, Prospector
RebornStorage (
Refined Storage add-on adding multi-block crafters and larger disks
By: Gigabit101
Recurrent Complex (
Adds structures to worldgen, handles exporting and importing structures, and pro...
By: Ivorius
Redstone Arsenal (
Behold the Redstone (Flux) Revolution - provides Flux-Infused Tools and Armor!
By: Team CoFH
Redstone Flux (
The Redstone Flux API - the cornerstone of Energy Transfer in modded Minecraft s...
By: Team CoFH
Refined Storage (1.6.16)
An elegant solution to your hoarding problem
By: Refined Storage contributors
Refined Storage Addons (0.4.5)
An addon mod for Refined Storage
By: Refined Storage Addons contributors
Simple Storage Network (1.12.2-1.7.10)
A simplified version of the abandoned Storage Network mod from MrRiegel. Connec...
By: MrRiegel, Lothrazar
Snad (1.12.1-
You're finally able to have your sugarcane grow faster. What could possibly be b...
By: TheRoBrit
Super Sound Muffler (
A block that allows you to select which sounds to muffle.
By: EdgarAllen
Tech Reborn (
Tech Reborn is a completely standalone tech mod designed by the ideals of GregTe...
By: modmuss50, Gigabit101, Prospector
The Weirding Gadget (2.1.16)
No idea what this does, but stuff happens when I'm not here.
By: AtomicBlom, Rorax
Thermal Cultivation (
Thermal gets Agrarian - provides options for farming and related activities!
By: Team CoFH
Thermal Dynamics (
Thermal gets Dynamic! Adds ducts - blocks for transporting Items, Fluids, Redsto...
By: Team CoFH
Thermal Expansion (
Expanding Minecraft Thermally - provides new options for automation and processi...
By: Team CoFH
Thermal Innovation (
Thermal Technology marches on. Adds Thermal-style tools and equipment!
By: Team CoFH
TickProfiler (1.12-0.0.10)
A small mod for servers to assist with finding which TileEntities(machines) and...
By: nallar
Tinkers Tool Leveling (1.1.0)
A small mod that gives your tools XP and awards extra modifiers on levelup
By: boni
Tinkers' Construct (
A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools
By: boni, KnightMiner
Tiny Progressions (3.2.31)
Cobblegens, Growth Crystals and Watering Cans and more oh my!
By: Kashdeya, Darkosto, GenDeathrow, ArclightTW
Toast Control (1.12.2-1.8.1)
Control what toasts are enabled, because some of them are useless.
By: Shadows_of_Fire
TorchMaster (
Adds a special torch which prevents mobs from spawning in a configurable range
By: xalcon
Useful Nullifiers (1.5.0)
Nullifiers to help get rid of all those items, fluids, and energy.
By: Bartz24
Waila (1.8.26)
You are using Hwyla, a fork of Waila. You can find more information on the Hwyla...
By: ProfMobius, TehNut
Waila Harvestability (1.1.12)
An add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you a...
By: squeek
Waystones (4.1.0)
Teleport back to activated waystones. For Survival, Adventure or Servers.
By: BlayTheNinth
What Are We Looking At (2.6.275)
Greatly expands upon the amount of information provided by the Waila HUD, along...
By: Darkhax
Wireless Crafting Terminal 2 (1.12.2-3.12.97)
Adds a wireless version of the AE2 crafting terminal
By: TheRealp455w0rd
Xtones (1.12-1.0.8-11)
Xtones adds modern/futuristic/fantasy style decorative building blocks.
By: TehNut, Dhvagra, InsomniaKitten
Exported JWR 1.12.2 version from Curse.
Removed StacksOnStacks due to issue with InventoryTweaks
Curse Update.
Changed Quark and MineFactory Reloaded to Optional Mods.
MineFactory Reloaded
More Chickens
Draconic Evolution
Fairy Lights
Loot Bags
MineFactory Reloaded
More Chickens
Draconic Evolution
Fairy Lights
Loot Bags
Updated mods.
Hotfix - Fixed MultiPart version and install destination. updated Multipart to experimental branch version 2.0.0_88
Shifted Mouse Tweaks to Client Side @ optional install
Hotfix - Fixed MultiPart version and install destination. updated Multipart to experimental branch version 2.0.0_88
Shifted Mouse Tweaks to Client Side @ optional install
Update of MineTweaker
Changed TheOneProbe to non optional mod
Fixed Dynamic Lights
Fixed Dynamic Lights
Added mods and configs.
* Better Questing
* Better Questing: Questbook addon
* DoggyStyle
* Better Questing
* LLibrary
* Fossils and Archeology
* JurassiCraft
* Project E
* Mekanism
* MekanismGenerators
* MekanismTools
* EquivalentExchange3
* Light Bridges and Doors
* IndustrialCraft 2
* Equivalent Exchange 3
* Power Converters 3
* Fast Leaf Decay
* QuantumFlux
* SolarFlux
* Extra Cells 2
* Storage Drawers
* VeinMiner
* Applied Energistics 2
* ChanceCubes
* ExtraTIC
* Applied Energistics 2
* ChanceCubes
* ExtraTIC
* AE2 Stuff
* Applied Energistics 2
* ChanceCubes
* ExtraTIC
* Thaumic Energistics
* ChanceCubes
* Gany's End
* Gany's Surface
* NotEnoughItems (NEI)
* HQM Quests
* Morph keybinds
* Advanced Generators
* BiblioCraft
* Chance Cubes
* ExtraCells2
* Forestry
* FRSM - Fex's Random Stuff Mod
* FTB Utilities
* FTBLib
* Immersive Engineering
* Immersive Integration
* JourneyMap
* Mekanism
* MekanismTools
* MekanismGenerators
* ModTweaker2
* ResourceLoader
* Storage Drawers
* Thermal Dynamics
* Thermal Foundation
* VeinMiner
* Wawla - What Are We Looking At
* LaunchGUI
* Modpack starts up more faster.
* Blood Magic
* Gany's Surface
* Gany's End
* Gany's Nether
* Immersive Engineering
* Immersive Integration
* NotEnoughResources
* Project Blue
Legend Gear 2
* Advanced Genetics
* Advanced Generators
* Crafting Pillars
* CreativeCore
* Extra Cells 2
* ItemPhysics
* Magical Crops: Armoury
* Magical Crops: Decorative
* Not Enough Resources
* Ender IO
* EnderCore
* Forestry
* Dense Ores
* Sync
* Coal-To-Diamond-Compressor Mod
* Updated Forge version
* Advanced Genetics
* Advanced Generators
* Crafting Pillars
* CreativeCore
* Extra Cells 2
* ItemPhysics
* Magical Crops: Armoury
* Magical Crops: Decorative
* Not Enough Resources
* Ender IO
* EnderCore
* Forestry
* Dense Ores
* Sync
* Hardcore Questing Mod (HQM)
* Tweaked some configs.
* Iguana Tinker Tweaks Config.
* Iguana Tinker Tweaks Config.
* Iguana Tinker Tweaks
* What Are We Looking At
* Mouse Tweaks
* NEI Addons
* Mod Tweaker 2
* Elemental Creepers
* AgriCraft
* Mekanism
* MekanismGenerators
* MekanismTools
* FTBLib
* FTBUtiltes
* Thermal Expansion
* Thermal Foundation
* Thermal Dynamics
* CoFHLib
* LLibrary due to graphical crashes.
* Big Reactors
* Botania
* Buildcraft
* Chance Cubes
* FTB Utilities
* FTBLib
* iChunUtil
* ItemBlackList
* JourneyMap
* LLibrary
* Morph
* OpenBlocks
* OpenModsLib
* OpenPeripheralAddons
* OpenPeripheralCore
* OpenPeripheralIntegration
* Project Red - Base
* Project Red - Compat
* Project Red - Integration
* Project Red - Lighting
* Project Red - Mechanical
* Project Red - World
* Storage Drawers
* VeinMiner
* CustomNPCs
* Big Reactors
* Botania
* Buildcraft
* Chance Cubes
* FTB Utilities
* FTBLib
* iChunUtil
* ItemBlackList
* JourneyMap
* LLibrary
* Morph
* OpenBlocks
* OpenModsLib
* OpenPeripheralAddons
* OpenPeripheralCore
* OpenPeripheralIntegration
* Project Red - Base
* Project Red - Compat
* Project Red - Integration
* Project Red - Lighting
* Project Red - Mechanical
* Project Red - World
* Storage Drawers
* VeinMiner
* CustomNPCs
* Yet Another Food Mod
* Condensed Foods
* AE2 Stuff
* ItemBlackList
* Storage Drawers
* BDLib
* Liteloader
* Mo'Creatures
* Draconic Evolution
* Mo' Creatures
* Minefactory Reloaded (again)
* Malisis Doors
* EnderZoo
* In-Game Wiki Mod
* Mo' Creatures
* Minefactory Reloaded (again)
* Malisis Doors
* EnderZoo
* In-Game Wiki Mod
* LotsOfFoods
* Ztones
* Thaumic Tinkerer
* Thaumic Horizons
* Pam's Weee Flowers
* ExtraTIC
* MagentiCraft
* Botania
* Mekanism
* MekanismTools
* MekanismGenerators
* Orespawn, EnderIO, Coolers, LotsOfMobs, Infernal Mobs, JABBA, Mo' Zombies, Balkons Weapons Mod, MCA, RandomThings, EnderCore, RadixCore, MFR, MFR Compat
Minefactory Reloaded is now an optional mod.
LotsOfMobs is now optional mods.
MCA, OreSpawn, Mo' Zombies and EnderIO is now optional mods.
* MrTJPCore
* Random Things
* Chance Cubes
* EnderIO (EnderCore)
* DecoCraft 2
* Custom Collection
* FTBLib
* FTB Utilities
* Craftible Animals (Due to crash)
* NoMoreRecipeConflict
Iguana Tinker Tweaks
* Minecraft Comes Alive
* DoggyStyle
* In-Game Wiki Mod
* Project Red and MrTJPCore to fix ForgeMultipart in Multiplayer
* INpureCore
* Put Balkon's Weapon Mod and JABBA as OPTIONAL mods.
+ Applied Energistics 2
+ Better Records
+ Bibliocraft
+ Botania
+ BuildCraft
+ ComputerCraft
+ CustomMainMenu
+ Extra Utilities
+ iChunUtil
+ JourneyMap
+ LLibrary
+ MineTweaker3
+ Pam's HarvestCraft
+ ThaumicInfusion
+ TMechWorks
+ WailaHarvestability
+ Applied Energistics 2
+ Better Records
+ Bibliocraft
+ Botania
+ BuildCraft
+ ComputerCraft
+ CustomMainMenu
+ Extra Utilities
+ iChunUtil
+ JourneyMap
+ LLibrary
+ MineTweaker3
+ Pam's HarvestCraft
+ ThaumicInfusion
+ TMechWorks
+ WailaHarvestability
+ Applied Energistics 2
+ Better Records
+ Bibliocraft
+ Botania
+ BuildCraft
+ ComputerCraft
+ CustomMainMenu
+ Extra Utilities
+ iChunUtil
+ JourneyMap
+ LLibrary
+ MineTweaker3
+ Pam's HarvestCraft
+ ThaumicInfusion
+ TMechWorks
+ WailaHarvestability
+ Applied Energistics 2
+ Better Records
+ Bibliocraft
+ Botania
+ BuildCraft
+ ComputerCraft
+ CustomMainMenu
+ Extra Utilities
+ iChunUtil
+ JourneyMap
+ LLibrary
+ MineTweaker3
+ Morph
+ Pam's HarvestCraft
+ ThaumicInfusion
+ TMechWorks
+ WailaHarvestability
+ Added Lots of Mobs
+ Updated Magical Crops
+ Added FRSM
+ Added GardenStuff
+ Added Iron Chest Mod
+ Added Vending Machines
+ Re-added VeinMiner
+ Added FRSM
+ Added GardenStuff
+ Added Iron Chest Mod
+ Added Vending Machines
+ Re-added VeinMiner
+ Updated OpenBlocks and OpenMods
+ Added OpenPeripheralCore
+ Added OpenPeripheralAddons
+ Added OpenPeripheralIntegration
+ Added FAMM - Fex's Alphabet More Mod
+ Added OpenCCSensors
+ Added Craftable Animals
+ Fixed BUGS!
+ Added Chisel 2
+ Added Minefactory Reloaded
+ Added Yampst
- Removed Dynmap
+ Updated Mekanism, MekanismGenerators and MekanismTools
+ Updated Tinkers Construct
+ Added ComputerCraft
+ Added Server Creation
+ Added Yamst